Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Alright I am confused. I was in changing my macros and hit the to lose 2 lbs per week which is the same as it was, but when I got out my daily cal intake decreased. Does anyone know why?

    I had the same thing happen when I updated my weight. Just go back into Goals and set the calories back to what you want. Must be a bug in the system!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good Morning.

    Yesterday was a rough day and I’m still a bit confused. In short, my trainer and I had a blow-out between Wednesday and Thursday—he sent me a bunch of caustic text messages on Wednesday and I really have no idea why. They continued into Thursday, over what seemed that he needed to increase his fees—I can understand that and I have no issue with it but I’m confused with the other subject matter in his texts. We had a great workout on Tuesday, everything was fine—he even seem pleased with the progress I’ve been making lately but something changed overnight. It’s weird and confusing. He really said some things to me that I’m not sure are forgivable. Needless to say I canceled my scheduled session with him yesterday, I’m not sure where it leaves us—I feel defeated. I never get sad and last night I felt alienated and sad--he’s been my trainer for over two years. :cry: I don’t know how I feel this morning, right now I’m numb. I could probably do the weights on my own now but when I’m lifting free weights I like someone watching me for form. It seems for now I am on my own so tonight I will try and put together a weight lifting routine for tomorrow—I can’t put the brakes on my routine while I figure this out.

    Thanks for listening. I'm sorry to vent and run, but I need to get some things done at work—my car is finally ready, so leaving work early to pick her up. I will catch up this evening/weekend.
  • silver12176
    silver12176 Posts: 70 Member
    @Lives2Travel‌ I did have a weight loss yesterday and I expected it to go down, but it is weird how it didn't lower it earlier when I put the loss in. Just weird timing I guess.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @ErinK09 - Welcome! This month we're each setting our own exercise goals and most people have set a goal of staying within 100 calories of their daily goal each day.

    @Tracy - You could try mixing things up with fish or beans for dinner. Beans are very affordable and you'd still be getting your protein!

    AFM- I was super crabby by the end of the day yesterday. TOM, bloat and weighing in at the shoe store with a gain had me ending my day pretty badly. Emotional eating! Blarg.
    Started things off on the right foot today. I already have 8 glasses of water in and it's only 9 am! The kids are home with me today since it's a professional development day for their teachers, and we've got a schedule and everything so that hopefully we get some of my cleaning/purging tasks done today. Right now, the kids are *hopefully* cleaning up their toys in their room while I clip coupons and make a grocery list. I was up early and they slept late, so I already have a few loads of laundry done, too! Tonight we are driving about an hour and a half away to see my niece in her first high school musical. They're doing Seussical the Musical. As a former drama geek myself, I'm excited to see her perform. I have a great feeling about today!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I am doing fairly well. I am enjoying having hubby home as usual. Still a little concerned about son. Its a combination of worry and irritation at this moment. I have come to realize that I might have tried to much to make things easier for my kids. They dont always handle adversity as well as I would like. My hubby tried to warn my son that the job he was going up to do was a nasty fairly horrible job but the boy insisted he didn't mind and he was willing to put in the time to get to what he wanted. So my hubby talks him up and helps him get the job. At first he was god awful sea sick and we weren't sure it would work out and that would have been a case of whatever but now after a couple of days he is starting to feel better but hey surprise the job sucks just like his dad said and he isn't sure he wants to keep doing it. When you go up you sign a 30 day contract with the understanding that you will extend for another 30 days after that and then come home for one or two months depending on your rotation. Well he is saying he doesn't think he is going to do the 30 day extension which will make him and his dad both look bad. So yep while the mommy in me wants him to just be happy the adult in me is getting fairly frustrated with him. On the whole all of my kids are responsible and have a good work ethic but occasionally I am not just sure (sigh). Not much I can do though since they are all adults now other then just letting them know how I feel about their choices. On the upside I spent the whole day yesterday running around with the hubby and ate out lunch and dinner and still stayed in calories. I was pretty happy with that :) today is housework and grocery shopping. Oh joy, lol.

