Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    I went to the doctor’s and I’m on lots of drugs. I have a sinus infection. Amy has bronchitis. Hopefully by tomorrow I can go back to work.

    GHDC= 2.03 miles Sunday and 2.08 miles on Monday 24/25 days > 2 miles

    “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” ~Dale Carnegie

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    My goal this week is to only eat out once a day. I have been eating out every meal of every day during my fall. I feel to succeed I need to start with baby steps.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Laurie~Another awesome session at the gym. I used to get side stitches all the time too, they will go away – I like Karen’s suggestion, too.

    @Karen~I remember you zigzagging your calories in the past, I hope it works again and that stubborn scale gives in! :wink:

    @Tammy~Great NSV by not turning down hoops with your son!

    @Nettie~I’m jealous of your garden, I own a townhome so no place for a garden – wish I could grow my own veggies.

    @Tom~I'm sorry you and Amy are sick, I hope you both are back to 100% soon!

    @Haley~I’m in agreement with Alupinsk and Nettie also. It’s important for us to be honest with ourselves. Sometimes it can’t be helped that we need to grab a fast meal, but always be prepared for it. Look at the menu’s on line at the fast food restaurants you visit the most, know what will fit into your macros the best ahead of time. You will be more apt to choose a healthier alternative if you always have a plan. Then always log it. Sometimes it isn’t pretty, but it’s going to help you achieve your goals faster. That isn’t to say most of us have done the same thing periodically, but we owe it to ourselves to be honest. I don’t eat fast food often, actually I rarely eat out, but on Saturday I was out running around and had to make a long drive so stopped at Wendy’s knowing a grilled chicken sandwich would fit into my plan for the day – I don’t drink soda and actually don't like french fries. :huh: I also carry stuff with me so had apple slices and a piece of string cheese along with it - so a low calorie, low fat lunch.

    AFM~I finally repeated my active metabolic assessment yesterday. There are several stages, each harder than the next and averages two-minutes. The idea is to get to maximum physical exertion, at which point the trainer told me I needed to go into the next stage for at least a minute to see what my VO2 did. That was the longest minute of my life, thought my legs were going to fall off (it’s all glycogen burn at that level & legs start to hurt). The results were surprising, I’ve been exercising at a really high rate for a long time (mostly zone 4 according to these results) – so I’ve been told to back off a bit and exercise mostly in zones 1-2, spend one day a week in zone 3 and just 20 minutes or so a week in zone 4. What this means, of course, is that I don’t need to push myself as hard as I have been but my cardio sessions will have to be longer. For those that aren’t familiar these zones represent at what heart rate you burn the most fat, my fat utilization is really high in zones 1-2 and by the time I’m in zone 4 I’m burning more carbohydrates than fat – could be a contributor to my frustrations over the last few months.

    Sunday~Session with trainer DONE!
    Monday~Active Metabolic Assessment DONE!
    Tuesday~Racquetball with trainer
    Thursday~Session with Trainer
    Friday~Rest Day
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning all. I just got back from a walk with the dogs and a quick shower. It felt good to get out and get in the whole five laps again. I was actually tossing around with throwing in a sixth to get me over 10000 steps but then I had to pee:laugh: I am now trying to psych myself up to go to the dentist. I am getting two fillings and my last two wisdom teeth pulled. I figure it should be a good food day with a sore mouth, lol.

    Skinny I bet you will get some results with mixing things up a little.
    Kah I wish I could have those tests done. The results sound super interesting.
    Laurie its great to hear you are feeling better and able to get out and enjoy your workouts again.
    Nettie I am also really excited about gardening this year. My dad decided to let me put in a big one at their place so it should be a lot of fun.
    Haley I feel you pain. I am not one to pre log so I can get into trouble at times. You have to know yourself and I know if I made it that strict I would quit. I do log several times a day though to keep a general track of where I am at. I am sur you can figure out what works best with you and keep those oops days to a minimum. Most important is just being honest with yourself so you can look back and see trends so you know what you need to work on.
    Tom hope you and Amy get feeling better soon.

