Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Greetings everyone, best wishes to you all.

    GHDC= 2.6 miles, 26 out of 27 days > 2 miles.

    “Quite often we change our jobs, friends and spouses instead of changing ourselves.” ~Akbarali H. Jetha

  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    OK, I checked my net calories and you all are right... I've been netting way under my 1610. Going to start eating back some of my exercise calories to try to stay a little bit closer to the goal. I've been going to bed hungry every night, thinking it's a good thing -- makes me feel in control! But maybe a snack will make the difference, and also make me less grumpy. ;)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    We can all go for less grumpy.????. Good luck.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Thursday Truth:
    My success with zig-zagging so far this week has proven to me that prior to this switch I really wasn't being accountable. Yes, I was logging and exercising, but I was playing it kind of fast and loose with the calorie allowance. I would think "even if I'm a bit over, I'm still under maintenance" and sort of shrug off any transgressions. :blushing: Now that I have these specific goals to meet each day, I'm planning my meals much more carefully AND I'm turning down anything not in the plan. Case in point, DH got off early yesterday and said he was making a frozen pizza for dinner. I had already eaten my big salad and was headed to starbucks to grade, so I told him I didn't want any and to make it while I was gone. Well, he did so, but left it out on the counter "just in case" I wanted any. :grumble: I told him "no thanks" and had a healthier alternative for my evening snack. It was no big loss, and I was able to work a piece of the leftover pizza into my plan for today.

    Then this morning one of my students brought homemade blondies as a treat for the class. She came up to my desk and offered me one, and I declined. She gave me a sad face and joked it was her "bribe" b/c her group was presenting. I just laughed and said "I know you will do a fabulous job--no need for bribery." That was much harder to turn down than the pizza, but I did it!! I was also able to leave room for a starbucks drink by skipping my afternoon snack and it actually improves my macros b/c a light frapaccino has more protein than smartpop kettle corn.

    Still not sure how I'll make tomorrow work, but I will figure it out and stick to plan once again. Right now I'm off to the gym. Will pick up my frap on the way home so I can drink it while grading this evening. :smile:
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    it's true that it's so easy to fall away from accountability - I've done the same thing - I call it my "buffer" and last year it was very common for me to go into it, because I wanted treats that weren't within my allowance. I'm impressed you were able to turn down pizza AND a blondie! Well done! :)
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I start out the week as always... making all my meals and snacks on Sunday. It is Thursday and I have not touched my kale salad, and only had one serving of lentil soup. Now I'm scrambling to get something healthy for dinner besides a garden salad. I added sweet potato to the soup (don't like sweet potato but I thought I could just hide it in there with all the other flavours, but it turned out to be THE flavour.) :sick: The kale and cranberry salad was really yummy last week, just not so much this week. I think I will have to throw it all out, I just won't eat it, but that is such a waste. On the other hand, my quinoa casserole was really good so I will make that again for next week. But Im getting a bit tired of the same thing all the time, I need to mix it up a bit more.
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    @grandmakaye - my eldest son also has autism and ADHD. he is quite comfortably settled on the spectrum, albeit high functioning, but it's true that children qualify for more support with an autism diagnosis than just ADHD. For him, the autism diagnosis came first and then the ADHD dx was added the following year when typical autism interventions were only helping so much. We've done loads of OT and PT as well. I hope your grandson can get the help he needs to cope better in school and life!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~Well done! Excellent choices and so impressed you were able to turn down pizza AND a blondie! :flowerforyou:

    @Tanya~I have to mix things up or I get bored, if I get bored I'm more liable to make excuses and revert to old habits. I eat a huge salad for lunch every day, but I change it up - chef salads, Caesar salads, southwest salads, Asian salads. Gives me different flavors to look forward too.
  • Intrigue123
    Intrigue123 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone,I myself need to loose 100lbs,it has been stressful I did not realize how much I put on.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kelley- I am glad the new workout was good and yes it will take some time to adjust. We are getting very cold here again back into the teen's with very low wind chills. I was hoping the cold weather would be gone. I am guessing March will come in like a lion.

    Karen- Great job on passing up the blondie and the pizza.

