Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    If any of you in this group (Susan, RobinB, I think there were more but my wonderful memory is failing me) that have a fitbit and want fitbit friends feel free to add me


    Ellen- have fun with your friends

    Laurie- Hope your Da’s health gets better.

    GHDC= 2.27 miles 18 days > 2 miles.

    “Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.” ~Malcolm S. Forbes

  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Quick Update:

    Just got back from the Cardio/Weights/Stretch class and found out that the brochure the church gave me is out of date. It said Tue/Thu morning class was the same Cardio/Weights/Stretch that I'm doing on M/W/F, but it's not. Tuesday is YOGA and Thursday is PILATES!!! I verified that with the instructor after class and asked if it'd be OK or too much to do the morning class (Yoga/Pilates) and the evening one (Cardio/Weights/Stretch) and she said that'd be fine. So excited that I don't have to find a Yoga class on the weekend, but have a close, convenient one that I'm already paying for. I'm going to try them both tomorrow and see if it's too much and if so back off until I feel comfortable with it.

    I find it extremely funny that I'm excited about exercise classes. I mean, this is the reaction I used to save for Carrot Cake.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch class DONE
    Tuesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch class DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch class DONE
    Thursday - Yoga class and Cardio/Weights/Stretch class
    Friday - Rest day
    Saturday - Lots of walking in Boston
    Sunday - Some walking/Rest Day
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello everyone.

    So sorry to hear about all of the illness and hardship going on in the group. My wish this week is that everyone receives one piece of happy news in the week to come.

    Doing well today. Stayed up until about 1:00am studying for my exam, but instead of snacking on something horrible to motivate me, I chose a small applesauce cup and focused on studying. I guess it's the little changes that will lead me to a big loss?

    Hoping to do week 7 run 2 of Zombies! Run 5k training today. Can't believe I'm a week away from running for 30 mins straight. Maybe an hour of drop in Zumba tonight as well, if I'm up to it and get my reading done.

    Have a lovely day everyone!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just bumping to mark how much I've read. Will be back later for personals. :smile:
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Wednesday Wish – same wish as EVERY day; peace, love and weight loss!!

    @Claudia – You made me smile when you shared your “walk of pain” to the bathroom this morning. I can relate! How exciting that you are so close to ONEderland!! Saying goodbye to TWOderville, awesome! I can relate to being excited about exercise now instead (for me) CHOCOLATE!!

    @Nettie – OMG, so sorry to hear of your plumbing woes! ACK!! I am sure you and your husband could think of a better way to spend that 15K! I hope your insurance comes through! My workout at home consisted of going shopping! It wasn’t quite Leslie, but I did do quite a bit more walking!

    @Kelley – I hope you got a better night’s sleep last night after racquetball with your trainer.

    @Tom – Isn’t People Watching intriguing? I would imagine that a “destination” spot like Las Vegas would be just as interesting as south Florida. It’s especially fun during tourist season when we get visitors from all over the planet. Congrats on hitting your GHD goal every day! I have added you to my Fitbit friends list!

    @Susan – What is your user name on Fitbit, are we friends already? If not, you can add me

    @Aimee – Another one about to hit ONEderland!! How have you lost so much so quickly? I should be on target to lose 2 lbs per week with my calorie and activity goals, but the last two weeks have been just 1 lb each week.

    @Rain – Congrats on your 2 lb loss and you were worried after your parents visit and the dining out you did!

    @Robin – Thanks for sharing your medical woes with us. Even though I am here just a short while and may not post every day, I am lurking and reading everyone’s posts every day. I know that no one in this forum is bothered by you sharing your life. You never know when your strength (and you ARE strong) is inspiring the next person to read your post! Keep our head up and do the right thing! So what, you had a few cupcakes, today is a new day!

    @Tanya – I am not much of a veggie burger kind of gal or even that crazy about rice, but BOY do those black bean burgers sound yummy! I’m going to have to try them!

    @Dawn – I real your pain with learning everyone’s names. I have been here about a month and I am still learning everyone! A handful of the posters here are also friends with me on Fitbit and some names are different their too! Phew!

    @Laurie – I am glad that Shilohsmom asked the question about the HRM. I am still trying to wrap my brain around the whole concept as well. I have a wristwatch HRM that I purchased a few weeks ago. So far, it has done nothing but confirm my numbers pretty closely to my Fitbit. Once I start doing activities other than walking, I expect to really get the use from it. You said that I should take my Heart Rate occasionally? I don’t think I have done that since the day bought it. How often should I do it? Daily? Weekly? Glad you dad is home from the hospital!

