Can I do it?

Since 2005 I have been trying without any success to lose weight; pills, diet tea and fad diets, you name them, I have tried them.

You start great first day is fine; you live up to the expectation. On the second day everything is still on scheduled; however, on the third you start having cravings and that were the problem starts. I will make up for the cheating tomorrow, but you never do and sooner than you think, the old eating habits come right back.

I have thought long and hard and have decided that maybe the best way to lose these pounds and keep them off is to change my eating habits. I believe that this must conducting a food analyse and do a process of elimination and that is where I am at now. May be if I know the negatives about the food I intake I will be persuaded not to eat them. Hence, when I crave I will go on line and do a thorough reading up on the food before I eat it, I call it the method of turn off!! Hope it works!!

This will be a challenge, but currently I have no choose, my ankles are paying the price:frown: , they cannot manage my body weight anymore. So starting today with your help I will be turning a new page, exercise and proper eating is what I will be doing.

Please wish me luck as I struggle to lose this bad legacy I have inherited over time (my weight).:embarassed:


  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    many people have done it, and you can too!!! stay on this site, do lots of reading up on everything you need to know, make it a lifestyle change, and keep on logging in every day! (or as many days as you can!!)

    i know you can do it! and being healthy is not horribleeeee, it's AWESOME! :)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Just keep telling yourself IT WORKS, it'll be WORTH it. Because trust me, it does & it is! I lost 22 lbs just counting calories & exercising (gained some back, so that's why it looks like I've only lost about 13)
  • Hoteffinmess
    Hoteffinmess Posts: 121
    Hi! You have come to the right place! I have been heavy as long as I can remember! I was able to lose 20 lbs. on my own over the course of a few months. Since I joined MFP in April, I have lost another 15 lbs. This is a great place to not only hold yourself accountable, but also find support and motivation. As long as you keep true to your program, you will see results!!!

    Good luck in all you do!
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT! this site has helped keep me motivated better then anything else...If I can do it anyone can! Feel free to add me for support!
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    No reason why you can't.
  • Wibikerlady
    Wibikerlady Posts: 73 Member
    You can do this!!! It is very much a mindset... Your mind will screw with you...You will WANT WANT WANT and it's not a matter of YOU CANT HAVE, you can..but in moderation... Setup snack food per serving size on box or bag. Learn to eat slow (stock up on lunch bags and snack bags)... Filling foods will be your friend...Fruits and veggies.... I used Weight Watchers to help me get my food under control and learn how to eat...That was the hardest part for me to do. Clean out the cabinets in the kitchen and get rid of the *junk* food!! That will be a HUGE help...It was for me.
    Good luck and we are all here for you!!
  • degausspdx
    degausspdx Posts: 25 Member
    Good luck and like everyone is saying you CAN do it. With MFP if you keep yourself dedicated to losing and stay committed to entering you stuff it should help a lot. If you have to keep track of everything you have to think before you eat and the thinking slows you down to just giving in willy nilly. You CAN do it. There's lots of alternate choices for curing a craving. I've found some great 'healthy' sweet recipe's that kill cravings on the spot and don't break the bank on calories. Google is your friend, so is the recipe database on this site. So, keep at it and this time accept that you are not alone and CAN do it.
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    Yes, you CAN do it, just start with 1 change and watch it snowball into many new and fantastic changes, welcome!
  • MaryBachert
    MaryBachert Posts: 66 Member
    Yes, you can do it, if you are committed to being honest and log in all your calories. That is what is so nice about letting others see your diary, because they can give you helpful tips. I started around January 20th and have lost 44 pounds. I never dreamed a year ago I would be down 44 pounds, but this site has been a life saver for me! If you have any questions or are looking for encouragment, feel free to email me.:smile:
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Those first days are really difficult, just when you are on the cusp of a big change, but nothing tangible has happened yet. I would say - the best thing is to find something you enjoy about the weight loss process (yes - it IS possible) and then FALL IN LOVE WITH IT!!! If you enjoy exercise - fall in love with it. If you enjoy a sense of structure in your menu planning - fall in love with it. If you enjoy nourishing your sacred body with wholesome, nutritious food - fall in love with it.

    AND - find the humor and warmth in it. MFP is a good place to start - there is LOTS of support.

    If we think of this journey as something PUNITIVE, we will just end up loathing ourselves to complete failure. OMGosh! Just realized that I am sounding like MARY POPPINS!!! But maybe some agave nectar instead of a spoonful of sugar would "help the medicine go down???"
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Those first days are really difficult, just when you are on the cusp of a big change, but nothing tangible has happened yet. I would say - the best thing is to find something you enjoy about the weight loss process (yes - it IS possible) and then FALL IN LOVE WITH IT!!! If you enjoy exercise - fall in love with it. If you enjoy a sense of structure in your menu planning - fall in love with it. If you enjoy nourishing your sacred body with wholesome, nutritious food - fall in love with it.

    AND - find the humor and warmth in it. MFP is a good place to start - there is LOTS of support.

    If we think of this journey as something PUNITIVE, we will just end up loathing ourselves to complete failure. OMGosh! Just realized that I am sounding like MARY POPPINS!!! But maybe some agave nectar instead of a spoonful of sugar would "help the medicine go down???"
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    You need to find a nutrition lifestyle that eliminates your cravings and is healthier for you. Based on what I have read, and my own personal observations of the way I react to food, I can tell you that eating sugar, sugar substitutes (those would be all of those artificial sweeteners), and grains will keep you craving sugar. Try to cut out as much processed food as possible. Aim for foods that take longer to digest....those that have a low glycemic index. Doing so will keep you satisfied longer and keep those hunger pangs (i.e., cravings) minimized. Typically, eating protein at each meal will go a long way to keeping you satisfied. And, unlike a low carb diet, you will want to eat carbs....but you should eat carbs with a lower glycemic index (i.e., vegetables (preferably raw), apples, berries, pears, among others).
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Yup, I think you can do this.

    I was someone who rarely made it past three days on dieting attempts, a week at the very longest.

    When I started MFP I was resigned, not excited. I honestly had no faith that this would be different than anything else I've ever done.

    I've now been here 75 days and have lost 32 lbs. My eating isn't perfect, it's a work in progress. But I'm good with that because this isn't just about weight loss for me. It's about a sustainable life change.
  • Tutumiller
    Tutumiller Posts: 11
    Hi, I'm in my 60s and gained a lot of weight becuse of meds. I tried everything and finally a friend and I tried mfp. we started April 2011 and have both lost 15 lbs with very little exercise and much trial and error. You can eat anything but you must watch everything you put in your mouth. Small amounts are crucial. If I get a sweet craving, I eat slowly 6 whole almonds and 12raisons which are 88 calories. Check your BMI and you will be astonished to see how few calories to live. Good luck to you. Tutu
  • anrev42
    anrev42 Posts: 331
    Yes, you can do this! Understand that you're not alone on this one. I, too have struggle throughout my life....the fact of the matter to me was...I simply love to eat!!! Good and bad. One thing I learned is portion control...and choosing the healthier food versus the bad ones, not to mention....I'm an emotional eater! ...You will like this site, it gives you the accountability, motivation and support from others. Don't look at it as a 'diet' but rather a healthy patience with it, slow process but it'll come around. Welcome to MFP!
  • redmamaroo
    You can do it, I believe in you. If I can you can, I am just getting started for the 100th time, but I feel so inspired by all of you wonderful people on here that I am feeling good about it this time and I hope you feel the same way!
  • prettypeta
    prettypeta Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the support, I really appreciate it.