    I am still sore from Monday's workout. My problem is that I don't get sore until a couple of days later then I am left trying to figure out what I did. Today, my abs are sore, so I guess I worked those muscles after all. Tomorrow, I will get back to exercising when I go climbing. This week has been busy with meetings after work and I did not want to hit the gym by the time I reached home. It should all be good, if not, I can't worry about it since you can't change the past only the present and the future.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Exercise plans for this week
    Sunday- biking and swimming 8 miles plus .5 mile swim
    Monday- Trainer DONE
    Tuesday- Gym cardio but I also need to go shopping for a swimsuit. Shopping Done
    Wednesday-Rest- Meetings after work DONE
    Thursday- Rest-class DONE
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- Water aerobics.
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Brief check in before I head to the gym. I've been getting hungrier the last few days, and I think it might be due to eating too many carbs. Trying to up my protein now, I''ll see how it goes.

    Skipping running today in order to recover and come back to it with a more positive mindset, so I'm doing some elliptical later.
    I added an ab workout yesterday as a baby step to getting into strength training, and I'm sore but feeling good about it!

    Welcome to all of the newbies!
  • Helenavee42
    Thursday truth: I realized I need to set smaller goals otherwise I get discouraged. Instead of my nest goal being 250 it is not 275. I am 293 now so less than 20 lbs to go. It seems way more doable. My ticker doesn't bother me because I know I have a ways to go but in terms of weight goals i think i should stick to 25lbs at a time. I'm getting there 1 lb at a time.

    Recently my uncle and aunt came and took a bunch of stuff out of the garage to take with them to their place (finally!!!!!) so there is more room in there. I also discovered a lifting bar. I'm pretty excited about it. I am looking up different lifting programs and going to choose the one i think fits best for me and practice form and once I feel like I have that down I will invest in some plates. If anyone has any lifting programs suggestions please recommend them!

    I will catch up tomorrow. I've been busy lately between work, working out, my pup, and my boyfriend.

    Have a great day/night!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Kelley- I am glad the new workout was good and yes it will take some time to adjust. We are getting very cold here again back into the teen's with very low wind chills. I was hoping the cold weather would be gone. I am guessing March will come in like a lion.

    Karen- Great job on passing up the blondie and the pizza.

    I am still sore from Monday's workout. My problem is that I don't get sore until a couple of days later then I am left trying to figure out what I did. Today, my abs are sore, so I guess I worked those muscles after all. Tomorrow, I will get back to exercising when I go climbing. This week has been busy with meetings after work and I did not want to hit the gym by the time I reached home. It should all be good, if not, I can't worry about it since you can't change the past only the present and the future.

    Sounds like you are experiencing DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) which is usually caused by any exercise that lengthens muscles. Soreness usually occurs between 24-72 hours after exercise. It's a sign that you've worked out harder or used under-used muscles. In your case, it's probably just an indication that you pushed yourself harder than usual--not necessarily a bad thing. Other than the pain. :cry:
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    I have been have a great couple days, doing really good on my goals. Drinking the water really makes me get up to the bathroom much more, lol. It also takes care of hunger in between meals. Way cool plus.

    JNettie: cherry or sweet 100 tomatoes, and some roma. Jalapenos, cucumbers, snap peas (new this year), and a zucchini.

