Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    @hansea--great job on you GHD goal!! :drinker:

    @alicia--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @shadow--I can't imagine doing a full marathon of hills at any pace! That's impressive! I'm a true flatlander--even the slightest incline feels like a mountain to me. :laugh: I've actually just recently started doing a program on the treadmill that includes 8% incline intervals at 4.2 mph. Most days pretty doable for me walking b/c I have long legs, but there've been a few times I've had to dial it back to 4.0. I haven't yet tried running at an incline for any length of time, but eventually...

    @tammy--hang in there! Sorry to hear about the ankle. At least your husband is under a doctors care. I wish my DH would make some lifestyle changes, but he also doesn't do new or different. He tried the e-cig when I first got one last March, but he really didn't like it. I keep going back and forth between smoking and not, and having his cigarettes in the house doesn't make the "not" very easy. :ohwell:

    @karenleona--sorry you can't get to your gardening. :frown: I usually try to get "spring cleaning" of my yard done when I'm on spring break (last week of March), but with this winter I'm afraid we will still be buried in snow. We are scheduled for more this weekend and no warm-up on the horizon. :ohwell:

    @humble--great job with the calories and water--which reminds me...WATER TAG!!! Go drink some water! :drinker:

    @rain--I did the Rugged Maniac obstacle 5k last summer and it was brutal! Ours was at a ski resort, so very steep hills. I'm used to running 5ks and I ran zero% of the course. I did manage to do almost every obstacle. I skipped one that was a balance beam type simply b/c there was a long line waiting to cross. I also skipped the second of two really high walls b/c the first was scarily shaky. The good news is you can skip any of the obstacles if you choose. My friend who did it with me isn't a runner and had been out of the gym for quite some time before the race, so she only did the army crawls and water slide. But she's proof that even out of shape it's doable. :smile:

    @nicole--hey there!! Awesome that you are quitting smoking. I don't know if you saw my post above to tammy, but I've been slipping and smoking again on and off. I did really well for about 6 months and then started weekend smoking last fall. I've slipped down this slope to on and off throughout the week as well. :blushing: I quit last year over spring break at the end of March, so my goal is to do it again and this time stick with it.

    @nettie--congrats on the pants NSV!! :drinker:

    @holly--I know you can do this! :flowerforyou: As far as the gym--think about whether you want one closer to home or work and pick whatever will reduce your driving the most. I'm fortunate that mine is just a mile and a half away; I could actually run there if I wanted to--but I don't. :laugh: As far as training the dog, you just need to establish that the yard is YOURS. You do that by being outside with your pup whenever possible and correcting him any time he goes where you don't want him. Gunner tends to naturally stay out of the flower beds, but he had a real problem with digging around our shed when we first got him. I would stand in front of the shed with my hands and my hips and firmly tell him "No!" when he would come near it. It only works if you do it immediately. For example, if we would find a hole he had dug while we weren't watching, we couldn't yell at him b/c dogs don't understand that you are yelling about something they did an hour ago, or even 10 minutes ago. You have to catch then in the act or, preferably, stop them before they even do the act you are trying to train them out of.

    @kelley--I hope you get all of your errands done tomorrow, and great job with the pizza! :drinker:

    @addafern--sounds like a great plan for tonight and at least for tomorrow you will be getting some exercise bowling. My dad is a professional bowler, and he always calls himself a professional "athlete." :laugh:

    @L2T--echoing what others have said, try to have fun even though it's not your "dream vacation." Also, agree that any loss is a good loss. I'll let you know how my plan goes. The week has been promising and my scale has steadily moved down from 190.8 to 188.8 as of this morning. Of course, I had alcohol and a less healthy diet today, but still met my calorie goal. Fingers crossed that I see 187.anything in the next few days.

    @jocelyn--Welcome! :flowerforyou: Healthy is a much better goal than skinny. :happy:

    @p1xy--oh, sorry I misunderstood your ability to see your son's grades online. I realize now that your idea to contact the teacher for updates makes more sense.