    Alright I need to go make some eggs since I am supposed to eat before my appointment. Have a great day everyone.:drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Todays Workout per HRM:
    65 min
    1583 cals/claimed/850
    3.15 miles
    8459 steps
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good day. I'll try and get back for some personals later!

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday- Rest Day DONE
    Tuesday - Yoga DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk
    Sunday - Rest Day
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great day! It has been one of those days I slept late and have not gotten myself
    to moving much yet. I have some cleaning to do tho..... well lots of cleaning! so I have to get in gear soon!
    I am trying to drink more water today...... I am a true soft drink addict. I love Dr Pepper and Mt Dew (the real
    thing, not diet) and I have managed to stay away from it mostly for a few weeks! But the problem is that I don't even think
    of drinking water...... I just don't drink much of anything. today I have set 3 bottles out where I see them every
    time i go into the kitchen hoping it will remind me to drink them. Any thoughts?
  • Helenavee42
    Tuesday goal:restart C25K again... The most recent time I tried (last month) I made it all the way through week 2 and on the first day of week 3 my ankle decided it didn't like the way I was running. It took me a bit to figure out I was heel striking and previous to starting C25K this time I had never run heel strike always midfoot. Not sure how that switch happened but I have been working on strengthening my ankle and retraining my feet to run midfoot strike which feels much better on my ankle. I just have to be way more aware of it.

    Good news about my mom: She had an appointment with her oncologist today and it looks like the chemo she is currently on is actually working! When my mom told me the good news I started tearing up. It's so great to finally hear good news after only hearing about things getting worse all the time. I guess the saying "Things have to get worse before they can get better" is true sometimes. In this case I wish it wasn't. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers that this chemo continues to help her. She hasn't started at MD Anderson yet and hopefully she won't need to. She has chemo again this week and for the first time in a while she doesn't need a blood transfusion. In 3 weeks she also starts on hormone therapy.

    No personals, haven't had time to catch up yet.

    Have a great day,
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I walked into physio today and the clinical director, Andrew, took me right over to the new spin bike that had just arrived and been set up. He told me I would like it better than the upright stationary bike I had been doing my warmup/cardio on for months. He was excited for me to try it, and said it would burn so many more calories. So I tried it. I only did 15 minutes, as I was cycling at a much higher level/resistance but I was sweating bullets by the time I was finished. I clocked 4.5 miles in 15 minutes... on the stationary I was clocking 4 miles in 20 minutes. :happy: The rest of my workout was really good as well, focusing on lower body with leg raises on the fitwall and squats. It took me a long time, with a lot of rest between to get the 4 sets done. I felt like giving up after 2 but pushed through it. And I learned how to do a plank pushup too... HARD but kind of fun! I'm going to be doing some of those on my own at home, to add to incline push ups and squats. I've been a bit lazy about workouts lately but I think that spin bike is going to turn it around!

    My hunger pangs are gone for the most part. I noticed today that I'm not eating enough for breakfast, and throughout the early part of the day at work. By the time I finished my workout I still had 1300 calories to eat, and I wasn't going to be home to get dinner until 5pm. I need to eat much more earlier and have just enough calories left for dinner. Im very active at work so I need to bring a lot more food with me. Problem is, Im trying to cut out wheat, so the easy no fuss sandwich is out. I have to bring things that I have to heat up, and often dont get back to my building until 2pm or later. Some more planning needed to figure all that out.

    @Kah, That's really interesting! I'd love to be able to find out what my fat burning zones are. My "trainers" are kinesiologists, I wonder if they'd have some training/knowledge of those tests. I will have to ask.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    It's been a busy Tuesday...I'll be checking back in later! Just a bump to track where I've read. :)
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    kah- that metabolic assessment sounds interesting. Was it done at your gym? Once i can get back to exercising i might look into something like that
    Went for a walk in the brilliant sunshine today. My heart rate became very irregular and it was hard to get back home but i made it!!
    My renter went to target and came home with some cookies with chocolate on them for me for when i have my chocolate cravings. Only had two and made sure i logged them. Now the box is hidden out of site.
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Thank you everyone (Especially Kah and Skinnyjeanz) for the advice and concern. I've been running every other day, but between those training runs I do 30-60 mins on the elliptical, and/or an hour of zumba. I thought that was fine since it's different muscles/low impact, but maybe I need to rethink... I reached peak exhaustion yesterday, but perked up a TON after my zumba class at 9pm and felt much more able to handle today. Maybe I've been dehydrated and not drinking enough. Either way, I hope I perk up.

