Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Well, the evening at the clinic last night was fine. It was busy, but not out of control. It was only a four hour shift from 3 pm to 7 pm, so don't feel too sorry for me...though, it was on a Thursday....which is supposed to be my day feel a little sorry, ok? :laugh:

    Robin- So sorry to hear that something new has popped up for you! I hope your appointments go well this week and you have good news to report next week. Good luck!

    Rain-Skinny's got some good advice about taking it easy for a day or two after your blood donation. They don't let you donate unless you have "enough" blood, but your body is going to work hard to replace what you've given away, so treat yourself kindly.

    Skinny- Maybe one of us should start developing a protein-rich adult beverage.....$$$$$ :glasses: $$$$$

    I made plantain pancakes for dinner tonight...which almost earned me Worst Mom of the Year. (I'm constantly earning this award around dinner time these days, but I'm determined to encourage the kids to be adventurous eaters.) In hindsight, the plantain pancakes may have came across like a cruel April Fool's joke...."Mom! Pancakes for supper! I LOVE pancakes." and then they bite into them and they have a mild banana flavor, but have the texture of potato pancakes....and..."They're...bumpy." "I'm not hungry." "You made too much food. My tummy's full." :indifferent: Oh, well.

    Kids have their first soccer games tomorrow daughter is getting nervous! I hope she doesn't take it too seriously and has fun. I'm hoping my husband won't mind me going early or staying later to work out since we're going to the y for this.

    Good night! :yawn:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin-I hope you feel better soon. We will handle a role over if it occurs, so don't worry about it. Take care of yourself. I hope the swelling goes down quickly.

    Kelley- Glad you had a great workout with your trainer. It is amazing how a good workout can make us feel.

    I did get back to climbing tonight and it felt really good, 2 weeks have passed since I went climbing. I am a bit frustrated right now, since I think TOM is coming early- I am so not ready for it. I hope it was just a fluke and I am totally wrong. My goal is to get back to water aerobics tomorrow so I will see.

    The weather should be good tomorrow so I hope to get a bike ride in if all goes according to plan.

    Have a great weekend.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good evening, it sounds like a busy week for everyone.
    Jacquie, I love sweets and chocolate, too. There is nothing wrong with indulging in them as long as you use moderation and make them fit into your calorie limits.
    Laurie, Karen, and Janette, I love hearing about your teaching. You sound like wonderful teachers.
    KarenL, I love the idea of using this site to stay out of the kitchen. Unfortunately I have people who expect to be fed.
    Susan, I really enjoyed your post today. You sound more like your old self.
    Kris, it is good to hear from you. Your situation at work sounds frustrating at the least. What were they thinking when they tried to replace you? I hope that you can continue to enjoy your new friend.
    Tanya, I think that you have a good start on fitness.
    Tigredia, you need to be sure that you keep a healthy attitude toward food. Food is fuel and your body can't function if it doesn't have enough fuel.
    Robin, we'll be missing you. You certainly deserve a break with your health.
    Hansea, I can just hear your kids fussing about strange food. Mine would have been the same way. Most kids definitely have comfort zone when it comes to their food.
    Pix, your daughter is so cute!
    AFM. We've had a busy couple of days. Yesterday I called the plumber about the bad smell in the house. It turned out to be a broken drain pipe in the crawl space dumping water onto the ground under the house. $300 later the pipe is fixed and the smell is already gone. Today I finally got in a great walk. It was warm and sunny, really felt good both physically and mentally. I also made 8 dozen dinner rolls for the funeral dinner for my friend tomorrow. She planned her own funeral dinner. She had wanted to go to Hawaii but never got to, so she told her family that she wanted them to have a Hawaiian party with Hawaiian haystacks. We are also doing rolls and dessert.
    Have great weekend. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Friday Fitness: ha, I can even get out to walk. I did keep under my cal count today! That is great for me!.
    Robin, you have been a great example and many have learned from you how the keep this thread running. I think it will be ok if you take a little time for yourself.