    @kah: Sorry to hear about the falling out with your trainer. It doesn't sound like it made much sense. More like you caught the bad mood caused by something else which is never fair or fun.

    @skinnyjeans: I am so sorry to hear about your friend. It is always so hard to hear about someone struggling with their health but always seems even worse when they are so young. I hope they are able to find a treatment that will help her and she can come through this.

    @mnwalkingqueen: I did the same thing when my kids were teens as far as using real life examples of what bad choices could bring to their future. Unfortunatley I didn't have to go far for examples as they have a couple of uncles they have watched revolve in and out of the system because of drugs and or alcohol. I always tease my hubby that I got the pick of the litter because out of five kids only he and his sister have stayed out of trouble with the law and made anything of their lives.

    Well as usual I had more responses but they have flown away from my poor little mind. So have a great day everyone and TGIF :):):)
  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    So when I got weighed at the Doc a couple of days ago....was the FIRST time they DIDN'T have to clunk that big weight to the 150 mark in YEARS! Now to make it stay on the 100 mark WHOO HOO! Have a Happy and Healthy Friday :D

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Self Love Day
    February 13th is Self Love Day Put it on your calendar. Whether you can celebrate it this year, or you'll be waiting until next year, this is one day you want to remember. It's all about YOU! We have so much inspiring and powerful things going on at the time. And now that we are connected, there is more to come to support you to have the best relationship of your life.
    If you go to the free stuff tab there is some meditations to downoload, a blog, some videos, and the self love kit.

    Self Love Day

    “Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching.” ~Thomas Jefferson

  • texasmom2013
    texasmom2013 Posts: 64 Member
    kelmomto3 wrote: »
    Happy Tuesday everyone! :smile:

    @texasmom2013 - Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a great day! Oh my goodness! I can't believe the doctor told you this on the way out the door! I am glad that you found someone that you trust. I bet your baby girl will be walking in no time!
    thank you she did so well today during therapy! She can walk short distances between 2 people now! I'm a proud mommy!

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    edited February 2015
    Fab Friday to all!
    @Morgori - I need me some of that self love today, thanks for sharing.
    @MrsMorgori - You are doing so great!
    @hansea47‌ - Yea on the car!
    @kah68 - Yikes about the trainer, is there any chance he was just having an awful day and took it out on you? Is this something you can forgive him for?
    @kapansm‌ - You are my hero of the Walmart victory!

    Trying very hard to stay up beat. Not working very well.
    Hubby's rotator cuff surgery is on hold for 3 weeks of rest and see.
    Son's 3rd DUI will cost $6500.00 up front for the lawyer alone. Do not know what the fines will be. He also has a the $350.00 emergency room, $157.00 to retrieve his car. And he will have to have a breathalyzer installed in his car for about $100/month. Oh the consequences of our actions.
    I am still sick with this cold. Slight fever and loads of sludge going down my throat. I am at work today but not happily. Sometimes it just sucks being self employed.
    No gym for the 3rd day. Not good food choices. Not logging everything either. Not sure I care.
    Cold and flurries today. No sun, just a crappy day.

    Now - I do care about all of you my mfp friends. I am happy to be able to log on here and get out of my world for a few minutes and know I am not the only person who has struggles.
    I will go to the gym tomorrow no matter what I feel like. I can get on the elliptical at the least.
    I will drink all my water today.
    I will not take this out on those around me.
    I am so very grateful that I can safely vent here. None of you will hold any of this rant against me, and willingly offer me sage advice, gentle persuasion and suggestions.
    So thank you all. <3
  • texasmom2013
    texasmom2013 Posts: 64 Member
    @kapansm‌ great job talking yourself out of that junky stuff! You should be super proud!
  • krmcdonald428
    krmcdonald428 Posts: 4 Member
    NK1112 wrote: »
    I think I'm a bit behind the 8-ball because a couple of people have already posted their February goals .... here it is, as promised.


    MONTHLY “ALL IN” CHALLENGE for February 2015:

    Are you new to ‘Need to Lose 100 LBS - Robin’s Thread’ ??? … know that just by posting you have joined in and can participate as you will. We welcome you.