    @ushkii--you are on a roll with those goals and I see you've added a water goal. You will have to join in the Water Tag. :laugh:

    @helena--Power Lift or Strong Lift 5x5 are both solid programs for newbies to lifting. There are tons of threads on here about both programs with information from people much more knowledgeable than me. Do a search on MFP or google them.

    Friday Fitness:
    I did a bunch of cardio on Tuesday since it was my highest calorie day this week. I did 20 minutes on the treadmill, 20 on the stationary bike, 10 on the stairmaster, and 20 on the elliptical. I don't think I've done that much cardio at the gym in quite some time! Yesterday was my more typical circuit training then treadmill. I ran a mile and then did the weight loss program at level 9 which is getting much easier. It is intervals of walking (4.2 mph) both flat and incline (8%), plus running flat at 5.5 mph. Yesterday I was feeling so good that I dialed up each running interval--did the 2nd at 5.8, 3rd at 6.0, and 4th at 6.3. They are only a minute each, so I will continue to do this, and hopefully, I will start to see some improvement in my overall pace.

    Today was my hardest day sticking to plan b/c I went out for cocktails after work. I should have stuck with my rum and diet coke, but the place we went to makes really good cosmos, so I ordered one of those instead. I then commented on how good my friend's mai tai looked, and when she went to the bar to get a second, she brought me one as well. I couldn't really turn that down.:blushing: I'm still under calories, but did not meet my protein goal. I will also be going to bed a bit hungry, but not starving, and I have a really high calorie day tomorrow, so I will dream of a big breakfast. :laugh:

    Speaking of meeting goals--any thoughts about what we should do for the March challenge? Maybe something with a green theme for St Patrick's Day? Veggie goal? Eat a salad once/day? Try a new veggie or veggie recipe and share with the group?

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    24/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. re-read Great Gatsby DID MORE
    2. 30/71 AP journals

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (cardio) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE TOO COLD!!!
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Kelley and Karen- I do get DOMS most of the time after a hard workout. It always amazes me at long my muscles take to react. The problem is when asked how the muscles are doing, I say they are fine, so we do more and heavier weight. I really don't like the fact that I seldom feel the muscles working during workouts. For me this is just normal after a workout but then again I did work hard last weekend.:bigsmile:

    alicia-Bronchitis is a nasty thing so the best advice is to take it easy and let your body heal itself. The problem is bronchitis can easily turn into pneumonia.:flowerforyou: Enjoy the workout with your trainer. Just remember to let him/her know that you have been sick so you don't over do it. You don't want to relapse.

    Tonight was a good climbing session and I was enjoying activity again. I took three rest days this week so this weekend is to get back into my workouts. However, TOM has struck so I am not sure about the pool tomorrow, I will decide that in the morning depending on how tired I am.

    I am not a gardener but all those veggies sound yummy.

    Have a great weekend.

    I think all of the gardening talk got to me too, given my goal suggestions. :laugh:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @kah - sounds like you had a busy day yesterday. I love when I get a lot of things checked off my list. Makes me feel accomplished. Hope you found the perfect suit for your upcoming vacation.

    @nettie - great NSV! I too have a few pair of those pants. Hope I'll soon be wearing them (and being able to inhale at the same time).

    @jtconst - hope the ankle is feeling better. And I'm sorry your DH got bad news about his cholesterol. I have issues with that as well, but once we found a med that works, it's well under control. Sad fact about high cholesterol is that it's almost exclusively about genetics for many people. I can eat perfectly and exercise a lot and still have to take meds. My DH can eat ice cream and fried everything and he's the poster boy for perfect cholesterol levels. So unfair.

