Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited January 2015
    Welcome to all of the newlings!!

    @kaye--I've had similar experiences entering a recipe to find my estimate was way low. :( Glad you decided to do the 10k. If you're already comfortable walking 4 miles, 6 won't be a problem.

    @mel--good to see you pop in from time to time. :)

    @mary--yeah, the weird part about being so hungry is that I ate a lot of healthy veggies throughout the day. I even had a huge salad after dinner and that usually takes care of my late night hunger, but it just didn't work yesterday. Today was definitely better--though I was still feeling hungry this morning.

    @teresa--we all have those days. I'm sure you didn't do any real damage. Remember it takes 3500 extra calories above your maintenance allowance to gain one true pound. Just drink a lot of water to flush out all of the extra sodium from that Chinese takeaway.

    @barb--great job meeting your calorie goal today! Yes, I'm also jealous of the folks on here talking about their sunny, warm weather. Then I see the posts about 2 feet of snow and I'm thankful. Perspective.

    @rozie--I've also been slacking on the water which is unusual for me since it's about all I drink other than my morning coffee.

    @niki--sorry you've had some bad news lately--I hope things turn around soon.

    @erin--Ugh about your snow. As a lifelong Chicagoan, I've been there and done that, and it sucks. The good news is that shoveling snow burns a ton of calories. We also had exams last week which tends to equal more meals out. I try to balance those days with a lighter dinner--doesn't always work, but I try.

    @holly--I agree with everyone else--it's natural to feel those emotions, so feel them and then let them go. I have a friend at work who started using MFP the same time I did. She did a bunch of fad type of diets along the way and lost a lot of weight but couldn't sustain the extreme eating plans and gained it back. Then last year she started again a bit healthier with the food and added some exercise to get ready for her wedding last summer. She lost a lot of weight again. We did a 5k together last May and she beat my time. I pretended I didn't care, but I was a little bitter that she was so inconsistent and managed to run a faster race than me. However, after the wedding, guess what? She stopped going to boot camp and gained again. Now she's back at it again going to boot camp, but doing the fad diet stuff as well. I will probably run that same 5k with her this May, and yes, I would like to beat her, but I've realized I'm better off b/c I'm not yo-yoing up and down like she is. I've actually changed my lifestyle for the better, and even if she's faster than me, I'm healthier.

    @kelley--I really hope the car situation turns out okay.

    @melissa--I think you hit the nail on the head. I don't actually get a TOM b/c of my BC, but I still sometimes get the "fun" PMS symptoms. Pretty sure my extreme hunger yesterday and today was just due to that.

    Thursday Truth:
    I can't remember who mentioned "forgetting" to log some little bites here and there--I think it was barb--but reading that post made me realize I've been guilty of the same thing. I'll be in the middle of class and suddenly remember the snack I forgot to log last night. I then plan to go back and log it, but by the time I get back on here it's slipped my mind again. Going forward I need to be more mindful about logging "every BLT (bite, lick, taste)" to quote kelley. ;)

    Made it to the gym for my 2nd run this week, so I've officially made that January goal. I ran/walked the interval program, then ran a 10-minute mile. Usually when I've done that, I feel completely spent. But today as I reached the mile mark, I actually felt like I could go a bit further. I didn't b/c I wanted to have time to grade, but next time I will shoot for a mile and a half at the 6 mph pace.

    For the Feb. strength challenge, I plan to do a lot of balance work. I keep reading running articles talking about how vital it is to have good balance as a runner, but reading the articles alone isn't doing anything to improve mine. LOL I used to do a bunch of balance stuff when I was rehabbing my knee, so I plan to do that routine again at least 3x/week. That will take care of strength work for my legs and core.

    As far as arms and upper body, I will need to see what the PT says when I go for my evaluation of my shoulder next Friday. It was feeling great while I was on the prednisone, but yesterday the shoulder started to twinge and today it's spreading to my neck again. I really hope the PT can correct the problem.

    I collected some work from my students today, but have already made my way through a 3rd of it. I'm going to work really hard tomorrow to finish the rest before the weekend. It's TOUGH to grade on a Friday though, so we'll see.

