BajaDreamin333 Member


  • I'm new to this group, but not to MFP. I had great success in 2013, lost 25 lbs, my 23 year old wedding dress was too big, and then bam - I hit 50 and had major surgery and gained it all back. Now I guess my body has changed, (Mother Nature is cruel!) and I can't seem to lose even 3 lbs. Or if I do, it comes right back. I…
  • Oh yeah, at least the 20th time. Had great success with MFP in 2013 got withing 5 lbs of my goal weight. Then I got complacent. And the weight started creeping back. Then I had major shoulder surgery and was out of commission for almost 3 months, still not 100% after almost 9 months, and gained it all back. I try to…
  • That's what this site is about - don't be such a jerk, just keep your negative thoughts to yourself.
  • The machines at the gym can be really intimidating! It might be worth it to get a trainer or eve a gym employee to take you through a tour/workout to understand how to use them. using them wrong can be dangerous, and once you get how they work, it's really fun to walk up, adjust to your height and kick butt. I am on a…
  • I'm in month 5.75 of recovery from rotator cuff surgery. I've been cleared for anything that doesn't cause major extension with rotation, with no velocity. For instance I can take out a kayak but not throw a baseball. Just remember, velocity/impact can really hurt the injured tissue because you don't have the ability to…
  • I'm so with you - I have a "before and after" from 2013. I'm currently at my "before" weight, gained it all back, but I know I can do it. Life happens, and it sneaks up on you, especially when life gets hard! I'll add you :)
  • I've tried them all. Look for high protein and low sugar. Quest is really good, great with just almond milk and ice but fabulous with a frozen banana and spinach (for more veggies!) protein is great for building muscle and to keeps you full longer. Also keeps my blood sugar from spiking, which happens quick with carbs.
  • Wow, could be my story! I did so well! I looked so good! Had some health issues (shoulder surgery) and gave up. I self medicated with ice cream. I sat on the couch because I couldn't do anything but walk, and tucked into a giant bowl of caramel corn. I couldn't wear regular clothes - when you're in a sling for six weeks,…
  • I'm also back after a while of non-committed logging That means I would log my workout but not my food. I had major shoulder surgery in October, and not only had major physical limitations, I gave myself permission to eat the world. I lost 22 lbs the first time - gained it all back, and am ready to lose it for good. I need…
  • You should start an official Group! Go to Groups, Start a New Group - then everyone can follow there instead of in this forum section :) And other members looking for groups will be able to find you.
  • Here's my suggestion - find a good core group of friends and try to avoid the forums other than perusing info. Sadly the most benign comment / question can indeed get the negative jerks going. I got so much grief over a post stating Skinny Cow products were dangerous (to me - I was only sharing my experience). Seriously,…
  • I can't help but notice there a lot of negative comments about surgery. First, it's not for everyone and is a serious decision. But it can change a persons' life, so I think some open minded attitude is in Order. I weighted 245 lbs. and was a size 22. I got down to 170, size 14, on my own doing it slowly and safely. But no…
  • I have the same problem, and after much research, here is what I do to combat further prune-ness, and manage general aging. First, use a body scrub with a net scrubby daily. The friction and massage increases blood flow, which improves the cell and skin renewal process. I like the ones that have essential oils or even…
  • These are some of my stand bys - I add new music all the time, but these seem to be the ones that always get me going. Lady Marmelade by Christina Agulerra (I spelled nothing right here, I know) Freedom by George Michael Sweet Child of Mine by Sheryl Crow California Girls by Katie Perry It's Time by Imagine Dragons
  • Try Athleta. They have a huge selection of cuts, styles and fits, including short, average, tall etc. The fabric is supportive and "holds you in" but isn't super thick - it actualy breaths. These things are bullet proof. Yes, they're expensive ($50 to $75) but they last forever. I hate how cheap spandex…
  • I buy whole grain "thin wich" bread rounds (90 cals) and put a slice of reduced fat cheese (50 cals) and 3 oz of boar's head deli turkey (90 cals) and wrap it in foil. I nuke it at work, and have it with an apple or other fruit, or cottage cheese. Since there are no condiments, the bread doesn't get soggy, and I've kept…
  • I'm not trained professionally, but I have worked with a personal trainer for over 10 years. He has always told me that cario and weight training must go hand in hand from the beginning. The cardio gives you the killer burn, but your burn stops the minute you get off the treadmill. Muscle burns fat up to 48 hours after you…
  • My husband is the worst, and won't drink any juice that "tastes like dirt" - which is beets, kale, spinach etc. So I put an apple in every juice I do for him. it covers up a lot, and the natural sugar is enough to sweeten just about anything. pink lady, honeycrisp and granny smith seem to add the most "punch" of sweetness.…
  • I like the honest smell of my guy. The combo of Ivory soap and whatever deodorant he uses, mixed with his honest to goodness smell of him. He's never been a stinky guy, and I actually love the smell of his flannel shirt after he's worn it all day. But if he did wear something more, I like the subtle scents that don't…
  • I'm 5'6 1/2 and my goal is 140. I can't get past 150 though and my body really seems to like 155. Not bad considering I was 240 lbs not so long ago, and I'm loving size 8 pants. But that ellusive <150 seems to be out of reach for me. I'm going with set your goal at what can you sustain long term, (attaining it is one…
  • Fit into a size 8 pants. For someone who was in a size 20 (and so tight I should have been wearing a size 22) this was a big deal. I can also hold a plank for 45 seconds. I was at 30 seconds (maybe) a month ago. Progress!
  • Good for you! Don't let peer pressure get you down. You've made a step to changing your life. You know it's something YOU want out of your life, and other people don't have to live in your skin. If it is hard to say no, stay away from those friends for awhile. There is nothing wrong with admitting to people who care about…
  • Oh dogs are one of the best things in life, in my opinion.One of my very favorite types of exercise is to hike with my Golden Retriever. Even in the winter, there are great trails that allow dogs and it is such fun to see them in there basic happy element. There are some trails I would never consider being on by myself,…
  • Most of us are more interested in working out then meeting guys. If I'm all sweaty and concentrating on my work out, no matter how hot you look I am not in the mood to flirt. Usually - there is always an excpetion
  • In my opinion, when the "C" word is brought up on a bad light, it is almost always referring to refinded and processed carbs. Bread. Pasta. White Rice. If I keep my carb intake to unprocessed carbs like veggies (and in some cases whole grains) I don't feel like I have broken the cardinal carb rule. Refined carbs turn into…
  • I plan to enjoy the heck out of Thanksgiving, and that means lots and lots of real butter. It goes in everything, and this is not the time to try the "light" gravy. It will be within reason, my portions will be smaller, and I will stop when I'm full However, in an attempt to not un-do the last 9 months of hard work, I am…
  • Only if you are a boy under the age of 14, or trying to look like one. They are in the same category as capri pants. Ewwwwwww.
  • I try to stay at 1250 AFTER exercise. So I'm really eating 1750 - 1800 most days because I work out daily. I have been able to stick with 1200 (never below 1,200 - when I did my body went into starvation mode and I actually gained weight!) if I cut out snacking except for veggies and keep my meals to lean protien and…
  • I can only imagine what those butterflies and roses will look like in 20 - 30 years. I don't want anything to emphasize my skin is aging, and a tat is a sure way to show "the way it was". One or two in a hidden spot are nice. Obvious is a little trashy to me.