    @skinnyjeanz - sigh, you and @kah are right. I will leave for Cabo with a positive attitude and with gratitude that DH worked hard and had a great sales year to earn the trip. Thanks for ending my pouting with your words of wisdom. Yay for your recent loss. And I agree, any and all losses are cause for celebration. I know that I need to be more patient, but do struggle with frustration when the scale stops moving downward.

    AFM - I've surprised myself and find I'm really enjoying the exercise classes. Especially and surprisingly, Pilates. Yes, it makes me sore, but somehow it's the good kind of sore and I'm finding that some of my common aches and pains are absent. I've always heard that flexibility and stretching are important for health and am now convinced. I'm so thankful that I finally got over my fear of exercising in a group and found these classes.

    Busy weekend filled with packing for the trip and making sure the house is in perfect order when we leave. I'm incapable of leaving unless it's clean and orderly. But, before I do any of that, I'm off to get a pedicure. Can't wiggle my toes in the sand without them looking their best!

    Have a great weekend!!

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday- Rest Day DONE
    Tuesday - Yoga DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Thursday - Pilates DONE
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk
    Sunday - Rest Day
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    GHDC= 2.16 for 28 out of 29 days > 2 miles. Daily average for February was 2.44 miles

    “Nothing will work unless you do.” ~Maya Angelou

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    NSV: Timed our walk yesterday and found that my pace has increased. Its now 3.5 mph.
    Scale still moving down, too.
    Have a great weekend. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Sat success, none lately, but lurking on the forum and back trying to get it right.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Saturday Success: In this past week I've lost 3.4 lbs, 1" off my waist, .5" off my thighs and 1.5" off my hips. Wow, I didn't think I could do that!

    I've also been meeting my protein goal of 100g per day, sometimes getting over 120g. I'm also meeting my water goal, averaging 10 cups per day.

    After one full month on MFP I've lost my cravings for carbs and sweets, and dropped diet pop consumption down to 1 a day. I am pretty sure there is a link there. I've been able to eat out without pigging out, allowing treats into my daily allowance without bingeing and blowing my calorie goals. I now think before I eat, plan my meals and always have good snacks on hand so I don't go and buy junk when I get hungry.

    It's amazing what one month can do! I've been reading along on this thread and you guys are helping me to stay on track, so thank you and keep it up.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Happy Saturday. Nothing really exciting to report so I will go straight to personals.

    Nicole - Congrats on quitting smoking!

    Kah - Thanks for the bread info. I entered my info in find a store and discovered 2 stores (Trader Joe's and Whole Foods) have it in my area. :happy: I sometimes skip the crust on my pizza as well.

    Rainandwood - Hopefully the flash flooding does not cause too much destruction where you are. When in your warrior race?

    Humble - That is great that you are staying within your calorie limits and getting in your water. Keep up the great work.

    Karen - That is frustrating that you cannot use your arms for so long. But at the same time it is more important that you heal and get healthy. If I were closer I would come and help you.

    jtconst - So sorry to hear you had a crummy day yesterday. I hope your ankle feels better soon. I also hope your husband has the strength and will power to make positive changes for his health.

    Littleshadow - Sorry to hear about your chronic pain. Do you feel physio is helping at all?

    Alicia - Welcome. I hope you feel better soon and have a great time with your trainer.

    Hansea - Hope you have a great time in the ice caves today!

    Ashley - Great walk on the treadmill. Keep it up!

    Laurie - I am always jealous of your climbing whenever you post about it. It is on my list of things I would eventually like to try. It sounds like a lot of fun. Have you ever been rock scrambling? My friend, the one who introduced me to snowshoeing, always talks about it. It is another activity I would love to try.