    @Hayley – I saw a report on the news just this morning showing cars frozen in place because of a water main break in the northeast somewhere. I can only imagine the troubles that causes with this weather. I hope your water is back on soon!

    Again, wishing every one peace, love and weight loss!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Later check-in than usual, internet was down at work this morning.

    @Alupinsk~Hooray, so close to your goal!

    @rainandwood93~Congrats, it’s always hard to keep from gaining when relatives are visiting – fantastic that you lost!

    @Robin~I’m really sorry for your continued medical complications, I know it’s been hard to deal with at times. Hang in there and just do what you can, take it one day at a time. I hope plans come through with friends for today, it will be a good distraction.

    @shilohsmom~Like Laurie suggested, HRM are tricky for accurate calorie counts when wearing them all day. With the exception of special HRM such as Basis, they are only meant for wearing while doing cardio - if you want to track your calories burned during all of your daily activity, I recommend a device like Fitbit.

    @Tanya~Yep, the thread can move rather quickly sometimes – just do the best you can. We do have lulls though. :wink: As Karen suggested, if you were low on calories for the day you will wake up famished – also, it’s not good to eat a diet drastically low in fat. Our organs need fat to function, most people aim for around 30% - you can easily increase yours by eating nuts or seeds. Also, add avocado to salad, chia/hemp seeds to yogurt/smoothies, even taking fish oil supplements will increase your fat intake slightly. Keep your protein up too.

    @Karen~Isn’t that always the way?! Frustrating! :grumble:

    @Nettie~Oh, no! I truly hope insurance covers some, or all, of your pipe repairs. :cry:

    Wednesday Wish~That my boss would recognize that the way he talked to me on Monday was disrespectful, and apologize. Unfortunately, he’s too ignorant to recognize it and take responsibility. I’m still in a funk over it, although I feel a little better today – I can’t ignore him today like I have last two days; since we have a conference call with our software vendor this afternoon I’ll have to get over it. :ohwell:

    AFM~Exercise has been abysmal so far this week. I didn’t get any last night either. I was already in a bad mood over work and then my trainer texted to cancel racquetball at the last minute :angry: – he had an appointment so I knew we were playing late but when he canceled it just hit me wrong. Exercise can usually turn that kind of thing around for me, but I just felt drained at that point. Went home and took a nap with Zoe instead, she’s always good for a snuggle. :bigsmile: Hopefully, the rest of this week is better. On a positive note, I did sleep better – woke up at 4am though realizing I forgot to hang clothes that were in the dryer, luckily they weren’t wrinkled. :wink:

    Zoe did keep me entertained last night – it’s been nearly 80, so windows and my storm door were open. I live in a pretty close-knit neighborhood and three of my neighbors have dogs that play together, Zoe loves to watch them – I really think she wants to go play with them, she kept meowing and jumping. I’ve thought about taking her out there on a leash but not sure that is a good idea – she could get spooked, she’s all alpha cat with a window between them and her. :laugh: I think it may be time to find her a playmate – after I get back from vacation I’m going to start looking.

    Time to get ready for said conference call...
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    susan - Religious mission.
    RobinsEgg - So sad for you and your health issues. I hope you farewell through the challenges, you know you have tons of support here.
    JNettie – Wow, that sucks that you have all those plumbing problems. Take care of yourself and your stress.
    Rainandwood – Good job one choosing a better snack for studying.

    Wed Wish: Keep logging, keep under, keep progressing.
    Yesterday I had to go see a niece in the hospital and of course we had to go eat out. AND of course it had to be an all you can eat place, those are like Kryptonite to me. I am so weak there, it is all I can do to just fill up my plate with fried junk and shovel it in my pie hole! Oh man it was bad, but not as bad as the old days of many plates of goop. One not over flowing and a large salad, then because I was weak another smaller of only the best of that terrible food. Well it was one day one meal, If I keep to that plan it should work out. Last week I had a bad day at a Chinese all you can eat. Does anyone see a pattern here?

    A: Under Cal. goal 4/7 days
    B: Walk 3/7 days

    Mon: Under/ no walk
    Tue: Over/ walked
  • mrocka
    mrocka Posts: 55 Member
    Hello All...

