Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    18 pounds til I hit 100 lost....that's it. Just 18. My goal is to have hit my 100 mark by 9 months. I realize that my losses are slowing, so I'm giving myself 3 months to reach this goal. I'm fiddling with my calories again so I'm working on NETTING 1200 minimum. Fingers crossed that I'm jump starting my losses again. I could use a good loss week again next week. I'm tired of seeing the 220s. :)
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello everyone! I have a microeconomics exam tomorrow I need to study for so I can't stay long, but I wanted to check in. Went to the dietitian today for the first time in two weeks, and she says I'm doing well. I also weighed myself last night and have lost two pounds, despite the stress of having my parents visit, so I'm pleasantly surprised. It must be the exercise! As of now, I've lost 26 of 122 from my highest weight until goal. Very overwhelming, but I'm glad to be under the 100 mark.

    My goal for the upcoming week is to finish week 7 (of 8) of my 5k training, go to Zumba twice, and limit my desserts intake to only the weekend. (also, I'd love to ace that exam tomorrow...)

    Hope everyone is well.

    See you tomorrow!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Tuesday Goals: Keep pushing along and doing what I’m doing. Eating clean. Logging every BLT. Drinking plenty of water. Exercising 5 x per week.

    @ Dawn – 3 simple words, Believe in Yourself, but often 3 very hard words to comprehend. Thanks for the reminder!!

    @ Little Lula – Welcome and thanks for sharing your story. Some scary stuff you experienced and like you said show that doctor you can take control. We’re here to support you and I know you’ll support us too on this journey.

    @ Tom – I’m so glad Amy felt OK to make the trip. I know Mandalay Bay is HUGE and it’s a ton of walking. I need to check this place out since you keep chatting about it.

    @ Tanya – Darn those buns!! I did have to chuckle at your story because I’m sure we’ve all been there and can totally relate. Nice job today focusing on protein and fruit.

    @ Karen – Yes, you and your list always make me smile. You get it done though and that’s what counts.

    @ Ta – Welcome!! I’m not one to ask about fluctuations. I’m ALL over the board. I just keep hanging on and pushing forward. I’m also learning to step away from the scale. I try to only weigh once a week or every two weeks. It fluctuates way too much and ticks me off. LOL!!

    @ Aimee – Sorry for the unexpected money woes. I had an $800 car repair, which I wasn’t quite planning. I can’t complain though. I’ve got an amazing 14 year old Toyota 4Runner, which I really haven’t spent much $$. I know it’s still tough when not planned. Congrats on the new beau! Very fun. I always thought it would be interesting to actually meet someone whose lost weight too. They seem to get it. How did he lose his weight? Also, what are you talking about small losses? 100 lbs in 9 months is not small losses. WOW!!! How many calories were you eating along the way? Always curious what’s working for folks.

    @ Kaye – It sounds like a nice day yesterday. I always find it sad that’s when so many people reconnect with others at funerals. I think I’ve seen more relatives at funerals than on a regular basis. Kind of sad.

    @ Ushkii – South Africa? Very cool!! When you said a mission, as in the military or religious? I was trying to correlate the shooting with the mission. Either way both very commendable for your son.

    @ Laurie – I’m so glad to hear your back at the gym and had a good workout. I know this makes you happy. I know today’s going to be emotional with the funeral so thoughts and prayers heading your way!

    @ L2T – Safe travels to Boston and every moment with your daughter. I bet they’ll balance each other out. There’s a lot of walking that’s for sure.

    @ Nettie – This sucks!! I know this was the scenario you didn’t want to see happen with your floors and walls. I’m sorry!! Hugs your way!!

    @ RobinB – Woo Hoo on the Fit Bit today! You rock!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Just a quick share of last weeks results. Not too bad since I was sick earlier in the week. This was really just Wednesday thru Saturday. Not too shabby except I need MORE sleep. No surprise there.