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 27/29 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week: week 1 = 2/2, week 2 = 3/2, week 3 = 2/2, week 4 = 2/2
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47) DONE 1/25 in 55:41!!

    Grading Goals:
    1. 20/60 JRP journals

    Exercise Goals: (week 4)
    Sun--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner

    2015 mantra "Just 15 minutes"

  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Hi Everyone (yes, you "new lungs", as well- giggles) ;)

    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ - Awesome! I don't feel so embarrassed for trying the homework trick, if I have your stamp of approval
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    naceto wrote: »
    Hi Everyone (yes, you "new lungs", as well- giggles) ;)

    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ - Awesome! I don't feel so embarrassed for trying the homework trick, if I have your stamp of approval

    Seriously, I just typed for 5 minutes into my phone and it only saved the above?! LOL

    I'll sum it up:
    Thanks (son's foot).
    Frustrated for child
    Ate 900 for dinner yesterday (truth)
    Ice cream- said yes yesterday (dinner), said no today (yay).
    Comfort food- not so comforting
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Friday at last. It's been what has become a typical work week. Crazy and stressful. I never realized how much I would miss my last project once it was finished! I really need to work on my stress relieving skills.

    DDs are also stressing me out. Oldest is considering buying a condo and is calling constantly for advice about it. And we're helping out on the down payment so add in the financial stress of making sure we have accessible funds to give her. Youngest is about to get engaged, we're figuring out giving them my old car, her almost finance just got into MBA school only a couple hours away, but is hoping to get into a higher rated program closer to Boston. So she may or may not be moving 2 hours away. My head wants him to get into the program he wants to go to, but my selfish mom heart wants my baby close by again for a couple years. And don't even get me started on discussing future wedding plans. I will literally curl up in a ball and cry.

    I need a 2015 mantra just for stress: "This too shall pass".

    2015 Mantras:

    Live like someone left the gate open (Live Joyously)

    Have a wonderful, stress free (yeah right) weekend everyone!
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    edited January 2015
    Been reading along, but run out of time for posting....too busy snacking and binge watching Friends on Netflix. Grrrr.

    I was up on the shoe store scale this week. Going to stay on top of my diary and make sure I'm drinking enough water. It's all about the basics, but you can't just know what to do. You have to actually do those things! Sigh. Need to get to bed at a decent hour, too.

    I work this weekend, which usually helps me stay on a bit of schedule. I have my food planned for today and everything logged except dinner. That will change based on my activity level today.

    Have a good day, everyone!

    January All-in: 9/29
    Mantra: You Know Better!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @NK112- Everyday is a new day you will get back in your groove.
    @Teresa- Glad you like the new doctor and as far as your eating big….you nailed it “Forgive yourself and move on”. The fact you felt gross is probably huge accomplishment from the past.
    @New People- Welcome to the group
    @Grandma Kaye- The plus side to the cookie ordeal is now you have your specific cookie to track. Great job on the walking and good luck on V-day walk.
    @Goins TD12- Welcome …congrats on cancer free and good luck with you appointment.
    @Karen- hope the shoulder and neck get better soon for you.
    @Naceto- Adorable picture.
    @Lives2travel- You may have a lot of stress right now but when you look back on it….it is happy stress new home for one and new life for another.

    AFM- Reading how people forget to log….my issue is I eat mostly local places which mostly don’t have nutrition information posted so when I try to log I pick a chain restaurant that sells the same thing or similar item. Now reading grandma kaye cookie situation I wonder if I am doing it right. Thanks for the support on the friend issue and my green eyed monster side. Lots of homework this weekend along with Riley vet checkup (he loves the doctor), normal house chores and getting my car back. I think that I should start saving towards a different car off craigslist at some point but I keep having faith in my old car for it has been in our family 11 yrs and never left us stranded away from home. Although old faithful has left us stranded at times never more than a bus ride/or short walk away to get home. I can’t afford a car payment right now and higher insurance at the same time. I live in one of the top 5 zip codes for the most uninsured drivers so even my 11yr old Saturn Ion is $100 a month just to insure with liability cuz we eat the cost of others not having it. Happy Friday!
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ - WHAT? Reading about something doesn't actually make it happen?!? :wink: If only, right? My equilibrium has always been a little wobbly, resulting in a couple of harmful falls in the past few years. Yoga is helping with that, and I'm planning to discuss that issue with the trainer when figuring out a strength routine for February (provided I ever catch the guy when he's at the rec!).