    A: Under Cal. goal 4/7 days
    B: Walk 3/7 days
    C: Drink 8 cups 3/7 days

    Mon: B C
    Tue: A B
    Wed: A B C!
    Thur: A B C!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Tom, I'm so sorry you and Amy don't feel well. Hope you guys bounce back soon!
    Kah, that testing sounds incredibly helpful! What a great tool! Ezekiel bread... I'll look it up. Who know I might like it? thanks!
    Humbleheart, when I started I hated drinking water. I made a deal with myself for every Diet coke I wanted I had to have 1 glass of water. I also filled a 3 glass water bottle every time I exercise and constantly take sips from it. I have it finished by the time I'm done.
    Helena, I'm so glad you got some good news about your mom!
    Tanya, that sounds like a great workout... kudos to you!
    KarenL, great job with the cookies! But be careful... that sounded kinda scary.
    Susan, I don't know much about a sweet's not my craving. Did something happen that made you want to sabotage yourself? I find that I do what you're describing when something has made me uncomfortable... hence I want to retreat into my shell. Just an idea. I find that if I confront it... I generally can push through. I find mind over heart can be tough, or I can get my heart on side. Remember all the great reasons why you want to lose the weight and get healthier and stronger. Remember how you felt before and how you feel now!!!
    Hey Eileen welcome! Good profile pic. :smile:
    Laurie, awesome about the swimsuits!!! Nice to know the sizing is decent. I'm not quite ready for speedos yet. :happy: I need a new one too. I went swimming last week and thought my swimsuit is just a bit baggy... I'll be fine. Jumped in and almost lost the thing in the pool. :blushing: I had to tie knots in it to bunch the fabric... so I could finish my lengths ( I only get so much workout time without the kids). I looked ridiculous!!!:laugh:
    Karen, congrats on trying something else to shake up your system!! It also sounds like you're having to do a lot more planning. Good job! And thanks for the input on my little miscreant. :ohwell: His marks aren't posted online. But he showed me how to get into his online work for class. He'd done an interview on my Mom and I wanted to see if he'd done anything with it. (Curiousity) I clicked by accident into his in-school email account and there was a note from his teacher asking him to hand in this assignment (a month earlier). So I asked him about it. OI! So there isn't really a place for him to show me work... it was a fluke I found out. He NOW knows it matters... and we've discussed responsibility a lot lately. And that he need to be accountable for his decisions... we'll see how much sinks in. Great job turning down blondies and pizza. Woo Hoo!
    Hi Littleshadow, this is a great forum!
    Nettie, That's fabulous about the house! Thank goodness! That was really nice of the teacher to volunteer so much info. Maybe she notice you were floundering a bit. I've listened to the stories of your days and how much you care. I'm sure it will come your way. But it sounds like you have some good backup! Thanks for the thoughts on my eldest. My problem is I'm starting to wonder if he's having a hard time too. I don't want him to struggle if he doesn't have too. I don't know how to deal with it, I nor my husband had problems with school. We're both nerds. I'm thinking about tutoring. I'm a mom... it always makes me feel guilty if they don't seem to be thriving. I think I'll set up an interview with the teacher. The student led conferences don't tell me much, though the kids are so proud of their work. :smile: You gave me some really great ideas!!
    MNwalking, I know nothing about training a dog. However I will say this... if there is another dog on the other side of any of those fences... Good Luck! :laugh: I'm pretty firm with my dog and she mostly doesn't go in my flower beds or garden. BUT SOMETIMES... :sad:
    Hansea, thanks! :smile: Oh! and great job going to the gym... instead of dinner!
    Welcome Kammy! Cute pic! This is a great site.
    Robin, wherever you are... thinking of you and hoping you are getting better! :flowerforyou:

    AFM: I'm still fretting but I'm calming down. I had a horrible NSV yesterday. My fingers have leaned out. I was working last night and my wedding band fell off. I have no idea where or when. It's gone. I'm really upset. It was the replacement that my husband just got me at Christmas. My other one was stolen out of my house, when I was pregnant with my second and couldn't wear my rings. We couldn't afford another ring at the time. :sad: My hubby's not mad, I'm just sad about it.
    The kids are home for teacher conventions. It's nice to have all my hooligans in the house w/ me. I'm thinking that I'll plant corn, peas, green beans, spaghetti squash, pumpkins, tomatoes, carrots, beets, cucumbers, and sunflowers for sure. Maybe asparagus. I hear it takes 2 years to mature and I'm not one for delayed gratification. lol! We also have red and yellow raspberry canes, blueberry bushes, and strawberry plants. I love it when the kids help and its so cute when they raid the garden. I'll probably plant an apple tree in the yard this year as well. I :heart: my yard. Too bad summer is so short. :tongue:
  • jocelyn1959
    Hi ! Thanks jnettie for link to you all..... I think I,m gonna need a bit of support along my journey. I,ve been seriously ill but am better now. My consultant suggested that maybe now I can address the issue of my weight.. LOL . So here I am... I,m not too good on working in pounds, being in the u.k. and of a certain age but my phone app converts for me . I still think in stones and pounds, so I,m 17 st 5lbs =243 lbs....WOW that's the first time I,ve seen it written down. I,m never gonna be skinny but would like to be a healthy 11 st=154.........So I guess 100lbs would do it for me... Blimey !! It seems such a monumental task. I work in education and have this week off ( half term ) I,m back in on Monday so I,m hoping to be able to check in with you all daily so I can keep focussed. seeya soon. :smile:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @robin - Thinking of you and hoping you're feeling better. Hugs.

    @dobarber - Welcome back and kudos for being brave enough to be here. Looking forward to your posts.

    @p1xyn1xy - Aren't kids great? Just when you think all is well, they do something to remind you that they're just kids. Sounds like you're on top of the situation and be glad you're getting the chance to address this when he's young and not when he's in HS. You'll have a lot less influence when he gets that age. So sorry you lost your ring. That's not a good NSV.