    Weekly Total 59,131
    Average Daily 8,447
    Best Day 15,301

    Total Distance 27.23 miles
    Daily Average 3.89 miles
    Best Day 7.38 miles

    Total Floors 37
    Daily Floors 5
    Best Day 17

    Total Calories 19,665
    Daily Average 2,809
    Best Day 3,324

    Average Sleep 5 hrs 15 minutes
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hello everyone - update on my health. I had to come to terms with some new realities that I will be living with. Such as, my tongue is permanently deviate to the right, and swollen. I will have a speech defect. I have a sphenoid sinus that is overactive so it constantly overproduces clear mucus that drains down my throat. THis is putting me at very high risk for bacteria entering up my nose or mouth or other sinuses and me getting meningits quite easily. My ENT says my case is very rare and he has discussed it with his colleages. He plans for me : So I will be seeing an ENT surgeon for a second opinion and an Allergist for a second opinion within the week. As far as the tongue wound goes, because of the permanent displacement of the tongue, an upper molar was constantly rubbing it. My ENT and my Dentist both discussed the problem. THere was no space in my mouth for an appliance. The only option was to grind down the molar and make it a squared off shape - so basically I lost the use of my molar to save my tongue from further harm.

    Today Well, I spent it crying. I just have had it. Its been too much. Its just been too much for me to handle and sometimes I wish I didn't live alone. Thank you all for letting me share such personal detail without going "eww: thats too much for us, Robin,

    Did I go off my diet? Sure. I had a few cupcakes. That was yesterday. Today, no appetite, really. Tomorrow, I hope to see friends, we're having weather in the 50's so hope plans do come through.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I am enjoying this group already but I feel a bit overwhelmed, and find it a bit difficult to keep up with everyone... you guys really like to talk! :-)

    Anyway, I went to bed kind of hungry last night, and woke up extremely hungry today. I had my breakfast smoothie which has a ton of protein and fibre, yet my stomach was rumbling an hour and a half later. I had several healthy snacks while on the job and then realized I had eaten 1200 calories by 11am!! (I eat breakfast at about 5 am). I finally felt a somewhat satisfied after eating again around 12:30. I really think the fats from the nuts and seeds I had then was what I needed, as I checked MFP and my fat ratio was only around 12%. I will remember that for the future.

    I went to physio after work and did my workout with my kinesiologist... it was a full cardio day, I was pooped after. But then I was booked in for a massage, my first one ever. I have a lot of back, hip and shoulder pain from work injury/car accident and it hurts to even touch my back so I was prepared to hit the ceiling when she touched my back at first. But it was absolutely an amazing experience. She knew exactly where my pains were just by massaging, and she did a great job of getting some of the kinks out. Some of it was quite tender but afterwards I felt like a million bucks. My work benefits cover 4 treatments a year, so I think I will have to shell out of pocket for a few would be money so well spent.

    Nettie asked for my black bean burger recipe.. I hope it's OK if I post the link here.

    Last but not least, my weekly weigh in is tomorrow, I'm a bit worried lol
  • shilohsmum00
    Hi there,

    I was wondering about your HRM..Do you feel that it is accurate with regard to how much calories you have burned in the day? I purchased a Sportline HRM and it makes it out that I can lose upward of 1300 calories in one full day? If only! LOL For example right now while Im sitting at my desk it is telling me that I have burned 1606 when my Accupedo app on my smart phone says 196. Sheesh!

    Any way, I just wanted to get your take on the HRM.

    Have a great day!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Robin- i am so sorry that your medical challenges never seem to end. Just do the best you can.

    Went for a nice long walk in the wind and rain. Of course the sun came out soon after i got home
  • Little_Lula
    I'm sure it will take me a while to get the knack of replying. You guys have game lol!! I'm thinking I will have to take notes to remember who said what, but I love it!!!

    @nettie - thanks for welcoming me. I always try to do things alone and I think that may be my stumbling block. I don't think I will have that problem here :)

    @Susan - thanks for your kind words...I have been thru a lot but I always keep pushing. I truly believe my doctor(s) are sorely misguided by ignoring nutrition and exercise. I'm sick of pills!!! I'm going to shake things up!!!

    My short term goal is to participate in a color run 5k....I can't go to India to participate (not yet anyway) but this is a good start. Going to walk everyday until the event. I signed up today so I can't take it back (can't waste money). I'm already a good endurance walker so I'm excited! March 15th here I come!!!
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I'm with Lula... I'd have to take notes and list usernames matched to real names lol

    Tues Goals

    Short term:
    *Drawing a blank*

    Long term:
    Continue losing (obvsly lol)
    Watch my sodium (hard to keep that low)
    Drink MORE water--haven't been drinking my normal 8 glasses.
    UP my fruit/veggies
    Eventually would like to be able to run 5k in 20 mins or less. (Used to run (run/walk) cross-country in high school.)