    Today was really rough for me, mostly due to a run. Today was my second to last workout of my Zombies Run! 5k training, but probably the worst run I've had in 4 weeks. The balls of my feet were burning the entire time, and I kept trying to adjust my laces to make it better but nothing helped and I kept having to stop and readjust. These shoes are a gift from my parents (read: Way out of my near unemployment college student budget) and for the past two weeks have been doing wonders for my shin splints as they're corrective for my pronation. If I hadn't been using them no problem, I'd say it's just because they're new but I'm worried I got a size too big (even though that's what the store lady recommended after a thorough search and run test). I was so frustrated I got near tears at one point, which is very silly, but I'm supposed to run for 30 minutes straight and this week of running has been so bad. I'm worried I won't get there if this problem keeps up :/. On the plus side, I finished and in total (including 15 mins of walking) I did 5.5k.

    Weighed in today and lost 3.5 pounds from last week. While I'm thrilled, I guess this is a sign that maybe I'm moving too fast by following MFP guidelines...

    Hope everyone is doing well. Sorry for the rant! I promise I'm happy about that drop, I'm just 30 minutes post-terrible run so I needed to vent.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday Truth: I know its Tuesday, but I’m doing a Thursday Truth. I have NO will power whatsoever and I swear I’m addicted to sweets. If it wasn’t for these crazy work outs, I would be gaining a TON of weight seriously. If I can just figure out my eating, I would lose weight and I know it. I have to want this and I keep saying I do, but I keep falling back into old habits. This lifestyle change is going to be an ongoing battle I’m afraid. I know I’ve got ALL of your support, but unless you’re standing beside me and slapping the crap out of my hand it’s all up to me. I need to get my butt in gear and fast!!!!

    @ KarenL – You’re the first personal I came too and how ironic we seem to be in the same boat. I say we both jump out of the boat and start swimming fast!!!!

    @ Laurie – So glad to see you healthy, back to climbing and your regular routine. I know this makes you happy.

    @ Tanya – I’ve heard the same thing. There’s often so much we’re trying to change and it gets a bit overwhelming. For me, I seem to be the opposite. I have the exercise under control, but can’t get the food. Grrrr!! Also, Nettie is vegetarian as well and she gets very creative with her protein. I would touch base with her for ideas.

    @ Robin – You know we’re all thinking about you and will be here when you return!!!! HUGS!!!!!

    @ Kris – Thanks for the update and congrats on the new friend. You know you have to keep us posted that’s for sure. I’m declining a bit too and like you said I will NOT go back to the larger clothes. I went down a size or two and will not go back up. You did this before and you know you can keep doing it. Get a grip!!! I’m saying this for both of us.

    @ Hansea – I had to chuckle at your plantain pancakes. Good for you for trying. I really, really wish I would have been more adventurous with my son. He’s so darn picky and he’s 11 ½. I think Jerry Seinfeld’s wife, Jessica, has a couple books that always looked interesting. Basically, it’s all these tricks of how to add all types of veggies to various foods. Trick them and they’ll never know. LOL!!

    @ Kaye – You’re a sweetheart. I’m cheery Friday and back eating crap on Tuesday. I’m a roller coaster I’m afraid. I’ll be consistent one of these days. Thanks for cheering me on!

    @ Kelly – Woo Hoo!!! 3 sizes smaller is AWESOME! You rock!

    @ Nettie - No more plumbers . . . thank goodness!!

    @ L2T – Boy, we are on the same page. While the scale has been up and down the same 10 lbs for the past year it seems, I’m so much stronger. I could barely last 5 minutes on the elliptical and now I go 30 minutes no worries. Huge walking for me on Sunday too and I did it! Boston sounds great and I’m really happy for your epiphany. Thanks for sharing!

    @ Queen – I’m pulling up the big girl panties too. Let’s take control!!!!!