    @nettie - I feel your frustration about your job/money. Why can't we just be independently wealthy? Sure would make things easier. Sounds like the daytime teacher had some great thoughts and advice to think about.

    @skinny - I'll be interested to hear how the zig zag goes. It's something I may need to try.

    @hansea - Your onion "truth" made me LOL. Your planned girls day out sounds awesome. Have a great time!

    @mymowmow - Try container gardening. I live in a townhouse and have a good sized patio where I grow all sorts of things in pots. Last year I had a bumper crop of cherry tomatoes and had to resort to knocking on neighbors doors to get rid of them all.

    @helena - Smaller goals seem easier and less daunting. I set the weirdest ones, but they make sense to me. My next goal is 199.9 (for obvious reasons), then 195 (100 lbs lost) and then 192 (the last lowest weight I can recall in recent years). After those, I'll come up with some other number that is meaningful for some reason. I used to have dates associated with my goal weights, but have given that up since my body has decided the rules have changed and it's impossible to know what will happen and when.

    @jocelyn - Welcome. Stick around and you'll find this a great place for inspiration and support.

    AFM - I'll be spending the weekend getting ready to fly to Cabo on Monday. I'm not excited for the trip (a business thing for the hubs), but plan to make the most of it and avoid, as much as possible, his more annoying coworkers. I should be able to get online at the hotel and keep up with you all, but if not, I'll catch up next Friday when we get back.

    My scale said 201.8 this morning, a whopping .2 loss in 10 days. So darn frustrating, but at least it's a lower number than last week. I'm going to be very strict with my calorie goal in the next week in hopes that this is the start of a loss period. We shall see.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday- Rest Day DONE
    Tuesday - Yoga DONEI couldn't
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Thursday - Pilates DONE
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk
    Sunday - Rest Day
  • adaffern
    adaffern Posts: 161 Member
    As I mentioned previously, I'm new to this thread and am reading each day, but not doing my own check in.

    Challenging weekend ahead.

    Daughter is going to Snowball Dance tonight. Which means, people in and out of the house and no real time to sit down for dinner. Looks like a pizza night...I will get a grilled chicken salad and steer clear of the pizza.

    Saturday is bowling night and usually turns into another pizza night around 10:00 p.m.. I will work extra hard to stay within my goals. I will just make sure that I had to the gym Saturday morning and get some work in to maybe earn one slice.

    Sunday is usually recovery from a late night at the bowling alley. I'm hoping the snow holds off so I can get to the gym in the morning.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Laurie~I always get DOMS after my trainer has me doing certain leg exercises, specifically the vertical squat – my hammies will always hurt a day or two later and it always lasts for a day or two. Guess after all this lifting and working out those muscles still need attention! :wink:

    @L2T~I know you aren’t exactly thrilled with your vacation to cabo, but I hope you have a great time despite the company you’ll be keeping. Think – warm weather, white sandy beaches, and ice cold umbrella drinks! :bigsmile:

    @Helena~I think it’s a great idea to keep smaller goals for yourself, it’s makes this process less daunting. I’ve always set small goals for myself and then I reward myself when I have achieved them – very important!

    @Jocelyn & adaffern~Welcome, you found a great thread! Feel free to ask questions and check back often.

    @p1xyn1xy~Its awesome that your fingers are smaller but I’m so sorry to hear you lost your wedding ring, :cry: I know how sad that must be. I hope it was somewhere in the house or car and that it turns up. Some of my fondest childhood memories are helping my gramps in his garden (you name it, he grew it) and my granny pick blackberries (she made the most amazing blackberry cobbler afterwards).

    AFM~Good session with my trainer yesterday, I :love: kettle bells. Today is a rest day and my body needs it, although I need to do some work in my bedroom to prepare for a furniture delivery tomorrow – so an active rest day. I have a lot on my to-do list tomorrow – new shoes for racquetball, The Container Store, swimsuit shopping, and grocery shopping (I hope). Furniture is being delivered between 12:30-3:30, such an odd hour but it should allow for me to get to the gym early. Only food challenges should be the pizza party at work today – one of our referring physicians is having pizza delivered for the staff today (over 50 pizza’s!) – but I do have a plan!

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Session with trainer DONE!
    Monday~Active Metabolic Assessment DONE!
    Tuesday~Racquetball with trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Cardio DONE!
    Thursday~Session with Trainer DONE!
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Cardio (hopefully)

    Have a great day!