

  • oh I see. Not much of a drinker, I didn't know alcohol had its own calories. I always thought calories came from just the 3 macro nutrients. Thanks for clearing that up.
  • Some people find posting phrases, quotes, pics, etc on mirrors, fridges and other often visited items. Daily reminders of a sort.
  • Happy Birthday! It was your birthday, don't stress over it. Start fresh tomorrow.
    in Help!!! Comment by mlnick69 August 2013
  • Strength training will build more muscle, which in turn aids in burning more calories. In addition to that, when you do lose fat, what is revealed will look a lot better.
  • Some will say you should eat breakfast right away, others will say wait till your actually hungry. It boils down to what works for you. In the end, it is daily calories consumed vs calories burned, it doesn't matter when you eat them. As far as what to get, that depends on what type of meal plan your trying to follow.
  • From what I have read you are better off doing cardio same day after weight training so that your lifts are not hampered by being tired from cardio. If you do cardio the next day you also have to consider that your muscles are repairing from the previous days lifting and take care not do such intense cardio that your…
  • Calories burned are thought to be overestimated. Too many factors involved that are unique to each person. You will have to experiment and see what works for you. Maybe try to eat half of them back, track progress for a week or two and adjust if necessary.
  • Salmon, tilapia and swai are all really good blackened which is a fast way to cook it. You can make your own blackening seasoning or buy some at the store. There is a trick to properly cooking it that way. Basically heat the skillet up to the point where the oil/butter mixture begins to smoke, apply the seasoning on the…
    in Fish ... Comment by mlnick69 August 2013
  • Post this same topic on a bodybuilding forum and you will probably get feedback from people that have more experience using Keto type diets to cut. From what I have read , a large number of bodybuilders use low carb diets during cutting phases. They seem to look quite lean, must be onto something.
  • This was a forum topic posted here recently. Its more of a slap in the face reminder of what you probably already know.
  • You can get by with body weight exercise just fine.....for now. You can get plenty of ideas here.
  • Total daily energy (calories) expenditure. Its your BRM + calories you burn with your lifestyle, work, etc.
  • I've had knee issues in the past and wrapping it tightly in an ace bandage or using some support made for that particular body part really helps to stabilize the area. Allowed me to build up to not needing any support.
  • Pretty cool site. You can customize and watch like a exercise dvd.
  • A lot of people on low carb diets do carb cycling, which is basically eating lots of carbs once every 7-14 days to replenish your livers glycogen supplies. They claim this really boosts weight loss/metabolism/energy. Could be a good thing for you?
  • Nice workouts you can customize. Can follow on your computer just as one would any workout dvd.
  • Here is a progressive plan to get you to be able to do non kipping pull ups. Imo kipping is more of an assisted pull up, which still over time would have benefits. However good form pull ups would be much more beneficial.
  • Using your numbers. 2226 calories are what your body needs to function, things like breathing organ function etc. This does not include your lifestyle, job, etc. Basically if your were in coma. 2671 calories is the amount your body needs for your daily lifestyle, job, etc, but not exercise. 2671 minus 500 = 2171 is the…
  • There are many alternate more challenging ways to do bodyweight exercises. For example, with the push up, try it with one leg held up a few inches off the floor and increase the distance between your legs. This will engage your core muscles much more as you try to keep your balance. Lay underneath kitchen table with your…
  • Cut back on breads, grains, pasta, potatoes, replace with fresh veggies cooked however you want. (not battered and deep fried) You can eat a LOT of veggies as they are so low in calories. Broccoli, zucchini squash (this stuff can be used like pasta), lettuces, cucumbers, tomatoes, asparagus, cauliflower (mock mashed…
  • Completely up to you but it seems that most people here feel the default macros for carbs/fat and protein are not the best. One way people set up their macros is to take your weight x .8-1.2 and eat that many grams of protein. Your weight x .4 and eat that many grams of fat, fill the remaining calories in with carbs.…
  • Buy fresh and cook your meals, it will eliminate a ton of your sodium intake.
  • Start low like suggested. Maybe 50%, then adjust from there.
  • MFP has the calorie deficit already calculated. If you don't eat the burned calories back the deficit gets too large, to the point you lose not only fat, but muscle too. That being said...the accuracy of calories burned on an exercise can be off. Maybe eat half back. Everyone is different, you will have to do some…
  • If you do end up buying a bike quality does matter. I upgraded from a huffy mountain bike some twenty years ago to a two hundred dollar diamondback and thought it didn't get any better than that until....about five years ago I purchased a five hundred dollar hybrid bike, which has the frame style of a mountain bike , but…
  • Many go by .7 - 1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight .4 grams of fat per pound of body weight remainder of calories from carbs *carbs and protein have 4 calories per gram, fat has 9 calories per gram
  • No, it has no effect. But habits like that help certain people no not binge. Others skip 1-2 meals and splurge most of their calories on dinner. Its what works best for you to not be hungry.
  • Replace some of your grains, pasta, beans and potatoes with green veggies. You can eat a lot more food this way since they are so low in calories. Watch which fruits you eat too as some are really high in calories.
  • Nothing wrong with some of the youtube videos out there. Watch enough you can come up with a plan that will work for you and suit your needs / goals. Compound exercises are a good place to start in that they work several muscle groups vs isolating a particular muscle. Proper form is very important though. It may seem petty…