    My Name is Mary & I would love to join this group!
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    My Wednesday Wish is for the weather to not be TOO awful on Thursday evening here...but JUST awful enough that people will stay home and we won't be too busy at the urgent care. :tongue: It will be my first time working an evening shift by myself at that location ever, and my first evening shift at any location in about 6 years.

    I'm staying on top of my GHD Challenge! Still checking in on the thread every day!

    @Mary- Welcome! These people are pretty great. I think you'll like it here. :flowerforyou:

    @ushkii- Sounds like you need to avoid all-you-can-eat joints! (I think most every one of us probably should!) Good that you were able to exercise some control while you were there this time, though. Like your wish: keep progressing...sometimes it's baby steps like eating only the best of the terrible food. :smile:

    @kah- Hope the conference call is going well and you and your boss can sort things out.

    @rain- You're doing so well! Congrats on the 2 lb loss and choosing applesauce! It is the little things that add up to big things. :smile:

    @L2T- You made me smile today. So reasonable, patient and mature as you hobble off to your exercise classes that are more exciting than carrot cake! :laugh:

    @Robin- I'm glad you're off for fun with friends today. Hope it's wonderful!

    @Nettie- You are truly living a homeowner's nightmare right now! I would cry. I hope the insurance company calls and sets your mind at ease soon. At least when it's all done, you'll have beautiful pipes and new floor...and walls...and whatever else the plumber sets his destructionizer on!

    @Tigredia- Sounds like you've really been putting some miles on! I'm glad you found room for chocolate in your life. :wink:

    @Hayley- I'm glad your friend Kelsey is going to work out with you, and you're getting to get off some meds. Sounds like things are taking a positive turn this week! Well, except for the water main, but that's beyond your control! :wink: What a pain. I've been under a boil order before, and you never realize how underappreciated your clean, indoor plumbing is until you have to *clean* it all yourself! Or, how much water you actually use for cooking/drinking! Hope it gets all fixed soon.

    @RobinB- Wow, sounds like you're on a FitBit roll! Keep it up!

    @Laurie- Good news that your dad was able to go home, but sorry it's stressing you out. Super healthy of you to relieve stress with a walk! I would've eaten half a bag of chocolate chips. :blushing:
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Hope all are having a terrific Tuesday!
    I have been reading your posts and love reading them and to know you all have the same
    sort of struggles that I have!
    To be quiet honest though, by the time I catch up on reading I have lost track of who did what
    today so I won't do many personals! Just know that I say a little prayer for each of you and
    hope the best for each of you! Those who are not feeling well, I pray you will be blessed with some
    relief and good health soon. I'll get in to those personal notes soon I'm sure! I am learning names and
    slowly putting a personality with each one!

    My big accomplishment for today so far is tht I got outside and walked! Yes! 2 miles in 40
    min. isn't bad for me! We have nice weather in KY for a change and the sun and temps close to 60
    is uplifting to one's spirit!
    I have done fairly well with my calorie count. However, I must confess that after I had finished logging
    last night I caved in to that bag of chips that had been teasing me for a while. I did enjoy but later I thought
    why did I do that???? Today is another day and that chip bag is not tempting me any more!

    Again, love to each and healthy eating!
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    @Robin--I still have another 22 to go before I'm in the 100s, BUT I lost a lot quickly because I did a drastic diet change. I went from eating 3000+ calories a day to a strict 1200. I also started exercising five days a week. The weight pretty much fell off doing that. Since I'm eating more now, and I've been doing this for 6 months now, my weight loss has drastically slowed.

    @Mary- Welcome!

    @lives - get it! :) We'll get there before we know it! :)

    @Susan- He actually lost his in a terrible way (became anorexic). I'm hoping to reach 100 by 9 months. I'm at 82 right now and I've been at it for 6 months. I switch it up. At first I stuck to 1200-1300, but now I feel better when I'm around 1500, which definitely slows down my loss, but I don't feel as restricted.
  • jacquiearchambault
    Hi all. Just started and 100 lbs sounds like such a crazy number, but at 5.5 I think this is where I should be. I am committed to staying in my 1200 daily calorie range! I am trying to integrate "consistent" exercise as well. Thanks for the support and I look forward to seeing all the success stories for encouragement.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    @ nettie- i would give the insurance people a piece of my mind ( when you can get hold of them) then i would cry....that always seems to get people moving!! Hope the end is in sight and your new pipes do the trick. Enough of this

