Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Friday : Fitness plans for the weekend. Well I think I may look at some gyms...I really miss going to the gym but just don't want to have to constantly drive to one that is what was nice about having one at my job.

    I know this is not confession day but I missed it yesterday. I realized last night in talking with a very good friend that I let my relationship bring me down and back to this starting point. It all started when I stepped on the scale and realized in the year we lived together I gained 25lbs. I had lost 15lbs before we were living together, so I gained my loss plus some. I need to get back on track and I know I can do it just got to keep myself motivated and realize I am worth it when I am feeling I am not.

    @doug- welcome back
    @Karen- good job with pizza and blondies
    @Nettie- sorry your feeling bad but as I read your post it appears the talk you had was the encouragement you needed. God will bless you when the timing is right.
    @Robin- hope all is ok
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    GHDC= 2.42 miles, 27 out of 28 days > 2 miles.

    “People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.” ~Lewis Cass

  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    I am hoping this weekend to hit the store and get fitted for my running shoes. We never got around to it the other weekend like I had wanted to.

    NSV - On Wednesday I tried on a pair of green pants that I bought and were too small. You know the pair that we all have thrown in the back of the closet in hope of one day fitting into. Well those pants fit!!! This is my first pair of non-plus sized pants that have not previously been stretched out and fit comfortably. I was so excited and felt great wearing them to work.

    Skinny - Great explanation about zig zagging and metabolism (fueling the fire)!
    Good for you for turning down the pizza and blondie. I can imagine how difficult that must have been considering the girl gave you a sad face. I think you handled it well!

    Hansea - I disagree with you on the onion thing. They make my eyes sting and burn before watering. It's so uncomfortable and makes me miserable. Anytime you want to come over and chop onions for me you are more than welcomed to! :tongue:
    I saw an article about the ice caves last week. It looked absolutely amazing. I hope you have a really great time. Please share a picture or two with us.

    Grankakes - We have similar stats. I am 5'2" and weigh about the same as you. Feel free to add me. I also can completely relate about not being able to see the floor due to the girls being in the way. Walking downstairs is often unnerving for me.

    MyMOwMOw - Your living in gardening fear comment made me chuckle. I can completely understand though. You never know what you are getting with Craigslist. Unfortunately, there are a lot of crazy people out there.
    Sound like you have a good plan in place. Feel free to browse my diary for some meatless ideas. I don't pay much attention to my carbs though, just make sure I stay within my range. Last night, I just made really tasty stuffed peppers last with couscous. There is also a cookbook called Carb Conscious Vegetarian you can look into. I own it and there are quite a few interesting recipes in there.

    Kah - The bread you were talking about sounds really good. Is it difficult to find in stores? I am intrigued and want to pick some up if I can find it.
    I can completely relate with the commute. Before I took the job working in district I was spending over 2 hours a day in the car between all the driving I did to and from work and grad school. It made me absolutely miserable especially when gas prices kept going up and I was constantly stuck in traffic (which we are in no shortage of on LI).
    How exciting about the new furniture. Congrats.

    Kaye - Sorry to hear about your grandson's diagnosis. But it is a good thing that there is a possibility he may be entitled to all those services. The more services he gets the better in the long run. Just remember to follow through with everything his therapists and teachers do at home to ensure generalization of skills. :flowerforyou:

    Tayna - That kale and cranberry salad sounds very interesting. I love looking at your food diary and seeing all the different combinations. I am really impressed with your protein intake without the use of protein powder. You inspire me!

    Ushkii - You will enjoy the snap peas. The problem I have with them is they are so yummy I end up eating them straight off the plant rather than harvesting and bringing inside. Every year my garden consists of my regulars; 4-5 varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, jalapeno peppers, rainbow blend peppers (red, green, orange, yellow, purple and white), eggplant, string beans (yellow and green), asparagus, sugar snap peas, various herbs (parsley, basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary, sage, borage, cilantro, lavender, bay, various mints), chives, zucchini, various greens (Swiss chard, lettuces, spinach, escarole, arugula), sunflowers, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries (My blueberry bushes don't produce much yet). I also have 2 fig trees. This year I didn't cover them with burlap or bring them in doors so I am not sure if they survived the Winter. This year I am going to try growing brussels sprouts, kale and garlic. Last year I tried growing honeydew and cantaloupe unfortunately I didn't have much luck with them. I don't think I will try growing them again. I really cannot wait to get out there and start digging in the dirt again.

