Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Kaye We may be birds of a feather. I don't mind making the cookies and rarely eat them after they are done, but oh, while they are coming out of the oven is a real danger. Guess I need to learn a new technique for that, but I am not sure what it would be. If you come up with something let me know.
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    wmander1 wrote: »
    Day 30 Today! 12 lbs. down so far! Excited for February! Working to lose 14 lbs. this month! Congrats everyone on all of your successes! :smile:

    Great job!!!
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Checking in! Well, my phone likes to cut of replies just to challenge me, so I have to make it short and sweet... A pretty decent calorie day for me today. I was well behaved and it didn't even hurt!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @barb--I don't think anyone human can resist a just-out-of-the-oven cookie. :smiley:

    @laurie--glad the project went well. I'm not very competitive when it comes to others, but I'm super competitive with myself. This is actually a good thing when it comes to running b/c if I were in it to win races, I probably would get discouraged pretty quickly. Even within my age/gender group, there are usually hundreds of other seasoned runners, so the chances of me winning a race are pretty much slim to none. LOL I think it's cool that you are competing in swim meets where you will have a chance to actually medal.

    @hansea--hope you get your "give a damn" fixed in February. :smile: We all have those times when work/life gets overwhelming. I'm pretty sure I'm going to hit that point this semester--between prepping my students for AP exams, getting my juniors through their research papers, and bargaining the contract I'm probably going to be a big stressball come March or April. My plan when that happens (b/c it happens every year) is to maintain both my weight and my sanity. LOL

    AFM--finished the journals and entered most of the course recommendations for next year. I have about 10 juniors in each class that I still need to talk to the students before making a final decision.

    February Challenge:
    Under weekly calorie goal: x/4 weeks
    All-in strength challenge=balance exercises 3 x/week; PT 1-2 x/week; run 2 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 balance; PT completed; 1/2 runs
    Week 2: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 3: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 4: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 55 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47,1/25 = 55:41)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 60/60 JRP journals DONE
    2. 40/60 course recommendation

    Exercise Goals: (week 1)
    Sun--shovel snow DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 mantra "Just 15 minutes"
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    edited February 2015
    Didn't I hear ole' prognosticator Phil bit his translator today? Guess he got mad about being dragged outta his nice warm den!
    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ - who me, rub it in? No way! I was just pointing out to my sister-in-law Sunday that it might be a good time to move south - she lives in Schenectady! Of course, it's not so nice here when our 100 degree summer days stretch from mid July all the way through the end of September and into October. Then we're begging for some nice cool northern weather for sure!
    - Monday check in - well technically, it's Tuesday, since it's 3:22 am. I didn't get my exercises in before midnight, so I tracked them on Tuesday - since my office is having a potluck today, I figured it would be needed! I signed up to bring salad, and I plan on having salad for lunch also. I work 3-11:30 pm, so lunch will be around 2 pm, dinner (the potluck) will be from 6-10 pm. One of my coworkers is bringing Caldo de Res (a light beef soup) so I figure I can have salad and soup for dinner, and avoid most of the pitfalls lying in wait for me. I'm also bringing some Anna's ginger snaps, which allow 6 (yes 6) cookies for only 133 calories. So maybe I can get away without too many extra calories. However, I did leave a lot of leeway (1000 calories, including exercise calories) in case of a trip up. Wish me luck and strong will!
    - Tuesday goals - get through the day under calories. I'm doing OJI (on the job instructing) so I won't have to sit 10 feet from the food table all night, I'll actually be far away (<sigh of relief>). I plan on doing my exercises (resistance bands, arm bicycle, stepups) again before going to work. Tomorrow (Wednesday) will be my first time back in the gym since a few weeks after I started chemo last year. I'm going to warm up on the treadmill and then do as much ellipticals as possible, but I can guarantee I will be moving pretty slow- even before cancer I was out of shape, and now my legs are as weak as puppies! Every journey requires a first step though, so I will just have to take it one day and one step at a time.
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Happy Tuesday!
    I hope today finds you motivated to work hard for yourself. You deserve the effort. :)