    Skinny - Wow, that was a lot of cardio. Yum those drinks sound delish. I made burritos last night for dinner. My husband asked me if I wanted cranberry sangria with dinner. I told him that I didn't have enough calories for the drink and had to get a workout in first. So I scurried down the hall and did my Gilad workout for the day (originally I was going to be lazy and skip it). After my workout I served up dinner and my husband never made the sangria. I have to say I was a bit irritated as it sounded really good. But I indulged in my homemade guacamole so I really wasn't that disappointed for too long. :wink:

    For March goal - I love the green theme. My vote is try and share a new recipe. Since I am all about cooking, food and recipes this would be perfect for me. I can share my recipe for my burritos (black beans and spinach) and guac from last night. There definitely was plenty of green! My MIL gave me a Vegetarian Slow Cooker cookbook for my birthday that I am eager to try out. I also just watched a cooking show this morning and learned 2 new recipes for soup (cream of cauliflower and cream of mushroom). Both were made with leeks.

    Lives - Typically my problem isn't inhaling, its the exhaling that does me in. :laugh: Congrats on the class. That is great that you are really enjoying it.

    Tom - You are doing so great with your goals!

    Kaye - Congrats on your increased pace!

    Mel - You can do it!

    Tanya - Congrats on the weight loss as well as the loss in inches. Your post reminded me that it is the 1st of the month and I have to take measurements and progress pictures today. Isn't it amazing what a difference small changes makes over a short period of time?!! Keep up the great work. You are doing fabulously.

    Well I am off to go take those measurements and get in a workout. Hope you all enjoy your day!
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    @lives- I didn't realize how much my flexibility improved as I worked out and have lost weight! It's pretty awesome! I've not tried Pilates, but I bet it's a blast!

    @Grandmakaye- I'm so excited for you! I saw your ticker, and you're almost to 100! That's amazing!

    @tanya- 3lbs?! I'm jealous! Way to go!

    "After one full month on MFP I've lost my cravings for carbs and sweets, and dropped diet pop consumption down to 1 a day. I am pretty sure there is a link there. I've been able to eat out without pigging out, allowing treats into my daily allowance without bingeing and blowing my calorie goals. I now think before I eat, plan my meals and always have good snacks on hand so I don't go and buy junk when I get hungry. " ---I had this SAME reaction. I allowed myself Texas Roadhouse last night AND some Ben and Jerry's icecream, and it was amazzzzing. I only had one serving of icecream (whereas I used to eat a pint in one sitting and still want more) and I left quite a bit of food on my plate at the restaurant. It's definitely a difficult mindset to get used to (leaving food on the plate when you're always told to finish it and be grateful for it).

    @Tom- Your goals inspire me.

    AFM- Had Texas Roadhouse and icecream last night and it was tasty. I'm planning on trying the whole zig zag "diet" a little more frequently to see if it helps. While the food was delicious and I wanted to keep eating, I stopped myself when I was full. **success!**

    I looked at the scale yesterday and I was the teens! :) Heck yes! This morning I was back to 220.4, but it's getting very close. This kind of confirms the zig zag diet might work well for me for a while because I had a 2 pound drop this week (coming off of last weekend when I came back and my water retention was so high I was 227!)

    Does anyone else have issues with loose skin? I didn't start noticing it until this weekend when I was leaning over and it all just kind of hangs. It's not too bad when I'm upright, but it makes me very nervous for wearing a swim suit. I know it's part of the process, but it's hard to feel good about your body when you have all this hanging skin. :( Thoughts?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @alupinsk--congrats on the loss!! :drinker: I am also zig-zagging calories again and hoping I have the same success. As far as loose skin, a lot of it depends on genetics, age, and how quickly you lose the weight. You are still young, so chances are some of that looseness will shrink back over time. Using a good moisturizer can help decrease things like stretch marks as well. Also, a lot of folks say strength training helps too--I guess the idea is you fill the space the fat used to be with muscle resulting in less sagging. I'm not sure if I really buy that theory given how difficult it is to actually build muscle mass while losing body fat. However, I have terrible bat wings, but still get compliments on my arms, so the definition from my muscles definitely distracts from the loose skin. :laugh:

    @nettie--the burritos sound delicious! I would have been bummed about no sangria either; however, guacamole is a yummy alternative.