    @ Karen – You know I’ll be watching your diary. I learn so much from so many of you. While I still have 100 lbs on you, I can still learn especially since I feel like I need to tweak my macros again and perhaps shock my system to jump start something. We’re not giving up at all just need to retool and self-evaluate like Nettie said.

    @ Tom – Yuck to drugs and your nasty cold. Trees are blooming like crazy here. Major headache for me. Darn blooms.

    @ Helena – Great post about your mom!!! My dear friend’s husband is in chemo for 3 areas (liver, colon and lungs). His last scan showed a 50% reduction in the tumors. He still has a long way to go, but continues to fight.

    Photobucket – Did anything change? For some reason, when I tried to log in and download, it’s giving me a weird screen regarding e-mails. I can’t get back to the original main page. Really weird. Anyone download any pictures lately?
  • eileenm126
    eileenm126 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone. I am new here! I hope to meet some new friends :) I am a busy mom with 2 kids and work full time. My goal is to lose 125 pounds. My husband makes it hard for me to stay on track because he is always bringing junk food home. Any advice with that?
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Bump- just catching up.

    goal: to find another day to exercise this week. I have a busy week and tonight I just opted to out with friends instead of working out. Meeting the next 2 nights.

    I did buy 2 new bathing suits today. Found a swim speciality shop and they are Speedo suits so hopefully they will last for a while. They are a 14, which was a bit surprising since I thought speedo tends to run smaller. The shop owner was very helpful in picking out a suit.

    Please send prayers out for my friend Jane, her mom has congestive heart failure and will her health is declining rapidly. She was in the hospital again today and now Hospice has come in.
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    Just checking in, will write more later.

    EXCEPT: to those who gave me "tough love" I know that you want me to be successful, so I quit pouting...I logged everything today and made it to the gym. I feel so much better. I don't have success with pre-logging, but the advice about going to the restaurant's website and seeing what is what is a good idea. I didn't even think of that! I'm just not much of a planner, just a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants type of girl, so this site has been a HUGE adjustment already. I have my ticker that says I wanna lose another 111 lbs, but I"ve lose 20 already since January, so maybe I need to focus on smaller goals instead of that hugely big number, right?!

    thanks for the support. I do appreciate it!

  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    I'm pretty proud of myself this evening. I had plans to meet a friend at the gym after work, but she bailed on me due to health issues. As I'm thinking to myself, 'Ugh. Do I still go or try for a different night?', I get a text from another friend inviting me out to dinner at Olive Garden. I just saw this friend for a rich dinner earlier this month. I already had this plan to go to the gym and a meal planned out at home for dinner, which really helped me to reply, 'Sorry. Can't tonight.' So, I went to the gym alone, worked up a great sweat and ate at home and talked with my kids about their day. :happy:

    @Laurie- Praying for your friend Jane's mom. It's so hard to watch someone suffer with CHF. :flowerforyou:

    @Eileen- Welcome! I'm also a busy mom, working full time, 2 kids, goal is to lose 120 lbs (down 26 so far), AND my husband has less than stellar ideas about nutrition. I feel your pain! It's so stressful to balance everything, and it's hard when your husband doesn't seem to be on board. What has helped us is to have me meal plan, make the grocery lists, and do most of the shopping. He will cook whatever, if given a plan. The other big thing that has helped my husband is that he was just diagnosed with prediabetes, and his doctor has him working with an RN specialist who works on diabetes education. She really opened his eyes to some things. If your husband doesn't have the weight and health issues, it may be a different ball game. Ultimately, we are responsible for what we put in our mouths. I know how hard that can be, though. It's important that your husband join your team. Not that he has to diet, but he should be supportive of what you need to help with your plan. Talk with him about your goals and your plan.

    @Susan- I've heard of Jessica Springfield's cookbook...I could almost use her recipes for my husband as much as the kids! :laugh: I know how the sweets addiction can be...I think they used to politely call that a sweet tooth. Here's a virtual hand-slap to be used whenever you need help: "smack!"