    p1xyn1xy - If you son is having a difficult time there are a ton of modifications that can be made to his assignments to take a bit of the stress off of the work. For example, if he is having a difficult time writing his thoughts on paper but can dictate a great essay, you or your husband can act as a scribe for him writing down word for word what he says. Once he is finished he can reread it, edit his words and copy it for a final draft. Or he can use a digital voice recorder to get his thoughts down and do something similar. Tutoring is an excellent idea as well. Keep me posted on how the meeting with his teacher goes. :flowerforyou:
    So sorry to hear about your ring. Hopefully it turns up someplace in the house.
    I highly recommend growing asparagus. I planted mine and didn't harvest until the 3rd year. It was a pain to wait but trust me, so worth it. Once it was time to finally harvest we were harvesting every other day. It was great! My freshly harvested asparagus was so much juicier and tastier than asparagus purchased in the store. I never thought about growing spaghetti squash. If you grow it you have to let me know how it turned out as far as spacing, quality and yield. I would love to plant a dwarf peach tree. I have not found one that I like yet but every year I keep my eyes out for one.

    Jocelyn - I am so glad you came to the group and joined us. :flowerforyou:

    Lives - LOL It certainly would be nice to be independently wealthy. I often wonder what it would be like to win the lottery and what I would do with all that money. First thing I would do is pay off my student loans and mortgage then buy a new car. I think I would still want to work though just for something to do and keep myself busy doing. If that we to happen, I wouldn't mind working the schedule I have now. Oh how nice it is to dream. :wink:
    Hope you have a great time in Cabo. Maybe you will be surprised and have fun. Congrats on the loss. The way I look at it is a small loss is still a loss.

    MNWalking - You ARE worth it! Never forget that and never let anyone tell you differently. :flowerforyou:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Hi y'all! Just popping in to say hello and I was thinking of you guys and gals :blushing: I'm a little embarrassed that it has been so long. I hope you all are well. :drinker:

    I am still kicking- logging some days, still working out with a trainer- but due to some binge eating, am back up to 227. I started walking again a couple of days ago and started my first day as a non-smoker today (cold turkey with a patch- ugh).
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Nettie~Ezekiel bread can be found in the freezer of the organic food section of most grocery stores. We have some specialty health food stores here that carry it as well. It contains no preservatives so its kept in the freezer. Here is a link to their website, they have a store finder - might make it easier.

    @Nicole~Great to see you! Good for you on stopping smoking cold turkey.

    Well, did okay pizza wise - had one regular veggie slice and then skipped the crust on a second slice. The only repercussion could be the sodium in a day or two so water, water, water - don't want a gain when I hit the scale with my trainer on Sunday.
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello everyone! It's a rainy day here in SoCal (flash floods ended up causing my afternoon activities to be cancelled) so I'm trying to work up the will to go running (I'll have to if Zumba is cancelled as well).
    Hoping to hit 5k running this weekend, and trying to get more protein in so I can stop being so munchy!
    I've been doing well with my diet, but as the school stress gets more and more intense I find myself more and more tempted by the buffet of unlimited cookies, cakes and ice cream I pass at every meal. This has always been my downfall, so I'm a little worried my willpower will fail, but so far so good.
    Heading to the gym today to do some ab workouts, and maybe manage t start on some arm stuff. I signed up for a warrior dash obstacle race two months ago as a motivator for finishing my 5k training (it was the only race within public transportation distance at the right time) but I'm starting to worry about the obstacle part now that running will definitely happen (slowly). Time to work on my arm strength.

    Nettie: Great NSV! I can't wait until that happens to me

    @Naceto: Wow! Congrats on choosing to quit smoking. You can do it!
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Just checkin in and catching up on posts!
    Thank all of you for your posts and the encouragement!
    I love the stories! Being retired, visualy impaired, and am alone
    all week, I am getting to know new friends here!

    I am doing well staying in calorie limits and much, muchly so much more
    water intake!