    @tanya--great losses!! :drinker:

    @mel--hang in there! :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--congrats on your loss! :drinker:

    Anyone heard from Robin? I'm getting worried about her--I thought she would be back on the thread Thursday or Friday. :cry:

    Saturday Success:
    I've had a decent week with the zig-zagging. Even with yesterday's cocktails and less nutritious choices, the scale didn't bounce back up--a definite "win" for me. I'm still at 188.8--same as yesterday. My ticker is 188, so looking forward to dropping below that.

    Today I need to get to the gym and do some grading. I brought home about 15 journals, so I would like to get those done today. Also need to do some cleaning around the house. There are still shoe boxes scattered in my dining room from last weeks shopping. :blushing:
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    @skinnyjeanz - hills will always be my downfall, no matter how strong my legs are, my lungs always crap out! :p Good job on the zig-zagging, glad it's working for you. :)

    @Lives2Travel - I've heard good things about pilates, glad you're enjoying it! Have fun getting beach-ready toes. I am so paranoid about people touching my feet, would believe I've never had a pedi??

    @Morgori - that's a great daily average! good job!

    @grandmakaye - what a great NSV - 3.5 is a fantastic pace. :)

    @tanya - you're doing amazing - those are all great victories. congratulations!

    @jnettie - the physio h as helped a lot, it's much better than it used to be. The tendinopathy went untreated for 2 years, so it's a long, slow road to healing. I'm thankful for how far it's come and hoping I can get through training without causing it to flare up again. At each physio session right now I'm receiving ultrasound, laser and acupuncture - the trifecta! ;) My PT is afraid to take any of the three away as it wasn't' until she started doing all three that it finally started to improve. :p

    @alupinsk - I love it when I start dropping into the next set of 10's... the teens would be amazing. I have trouble with loose skin too, I have no idea what to do about it. Expect it's just there to stay. :-/

    AFM - got my training walk in, 7 miles in 1:58. I will be so glad when we can walk outside - that's 56 laps around the track and feels so endless sometimes. Not to mention the buzzer from the hockey game down below makes me jump. ;) The scale is stuck and I have a really bad habit of weighing every day, so I'm going to leave it alone for a few days and see if I can start moving in the right direction again. Two NSV's for me - #1 is that the jeans I bought back in October and then outgrew over xmas now fit me very well again, and #2 is that my blood pressure has been down considerably since getting back on track - I go see my dr next week for a re-check (I take one bp med and she's been debating adding a second one since it's still been high and I have a heart condition to boot) and I am expecting she will be very pleased.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Measurement results are in. They certainly reflect the "less than perfect" month I had. I am not too upset about it because I knew it was a bad month for me. I am actually proud of myself that despite it being a hectic month I have been logging every day rather than giving up. So I suppose in that aspect February has been a success for me. I am going to use this as a learning experience though and make sure March is much better. I certainly did not see the results I would have hoped to see.

    Here are my results:

    Starting: Last Month: Current:
    Neck: 16.3 15.5 15.5
    Left arm: 17 15.5 15.5
    Right arm: 16.5 15.5 15.5
    Bust: 51 48 47 - Decrease :happy:
    Under Breast --- --- 41
    Waist: 50 47 46.5 - Decrease :happy:
    Hips: 54.5 50 51 - Increase :grumble:
    Right thigh: 32 31 30 - Decrease :happy:
    Left thigh: 31 30 30
    BMI: 46.4 43.4 42.5 - Decrease :happy:

    Just for kicks I decided to jog from one end of the house to the other. Then I jogged in a circle 5x from the den to kitchen into the hall and back into the den. From there I jogged through the foyer, down the driveway to the mailbox and back. I don't know why I decided to do this, I guess extra energy. To my surprise I was able to do it comfortably and hold a conversation with my husband afterward. I am thinking if I was able to do this starting C25K really shouldn't be a completely disaster. We will see though when I have to deal with hills and go for a longer duration. As strange as it seems, my little jog around the house was a huge confidence booster for me!