    @rain- Maybe you are working a bit too hard. You're losing ahead of schedule and you're tired. I think I would remove one or two of those exercise days and have a real rest day. Rest days are important, too! So, example: Run Monday, Elliptical or Zumba Tuesday, Run Wednesday, REST Thursday (no running, no elliptical, no zumba), Run Friday, Elliptical or Zumba Saturday, Rest Sunday. Just an example, obviously you would do whatever fits your schedule. Take care of yourself!

    @Karen- Yum, cookies! Also, I hope you weren't pushing yourself too hard on your walk. Take care!

    @Tanya- Have you thought of doing a lettuce wrap for an alternative no-fuss sandwich? I've not made them before, but I've noticed them around.

    @Helena- Good to hear that your mom's chemo is working! I'm praying for her! :flowerforyou:

    @humbleheart- I use a reusable water bottle. It holds three glasses of water. I make it a point that I drink one bottle by noon, refill and drink a second bottle by the end of the work day, and a third at the gym/in the evening. I don't always get it done (afternoons are hard for some reason), but every little bit helps, I think.

    @jtconst- Hope the dentist went well!

    @kah- That metabolic assessment sounded exhausting....the math alone! :laugh: It will be interesting to see how your change in zones will affect your weight loss.

    @mnwalkingqueen- Baby steps will work. Just keep stepping forward! You can do this!

    @Tom- Sorry you're sick! I'm impressed that you only missed one day with your mileage goal, despite the sinus infection. Feel better! :flowerforyou:

    @Skinny- Good luck with your new zig-zagging calories, exercise and water plan! Hopefully the confusion will trick your body into burning off some more calories.

    @Hayley- Hope you logged everything today! Get back on this MFP pony and ride AWAY from the fridge! :wink: It's so important to be honest with yourself about your intake/output. Otherwise, it can be easy to get discouraged. If you have a few bad days, and you log it, at least you can look back and see where you went wrong and hopefully learn from it. The thing that helps me is to plan, plan, plan! Plan my meals, plan my snacks, plan my workouts.

    This week, I'm focusing on getting my zzzz's.

    MONDAY NIGHT: 8 hours
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--Hooray for the new swimsuits!!:drinker: I need to start thinking about getting a new one for my trip this summer. Just not feeling quite ready to start trying those on. :ohwell: Sorry to hear about your friend's mom--that's rough. :cry:

    @eileen--welcome! :flowerforyou: First, your profile pic made me LOL! :laugh: As far as the hubby bringing treats--can you ask him to not do so? Can he keep some of his treats at work or even in his car? If not, can you designate a special cabinet for them and make it "off-limits" to yourself? I know that's tough, but sometimes out of sight out of mind can work. When I first started this, my husband knew to hide anything that might tempt me, though I was fortunate that he's not much for sweets which are my Achilles heel.

    @susan--I feel the same way sometimes about having no willpower. I will tell myself I won't touch the crap at work, and then I end up giving in. Even though I log it, I still feel like a failure sometimes.:grumble: I'm fortunate that right now we have 2 girls getting married this summer, so both are really watching their eating. Also, 3 or 4 others have been doing Advocare,so there have been a lot less treats in the office. However, I know I SHOULD be able to resist them. As far as my diary, I will be posting my calorie goal in the "Notes" box so you can see if I'm meeting my goal. Please feel free to yell at me or make food suggestions, if you see I'm not doing well (going over calories, low on protein, etc.). If you like I can try to "virtually" slap the crap out of your hand--I'm not sure if that would help or just make you really dislike me. :tongue:

    @rain--sorry you had such a bad run, but it happens sometimes. If the shoes haven't been bothering you for the past couple of weeks, was anything different that would cause the rubbing? Were you wearing different socks--a different fabric or thickness? If the store recommended that size after a thorough fitting, I would take them back and ask for their help. They may be able to adjust the laces, and if not, they should let you exchange them for the correct size since you went with their recommendation after a fitting.

    @karenleona--I'm glad you're getting out in the sunshine, but please be careful with your new "parts"--don't overdo it! :flowerforyou:

    @tanya--do you like hummus? I don't think there's any wheat in it, and you could pair it with raw veggies. It's very filling as a snack.

    @helena--great news about your mom! :drinker:

    @humble--Water Tag!!! :drinker: :drinker: You're it!! Now go drink a glass of water!