    Mon: Walk at Home: 2 miles; some calisthenics
    Tues: Walk at Home: 2 miles; Les Mills Body Combat
    Weds: Rest day BUT might do some strength training
    Thurs: Walk at Home: (pending); Les Mills Body Combat
    Fri: Walk at Home: (pending); some calisthenics; strength training
    Sat: Walk at Home: (pending); some calisthenics; Les Mills Body Combat
    Sun: Rest Day

    *Note: PENDING--I usually base how many miles I do by how I'm feeling that particular day.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Shilohmom's- HRM monitors are tricky especially when wearing them all day. Do you have the wristwatch style or the chest strap? I have used both but only for my workouts or to determine my resting hear trate. The wristwatch style you need to take your Heart Rate often to keep it accurate. The chest strap not so much but it does account for the calories you are burning by doing daily life functions so it will seem high.

    Robin- Sorry to hear about the continuing challenges you are facing with your health. I hope your plans do happen. With the nice temperatures this week get outside and take a walk. Fresh air and a change of scene will be great for you. I am also looking forward to getting outside this weekend since we are also expecting a warm up.

    Tanya-Are you eating back your exercise calories? Did you eat enough yesterday? When you are going to bed hungry it typically means that your body needs the extra fuel. Then this morning your body was telling you that you were missing essential nutrients to make it work properly. I will experience that same reaction when I had a major workout the day before and did not eat enough. Going to bed hungry is not a bad thing just be aware of the potential reasons it is happening and the reaction you have a day later. Massages are great.

    Goals- To get back into exercise on a regular basis. After being sick for almost 2 weeks, I am ready to get back at it with a renewed energy. I am still dealing with some congestion but I am feeling better.

    My dad came home today which was a surprise. I found out on my way home from the funeral that he was coming home. I got home just in time to help my mom get him in the house. I swear he does not realize how stressful it is to move him from place to place or watch him try to get into the house. He wants to do things himself but he will lose strength very quickly and that just causes new problems. Based on getting home and dealing with Dad, I was so frustrated that I left and went to the gym to walk with a friend. Of course, I had to stop at the drug store to get the newest round of prescriptions filled. The walk was good since I was able to walk off my frustration level and lower my stress. It is amazing how my stress increases when my dad is up and moving.

    The funeral was nice but the day was long. Now, I am exhausted so I should sleep well tonight. Tonight, I found out that one of my aunt's had a stroke and is in the hospital. She will most likely need to go to an assisted living facilities or have someone come stay with her.

    I am so ready for the bad news to end. Good news is welcome.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lula--congrats on signing up for the Color Run! That's a great motivator--I also sign up for races to keep me going. My next is the Glo Run in May. Where are you doing the Color Run? I was a little confused about your comment about India.

    @karenleona--your post about your weather made me laugh--isn't mother nature a b!#ch sometimes? :laugh:

    @tanya--Yes, we can be chatter-boxes--just keep up as best you can. :flowerforyou: I notice I will wake up very hungry if I don't eat all of my calories the day before. For example, last night I still had 300 calories left over, and I was really hungry today. It's now about 8:30 and I only have 100 calories left, but I'm still pretty hungry. I will probably end up going over a bit which I'm okay with as long as it evens out. Fats are really important in helping me feel satisfied--I find if I eat high protein with some fat in the morning, I'm much more satisfied than with carbs.

    @robin--I'm so sorry that you aren't getting better news from your doctors, but you are a strong lady and I know you will get through this. I hope those second opinions give you some other options aside from just living with it. :flowerforyou:

    @susan & tom--my favorite place in all of Vegas is in Mandalay Bay--it's called Red Square--a Russian restaurant and martini bar. Well, I assume it's still there--it's been a few years since I've been to Vegas.

    @rain--good luck on your exam tomorrow!

    @alupinsk--can't believe you are almost at the 100 lbs lost mark--and in only 9 months! :noway: I agree with susan--that's quite an accomplishment!

    @robinB--great job surpassing those fitbit goals! :drinker:

    @tom--glad you and amy enjoyed dinner!