    Alupinsk - Loose skin is a big fear of mine. I have been using a lot of moisturizer every day. I am not sure if it will help but I figured it couldn't hurt. At least I have really soft skin now! :wink: I already told my husband if I have terribly hanging loose skin that I will want to have that fixed. I am really hoping that won't be an issue for me. :ohwell:

    Skinny - I reached out to Robin a few days ago on here and have not heard back from her. I have noticed she has not logged in for 7 days. That is not like her at all. I am hoping she isn't in the hospital again.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    @skinny- Do you know of any good moisturizers? I agree with the weight training, but I feel like having the muscle isn't helping with the skin any. On the days you are zig zag-ing are you still counting, or are you just allowing yourself whatever you'd like?

    @wolf- I know :( I know it'll shrink back. The boyfriend said it took about 2 years for his skin to shrink back, but he also wasn't as big as I was. WTG on the jeans and on blood pressure! :)

    @nettie- you got this girl! :) I told my parents the same thing. If I meet my goal and have a lot of loose skin, I'm definitely planning on having the removal surgery.

    **Good vibes going out for Robin. I noticed she hasn't been on as well. :( **
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello everyone! Still a rainy day here in California but I got in my run yesterday despite the rain so I can enjoy an indoor session today. Hmm... Well after last night I'm honestly not feeling too successful. I indulged in some sweet snacks including a few pieces of chocolate, some redvines, and apple cider last night while watching a movie with friends. According to MFP I was in the clear but it still doesn't feel good to indulge in the sort of activity that got me here in the first place. I suppose I just need to forget about it and try and eat as healthy as I can for this week.

    Went back to running yesterday after two days off and decided to repeat the last week of my 5k training before attempting a final 30minute nonstop run. I used my old shoes because I couldn't bear the thought of wearing my new ones that made my soles burn last week (and didn't want to get them ruined in the rain). It was a good run even though it was pouring and I did 5.77k including walking, but a few hours after I finished the inner part of my ankle started hurting. This happened the last time I went running too, so I hope it's nothing serious.

    @Skinnyjeanz: Ah! It scares me a bit that someone as fit as you didn't manage running your obstacle race. I have zero upper body strength and still haven't run 5k straight yet, but I guess the best I can hope for is finishing.

    Race is April 5th!

    Have a good saturday everyone.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @rain--I wasn't trying to scare you--but just want you to know they are usually tough courses. But as I said my friend who doesn't run at all got through it and so can you!! :flowerforyou: Also, I was a bit worried the super-fit people would be intimidating, but they were really encouraging and motivating. There was a really steep ski-run we had to climb using a rope for help. It was really tall, and I was nervous. This athletic looking guy told me to go ahead, so I headed up. I was about halfway to the top, when I felt the tension in the rope from him starting up, and an instant later he was right behind me. I thought he might be annoyed that I was going slow, but instead he started rooting me on--"you're doing great! you're almost to the top! you can do it! just a few more feet!" It was a really great experience, so just go aiming to do your best and have fun.

    @alupinsk--I don't know much about moisturizers--I have really dry skin and nothing I use seems to help. :ohwell: And yes, I am still counting calories everyday. Zig-zagging doesn't mean you have days off, it means you have a set amount each day, but the number varies from day to day. If anything I need to be more conscious of what I'm eating b/c I can't just count on eating the same thing everyday. Even on my highest calorie days, I'm trying to pick nutrient-dense foods b/c those calories have to sustain me on the days I can't eat as much. If I wasted all my "extra" on junk, I would be starving on the days I have to eat less.
  • picklesroofus
    picklesroofus Posts: 68 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    I was thinking at the challenge month.. Oh wow some people lost 8 lbs I only lost 5.. But had I not joined MFP and been involved in the group I would have lost 0! So I have succeeded!

