They ask, they complain, and then they don't listen.



  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    Same here... except with a twist! My coworker comments on my weight loss... says how hard she is working on hers... touts she has lost a pant size (she now fits in a size 6, uh no more like a size 8/10 for sure) and then goes off and gets a rice crispy bar and chips to snack on. These people are delusional! In their own little world... I just smile now, acknowledge her and try to change the topic, but I never offer any advice. Waste of my breath and brain power to engage in this topic with her! :smile:
  • FlowerFairy493
    Same here... except with a twist! My coworker comments on my weight loss... says how hard she is working on hers... touts she has lost a pant size (she now fits in a size 6, uh no more like a size 8/10 for sure) and then goes off and gets a rice crispy bar and chips to snack on. These people are delusional! In their own little world... I just smile now, acknowledge her and try to change the topic, but I never offer any advice. Waste of my breath and brain power to engage in this topic with her! :smile:

    ...NICE.... :laugh:
  • FlowerFairy493
    I have similar happen at work all the time.

    Coworker: You've lost so much weight! How did you do it? Tell me your secrets?!
    Me: I count calories.
    Coworker: Oh, I could never do that.
    Me: K.

    Coworker: How do you eat mac and cheese and get so small?
    Me: I count calories. I make sure I only eat a certain amount of calories every day.
    Coworker: Oh, that wouldn't work for me.
    Me: K

    Coworker: You've lost weight! I just tried [pills promoted by Dr. Oz]. Are you on any pills?
    Me: Thanks. Nope.

    I like these responses. You're acknowledging that coworker said something, but you're not about to launch into a debate. Well done!

    Hahaha... I agree. I need to start doing that.
  • MyssPhytt
    MyssPhytt Posts: 51 Member
    I relate to this completely! I can't count how many times a friend, family member, or co-worker will ask me what my "secret" is. Its just good ole fashion healthy eating and exercise. Nothing secret, magical, or supernatural about it. It is what has always worked and only worked (permanently) for years and years. Anything else is just a temporary quick fix that teaches you nothing. Unfortunately, our world has conformed to the "have it your way NOW" method and has pushed the "easy button" for way too long. Yes, you can lose some weight taking pills, starving yourself, and/or following some crazy strict diet but almost always when you stop (and you will eventually have to stop), you better be ready for all those pounds (and then some) to come back, not to mention the ill-effects it has on you in the long run. I have friends that keep telling me they want to lose weight more than ANYTHING, but when I invite them to workout with me at my kickboxing/women's fitness classes, etc. or tell them to join MFP and start keeping track of their calories and get control of their diet, they have every excuse in the book. That tells me they either don't want it enough or they want it but don't want to work for it. Then they will put loads of money into pills, weight loss drinks, etc. but can't do something free like going for a walk or uploading MFP free app. And then they get mad because they didn't get the results they expected. I try to be sympathetic but when you've told someone over and over and have done everything you can to help and they don't want to listen and keep making the same mistakes over and over, you eventually get where you get tired of hearing it. On the flip slide, I have been in their shoes. I too used to want to lose weight fast and I got on some crazy restrictive diets, starved myself, and took pills. Sometimes I would lose a little weight but always gained it back with usually a little extra. I didn't want to listen either and thought there had to be an easy way. It did finally come to the point where I had to learn the hard way and really want it for myself and I had to except the reality that it wasn't going to be quick and easy but it was going to be worth it. So that's what I keep trying to tell people now. They may or may not listen but, maybe one day they will realize like I did. Just keep saying/doing what you're doing. That's all you can do. They have to be the ones to take the initiative for the next step and they have to really want this and want to do it the right way, or else they will just keep doing what they have always done and keep getting the results they always get.

    Also I have had this situation: A friend called me right after I got out of the gym and asked what I was doing. I told her I just finished my workout and was getting a bite to eat at McDonald's (grilled chicken sandwich, no bun). She started laughing and said; "You go workout and then eat??? Isn't that defeating the purpose?" I just wanted to face palm her through the phone so bad!!!
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I've found that a lot of people want to know how you did it, but rarely does anyone actually want to try what you did.

    So rather than waste my breath and talk about weight lifting or calories or food scales... I just say "I move around more and stopped eating so f*cking much."

    They don't want to hear that either, but it's funny.
  • FlowerFairy493
    Also I have had this situation: A friend called me right after I got out of the gym and asked what I was doing. I told her I just finished my workout and was getting a bite to eat at McDonald's (grilled chicken sandwich, no bun). She started laughing and said; "You go workout and then eat??? Isn't that defeating the purpose?" I just wanted to face palm her through the phone so bad!!!

    ....I would seriously hung up on her :indifferent:
  • Lalalindaloo
    Lalalindaloo Posts: 204 Member
    I have similar happen at work all the time.

    Coworker: You've lost so much weight! How did you do it? Tell me your secrets?!
    Me: I count calories.
    Coworker: Oh, I could never do that.
    Me: K.

    Coworker: How do you eat mac and cheese and get so small?
    Me: I count calories. I make sure I only eat a certain amount of calories every day.
    Coworker: Oh, that wouldn't work for me.
    Me: K

    Coworker: You've lost weight! I just tried [pills promoted by Dr. Oz]. Are you on any pills?
    Me: Thanks. Nope.

    ^^^^ These are examples of my conversations every day at work now. I also get "You've really shaped up and you look great! What are you doing?"

    Thank you very much. I'm just counting calories and eating within a certain range.

    ***Blank looks*** Then, "Well, when are you going to stop? How will you maintain?"

  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    Yep this is exactly why I don't put myself out there unless someone truly wants to do the work. I will tell a friend to start logging everything they eat and to start paying attention to portion sizes and to try to make better choices in the foods they choose. I tell them to get more active. Then I send them on their way. I may check up on them in a week or so and ask how its going. IF they say its going well and ask me more questions, I will answer but if they say they aren't doing these very basic things then I know they weren't serious and not worth my breath on this subject. People need to walk on their own feet. Complaining never lost me any weight so it wont for them either. Plain and simple. Most people only want the final result without having to do the hard work it really takes. Just give up. I know you want to help but you can only lead the horse to water, not make them drink.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Those people just really have no idea how much they eat. I know a woman (who is maybe a bit skinny fat but overall looks good) who says she wants to lose weight but already eats nothing all day. She'll tell me she only had a couple pretzels for lunch or something. Then we hang out and she eats 400 calories worth of soft pretzels with probably another 200 calories worth of dips.

    So yeah... that's why she's not losing weight (I don't think she needs to though).
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Sounds like a good portion of the topics right here at MFP. :tongue:
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    A lot of people just like to hear the story. Most people who ask me are average-sized or thin. They congratulate me. Some will ask if I took this or that pill or tried some kind of diet. They like to talk about that stuff. So I ask how it worked for them, etc. I get nothing but encouragement and positive feedback there.

    The only person who tries to discourage me is my very fat friend. Pisses me off.

    I have stopped telling people my goal weight because they all say it's crazy and I'd be anorexic. When a bunch of reasonable people tell me the same thing, I have to consider it. I have to see when I get there how I look and feel. :)

    It's hard to set the finish line when you're so many miles away!
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    LOl I have felt your pain and lost a firend over a similair situation

    Stop beating your head against a wall is my advice