    <3 ‘Rule’ - None of the standards or challenges are mandatory. The ‘challenges’ are with yourself only. You are the only one who keeps track of how you are doing. So please, Do Give an account of your challenge and how you are doing.

    Suggestions: copy this post so you have it on your computer or desk top as a reference.

    <3<3 Our FEBRUARY ALL-IN Challenge is EXERCISE.
    We already focus on the calorie aspect of weight management. The other component to weight loss is … exercise!

    All kinds of exercise is good exercise … anything that keeps you active that you WILL DO is what to pick. Here are the kinds of exercise that got enthusiastic responses from the ‘members’. … Pick your choice as your personal challenge.

    1 … weight/strength training with weight machines, free-weights, heavy-lifting.
    2 … body resistance with no weights, with food cans/juice jugs, tension cords/exercise bands
    3 … non weight-added exercise, but a focus on some type of formal active body movement with goals (Walking, Yoga, Pilates, Calisthenics, Biking, Swimming, Physical Therapy, etc.)

    Select the exercise you will focus on (suggested above or one of your own ideas), how often you will participate in it, and what your goal with that might be. <3

    <3 We also will continue our standard of “watching our calories” and reporting our goal and our achievement of coming within 100 calories of our MFP caloric goal.

    (*) A standard from the beginning ... Suggestions for when you post, useful if you don’t know what to ‘say’.

    ................Goals and Ideas for daily posts (not mandatory)
    Monday - check in (how are you doing? Any successes or struggles this week-end.)
    Tuesday - Goals (do you have a personal goal you want to share with us?)
    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? … weight related or not, realistic or not)
    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to ‘fess up’ or ‘get off your chest’?)
    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?)
    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished, focus on the positive of the week, NSV (non scale victories).
    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself … update your personal life.)


    @erin--Welcome! Here's some info about our February challenge. Ultimately, everything is optional--participate as much as you'd like. :) Also, I love your RH profile pic! :smile:
  • krmcdonald428
    krmcdonald428 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Kathy and I'm brand new to MFP. Hoping this works for me: my February challenge is to take back my lunch hour by walking for at least 45min of that time everyday. My Friday goal was to walk the building for 45min and stay within my calorie limit. Trying now to think ahead of my weekend sabotages so I can have a plan of attack when I think my healthy habits may go south as they usually do on Saturday. Doing ok so far. I hope you all have a good weekend.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Oh, @Cblue ... I know you are in an awful situation with your son's problems ... too bad you have to suffer the consequences of his actions.
  • texasmom2013
    texasmom2013 Posts: 64 Member
    edited February 2015
    It's Friday the 13th. I'm not very superstitious, but I will say this day is sure off to a crappy start. Tax office put the wrong routing number on my tax return....again. Waiting on a phone call to find out how I'm supposed to get this desperately need money. I had nightmares so that's always nice and weird. The kind where you wake up unsure of your surroundings and feeling like you've been drugged. I don't know about y'all, but when I have nightmares they're usually like really bad horror movies...or really good depending on your point of view. I like scary movies I just don't want to star in one in my dreams.
    Moving on! I rested yesterday because I was really sore from adding weights to my workout the last 2 days. I didn't get up early today so I'm just gonna try to do it and hope the kids will be cooperative today. Otherwise, I'll have to wait until my husband gets home. I'm going to visit my parents down by Waco Saturday. It's way out in BFE which is nice except for the lack of Internet. Guess I'll just have to be content riding horses. I'll have to remember to bring her a carrot!
    I'm sad/angry my aunt is selling my grandparents home. My mom is too. She said it's like losing them all over again. I told her I feel the same. It was my dream to live there. My childhood wasn't a very happy one. That was the one place I felt I could be myself. Be loved. Not be judged. My mom said we just have to suck it up and get through it. Not say anything to my aunt about it. I asked my mom why? Why sell it? It's a large property and the land is paid for too. It's beautiful. The reason is not financial. They're pretty well off. No, it's my understanding that this is all to have more money they can use to impress others. I've always been the black sheep of the family. I've never cared too much about what other people think of me. I really don't know how I'm supposed to do this as it goes against the grain for me. I'm the type of girl who makes her feelings known. My tongue is going to be bloody from biting it. I realize that it's none of my business. I know I'm not the one who inherited the house, but that doesn't stop me from having an opinion about it. That won't stop me from sobbing about it as I go through their things. I always feel like I have to keep it all inside. I feel like no one wants hear it. My husband is the macho type. He doesn't do well when I get emotional. My mom grew up in a time when emotions of any kind were abhorrent and a sign of weakness. She doesn't do well either. So sorry for raining on your Friday, but I needed to vent and I have no one.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi everyone, I'm Kathy and I'm brand new to MFP. Hoping this works for me: my February challenge is to take back my lunch hour by walking for at least 45min of that time everyday.