    Have a great weekend everyone!:happy:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    the talk of gardening makes me crazy!!! this time of year i would be out clearing up the remnants of winter and trimming trees. I had wanted to tear out hte old garden boxes and put new ones in this year and make a flower garden box in my front yard. With my surgery i am not allowed to use my arms for 8 weeks ( end march) and i do not know how much i will be able to do after that. Heavy lifting and shovelling dirt?? perhaps not. I do all the yard work and gardening here and have a fairly big yard so i am itching to get at it. Can't even rake the leaves :grumble: :grumble: Daughter works two jobs and drives me everywhere so i dont feel i can ask her. Plus she hates bugs that might be outside :laugh: Guess i will just be a few months behind this year.
    Still trying to curb my overeting in the evening. Not totally successful but better last night.
    Heading out for a walk in the sun and wind. Cant wait till i can get back to the gym. All the workouts i read about motivate me so keep posting them!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. So my day seems to be extending into a totally screwed up week. Yesterday I was out walking the dogs and a car turned down the road we were walking on and the dogs lunged for it. They caught me off balance and I rolled my ankle when I came down. I wasnt able to put any weight on it yesterday but am hobbling around today. Then as if I didnt feel crappy enough yesterday tom decided to make an appearance. So I got up today thinking it had to be better and my husband called and tells me that the dr. called with the results from his routine bloodwork and he has to go in next wednesday because his cholesterol is at an extremely dangerous level. I was so happy that he went to the dr and is getting help to quit smoking (just started wellbutrin) but now there is this as well. My husband doesnt really do new or different so getting him to make the lifestyle changes needed to complement the meds is going to be difficult. Oh well upside is that now he needs to eat more like me so it will be extra motivation for me to stick to plan. Also I am finally back under 310 and hope to see the 200's agian within a couple weeks and this time I am staying there.

    I am not going to do personals today but know I am thinking about all of you and am super grateful to have you in my life. Take care everyone.:heart::drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Good morning everyone. So my day seems to be extending into a totally screwed up week. Yesterday I was out walking the dogs and a car turned down the road we were walking on and the dogs lunged for it. They caught me off balance and I rolled my ankle when I came down. I wasnt able to put any weight on it yesterday but am hobbling around today. Then as if I didnt feel crappy enough yesterday tom decided to make an appearance. So I got up today thinking it had to be better and my husband called and tells me that the dr. called with the results from his routine bloodwork and he has to go in next wednesday because his cholesterol is at an extremely dangerous level. I was so happy that he went to the dr and is getting help to quit smoking (just started wellbutrin) but now there is this as well. My husband doesnt really do new or different so getting him to make the lifestyle changes needed to complement the meds is going to be difficult. Oh well upside is that now he needs to eat more like me so it will be extra motivation for me to stick to plan. Also I am finally back under 310 and hope to see the 200's agian within a couple weeks and this time I am staying there.

    I am not going to do personals today but know I am thinking about all of you and am super grateful to have you in my life. Take care everyone.:heart::drinker: :flowerforyou:

    never rains but it pours....hope your ankle is soon healed. good thing your hubby is going to quit smoking and get his cholesterol under control
    I also hope to see the 200's soon.....
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Hi y'all! Just popping in to say hello and I was thinking of you guys and gals :blushing: I'm a little embarrassed that it has been so long. I hope you all are well. :drinker:

    I am still kicking- logging some days, still working out with a trainer- but due to some binge eating, am back up to 227. I started walking again a couple of days ago and started my first day as a non-smoker today (cold turkey with a patch- ugh).

    wahoo!! single best thing you can do to improve your longevity is to quit smoking. Reach for a glass of water or a toothpick to mimick the hand to mouth action you are used to with smoking
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi y'all! Just popping in to say hello and I was thinking of you guys and gals :blushing: I'm a little embarrassed that it has been so long. I hope you all are well. :drinker:

    I am still kicking- logging some days, still working out with a trainer- but due to some binge eating, am back up to 227. I started walking again a couple of days ago and started my first day as a non-smoker today (cold turkey with a patch- ugh).

