

  • First round of keeping the niece is over. Back to work today. Can't say we did any turbo fire while she was here, but we did walk trails. Can't say we ate the healthiest...there was a hazy day where I swear we experimented with making chicken nuggets with potato chips...and they were good =-) Gotta find/make time to get in…
  • Today is work. I've got my meals lined up for the week. My work out clothes are clean. We'll do some kind of turbo, maybe with a HIIT during lunch. I did mainly yoga stuff for the past two days. Taking it easy on the joints and getting some awesome stretches.
  • Dang...that took me a few minutes to figure out....
  • My work out typically happens after breakfast. Today I had oatmeal and 2 egg white/1 whole egg. I look for a high prot. breakfast. Sometimes I use soy sausage or pork. Sometimes pre-work out or post work out I'll have the prot. shake or Greek yogurt with berries that I make up myself to control the sugar that is added. The…
  • Turbo has less jumping than insanity. It also welcomes modification. I don't do all the jumping.
  • 6/12 515 calories burned to ashes Walking Stretch 40 Barbells for 20 mins I loved the stretches in Stretch 40! They felt awesome. My muscles were still tight after the barbell work, so I took a hot soak. Tomorrow I think it is hard core abs and I'll find some cardio to do.
  • This is the only way I can do home cooked meals. I will say that I make 2 different meals usually. Such as chicken 2 different ways. If I try to make each meal something different, it takes a lot longer. If you think baking dishes and crock pots it gets even easier. I also do a batch of once a month cooking, freeze it for…
  • 6/11 A bit of a recovery day for me Walk/jog 20 mins of yoga Tone 20 515 calories torched :smile: It is awkward for me to use bands over free weights. I'll get used to it. Food I ate out today. My macros did not get where I like them, but the calories were in check. I'll call it a win.
  • I work 12 hr plus night shifts. For me what has worked and would work well for others, plan & prep everything ahead of time. When I grocery shop, everything and I do mean everything (except plain veggies) gets broken down into single serving sizes as I put it away. Adds about 15-30 mins extra. Then, yes I put aside a few…
  • I lost 3 lbs and a friend lost 8 lbs. I'd do it again, b/c it is fairly intense cardio for 5 days.
  • I'm not doing Chalean. I may get it later. I'm doing mostly free weight work on my own. I did body building about two years ago so I felt like I could answer your q's. First, weigh if you must, but the scale is not a good indicator when doing intense weight lifting. Body Fat % & tape measures are. I had a stint where for 3…
  • Fire 45 310 calories torched. Had to squeeze in something during lunch hour. I couldn't get it together today. I missed the moves...but I kept moving. That is what really counts. Knee is a tiny bit achy. Not bad.
  • I'm night shift too. So, I'll be posting similar to you. I'm a day behind unless I get to the PC early enough on my off days.
  • Actually, I'm doing Turbo Fire & lifting weights. Insanity didn't seem like my cup of joe. I'm not a cardio person really. I don't mind Turbo and some friends of mine were doing it so I joined. I'll still meet your calorie burn though:tongue: I weigh sporadically. The scale has no power over me. I'm all about the body fat…
  • So glad I could actually motivate someone Zuesbella! Queen - the sore lets up after about 2 weeks. Never really goes away, but it does get better! Better sore than sorry! I added you both as friends. Hoping when I see your work outs on my wall, I'll be more motivated. I'm competitive =-) I'll squeeze in a turbo work out…
  • I work 2nd shift so this is a hybrid of 6/9 & 6/10. Treadmill time before work 181 calories Fire 30 AND HIIT 15 426 calories for a total of 607 CRUSHED today!!! My favorite work out is the one I want to conquer. The one that gives me trouble. The one I actually hate doing because I don't do it well. It becomes my favorite…
  • Head to the new weekly thread for works out 6/10
  • 6/9 Treadmill time before work 181 calories. I'll see what work will allow me to get in during my lunch. Maybe I can get a HIIT 30 or something.
  • To burn 395 calories walking/jogging you'd have to get in around 4 miles give or take. Insanity burns just about as much in a very short time period. When I do Turbo Fire my reaction isn't, "I've only burned 300 calories." It's more like, "Holy *kitten*! I burned 300 calories in that short amount of time!" Two options if…
  • 6/8 Core 20 Barbell work 20 minutes Walk/jog 3 miles 624 calories burned according to bodymedia arm band Work Out: even with it being sporadic, it is about time to increase weights on the weight lifting. On the down side, I have neglected my core and it showed today. I need to start incorporating it in my work outs.
  • 6/8 Core 20 Barbell work 20 minutes Walk/jog 3 miles 624 calories burned according to bodymedia arm band Work Out: even with it being sporadic, it is about time to increase weights on the weight lifting. On the down side, I have neglected my core and it showed today. I need to start incorporating it in my work outs.…
  • I'm doing turbofire =-) and lifting some weights. Just finished a two week hectic schedule and am looking forward to more focus on the work outs! I'll keep a look out for you on the weekly threads!
  • I did some body building a few years ago... I initially started wanting to be healthy and for me that meant ignoring the scale & BMI charts. I went 100% off BF% determined by 3 different sources, trainer, scale, & BF analyzer thingie. I can say I was very, very happy at 20%. By then it was so easy for me to do what I…
  • 15-20 grams of protein no more than 30 minutes AFTER your work out. Hot bath with salt mint lotion splurge for a massage But actually the best remedy for me is walking plain walking right before my next work out. It helped stretch & warm up the muscles. Walking is the last thing I want to do when my legs hurt, but after…
  • I burned 1600 calories walking a theme park. I doubt I'll get in any other weight lifting or cardio for the day. I'll think about stretching and yoga...
  • I use Body media Fit arm band. Other friends use HRM or fitbit. Bodymedia & fitbit link to MFP. I can say I LOVE my arm band. Seeing my calorie burn for the entire day & during my work outs keeps me motivated like nothing else. I gotta see my numbers and I don't like guessing. You can use MFP to guess your work out burn.…
  • Whoop! My Bodymedia arm band is charging. Work out with actual calorie burn coming later! I am so excited, this thing motivates me more than anything else. I've been a slacker while it was down...
  • Popping you know I'm still kicking. Turbo Fire 55. Calories: spot on...
  • I have TurboFire. However, I do believe they all do warm ups and cool downs. Sometimes I do more of a warm up before the work out though. Since mine is cardio based, I like to wear a barely there shoe. Very light. Traction is not my friend in this work out.