    @hansea--Ok, ok--I'll stop already! :laugh:

    @kelley--I know the feeling with being in a funk due to work crap. I checked my email right before bed last night and a physics teacher sent out a list of kids going on a field trip tomorrow. I counted and 33 of my students will be missing my classes tomorrow. Not one of them informed of this until today. We used to have a slip students would have to get signed 2 weeks ahead of time, and if they didn't do so, they couldn't attend. When I emailed the assistant principal in charge of field trips to suggest we put that policy back into effect, he responded by complaining that the teachers should be sending out the lists at least a week before the trip. He then suggested that I email the physics teacher to complain. First of all, there's nothing in the policy that says teachers must send out those lists. Second, if it's an "unwritten rule" wouldn't that be his job to enforce? Last I checked I'm not being paid to reprimand my colleagues. Sheesh! I'm so tired of our administrators telling teachers to do the administrators' jobs. My department chair does it all the time. We go to her with a concern/suggestion/complaint, and she tells us to take it to the assistant principals ourselves. I truly don't understand what her job is. Sorry for the rant--obviously, I'm still ticked about the whole incident. My point was that I can totally relate. :tongue:

    @nettie--I think I didn't make sense in my last WD post. There weren't any bloody bandages in the log--that's what my DH thought he saw. We figured out later that it was the mutilated bunnies--ewww! :laugh: So sorry to hear about the plumbing mess you are dealing with at home. :flowerforyou:

    @L2T--have a great trip to Boston!

    Tuesday Goals:
    Well, I got my protein in today and graded a few more outlines. almost done with the smaller of my 2 classes. Re-planning my lessons to account for all of the students who will be out for the field trip cut into my grading time. Tomorrow I have a union meeting after school, so probably no exercise. :ohwell:

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    17/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. 16/50 JRP outlines
    2. re-read Great Gatsby DID MORE

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner+ gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • Little_Lula
    @skinny -There's a religious festival in India that involves the colored powder's called Holi. I believe that's where the idea for all these "color" runs is originating from. I would LOVE to attend the real thing in person one day, but for now will settle for my little local 5k lol
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    @Lula - THANKS for the reminder about The Color Run!! One of my co -workers did it last year and I thought it sounded like such fun. I thought that I would want to do that one year, well why not THIS YEAR?? :bigsmile:

    My local run is May 10th which gives me nearly three months to "train". I'm excited now, my daughter and I will do it with hopefully a few others so we can be a team!

    Thanks again for the reminder!! :wink:

    My day just keeps getting better and better with motivation! :drinker:

    I will stop by with personals tomorrow, in the meantime; peace, love and weight loss!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    HI everyone!

    Alupinsk = thank you for your kind words of encouragement and reminding me to LOG IT!!!!! I did well today calorie-wise. (YAY) I didn't have much time today to get online, so I logged everything tonight...Just a miracle I didn't go over! lol

    NSV: I went to the psychiatrist today and we are going off of one of my antipsychotics and switching up the antidepressants to a cheaper one!!!! I also am going to take my heart med every other day and see how that works. (I have schizoaffective disorder and tachycardia, which means I have hallucinations, voices, debilitating depression, and my heart races for no reason...hmmm...)Well, good for me on getting off of some meds!!!!

    I taught gymnastics today and I lost some hours due to a depression episode, so I am making them up now. That means I'm working tomorrow night and Thursday night. Tomorrow, I'm also going to work out with Kelsey and she's going to kick my *kitten* because I have been soooooo lazy lately. (Ok. not lazy. depressed. There is a difference, they just feel the same!) Anyway, I haven't been to water aerobics in a week and a half and I hadn't been to gymnastics in a week, and I haven't worked out at the YMCA with Kelsey in two weeks. Is ANYONE surprised I gained 5 lbs.?!?! I'm not!

    Our town had a water main break and we are under a boil order, which has been since Sunday. I'm tired of boiling my water! I take bottled water to gymnastics, but my girls couldn't use the drinking fountain, and we didn't have bottled for them...Fortunately, someone took pity on them and brought some in...two hours after classes started. They were soooo thirsty!!! Poor kiddos. Anyway, I've been drinking pop (which I gave up at the beginning of the year) and apple juice (which has a lot of calories). I'm gonna boil some water tonight and make a pitcher of lemon water. That's my fave, and I'm really missing it!!!