    totally blew everything last night when i went out for dinner and ate 2 days worth of calories :mad:
    back at it today. Walked home from the lab and apparently i have to go again tomorrow so that ensures i get out and walk!!
    wed wish- that i could find the correct dose of blood thinners to be therapeutic instead of this up and down......could say the same with my food intake and weight :laugh:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    My wish for today is that I can get settled in to this weight loss thing. I've done it oh so many times before and lost the 20 lbs, then gained it back and then some over and over again. I do know what to expect but am anxious to get going with the losses. Thanks to those of you with words of wisdom for my food woes the last few days. The thing is... I know what to eat, how much to eat, all that, but I'm not seeing the results as fast as I would like. Like many of you in the beginning too I'm sure. I just need to vent.

    I see some fitbit users here... I am too, please feel free to add me there //

    Also please add me as a friend here too. I would love to have you guys as friends.

    To those going through tough times right now, I hope things turn out for the better soon.
    To those losing and doing well, congrats and keep it up, it motivates me to keep going.
    To all of you, have a great rest of the week!
  • Helenavee42
    Sorrry I've been MIA for a few days. I have been trying and trying to get on here and catch up but as much as I try I either don't have the time or if I do I forget. But here I am now.

    Wednesday wish: I wish my grandma would go home for a while... Ok this may turn into a long rant so I apologize in advance but I need to get this off my chest.
    I really do appreciate all the help my grandmother has provided since she decided to stay with us to help my mom. That's the fist thing I want to say. I am really really appreciative of her and trust me I have told her many times and I have tried to do nice things for her but she ALWAYS declines. I also love my grandmother very much as she and my late grandfather helped to raise my sister and myself. Ok for the back story: She has never ever ever loved/liked me the same way she does my sisters. I mean you could even go so far as to say there are moments when you'd think she actually hated me, in fact 7/10 days I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me for some reason or another. This has seriously gone on since I was a young child. No one understands why this is and we'd all like to know but at the same time we don't want to upset her by asking. We have never truly got along until we moved to Texas and she stayed on the east coast. Not seeing her very often I think made our relationship a little stronger. I have never been good enough in any ways for her and have been criticized by her my whole life. Never good enough, never pretty enough, never skinny enough, never smart enough, etc. Living with her for 16 years was like a living hell for me. Were there some good happy moments? Yes and trust me I don't take those for granted. She was the cause for a lot of my problems. I was always very shy and insecure so I tended to be anti-social. She also wreaked havoc on my mind with the never good enoughs. I was dumb and used self harm as a coping mechanism. Not my brightest idea and I know it was not the right thing to do but I will say it was never in a suicidal manner. I did stop and I no longer do it and have not done it in a long time.I hated that I did it. I don't want to do it ever again. She is constantly harping on my sister and I to do housework which would be understandable if there was any to do when we got home! She does all the housework while we are at work (me) and school (my sister) then has the balls to say she feels like she is being used. We get up early to get ready for the day so we can't really wake up and do all the housework before we go.. Plus that would be ridiculous because we have 3 dogs in the house so by the time we got home it would need to be done all over again. Then when it comes to my mom my grandma is such a debbie downer. It's like she doesn't see that my mom is obviously upset with everything and then says something to make it worse. My mom misses the way the house used to be. She misses me and my sister sitting at the table doing her homework together, she misses us watching tv, she misses our voices in the house. Now we both mostly just cling to our rooms. I stay in mine because I know if I'm out with my grandma too long an argument will definitely happen. My sister goes to hers to so she doesn't hear my grandma criticizing me behind my back. If this isn't bad enough she constantly gets on to my mom about me paying rent. My mom doesn't want me to pay rent. She wants me to save my money. Which I have been. She makes me pay for my car insurance by paying for both of my sisters phone bills. I pay for my own gas, my car is in MY name, I buy my OWN groceries unless they are making something Paleo friendly and I can join them for dinner, otherwise all the food I eat I pay for. Yet my gma harps on me for going to my bfs on the weekends, is always talking about how my mom doesn't need to be paying for stuff for different meals for me. I also pay for everything for my dog. Plus half the time I buy the other dogs food too. When I go out on the weekends to see my bf my sister watches my dog and I PAY her for it. She feeds him walks him sleeps with him so it's not like she has to do much with him. It's to the point where I feel I am no longer welcome in my home, where I feel like I can not stay there much longer. I am at my wits end. Maybe I'm being overly ridiculous. Trust me I try to avoid fights with her. I try not to yell back when she starts yelling at me. I have tried to keep up with everything .