    @tammy--hope the dentist appt. went well.

    @kelley--glad you got some potential answers from your metabolic assessment and that working in the right zones will get you the results you deserve.

    @holly--I think that's a great goal!! :flowerforyou:

    @tom--hope those drugs knock out that nasty infection.

    @nettie--thanks! A big reason I am still here and reassessing and trying new things is b/c of this group. Even when I'm frustrated, I have all of your support and encouragement to keep me going. Thanks goodness robin started this thread!

    @alupinsk--great advice about logging--we can all stand to hear that from time to time! :smile:

    @hayley--great job skipping the pop and choosing the turkey burger. Doing "okay" is better than doing terribly, but I agree with Alupinsk that you should try to get in the habit of logging right away or beforehand. I know if I log my food (especially restaurant food) before I eat, I enjoy the meal that much more b/c I know it fits within my goal. The guesswork stresses me out, and pushes me into an "I'm probably already over my calories, so I may as well eat more" frame of mind.:flowerforyou:

    Tuesday Goals:
    Well today was my highest calorie day (2225) in my zig-zag cycle, so no problem staying under or meeting my protein goal. The next few days will be more challenging. Tomorrow is my lowest day (1536) so I will have to plan very carefully. I've already logged all of my food throughout the day and have 557 calories left for dinner. Fortunately, I have a lot of salad fixings, so I will make a big salad with some meat and perhaps some beans for dinner. I also may try to forgo one of my daytime snacks so I can eat it in the evening. I would like to go to starbucks to grade after school, but I would have a hard time going there and not getting a skinny mocha latte, so we'll see.

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    22/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. 71/71 Canterbury questions DONE
    2. re-read Great Gatsby DID MORE
    3. x/50 AP journals

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (cardio) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just checking in, will write more later.

    EXCEPT: to those who gave me "tough love" I know that you want me to be successful, so I quit pouting...I logged everything today and made it to the gym. I feel so much better. I don't have success with pre-logging, but the advice about going to the restaurant's website and seeing what is what is a good idea. I didn't even think of that! I'm just not much of a planner, just a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants type of girl, so this site has been a HUGE adjustment already. I have my ticker that says I wanna lose another 111 lbs, but I"ve lose 20 already since January, so maybe I need to focus on smaller goals instead of that hugely big number, right?!

    thanks for the support. I do appreciate it!


    Saw this after I posted my personals, so disregard my "pre-logging" advice. If you know it doesn't work for you, then focus on what does. :smile:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Had a busy day and its way late. The problem that we all are having with eating foods that friends, colleagues, or spouses bring around reminded me of a saying my daughter used. It helps me when I remember to do it. "Other people's food.". If it isn't mine I won't eat it. I think that she learned that when she was in WW for awhile.
    Hang on. We can succeed. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    @Susan-I understand that addiction to sweets. Lately, I'm been munching on m&ms. I know there are worse things, but I'm in a torn battle between whether or not to feel guilty. I'm leaning toward not guilty because if a man can eat nothing but twinkies to prove that it's just about the number of calories, I'm going to eat some m&ms. :)

    @Eileen- Welcome!

    @Laurie- That's really rough for your friend. :( Thoughts and good juju going out her way.

    @hayley- I'm glad you logged! I know for me, I was ( and still am) fighting with my ticker. I changed it to have a closer goal, but it still makes me work for it. 20 pounds since January is a BIG DEAL! Way to go! :) You will learn what works best for you. Take the advice of everyone and store it in your memory bank. I know I've received good advice, and terrible advice on here (and in reality).

    @skinny- I agree with what you said to hayley about feeling like you already went over so just keep adding on.


    Well...after my weekend of binging (read...I wanted to, and planned to guilt there.) I'm happy to be back on my normal routine. I dropped my calories a bit lower than normal for this week, and am hoping to shock my system. Looks like so far it may be working. My official weigh in won't be until this coming Sunday, but from the binging of this weekend I was at 224 when I got home Sunday afternoon, and this morning the scale says 220.6. I won't log it yet, but I'm really excited because that means I'd be .6 away from the teens. :) heck yes!