    I understand about what you all were talking about with your brothers. My brother was a total d-bag as we were growing up. (He's 3 yrs older) and my parents were always fighting with him. He even moved out at 16 to live with a neighbor because they couldn't get along. He was also highly physically abusive toward me. I always said I hated him. My parents moved to MI (500 miles away from us) and had been up there for 7 years before my big bro decided to make a trip up there. (Keep in mind he's got two kids, a 21-year old and a 6 month old...yeah, I didn't mistype!!) My parents come down around Christmas if the weather isn't too bad and my husband, stepson, and two dogs go up for a week in the summer. So he went 7 years only seeing my parents once a year, then all of the sudden, he's got this baby and expects a whole bunch of baby gifts and wants mom and dad to come down to see him. He also bought their old house, which is the house we were raised in. He has completely gutted it and made many changes. It's beautiful!!! But he's mad that Mom and Dad won't come see every step of the progress. Ugh! Obnoxiously selfish. That's what these brothers are!

    Okay, big brother rant over!!!! We obviously still have some open wounds...hmmm...

    Okay, so we LOVE Walking Dead, but we don't have cable, so we watch it online the next day. SOOOO: if you could warn me that there are going to be topics discussing this so I don't get spoilers...Just Kidding!!! I love knowing things before my hubby! hehe

    All right, peeps. Thanks for the support and thanks for listening to my ramblings/rants. I have to get to bed. It's laundry day tomorrow. As they say on Two Broke Girls...I have 5 pairs of underwear and haven't done laundry in 8 days!!!! lol!!!!! J/K

    loves :love:
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    Tuesday has been a great day. I guess I needed a couple of days off the strict eating. I weighed myself this morning expecting to see an increase. The scale read the same. Yea!!

    I went to see my Mom at the rehab center. She had her knee replaced in January and wasn't ready to go home. She's doing really well. I toke her on a long walk outside. The home has walk ways all around. Da.....I didn't bring pedo but must have walked pushing the wheelchair at least a mile or more. It was a great workout for me since I just had my knee replaced the end of November.

    I then drove to the garden center and probably walked another mile. I bought two trees and some herbs. Went home and did some gardening.

    It has been a great day and I feel good.

    Susan - I have MS also. Mine seems to come and go. I love the good days.

    Thank you all again for being here. You really are a great support group.
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    Forgot something - I have decided to work my dark chocolate into my Sunday.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @nettie - Hope your plumber has been kind to your kitchen floors. Digging up floors and cutting into walls sounds messy and expensive. Home ownership can be a bear at times can't it?

    @ushkii - I have a kid in Boston too and am flying there on Friday to see her. Such a great town...... even in the dead of winter!

    @kah - Work drama is the worst. I avoid most of it working at home, but every now and again I get dragged into a mess made by someone else that requires cleanup and hours of discussion on how it could have been avoided etc. Ugh. I know how that can ruin your day and darken your mood.

    @alupinsk - I have the exact same goal of hitting 100 lost by the 9 month mark. For me that's on 3/14/14 and I'm 7 lbs away. Let's get it done!!!

    @susan - Very impressive results from last week! Don't know where you find the energy for all that exercise. Sleep is definitely important. Ironic that for years I didn't get enough because of the kids and now that the nest is empty, my ability to sleep has flown as well. I tend to cycle between a couple nights where I toss and turn and can't sleep and one where I sleep like the dead and am still tired when the alarm goes off. Ah, the joys of aging.

    @robin - They say God doesn't give us more that we can handle, but he sure seems to be cutting it close with you. I'm so sorry that the news was bad from your doc. Prayers that the second opinion offers more help and hope.

    @laurie - Glad for your Dad that he got home, but totally understand the stress that puts on you. Hope you get to feeling better and remember you have to take care of you so you can take care of others. We women tend to forget that.

    AFM - DH was startled and concerned when I hobbled in to the bathroom this morning as he was shaving. I explained that I found a few muscles I forgot I had after exercise class last night and then he just laughed at me. Going again this morning and hoping to loosen them up. I'm enjoying the classes (perhaps not the aftermath so much) and feel very virtuous when I go.

    Still at 202, but I know it won't be long now to Onderland and then on to 195 which will make 100 lbs lost and 50 lbs to go. I will need some advice at that point from those of you who have lost a lot. At what point should I reduce my target loss to 1.5 lb per week? And then when should I go to 1 lb and then .5 lb? I know this is important so I slowly increase my calories as I approach maintenance, but am unsure as to the best/recommended timing. At one point, I was more concerned with reaching my goal weight (145) by the end of 2014, but have come to realize that how I get there is more important than when. Don't get me wrong, I'd still love to make that happen, but if it doesn't, I'm totally OK with that. Look at me, being all reasonable, patient and mature! So, MFP smarties, what should I plan on doing?