    Congrats on not can do it.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member

    Sounds like you are experiencing DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) which is usually caused by any exercise that lengthens muscles. Soreness usually occurs between 24-72 hours after exercise. It's a sign that you've worked out harder or used under-used muscles. In your case, it's probably just an indication that you pushed yourself harder than usual--not necessarily a bad thing. Other than the pain. :cry:

    I always seem sore on the 2nd day after a workout. This is interesting.
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    Tonight I am enjoying one locally-crafted beer - my first drop of alcohol in over a month - and icing my shin in preparation for a 7 mile training racewalk tomorrow morning. I've been in physio for my ankle/shin/hip since last June and still am experiencing problems going into this latest training session for the May half marathon. Started with my ankle (chronic tendinopathy), then developed acute bursitis and a medial tear in my hip which left me off my feet for 6 weeks, and then my ankle got worse with nerve entrapment and neuropathy extending down into my foot. At this point I am down to just chronic pain in my ankle and shin, up to my knee - still in weekly physio. While it is completely possible to be in good physical condition at a high weight, the wear and tear on one's body can be excessive over time. I am looking forward to not having to lug quite as many lbs along the half marathon course this May.
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    @littleshadow just saw that you're training for a half marathon. SO impressed. I just got back from spending an hour doing 5.77 k runwalking in the rain, and it felt impossible. I really hope your body starts treating you just as well as you've been treating it so you so your runs become less painful!
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    @rainandwood - don't be deceived, there is no running involved :) We racewalk only, but aim for 3.75-4.0 mph which is a pace at which running would be easier than walking (yeah, I've tested this theory!). I did a full marathon in 2011, and a half last October (my profile picture) - same course (Mount Desert Island in Bar Harbour, Maine) - very, very hilly and extremely challenging. This course we're doing in May (local, here in my home city in eastern canada) is completely flat and fast, so we are excited to do something a little different (and NOT do any hill training for a change!). 5.77 k is awesome, especially in the rain. We only do one long walk per week and the rest are around 5 k. :)
  • aliciadub
    aliciadub Posts: 73 Member
    Hi, everyone. First time glad I found this thread!

    Friday - Fitness plan: I will be laying on the sofa all weekend, recovering from severe bronchitis. Using an inhaler every 4 hours, taking a mild steroid, and an antibiotic. I've never been this sick with bronchitis!

    Despite wanting so badly to hit the treadmill, I'm following doctor's advice and I can start with my new personal trainer on Tuesday! Yay! I'm so excited! He has helped 17 other clients lose 100+ pounds. I'm so excited to start!

    Anyways, thanks again for this thread. Good luck to everyone and have a great weekend!
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    I made it to the end of February and posted almost every day! :)

    I'm looking at the weather forecast for tomorrow up near the ice caves...brrr. Going to have to truly bundle up!

    Better get to bed early since we have a very early start planned for tomorrow.

    MONDAY NIGHT: 8 hours
    TUESDAY NIGHT: 6 hours
    WEDNESDAY NIGHT: 7 hours
    THURSDAY NIGHT: 7 hours
  • AshleyStriner
    Today I walked 1.5 miles on the treadmill in 23 minutes :) I have no idea what we are going to be doing this weekend except doing our family meal plan- I sit down with my future husband and our boys and talk about what we want to eat this week for dinners, then together we make a shopping list of what we need to make all of the meals for the week
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kelley and Karen- I do get DOMS most of the time after a hard workout. It always amazes me at long my muscles take to react. The problem is when asked how the muscles are doing, I say they are fine, so we do more and heavier weight. I really don't like the fact that I seldom feel the muscles working during workouts. For me this is just normal after a workout but then again I did work hard last weekend.:bigsmile:

    alicia-Bronchitis is a nasty thing so the best advice is to take it easy and let your body heal itself. The problem is bronchitis can easily turn into pneumonia.:flowerforyou: Enjoy the workout with your trainer. Just remember to let him/her know that you have been sick so you don't over do it. You don't want to relapse.

    Tonight was a good climbing session and I was enjoying activity again. I took three rest days this week so this weekend is to get back into my workouts. However, TOM has struck so I am not sure about the pool tomorrow, I will decide that in the morning depending on how tired I am.

    I am not a gardener but all those veggies sound yummy.

    Have a great weekend.