    A: Under Cal. goal 4/7 days, completed!
    B: Walk 3/7 days

    Mon: Under/ no walk
    Tue: Over/ walked
    Wed : Under/ No walk
    Thur : Under /Waked
    Fri: Under/ no walk
  • allysteven880
    thanks for the explanation. i like it. to be healthy you should try to do best by doing exercise and diet control. its over all good.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    Susan if you paste the link below into your browser it should get you to a page that lets you friend me or you could tell me your fibit user name so I could try to find you.


    If you go to your profile at the top of the page will be your public url: that is what we are posting to add friends.
    Ellen- Best wishes for you getting better!

    GHDC= 2.52 miles 21 days in arrow of >2miles

    “Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” ~Earl Nightingale

  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Saturday Success: No more plumbers! Wahoo. They left around 1 yesterday. I immediately began cleaning and putting the house back in order. They were as neat as possible and kept cleaning along the way however there still was some dust all over. I ended up sweeping the floors 8 times, vacuuming and then mopping around the flooring that is cut up and the kitchen. I was cleaning for about 6.5 hours. Fitbit only estimated me for burning 310 calories. :grumble: :noway: Oh well, what can you do. I went to bed last night feeling very accomplished knowing that I cleaned everything and put all my things back to make the house look somewhat livable again until we have the floors redone.

    Fitbit friends: If any of you have the Force please check out the link I posted below. Fitbit is recalling all Force bands. As of right now the Force is the only product being recalled.

    Robin - Sorry to hear about your latest ailment. Hang in there and best of luck with the all the appointments next week.

    MyMOwMOw - Hope you have a good time with your new budding romance!

    Kah - Can you come clean out my fridge? That was on my list of things to do this week before it got derailed. I was hoping Brian would agree to cancel plans with his family today so I could catch up on everything but no such luck. I am in no mood to deal with his mother and her nonsense today. I would much rather stay home and clean the fridge and windows instead. :wink:

    Glad you had a good session with the trainer.

    Hansea - Your pancake story made me chuckle. I imagined your kids saying that as I read it. Oh well, you tried!

    Kaye - Great news on the pipe being fixed!

    ushkii - Congrats on staying under!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    I haven't been on in a while. First of all, Robin, I feel for you and hope you start to get some help soon. Good luck with your appointments next week. I'm sure someone will take care of the rollover for you if you are unable to.
    I've been knocked out by a virus and at least managed to log in here today.
    Diet is a wreck, but still trying.
    Heading out to the grocery store as the cupboards are bare.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    snow here today which is a bit unusual. My crocuses and baby daffodils are not happy, I am sure!
    Daughter took me to the vegetable store to get some yummy things.
    Tired and sore today so not going for a walk. Although i walked from one end of walmart to the other after we were at the veggie store

    Robin- take very good care of yourself. My social outings mostly consist of doctors appointments as well :grumble: :grumble:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Bump :heart:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    OK, I need help. These hunger pangs are driving me crazy!! I haven't felt true hunger in years, and it really sucks. I am eating every 2-2.5 hours, I reach my daily protein ratio, and with each meal, good carbs, 12 cups of water, 16 trips to the bathroom lol. I'm stumped. I eat 1970 calories a day for a 1lb loss per week.( I'd really like to increase it to 1.5 but I can't) My BMR is 1762, TDEE is 2731. Any suggestions? Feel free to look at my food diary. Thanks
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    OK, I need help. These hunger pangs are driving me crazy!! I haven't felt true hunger in years, and it really sucks. I am eating every 2-2.5 hours, I reach my daily protein ratio, and with each meal, good carbs, 12 cups of water, 16 trips to the bathroom lol. I'm stumped. I eat 1970 calories a day for a 1lb loss per week.( I'd really like to increase it to 1.5 but I can't) My BMR is 1762, TDEE is 2731. Any suggestions? Feel free to look at my food diary. Thanks