    @Ellen - It is so good to hear from you on there. Take care of you as you embark on your healing transformation. Know that your soul is important to this universe. You add light to all of our existences. Rest. Heal. And know you are cared about.
    - Welcome to all the newbies....there are a lot of you.
    - @skinnyjeans, @bapcarrier/Barb, @Kaye and @texasmom: Thanks so much for your kind words.
    - @MountMary/Barb - Honesty in tracking was/is a thing for me also. I know it will help me confront what I ate better, so I do it. But, sometimes, I just want to wipe the slate clean and start again without dealing with it. I don't want to feel guilty about every slip up, but at the same time, if I don't think about it and figure out what is happening...I could be destined to keep repeating the mistake. Here's what I've come up with for me: I will log it and look at it. If I can, I'll try to 'straighten out the day.' If I can't, I can't. I need to always think of why things happened. For me, it is usually that I haven't had enough crunch in my day. (For you it might be totally different) So, after I slip up, I plan a day with my crunchy foods in them...I LOVE the texture of salty snack foods. So, I had to come up with some options that aren't going to sideline my whole day. Salt free pretzels, Baked Lay's chips, Snapeas....and I plan one or some of them into my future day that week. I would say this has been moderately successful at ending future off plan eating :blush: I hope the ideas will help you with whatever you are struggling with.

    I did go to the gym this weekend and worked on my legs with a friend, adding a third day to the 2 days I am already doing. We lifted for about 45 minutes. :)
    I also added going to a SPIN class to my weekend. It is a bit away from where I live, so I can only realistically go on weekends when I have a looser time schedule. I plan on riding a 50 K this summer (2 days of 25 K, one weekend) I need to be sure my stamina is up for that challenge. I've been to 3 classes (one last weekend and two this past weekend), and I made it through every one. I am not the fastest (probably one of the slowest, actually), but am doing all the 'moves' the instructor asked us to do. It was actually a cool moment when I realized I made it through and didn't have to stop to breathe or rest in the middle. This nutritious diet and daily exercise thing might just catch on as a way to get healthy! (DUH, smh)

    Perfect effort and balance,

  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @skinny- Maintaining sanity is always a worthy goal! :) I'm just glad I didn't gain *too* much this month. I have to look back, but I think I am up 5 lbs. A lot of salty stress snacks, so it shouldn't take too long to get back to beginning-of-January-weight.

    @laurie- Good luck with your meet this weekend. Which style of swimming do you prefer doing, butterfly or freestyle?

    @mara- I love spin! I haven't done a class in a couple years, and winter here is not bike-friendly, but I do get out as much as I can when the weather gets nice.

    @goinstd12- Even going slow is going to have its benefits at the gym. Tis better to move slow than not at all! (Feel free to stitch that on a sampler.) :)

    @naceto- Good job on your calories today!

    @wmander1- Wow! Great job on the weight loss last month!

    @barb and @kaye- Warm cookies are undeniably a kryptonite food for me, too. The only way I can keep it to a minimum is when I am baking for church...then I feel like I'm stealing since every cookie I eat is one less they can sell at the bake sale. That said, I still taste-test a couple. :pensive:

    AFM- Have my goals set up for the week below. I figure this month has to go better. It is the shortest month, so I have that going for me! ;)

    Calorie Goal- 0/2
    Exercise Goal- 1/3
    Lift Goal- Will find my starting point on Wed at the gym.

    Mantra- You Know Better!
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @GOINSTD12‌ - I'm so impressed with your plan for today's pot luck! Way to take control!

    @wmander1 - Well done, you!

