degausspdx Member


  • Red is the best option, less residual sugars, so fewer calories than white.
  • Popping his back or neck?
  • Indeed, less carbs. 100 is fairly high. Moderate low carb would be less than 50g carb a day. Full blown low carb induction is less than 20, phase 2 is no more than 30 with maintenence being in the 40-50 range depending on your tolerance and activity level.
  • It's VooDoo and the bacon maple bar is soon tasty. Just a touch of salty smoky with the maple bar sets it a notch above anything else in a raise bar perspective.
  • Maybe modify the way you count your carbs as low carb dieters and diabetics do? EG dont count fiber or sugar alcohols in you NET carb total? It is work but it may give you a truer idea on the effective carbs you're consuming.
  • If you're waking up famished, a bit of protein before bed is a good idea. A couple of sticks of sting cheese, maybe a handful of nuts? Light snack, not heavy and count the calories. I used to get low blood sugar in the night and my Dr recommended a protein snack before bed to help prevent that. I sleep soundly and my blood…
  • As long as net calories after the burn are not under 1200 per day. Lets just say deficit is the goal but too much deficit can cause other issues metabolically..
  • Packing snacks is a life saver. I like nuts, protien bars and har boiled eggs. All are good for a hold over in a pich. I used to work on the road ALOT and meals were always problematic. I used to shake for breakfast but found real eats stayed with me longer. Eggs and whole grain toast stick for me for 4-6 hours.
  • Well, add the ingredients that were left on the sandwich. Say 1 pc of bread, then estimate the oz of what ever else was there.
  • I like non-fat yogurt and frozen berries blended in the magic bullet with a small touch of vanilla stevia FTW.
  • Packages go by weight, not # of pieces. So counting pieces is going to be wrong and prone to be WAY off. Weigh the package contents. If that's off then write the company and cc a local consumer reporter. Companies are known to short change things lately and not advertise the reduction in size but if they are still making a…
  • There's some great sugar free crustless pumpkin pie recipe's. It's more like a pumpkin custard but is very satisfying and others can eat it and not feel deprived. Sugar free jello pudding and making a crum crust with coconut oil and almond meal vs graham crackers and butter is a good dessert too. Same goes for sliced…
  • Non fat evaporated canned milk instead of cream. Maybe arrowroot for thickening agent vs. flour. and TVP breakfast sausage?
  • One of my faves is a Peruvian thing called Cole Saltado. 1 serving slice raw steak (I use 5oz) 1Roma tomato cousely chopped 1/2 cup thinly sliced onion (I use red) 1 cup juliened cabbage Soy sauce to taste. Fresh Lime juice. CIlantro (garnish) Brown onion and add steak. Brown steak.Add tomatoes, soy sauce and…
  • OK, just from a cruelty perspective..catching a fish is no less or IMO more traumatic than other options. How do I come to this conclusion? Well it's like this, I'm a happy go lucky fishy guy swimming around,eating living wh all the sudden I eat something and it grabs me by the lip and next thing I know I'm dead on some…
  • Try this for a meal. 5-6 OZ thinly sliced beef (lean) 1c thinly shreadded cabbage. 1/2c thin sliced onion 1 jalapeno Juce of 1 lime. oil of choice (1-2tsp) Saute' the onion until translucent. add beef, brown, add cabbage and jalapeno and finish intil cabbage is tender. add lime juce when done. Calories are low and it's…
  • For me, it's a substitution thing. On my particular plan I eat a lot of lightly salted nuts, crispy fruits, pork rinds and jerky, They all take care of the junk snack cravings and stick around a while. As to meals, I just fix stuff smaller with lots of flavor. Lots of Cabbage and other high fiber vegies. Again, lots of…
  • Crockpot short ribs and cabbage. Cabbage is a life save in that it's filling and tasty without a load of calories.
  • +1 on the scale thing. Another advantage is you can now start to eyeball how much is there after you get used to weighing it enough times.
  • Well, I for one have lost over 50 lbs on HCG. I've had neighbors do lap band and are still struggling. One thing I will say about HCG, while you will likely lose weight (most lose 3/4 -1lb a day) it is very strict in the first 2 phases, phase 2 being the VLCD (500 calorie) phase and the foods are VERY limited. It can be…
  • Good luck and like everyone is saying you CAN do it. With MFP if you keep yourself dedicated to losing and stay committed to entering you stuff it should help a lot. If you have to keep track of everything you have to think before you eat and the thinking slows you down to just giving in willy nilly. You CAN do it. There's…