    Tanya~I looked at your diary, are you using the macros that MFP guides you to use? Your carbs look to be set really high, MFP automatically sets them at 55% and I think its too high. For weight loss most dietitians recommend a spread of 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. A lot of us here here use that formula - I think if you eat greater amounts of protein those hunger pangs will subside.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Nettie~Hooray for the plumbers being gone and your house being almost back together. Scary about that Fitbit Force - I have the Flex, actually had 3 new wristbands arrive for it today. :wink:

    Well, its been a busy but good day - good recovery day from my work week. Started the day off with a 5-mile walk, then I went to get my hair cut/colored, and then shopping. I didn't find a swimsuit at the stores I shopped at today, but did find some jeans - 3 sizes smaller!!! I couldn't believe it. :bigsmile:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    OK, I need help. These hunger pangs are driving me crazy!! I haven't felt true hunger in years, and it really sucks. I am eating every 2-2.5 hours, I reach my daily protein ratio, and with each meal, good carbs, 12 cups of water, 16 trips to the bathroom lol. I'm stumped. I eat 1970 calories a day for a 1lb loss per week.( I'd really like to increase it to 1.5 but I can't) My BMR is 1762, TDEE is 2731. Any suggestions? Feel free to look at my food diary. Thanks

    Tanya~I looked at your diary, are you using the macros that MFP guides you to use? Your carbs look to be set really high, MFP automatically sets them at 55% and I think its too high. For weight loss most dietitians recommend a spread of 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. A lot of us here here use that formula - I think if you eat greater amounts of protein those hunger pangs will subside.

    I use the macros from MFP.. 50/20/30 CPF I have a really hard time eating 20% protein, I have no idea how to get an extra 10% into my diet. I don't eat meat, but I do eat a lot of quinoa, lentils, yogurt, protein powder. I may have to retool my diet, I've always been a carbaholic so getting my carbs down is gonna be tough (I've cut out so much carbs already)

    Thanks for the advice.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I had a busy and productive day in the exercise department. Started with water aerobics this morning, where the focus was on arms and core, I am sure I will be sore tomorrow. Then I went for a 12 mile bike ride. The weather was to nice here to stay inside today. The temperatures were in the upper 50's to low 60's with a breeze. It was great to be outside in the fresh air and back on my bike. The only downside is that I am tired now but I should sleep well tonight.

    Tomorrow, I will do some type of exercise and most likely swimming since I have not been swimming in a couple of weeks. I need to prepare for the indoor triathlon that is quickly approaching. I lost time preparing for this event due to the sinus infection, so hopefully I will be able to improve on last year's performance.

    KarenL-Walking around Walmart is a walk all it's own. I would say that you accomplished a walk today after all.

    Mel- Hope you are feeling better soon. A virus is not fun.

    Nettie- So happy that you were able to get your house back together and clean everything to your satisfaction.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kelley- Way to go on the smaller size jeans!!! 3 sizes smaller what a huge accomplishment. Nice walk today.

    Tanya- I also looked at your food and I agree that your carbs are to high. If you can find a way to up your protein it will help. Do you eat peanut butter, that may help a little as well.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Kah- Big WOO HOO to your new (down 3 sizes!!!) jeans! Can't wait to have to buy new ones for myself.

    Nettie- I would be sweeping over and over and singing to myself, "The plumbers are gone! The plumbers are gone!" You must be so relieved to move on. Hopefully the insurance company rep that actually comes out to check out your house is much nicer than whoever you spoke to one the phone. Though, I'm sure for liability reasons or something she has to add "alleged" or whatever the phrasing was. :tongue:

    Laurie- Jealous of your bike ride! Still too icy/snowy/cold here...I read your post, and I can practically feel the wind on my face and the sun on my back. Sigh. Soon soon soon...we'll get spring someday soon, I hope!