    @maram29 - My town has become somewhat cycling crazy in the last few years. We host the Dirty Kanza 200 each summer, a 200-mile gravel race, which has become tremendously popular. They sold out all 1500 spots within 24 hours this year. I'm not up for it yet, but I salute those who are. :smiley:

    AFM, I'm celebrating 30 days in a row of Miracle Mornings! That means 30 days of meditation, 30 days of affirmations, 30 days of visualization, 30 days of yoga (!!!!), 30 days of reading, and 30 days of journaling. The changes I'm seeing internally are profound; can't wait to see what the next 30 days bring!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    edited February 2015
    Didn't get to check in yesterday, but today looks a little less crazy.

    @susan - Glad you're feeling better! And thrilled to hear that you and Cyrus have settled back into life in the South. I hope you continue to love your job and find you time along the way. I got a new to me 2012 Volvo S60. I really didn't want a new car (or the payment that goes along with it), but we're giving mine to DD and her soon to be finance. With him starting MBA school, they can't afford one but will need one at which ever school he ends up going to. And we have been debt free (other than our mortgage) for a few years now and can easily afford the car. It is kinda nice to have something "new" after 10 years of the old one.

    @teresa - Sure hope that groundhog was right. I'm over winter.

    @skinnyjeanz - Yay for a snow day! That's one downside about working from home. I have no excuse when we get ice or snow.

    @robin - Good to hear from you and you are in my thoughts often.

    AFM - Work is still nuts. And I just can't figure out where the rest of my time goes. We did spend the weekend cleaning out the garage. Such fun (not). It's amazing how quickly stuff piles up and then we can't find anything. Next up..... the ATTIC!

    Hope everyone has a good day and stays warm!

    2015 Mantras:

    Live like someone left the gate open (Live Joyously)

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Tuesday goals: To wrap up my project at work. It involves listening to all phone calls in the last two years on 27 different policies as well as reviewing all transactions processed in the same two year period. Stuff I really enjoy. However, some of them have had over 2 hours of recorded calls and most of them have had at least 1 hour. They are doing a legal review for a reason and that means most of them have had lots of transactions as well.

    On the home front my goal would be to finish my cake room/office this week. It was looking really good and then my husband got through more of his boxes. Surprise, surprise, some of them are stuff for me to go through. My hope is that it’s all organized by Sunday evening.

    And on the health front…keep getting to the gym, drinking my water and back to my calorie goal.

    @Susan…glad things are settling in for you. Now hope you can hop back on the wagon (if you do, grab my arm and pull me up too.). Baby steps – that’s what I have to do.
    @texasmom…no rest days at all? I know that wouldn’t be something for me – good for you!
    @all snowed in…what a weird winter!! I’m in ND and we’re missing the big snows so far (knocking on wood). Although, we’ve been getting periodic covering of the white stuff so at least it’s pretty. AND, it’s a long way from the end of winter. I always think when Phil (or Lee) says it’s 6 more weeks of winter is the better of the two. Six weeks puts us in March and I know that winter lasts longer than that here. HA! The year we got two feet of snow in one day, they did skip school for one day. They had school the second day, but weren’t running the busses down many of the unplowed roads. In my opinion, if you can’t pick the kids up, you shouldn’t have school.
    @Kaye…I use the calisthenics when I do that sort of exercise.
    @Barb @Kaye…I don’t even like chocolate chip cookies but when they are fresh out of the oven, they are hard to resist. My goal is always to get them in a container without eating them and then I know I will be good.
    @Laurie…we did the egg drop when I was in school (can’t remember what year). We had a old school building that was 3 stories high and we got to go to the roof and drop them. Mine didn’t make it but some did. I definitely knew that engineering was not my forte. Good luck in your swim meet – challenge yourself would get my vote. 
    @Susan @L2T…my 10 year old van has seen better days. It’s now making a funny noise that I’ve been a bit concerned about for the last two days. Apparently so are my kids because they both told my husband to make me get it checked out. His car has almost $600 of repairs to do (front end non-emergency but essential soon) so I was hoping that the noise would go away. He told me his can wait and that mine needs to go in. Crossing my fingers!!! We have both vehicles paid off and we’re hoping to get another two years from mine before it needs to be replaced. If we can make it two years, I believe we will be debt free (except mortgage) and will feel much better about a car payment.