    NSV = My sweetheart (abroad for next 4 months :( ) said on video chat my face looks different and I have cheekbones!

    Cheekbones! Me!
  • aliciadub
    aliciadub Posts: 73 Member
    Happy Saturday, everyone!

    So proud of everyone and the victories you are celebrating! Celebrating with you!

    I think my success this week was not giving in to comfort food while I have been sick. I made chicken soup with my own broth and added in spinach for nutrients. Hit the spot and really did help my outlook, if only in that I am believing that I can do this...not just daydreaming about it.

    Thanks for all of your support!

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    It has been crazy since yesterday! I ended up in the doctor's office yesterday afternoon after feeling really weird all day - dizzy, nauseated, tinnitus was driving me crazy, blurry vision and I was hot but my hands and feet were really cold. It was so weird, at first I just thought it was hormonal - some weird peri-menopausal episode or something, but it was low blood pressure. :huh: That surprised me. I ended up being in his office for a few hours while he monitored me and tried to figure out why. The why is still not known, he ran some blood work to check electrolytes so we'll know more next week. So the running around I needed to do yesterday didn't get done. :frown: I still wasn't feeling right this morning, but luckily felt better towards the middle of the day so I could get some running around done. No gym time today, but did manage a ton of walking in the stores. Finally found a new swimsuit, then found some new cross training shoes - Asics GEL-Lyte 33 (they only weigh 5.5oz). Hopefully they'll work better for lateral movements, they have a really low heel-to-toe drop so should do better during agility training and racquetball.

    @Nettie~I was going to suggest Trader Joe's or Whole Foods, but wasn't sure if they were that far east. :wink:

    @Karen~I'm worried about Robin as well, I thought she would have checked in yesterday or today. I hope she is okay.

    @Alupinsk~I think Lubriderm makes a skin-firming lotion. Skin elasticity is a worry of mine too, but I'm hopefully that genetics will be on my side and my body will tone as I continue to lose weight and exercise like I do.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @alicia--Hope you are feeling better soon. Great job making your own healthier version of chicken soup for comfort. :flowerforyou:

    @pickles--great loss and awesome NSV! :drinker:

    @nettie--I way go for it with c25k--the first week's schedule has very short running intervals. Also, you can adjust any of the weeks to fit your abilities, or repeat weeks until you feel you are ready to progress.

    @shadow--Awesome NSV! Getting into clothes that were tight or didn't fit is, IMO, the best part of this experience--dare I say, even better than seeing the scale go down? :tongue:

    AFM--I didn't make it to the gym, but instead did some shoveling after walking gunner. I also got some cleaning done around the house before going to starbucks to grade.

    Tomorrow I'm going to see my friend's son wrestle and then will go to her house to visit for awhile. Her older son (my godson) is visiting with his fiancee, so I'll get to see them as well. :happy:

    Any other thoughts on the March challenge? Here's my idea:

    Let's go green for St. Patrick's Day and to usher in Spring! Choose a goal related to veggies. For example, eat x servings/day; eat x salads/week; try a new vegetable based recipe 1/week and share it here; etc.

    Feel free to yea or nor this, add to it, or make a different suggestion altogether.

    Grading goals:
    1. 40/71 AP journals
    2. x/18 AP presentations

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (cardio) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE TOO COLD!!!
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) NOT DONE (shoveled instead)
    Sun--gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Any other thoughts on the March challenge? Here's my idea:

    Let's go green for St. Patrick's Day and to usher in Spring! Choose a goal related to veggies. For example, eat x servings/day; eat x salads/week; try a new vegetable based recipe 1/week and share it here; etc.

    Feel free to yea or nor this, add to it, or make a different suggestion altogether.

    I think its a great goal for March, probably because I eat a ton of veggies - so it will be easy for me! :laugh: