

  • You look great!!!
  • I feel the same way, that's probably why i have quit so many times in the past. I think i finally had a moment a week or so ago and realized that this should be a priority in my life and i am important enough to do this for myself. I owe it to myself and my family to get healthy again and teach my kids healthy habits. Good…
  • thank you all for the pointers! i will try all of the above and something has got to eventually work! I want to exercise to get healthy but more migraines are not what i wanted. 1 or 2 a month was more then enough for me, but this is getting ridiculous. Thanks again!! :)
  • hmmm..i never thought of that. i need to be more aware of my breathing then. I also hold alot of tension in my shoulders. Do you know any good stretches before/after for neck and shoulders?
  • i think the 14 pounds is excellent! I've read on other sites where people hit a plateau and it's because the are working out alot and not eating enough calories. Maybe you need to up your calories 100 or so ?...i know thats scary but that might help. Or have higher calories one day and less the next. Mix it up and confuse…
  • Hi! I just came across this group today and would like to join. I'm a SAHM , i have 9 and 3 year old little girls. I"m on day 3 of Turbo Fire. Wondering if there's any other moms out there doing this program?
  • What an accomplishment, you must be proud!!
  • i know the Turbo DVD says to not have alot of tread on your shows but what kind of cross trainer tennis shoes dont have tread? I dont know, i was thinking of getting a mat or something i can lay down when i workout, like those mats for chairs at computer desks or carpet protectors.
  • if you have a bad knee, how did you modify the pivoting on the balls of your feet for moves? i was having trouble doing that on carpet
  • Thanks! Thats encouraging to know you got good results. I felt like i missed alot of moves here and there but suprisingly, i'm sore tonight so i did something right i guess :)
  • It's from Beach Body and it's a great cardio and strength training program. I love the music and the energy so far. But i found myself having trouble with some of the moves. Did you guys gradually get faster at them?
  • Thank You! I am going to try the Jillian Michael's DVD. I've heard it kicks your butt so it has to work lol!!