    AFM…My tough Sunday flowed over to my Monday. Not as bad but not great. Now to improve enough today that I’m back on track. I shouldn’t let “special days” get out of control. Yesterday was supposed to be a cardio day at the gym. Poor planning on my part kept me from it. Emma had piano lessons and Jacob had basketball at the same time so I took Emma and Michael took Jacob. He then went to my Mom’s to work on her computer and fill her vehicle with washer fluid. That left me without someone to watch Emma while I was suppose to go the gym – plus the gym daycare closes at 7:00. And then the boys got back so late that I wasn’t heading to the gym at that point. Guess we should have swapped kids since Jacob can stay home alone. Lesson learned!

    Saturday – Water Aerobics – DONE
    Sunday – rest – DONE
    Monday – Cardio – NOT DONE
    Tuesday – Lift
    Wednesday – Cardio
    Thursday – Lift
    Friday – Cardio

    Off to listen to more calls. Have a great day!!!
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    Sorry I was gone for a bit, once we got the kids over the flu I was mentally exhausted and fell off the tracking band wagon for a bit. I also am struggling with the fact that tracking and eating well I wasn't losing weight and in fact was gaining here and there (then losing - I know it is water weight but it is still discouraging). I've decided to hide my scale and just go by how my clothing fits - even with the ups and downs with my weight my clothing is fitting better so I know this is working the actual number on the scale doesn't matter right now.

    So I'm here to say that I'm back and ready to start my 66 days to a new habit again (bummer cause I was 1/3 of the way there)! For now I'm just going to focus on tracking and once I get things with my psoriasis under control (which I think is causing this crazy weight fluctuation I am seeing as the gains do seem tied to bigger flairs) I'll add in exercise.

    1/66 to a new habit!
  • texasmom2013
    texasmom2013 Posts: 64 Member
    @Kaye We may be birds of a feather. I don't mind making the cookies and rarely eat them after they are done, but oh, while they are coming out of the oven is a real danger. Guess I need to learn a new technique for that, but I am not sure what it would be. If you come up with something let me know.
    Maybe you could substitute some of the ingredients for healthier options? I've been doing a lot of paleo baking lately and I have to toot my own horn for a minute and say OMG YUM. Last night I made banana raspberry nut bread using coconut flour and the recipe called for 3 eggs. I used 2 and an overripe banana. I also added unsweetened apple sauce because coconut flour is very dry and soaks up a lot of moisture. Look around on Pinterest for paleo cookies. I think you'll be surprised at how good paleo food can be! I know I was!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Today in Media History: Delivering news about Buddy Holly and ‘the day the music died’
    In February 1959, a paperboy delivered newspapers with a story about a plane crash in Iowa.
    About a decade later, the paperboy, Don McLean, described the day in his song, “American Pie.”
    He began by remembering the papers he delivered:
    A long long time ago,
    I can still remember how,
    That music used to make me smile.
    And I knew if I had my chance
    That I could make those people dance,
    And maybe they’d be happy for a while.
    But February made me shiver,
    With every paper I’d deliver.
    Bad news on the doorstep;
    I couldn’t take one more step.
    I can’t remember if I cried
    When I read about his widowed bride,
    But something touched me deep inside
    The day the music died.
    On February 3, 1959, the media reported that musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J.P. Richardson (The Big Bopper) had died in a plane crash. The pilot, Roger Peterson, was also killed.
    The plane crashed around 1 a.m., just a few hours after they had performed at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, Iowa.

    link to more info

    “Someday is not a day of the week.” ~Unknown

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Wow, this thread is moving crazy fast lately! It is really hard to keep up. I've read the last four pages, hoping I've gotten caught up with everyone.

    @bapcarrier (Barb)~Hooray, glad the biopsy came back benign! Congrats on 30# lost, great achievement! :star:

    @Karen~I hope your friend gets good news on her follow-up testing.

    @Mara~Congrats on that 150# milestone, amazing! :star:

    @Tammy~I was so disappointed in the game too, Seattle had that game in the bag—I have no idea what they were thinking throwing the ball that close to goal and with less than 2 minutes left in the game! Ugh! It was a great game, up until that point. :frowning:

    @Susan~Glad to see you pop in! I know you and know you’ll find your way back to logging and doing what you need to do.

    @Tanya~Hooray for your loss in January, may those pounds stay gone forever! :smile:

    @Melifornia~My new go-to chocolate treat is by Endangered Species. I find it in the organic section; my favorite is made with 75% cocao and contains bits of espresso beans-yum! :yum: Oh, how your friend sounds like the toxic friendship I just ended! I was there while she was going through so much turmoil leading up to her eventual divorce, even allowing her to live with me for a while. Even though I didn’t support her affair while going through her divorce, I was still there for her and I’ve been there for her in other situations since. But, she has never reciprocated. She has a Jekyl and Hyde personality and is just so negative, not the kind of people I generally like to surround myself with—it’s unhealthy.

    @Niki~Congrats on the loss, great job—slow and steady wins this race.

    @Robin~Glad to see you pop in, I’m glad you are taking care of you right now—just pop in when you can and feel up to it. We’ll be here. Good luck with your upcoming cataract surgery! :heart:

    @KarenLeona~Glad to see you again, welcome back!

    @Texasmom2013~Hooray for your 2# loss this week, awesome! :star:

    @Laurie~You're really doing great with your swimming! I have a competitive streak too; I think it’s what gets me in trouble and sometimes leads to injury!

    @GOINSTD12~Good attitude toward becoming active again, just ease into it so you don’t do too much too soon. Even slow you’re walking or ellipticizing laps around everyone on the couch. :wink: Baby steps.

    To everyone is the paths of the recent snow events, I hope you are all staying warm and safe! I grew up in NY and remember those kind of storms well, so I can empathize! It was my job to snow blow the driveway as a teenager, I hated every second of it—especially if it was below zero outside! Now that I’m in Texas I don’t miss it one bit—I’ll take our hotter than hades summer’s over the cold snowy winters any day. And when I get tired of that heat, I just plan cruises to AK in August. LOL

    @allthenewbies~You have found a great thread for support and friendship. I hope that you’ll come back and get to know us. To receive the most benefit from this thread, it’s important to check back often and become part of the conversation. It will be easier for us to get to know you that way, too, and offer any advice as we’ve been in your shoes before.

    AFM~I’m staying the course and keeping with averaging 2#/week loss, last week I lost 3#--hopefully soon that number on the scale will match my ticker (just a few pounds way). After a discussion with my trainer I’ve set some pretty specific goals for myself for February. He asked me to stop eating carbs for breakfast, to save them for later in the day. Then, while walking with a friend (she has a nutrition background) she suggested I cut out dairy—so I’m giving that a try as well (it’s much harder though). I’m also trying to watch my hunger cues closer and have meals/snacks when I’m actually hungry—my dad always ate according to the time on his watch, I’m trying to steer away from the mindset now. His dad was a farmer, so my grandmother had set times for my grandfather to come in from the fields—so that got instilled in my dad as well, which he kind of implanted in us. I’m better about it than I used to be, but I need to pay closer attention. As for my fitness goals, I follow my trainers lead for weights but will continue on my 3-mile walk with my friend and her dogs 3 days/week.