    Well, I weighed in at the shoe store again today...I'm down 4.5 lbs there....however, I no longer trust their scale as it seems to make no sense, and doesn't match my one at home, or the way my clothes fit, etc. In reality, I haven't lost any weight this week, but I was down last week, so it's all good.

    My Saturday success is that my kids are developing healthy habits, so I think I can be proud of that....they ran their tushes off at soccer today (first soccer game ever for both), and it was hilarious! Highlights were my son's 4K/5K game where the little ones were so focused on getting the ball that they didn't have any idea of their surroundings...they took it out of the gym, out into the hall, and back into the gym through a second door! The other highlight was my daughter actually being pretty decent for a first time soccer player in 1st grade...she said her favorite part was getting the ball away from the other team. I really enjoyed her dancing, twirling and talking to herself while she was the lonely goalie at the far end of the action! :laugh:
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Saturday Success - Two NSV since I am still disappointed with the small movement on the scale. After reading the other day that the Leslie Sansone YouTube videos will likely be removed, I went and bought 2 of them. One I got was Walking with the Hits. SO proud that I have been walking the first two miles!! It's HARD!! It's PAINFUL!! But I push thru. Previously, I was doing the 1 mile walk so when I decided to see how far I could go on the new video, I was excited and proud to make the 2 mile mark.

    Today my daughter and I went to our neighborhood county park where the Renaissance Festival is taking place, but first we walked the Nature Trail on the other side of the park. The first time I walked it, I was alone and it was about 3-4 weeks ago. That first time, I was figuring my exit strategy before I was about halfway through. I was thinking, I could call my daughter and have her call the park to come rescue me or call 911. Then I thought, what if she doesn't answer (her phone is always on vibrate)? I would call my mom, yeah, call mom!! But then she might panic, that might not be a good idea (she can be a worrier)! Then the delirium somewhat faded and I realize, DUH, call 911 YOURSELF if you can't make it out!!! BTW, I made it out safe and sound.

    Anyway, I digress, the point I was trying to get to is this; today's Nature Trail walk was done with ease compared to that first walk! When we finished, I looked at my daughter and for a minute thought, let's walk it again!! But then thought twice and remembered, we still had hours of walking at the Renaissance Festival.

    So, NSV #2: I had walked (or at least was on my feet) for about FIVE hours total at the festival!! That is no small feat for me (having a desiccated disc in my back and slight atrophy and nerve damage in the left leg) and a HUGE deal!! It wasn't until we sat thru two straight performances on hard wooden benches that my back fared up! Leslie has definitely started me on the path to fitness!!

    Now the bad part, ate a LOT of junk food at the festival!! Even though my daughter and I shared everything we ate, it was still empty calories!! :ohwell: Tomorrow is a new day and today was just a really fun day!! Hopefully all the extra exercise will combat the empty calories.

    It's late and I'm exhausted so I will catch up on personals tomorrow.

    Until then, wishing everyone peace, love and weight loss!!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Great success reports today.
    Kelley, congratulations on the new jeans.
    The funeral service for my friend was very nice. The members of her family were all wearing leis, and she had a very beautiful one, too. She was an accomplished pianist and organist. There was a lot of music. I know she would have loved it.
    I got a good walk this afternoon. I bought a bountiful basket with some add ons, so I have lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
    I am excited to have had a loss on the scales and a new low.
    Hope the rest of the weekend goes well for everyone.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • MrsFlint2013
    MrsFlint2013 Posts: 49 Member
    Just started back up on MFP, and am in need of some new friends to help motivate! I'm here because the doc wasn't very encouraging on the long life span part. So, hubby and I are doing this hand in hand and we are both committed to slowly losing weight, healthy.

    That being said, I'd love to have new friends to help support/encourage/motivate!

    One of my motivations: I started a food blog to help encourage new recipes for me to try, tweak, etc. I was asked by a friend to post up some of the recipes I have been doing for my menu planning, and this is what started it all. It's encouraging for me to know that I'm accountable to others for what I eat.