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday- Exercise class DONE
    Tuesday - Exercise class DONE
    Wednesday - Exercise class
    Thursday - Exercise class
    Friday - Rest day
    Saturday - Lots of walking in Boston
    Sunday - Some walking/Rest Day

    Hope everyone has a good day...... Claudia
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    My Wednesday Wish - No more plumbing problems and for insurance to cover the work that needs to be done without any problems.

    I am in hell over here. The problem just keeps getting worse and worse. Initially the plumber thought it was a clog that caused a small leak. He had to jackhammer the floor to find it. When he did he discovered the bottom of the pipe was completely eroded away. :noway: Of course then he had to keep going. He is discovering that the further away from the kitchen he goes it isn't as bad but the underneath side of the piping is wearing away and very thin. Naturally all the pipes have to be replaced. If we don't we will have another problem eventually. So needless to say I have holes going from my kitchen, into my foyer and down the hallway to my 1st bathroom. As of right now the plumbing bill is over 15K. :sad: Once the pipes are done we have to get someone to come in to repair walls that he had to cut and put new flooring in. We are waiting to hear from the insurance adjuster. We called several times so far and have yet to hear anything back. If he doesn't call us back soon I may flip out. :explode: I really need the piece of mind knowing that insurance will cover at least some of this unexpected expense if not all of it. Needless to say I am extremely stressed. This certainly is not how I intended to spend my vacation. :noway:

    I am going to work out my stress hard tonight with Gilad. I have not gotten in my workout yet today because I didn't know what time they were coming and didn't want to be interrupted mid sweat fest. Working out with strangers in the house is just plain awkward for me. My plans for today are to try to read a book, play on MFP and watch tv. So thrilling isn't it? :laugh:

    Kah - So sorry to hear that work put you in such a funk. Hopefully today is a better day for you.

    RobinB - Glad to hear you are pumped. Congrats on achieving beyond your Fitbit goals. I hope you had a great workout when you got home!

    Tom - Glad to hear you two had a nice time. People watching is always fun!

    Alupinsk - Congrats on coming this far! You will be out of the 220s before you know it and reach that 100 lbs lost in no time!

    rainandwood - Congrats on the loss and good feedback from the dietitian. I bet you were so thrilled to hear that!

    Susan - Nice results! Keep up the great work!

    Robin - I am so sorry to hear the news. (((hugs)))

    Tanya - Thanks for the link to the recipe. They sound delicious. I am definitely going to try to make these once I have use of my kitchen again.

    Little Lula - I am going to begin C25K next month. One of my future goals is going to be a color run.

    ImYarnCraz - I have been here for a while now and I still have difficulty getting everyone's names straight. I am horrible with names. Don't feel bad.

    Laurie - Congrats on your dad for coming home. I do understand how stressful it is on you. I experience the same from time to time with my dad. I think it is extremely difficult for them to come to terms with they need to slow down and accept help from others. My dad was the same way when he first came home wanting to do things himself. Eventually your dad will adjust and learn his limitations. Sorry to hear about your aunt. I wish her the best. You certainly have had more than your fair share of bad news. Sending good vibes and happy thoughts your way.

    Skinny - Oh. LOL I may have misread what you wrote about WD. Have you seen the threads going on here about WD. I was reading them yesterday while hiding in my bedroom and trying to ignore what was going on around me. One person was defending Lizzy in both threads and getting a little bit worked up over it. It was a very entertaining read.

    Hayley - Congrats on the med change.

    Tigredia - I am jealous that you are able to garden. I live in NY so I cannot garden outside for another few months. I grow a fairly large vegetable garden. Right now I have my seeds started in some pots. I cannot wait for it to get warmer so I can get outside and plant away!

    Lives - The plumber actually didn't dig up the kitchen at all! The way the house is set up the sink is on the wall that connects to the hallway. He decided to dig there instead of the kitchen floor and reroute the pipes. We had the kitchen floor replaced during our first piping mishap 3 years ago. I love my new floor and would have been so sad if it was cut up.

    :happy: and :cry: to your newly found muscles. I hope your aches are not too bad.
    Good questions. I would be interested in knowing the answers as well.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi All - thanks for the good wishes -
    My Weds wishes are for a good day to everyone for good health and good habits today and a successful day controlling your food intake!

    No personals but I am with you in spirit today! A high of 57 is predicted today and I am off to have some fun with friends. A light snow is predicted for tomorrow but its only supposed to get to 35 so it should only be slush.