    Welcome Kathy ... welcome and I hope this works for you also. Please be sure to eat during your lunch hour also ... and really, if you only walk for 30 minutes ... that's good also. Heck, even if you walk for 15 to start is OK. Just eat AFTER you do the walk, not before.

    You will need to refuel a bit after the activity.

    I see you quoted the February challenge ... that's great ... however, it won't save anywhere for you on here, so if you get a chance, print it out or it'll get lost in the additional posts.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    MrsMorgori wrote: »
    So when I got weighed at the Doc a couple of days ago....was the FIRST time they DIDN'T have to clunk that big weight to the 150 mark in YEARS! Now to make it stay on the 100 mark WHOO HOO! Have a Happy and Healthy Friday :D

    Great Going Amy.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    jtconst wrote: »
    Still a little concerned about son. Its a combination of worry and irritation at this moment.

    He's only into the job a few days ... as time goes on he might decide to go for that second 30 days as his contract states. After all, he might get more used to it by then ... and might find out there are monetary repurcussions to quitting early.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    It's Friday the 13th. Friday, but I needed to vent and I have no one.

    Sometimes venting is all we can do ... I keep a blog on here ... but I keep it private ... just so that I can vent my heart out sometimes and then read it over later on ... like sometimes a year later ... and compare how I feel now to how I felt then.

    We had a similar situation in our family with our parent's home and land. It's hard to let it go ... but then, we realized that our parents aren't there anymore. That to go there it was bitter-sweet and made us miss them all the more each time. Now we are content that it's being lived in and loved by another family, and we have our photos and memories of our time there. Much better than seeing the place become dilapited with no one living in it.

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @Skinnyjeanz - thank you for quoting the post about February's challenge. we did need to see it again about now.

    Hope everyone is doing well with their challenge. The month is nearly halfway to March. Pretty soon we will have to decide if we want to continue the challenge as it stands for the ALL-IN.

    @RobinsEgg -- Hope you are back soon and feeling better. We miss you on here, but don't want to hurry you either.

    AFM - Friday the 13th is kind of a special date in my life. It was a January Friday the 13th that I left my husband, many, many years ago. It was on another January Friday the 13th that he married the woman over whom I left him. It was on a February Friday the 13th that I found the best puppy in the world that came to live with me 6 weeks later and be my best friend for the next 12 years. It was on a February Friday the 13th that my parents got to welcome their first great-grandson. The only one they got to meet, although more sons have been born into the family. It was on a November 13th that my son married the love of his life and looked like the happiest man on earth that day.
    So, suffice to say, I like Friday the 13th ... actually, any date that is the 13th.

    February challenge; Calories are keeping at at or under goal every day, PT exercise is being done every day. Still no gym ... much to much snow out there for me to venture out very much. However, I have been getting exercise outdoors about every other day ... keeping up with shoveling snow ... at least the path to the drive way from the front porch, and down the drive way out to the street and through all that junk the snow plows throw into my drive so the mailman can get through.

    My plans for the weekend are to cook up some split pea soup, make some oven-baked pork chop dinners, and finish some very much needed house work.


  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    I am trying to get back on track but finding it difficult. I really want to get out and go for a walk but it's just too cold. -27 this morning. so I went out for a drive in the car but my face hurt too much just getting into the car. The sun is shining and the snow is beautiful but I've had it. enbara