    February “ALL-IN” Goals:

    No Carbs for Breakfast: 3/28
    No Dairy: X/14 (this is much harder so setting a lower goal)

    Exercise Goals this week:

    Monday~Walk w Friend DONE!
    Wednesday~Walk w friend
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Walk w friend

    I've been catching up and working on this for a couple of hours off and on at work, I know there have been several new posts since I started. I’ll catch up with those next time around. Sorry for those I've missed.
  • Hi all. Just joining this conversation in hopes of staying connected with people on the same journey. I am on week two of changing my diet and exercise habits. I lost 3 lbs the first week, and have a goal of two pounds per week. I work full time and have two children, so life is busy, but I want to be able to enjoy life and be there for my kids in a happy, healthy body.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @tlh - I totally understand being car payment adverse. Almost 5 years ago, when our youngest graduated from college, we were in debt WAY above and beyond just our mortgage. 13 years of private school and 4 years of college for 2 kids really took its toll. For 4 years, we lived on just my salary and put every cents of DHs into getting that debt paid off. It was 4 years of rarely eating out or going to the movies or any extra spending and travel was only to visit the girls. Now we're a year in of no debt and still living off my salary and saving/investing DHs but also doing some things for ourselves. Like a "new" car and a trip to Napa. We will always continue to be very careful with our money, but it's great to finally feel like our years of hard work and sacrifice were totally worth it and we can relax just a little.

    @kah - Amazing losses recently! I need to channel your commitment.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @marypoppins- hope the pics turn out good for your family. That is way to much snow lived in MN my whole life the older I get I can’t stand the snow and cold. So I am happy right now to be cold with no snow. I dream of moving somewhere warm all year around.
    @karen-sounds like you did lots of working out. Does gunner like the snow? Riley loves it.
    @lauriek- I remember in high school physics class making egg drop from the 3rd floor to the ground without breaking. It was fun to do. Good luck on your next meet.
    @mountmary- congrats on trying to log everything even if you go over.
    @melifornia- Happy 30th day in a row.
    @tlh0407- good luck on organizing.
    @All Snow bound people- be safe and don’t get stir crazy
    @All New People- Welcome to the group.

    AFM- I forgot about the new goal already with the modified pushups. So, I did then right away this morning before I forgot again. Yesterday at lunch didn’t walk as much because I am out of lunches stored at work and had to go buy a lunch but I picked some place that was many blocks away. I really like my Literature class so much that I don’t even realize class is almost over close to the end of the night. I am working on ways to save money in my household because I feel a new car will be needed sooner than I like. I am realizing when I have to down size things like satellite packages I am actually selfish, but I am learning that is because I am not a huge TV person so I want to watch what I like when I want to watch it. Now, it the teen would just leave the t-stat where it is programmed to maybe my heat bill wouldn’t be the same as a car payment. Myself I will wear layers and sit under blankets but not him plus he doesn’t dress weather appropriate t-shirt and it 0 outside than complains about being cold. LOL kids.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    edited February 2015
    Apparently it does not matter if i work day shift or night shift; I still think i am ravenous when i get home!! I think it has to do with finally being able to relax and review whatever happened. I have a stressful job as a registered nurse in a very busy emergency. But coming here to read everyone's successes has helped me defeat that eating monster today!! Off to bed to rest up for another fun night tonight.
    Dont forget to drink your water!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi all. Just joining this conversation in hopes of staying connected with people on the same journey. I am on week two of changing my diet and exercise habits. I lost 3 lbs the first week, and have a goal of two pounds per week. I work full time and have two children, so life is busy, but I want to be able to enjoy life and be there for my kids in a happy, healthy body.

    Welcome! You found a great place for ideas, support and friendship. You're off to a great start, check back often so we can get to know you and you can get to know us.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I just got back from walking the dogs. I was really tired this morning and had pretty much talked myself out of it and then when I got home they just looked so excited dancing back and forth between me and the closet with their leashes I had to go ahead and do it. So I am happy to say I logged every day in January. It was my first main goal for the year. Now to work on adding a goal for February. I have already blown the first two days so I think Februarys goal will be to be within calories every day for the rest of the month. I know I can do this. I am also going to make one more goal of being within my 10,000 steps at least 4 out of 7 days every week. I have to walk the dogs or workout to make that happen so when I stick to these two goals I should be able to record an overall loss for the month of February. 2015 is going to be my year to make some real strides to my ultimate fitness goals :)

    Well I am off to do some fun housework (yay). have a great day everyone :)