NAcetoLang Member

I guess there are badges now. It says: It may as well say, “Struggling with weight since the dawn of time, yet still alive, kicking and fighting” :D it should be an image of a trophy… a rhinestone walker or dinosaur in a bikini. :D


  • Me three!! Suddenly I was able to wear eye makeup without it smudging. People are suddenly telling me how pretty my eyes are... I don't think you could see them before under my fat eyelids LOL ;)
  • SIZE 18?????!!! I thought Anthony had some height and feet... he is about 6'3" with a size 13 shoe. DANG! Time definitely will tell... I had to be very patient to find this guy... and also to work out how to enjoy the relationship rather than rushing or pushing against the flow of things. I am so impatient ;) Keep trying…
  • Now that I have some more time to post.... @skinnyjeanzbound - things are really really great! I think I have met "the guy"... We have been steady now coming up on 3 years. He is adorable and nerdy and just perfect for me. I don't recall if I had been around MFP or this board when I met him. We met online (gasp) and it…
  • @skinnyjeanzbound --- it sounds to me like your doing awesome! I'm in a 10 now....(which I never believed could happen) I'm much shorter than you. I'm going for 150... I have no idea what size that will be since I haven't been that small except for a short time in high school
  • Hi Everyone! It's been a LOOOOOOOOONNNNNGGG time since I checked in on this thread, but I just wanted to say "hi". I'm still logging (two hundred something days this time around) and losing weight. I'm 17 pounds to my goal (yes, I had 100 pounds to lose at one point, for those that don't remember me haha). It has been a…
  • I have been watching this board since I re-started my program in June of last year. I love to see the posts and they have definitely inspired me - thank you all! Finally, I can post my own (I'm 47 pounds down with another 28 to go). :blush: * My butt hurts LOL! My tushy has no cushion. It's like I had been carrying around…
  • Ooooh I have good news for you about the soy! I work with a Take Shape for Life coach, and they now have an exclusive line from Medifast - Optavia (non-gmo, and I don't think there is as much soy based stuff). Google it or ask your health coach if you have one. I eat the regular MF foods and Optavia foods on the 5 & 1 (and…
  • How's your plan going? I know this post is a few weeks old... but I started MF with a Take Shape for Life coach and I love it. I'm coming up on 3 weeks, have minimal cravings and tons of energy. The big thing for me was getting past the cravings, the first few days. I also had to let go of some old beliefs... what helps me…
  • Hi Illyich! I was skeptical about such programs at first, as well... but I work with a coach and check in with my doctor regularly (as I hope our OP does), who has determined it will be good for me... If I follow the plan and stay in tune with my body. Also, there are well thought out plan modifications for those who need…
  • Drat... I took a screenshot of someone's post here, where they suggested the answer to this, but can't give proper credit (I've been on plan just short of two weeks and it seems to be right) Now let's see if I know how to post an image
  • Busy couple of days! Just stopping in to say hi! :D Happy almost Friday!
  • Ergh... The dreaded double post... I can't seem to figure out how to delete... Only edit. So hi again :#
  • Checking in! Well, my phone likes to cut of replies just to challenge me, so I have to make it short and sweet... A pretty decent calorie day for me today. I was well behaved and it didn't even hurt!
  • @Lynette4321‌ - Welcome!! Great job on the 11 pounds! You've lost the weight before and surely you'll lose it again.
  • "Just 15 Minutes" - love it! Today, I certainly wasn't at my best, calorie wise... but I was under my goal! The boyfriend and I were both craving carbs... In fact, we drove to find something tasty, but luckily the bakery was fresh sold out of this particular tasty treat... So we drove to Frost (another bakery). Nothing…
  • @melifornia - That is so cool! @Kah68 - True Blood was so awesome. I loved that show and binge watched the first seasons last summer while Anthony was on a road trip with the grandpa. I was devastated that it ended... well, okay, I was disappointed. ;) I tried to read the books, but couldn't really get into them, but loved…
  • Seriously, I just typed for 5 minutes into my phone and it only saved the above?! LOL I'll sum it up: Thanks (son's foot). Frustrated for child Ate 900 for dinner yesterday (truth) Ice cream- said yes yesterday (dinner), said no today (yay). Comfort food- not so comforting
  • Hi Everyone (yes, you "new lungs", as well- giggles) ;) @skinnyjeanzbound‌ - Awesome! I don't feel so embarrassed for trying the homework trick, if I have your stamp of approval
  • @tlh0407 - The teachers are going to "Boo" me for this, but here is what I did with Anthony, when he was younger.... He was getting all A grades in the beginning of 8th grade, then his dad died, and the kid's grade sunk down LOW. I tried bribery, taking things away, fighting, etc. Each time he would do awesome then sink…
  • @kah68 - Thanks! I missed everyone. I can hardly keep track of the thread! :blush: @skinnyjeanz and @Lauriek- Thank you. :blush: He is pretty great. He even offered to hide the "snack table" when I come over, and lay off on ordering pizza for us. When I told him my goals for health, he said he could offer motivation for a…
  • Kelley! I'm glad you are alright and sorry to hear you had to go through that. ~hugs~ Thanks everyone for the chicken ideas! First day back was rough, but not terribly bad as far as calories. Tomorrow, I'll start again.
  • @skinnyjeanzbound, thanks! The new job has funky hours most days... and with the kiddo's sports... I had to put school on hold for awhile. Remember the new guy? :# He kinda takes up some time as well. :) @mnwalkingqueen - Love the hair! Is it shorter, or just different? Either way... you are looking fantabulous!…
  • Bump ☺️ and hi everyone.
  • Oooh wow! The new format IS weird! I want to press all of the buttons to see what happens... lucky for you all, I will read the instructions, so that I don't accidentally "flag" one of your posts as inappropriate. ;) Soooo Wednesday Wish: I wish that I would stop craving sweets and salty goodness long enough so that I can…
  • Thursday truth... I need to declutter my life. Food, time management, and management of basic household chores are all a huge challenge for me right now. I am just not motivated to do much of anything that requires effort beyond my recliner. Maybe I am depressed... whatever the cause, I need to get off of my duff and get…
  • Eek! That would be a little close for comfort for me... even with the isolation. Is that paranoid of me?
  • JNettie- Thanks. It is sooooo hard to stop with a small portion, for some reason! I wonder sometimes if I need a restart - just cutting out all goodies for a week... but then I think NO WAY. haha :laugh: But you are right... I have done this before. I know I have it in me. I love the October goals, Robsinsegg. I am in.…
  • Wapow! Two days in a row?! Who am I? Well... office snacks are a challenge right now. I need to get back to keeping my own tasty (healthier) snacks at work. What are your favorite office snacks? RobinsEgg - We shall saunter together, until we can skip! :happy: Kelley- Your quote is now my Facebook status... LOVE it. It…
  • Hello to my favorite peeps on the good ol' interweb! I hope that you are all doing fantabulously! :happy: I have fallen off of the wagon (again).... The good news is that I am still working out with a trainer. The bad news is that I can't seem to let go of fatty, sugary and salty foods! So, I am starting at square one.…