    Ok I am going to stop here before I get too worked up and this becomes a novel. Sorry it's so long guys

    TL;DR I love my grandma to death and I appreciate all her help but she is driving me absolutely nuts.

    I'll catch up in a bit.

    Have a great day,
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Still no time to do personals--just wanted to check-in. I've finished grading all of the outlines for my smaller class. Will be back later to post and chat.

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    17/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. 23/50 JRP outlines
    2. re-read Great Gatsby DID MORE

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE (meeting ran late)
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner+ gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • Little_Lula
    Options wish would be to go back and tell my 18 year old self that she's beautiful and NOT fat. I would also wish to randomly wake up sometime in the near future in said 18 year old body. Pretty sure I would go on a bender that would last several weeks and be MIA.....just sayin lol :blushing:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    RobinB- HRM especially the wristband model you should take your heart rate multiple times throughout the day. That way you will get a more accurate read on the calories burned. When you start doing more physical activities you should take it more often during the activities. You will notice when your heart rate increases and when it starts to come back down. I would take my heart at the beginning of the workout, then about 10 minutes in and then off and on throughout the workout based on my activity level. FYI- If you are wearing it all day, keep track of the number of calories burned before you start exercising then record the number after wards and that will be your exercise calories.

    Well Dad is on a different type of insulin now, so we are attempting to figure out how many times a day we need to check his blood sugar and the amount of insulin needed. The amount is based on a sliding scale- not good news for my mom since she is the one who deals with this. We already had the doctor change the prescription from a needle based insulin (too complicated) to the pen version where she just dials up the units needed (easier for her to understand). This will be a work in progress.

    I honestly think that my Dad and his diabetes was one of my primary motivations for losing weight. I am still working on getting down below 190. I would love to at 188. The last time I weighed this was in 8th grade- not kidding. I remember because my pediatrician said I would out grow the weight once puberty hit. Puberty hit but I never did thin out only thicken in places.

    Wish- That we figure out my Dad's new insulin and how to balance his blood sugar. I also want to go bike riding this weekend as the weather is suppose to be nice with temps in the high 50's.

    Sleep well and exercise hard.
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    No personals tonight, because I'm really tired!

    I met with Kelsey today and she really kicked my butt. We did 10 minutes on the bike (using a pushing/pulling action with arms), then 20 on treadmill, 10 more on the bike. Then we went to the weight room (which was crowded and terrifying for me) and did some weights. I was really pleased when this man came up to me and Kelsey and asked if she was my trainer. We said yes, and he goes, "Well, she's working you hard. Keep it up, you're doing great!" He probably thought I was working so hard because I was sweating like crazy. Then, after weights, we did intervals on the bike for ANOTHER 10 minutes. Long story short...I hurt!

    Then, a girl from gymnastics called and asked if I could teach her class tonight. I thought it was going to be really bad because I was so sore, but I only had two little ones ( a 5 year old and an 8 year old). They were sooooo hyper and I was sooooo exhausted! lol

    I didn't do great on my eating today. We had hamburger helper for supper and I ate breakfast, but skipped lunch. I know that's bad, but I really wasn't hungry...just really thirsty today, esp. after working out with Kelsey. Anyway, I have an OB/GYN appt. in March and we're going to do glucose testing to see if I'm insulin resistant. Basically, I have to get a blood test, drink something that tastes like flat orange soda, wait 2 hours, then get another blood test. I also want her to test my cortisol, which I'm sure is out of whack because I carry almost all of my weight around my stomach.

    Dear friends, I hope you have a very good rest-of-the-week! We are in for some weather (rain turning to snow) so I don't know if I will even be working tomorrow. If school is cancelled, we cancel gymnastics classes, too. I heard one inch of rain, then 4-6 inches of snow.

    Dear Old Man Winter:
    You're just messing with us, right!?


    loves :love:
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Haley,....... You are doing great! Sounds like you did work hard today! Proud of you for getting yourself
    out of bed and going to work out! Plus going to work. You did it today!