
Tonight for dessert I plan on eating a homemade icecream sandwhich using vita muffin and some healthy icecream. YUMM-O!! Do you eat dessert everynight? When you do eat an after dinner snack, what do you have?


  • JennATC
    I don't eat after dinner very often, but when I do I like the Oreo crisps 100 calorie packs and the Jello Mouse tempations things. :smile:
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    The only sweets I can tolerate are fruit for the most part. Every once in a while I HAVE to have a caramel cashew sundae from Culver's. Do not ask how many calories are in this because it ain't pretty!
  • degausspdx
    degausspdx Posts: 25 Member
    I like non-fat yogurt and frozen berries blended in the magic bullet with a small touch of vanilla stevia FTW.
  • tmtolbert
    tmtolbert Posts: 59 Member
    i have dessert on saturday and sunday and i let myself have whatever i want just a small portion of it. lately i have been on a double stuffed oreo kick for my desserts! 3 cookies is only 210 calories and usually it still fits in my calories for the day so i don't feel like i am cheating... just splurging a little!
  • mandydanyele
    I will be having frozen blueberries tonight..(they were fresh..I bought them last night and threw them in the freezer for a sweet frozen treat) I am trying to stay away from anything like cake, ice cream..etc etc. I will probably have some pie on Thanksgiving so I don't want to over do it until then =]
  • SheRa1964
    My new favorite dessert is chocolate graham crackers with light cool whip. So good. SO GOOD! :)
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    I usually have a skinny cow ice cream or blue bell real fruit bar...
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    MMMMM!!! I LOVE the vita tops Deep Chocolate nuked for 30 seconds with just 1/8 cup vanilla frozen yogurt and a drizzle of chocolate syrup! Yummmy!

    My other new favorite is a blueberry chocolate shake:

    1 cup vanilla unsweetened almond milk
    1 cup frozen blueberries
    1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
    1 TB cocoa powder

    SO FREAKIN' GOOD!!!! I use this as my recovery shake, or breakfast, or snack! Depends on the day!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Smart One sundaes
    Skinny Cow
    Weight Watchers cones
    Dark chocolate
    Angel food cake with whip cream

  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    100 calorie dark chocolate bar from Trader Joe's, a lot of nights though not every night. Some of these ideas sound good though!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Ben and Jerry's and various sludges nearly every night
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Anything Chocolate
    Red Mango(had some last night and it was yummy!)
    Bryer's Coffee Fudge Brownie(just got a half gallon of this, and it is delish!)
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    i have dessert every night. i shouldnt but its my big weakness and its going to take a lo to takle it.

    i like lammingtons, or fruit, or a few squares of chocolate or weightwatchers ice cream and i plan on trying weightwatchers brownies

    a few cookies too...tiny teddies or some milk arrowroots