    @hansea47 - Ah, binge watching, the opiate of the masses. I'm still trying to break the habit of watching reruns of Friends/Old Christine/The Middle at night. Thinking seriously about ditching satellite next month and relying on Hulu+ and Netflix (and HBO GO when GOT premieres) for my viewing needs. I know that will help in some areas, but the availability of multiple seasons at once...that will challenge my willpower again.

    Getting ready to head out to the high school to sub for the forensics/debate teacher all day. He has first block plan, so I don't have to be there until 9AM, and his kids are pretty much self-directed at this point, which means I'll be able to work on some of my writing assignments. Win!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2015
    @Nicole~New profile pic, cute! Step away from the ice cream! :wink:

    @Karen~Great run yesterday! My trainer does a lot of balance work with me; I find it tedious but know it’s just as important as the weights and cardio.

    @Hansea~I heard on the news this morning that binge watching TV shows is bad for your psyche, causing depressive thoughts apparently. I’ve been binge watching True Blood lately! :lol::blush:

    @L2T~I probably drove my parents crazy when I was house hunting, too. I know I’m driving my dad crazy right now with all my car repair questions. :lol:

    @Holly~Riley loves going to the vet?! Zoe turns into a hedgehog—curls up into a ball and then tries to hide in my shirt! :wink:

    Welcome to the newlings that stopped by yesterday!

    AFM~Session with trainer yesterday, have I mentioned he’s into torturing me with burpees lately?! Pure evil! Afterwards I met up with a friend and we went to PF Changs for dinner, while I did have a cosmo we split both an appetizer and an entree so it worked out well—so met my goals yesterday. Today is a much needed rest day. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow but think it will hold off until the afternoon, so we (along with our trainer) should be able to meet up in the morning for the doggies to walk us. :wink:

    I gave the okay to the body shop to start repairs on my car yesterday, should take 2-3 weeks—hopefully nothing else is uncovered in the process. I did get news today though, the insurance of the person that caused accident accepted responsibility–they are sending me compensation for my shoulder injury and are contacting my ins company today. I wasn't worried but glad their investigation was quick.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @kah68 - Binge watching True Blood? Welcome to my world. :wink: I co-own the largest True Blood fansite in the world and have met/interviewed a lot of the cast and creative team. You know, ever you ever want to yak about it.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    melifornia wrote: »
    @kah68 - Binge watching True Blood? Welcome to my world. :wink: I co-own the largest True Blood fansite in the world and have met/interviewed a lot of the cast and creative team. You know, ever you ever want to yak about it.

    That's awesome! I :heart: that show, I don't subscribe to the movie channels so was never able to watch it. I knew I was in trouble when I saw it on Amazon Prime and watched the first season in a weekend! :lol:

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Preschool Health and Fitness Day.
    The last Friday in January is National Preschool Health and Fitness Day. Whether you’re a teacher,school director,club owner or parent it’s important to support physical fitness for preschool children. Here are some reasons why:
    1. Childhood obesity is now recognized as having its roots during the preschool years. Recent studies have even indicated that children as young as 9 months are already affected. Many researchers believe the process begins even earlier than that while babies are still in the womb. Regardless of what age childhood obesity really begins,it’s never too young to instill healthy lifestyle habits.
    2. Other diseases that have always been considered diseases of adulthood are now cropping up in children. Children leave preschool with up to 5 risk factors for heart disease. Children as young as age two are already afflicted with adult onset diabetes. These along with a number of musculoskeletal,orthopedic,psychological and metabolic disorders are now associated with the younger years.
    3. The lifestyle habits that are necessary to halt and reverse the above alarming trends must be taught during the early,formative years. There’s a reason why children are shown how to brush their teeth,take a bath,use the potty and groom themselves during the preschool years. This is the time behaviors are planted for life. Eating healthy and exercising regularly are habits that children need to learn from the start. It’s easier and much more effective to build healthy habits than to change unhealthy ones years later.
    What can you do to help? Plenty.
    * Read a book to your child about making good food choices or not spending too much time on the computer/television.
    * Give your preschool daycare children a fitness adventure with age appropriate activities,games and easy to make equipment.
    * Get a free copy of the Food Guide Pyramid and post at home or in the classroom. Help children learn the foods they should eat the most and the least.
    * Improve upon what children are being fed,especially for breakfast and lunch during their preschool day.
    * Include small motor skill activities,art projects and classroom lessons that reinforce healthy habits and teach about the body.
    * Make eating fun. Let children help make snacks and choose which healthy foods they would like to try.
    * Exercise daily with your child. It doesn’t take much exercise to improve health and boost the immune system. Simple,short activities can make a big difference and start building the association that exercise is fun.
    * Keep updated on the latest news regarding preschool children and health. Stay educated so you can make the best choices for the preschool children in your life.

    “The last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” ~Victor E. Frankl

  • texasmom2013
    texasmom2013 Posts: 64 Member
    @MaryPoppinsIAint‌ - I'm glad you're getting better! I'm a stay at home mom and I have 2 girls, 2 and 3 years old. We're all sick, but the worst is over. It's weird how Monday I felt like I could take on the world. Tuesday comes and we get hit like a freight train...a fever and vomit filled freight train
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Trying to get back on track like i have a million tumes this past year. Doing ok for a few days so hopeful this will stick. After my open heart surgery one year ago i kind of lost my mind and gained 100 of the 150 i had previously lost!! Seriously, who gains that much in one year??? Took so long to be able to breathe properly that I stopped moving. Then i went back to work after 4 1/2 years off on disability. I actually eat better at work cause i pack my meals and dont bring money for snacks. I am hoping that once i get the hang of eating and logging properly i will be able to start moving again. I have many days worth of yard work to be done!! Just working on today right now. Also having difficulty navigating the forums with this new format here. Thanks for posting all your stories. It motivates me to keep trying!!
  • texasmom2013
    texasmom2013 Posts: 64 Member
    I didn't meet any of my exercise goals this week. I was just too sick. I feel a little bit better today so I will try to do some light exercise. I did manage to eat under my calorie goal and I lost 2 pounds this week for a total of 18 pounds lost!

    NSV- I have this super cute pair of shorts I bought when I lost weight the first time. I had put some of the weight back on so they were a bit too tight. Now I've lost some weight again and they are almost too loose! On a side note I live in North Texas in the Dallas area. I kid you not it was in the mid 70's all week and it was 85°F yesterday! Hence the need for shorts. Today 48°F. Go figure. I'm so ready for spring!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Happy Friday to all!

    Fitness - Went to spin this morning for the first time in almost 2 weeks. It is truly amazing how quickly you can lose the knack. There is a group of us at my gym who will be doing a one minute challenge for the month of February. You can pick any exercise and do it for one minute every day. At the end of the month we will see how we have improved. I am choosing to do push-ups. On my toes. Today I tried, just to see what my baseline would be. Well - I can do one. So there is lots of room for improvement there.

    There is quite a bit of talk on here about the BLT's. Those extra calories we tend not to log. Well I must say I am guilty of this as well. Now that I am back in the Weight Loss Challenge I will have to get more honest or stop the extra nibbles. The candy dishes at the bank are truly some of my worst. I call those land mines.

    Love to all, have a great weekend,
    Lori <3
    Living life gratified.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @texasmom2013‌~I live in a suburb of Dallas also--yep, been gorgeous this week. I have spring fever! :smiley:
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    kah68 wrote: »
    melifornia wrote: »
    @kah68 - Binge watching True Blood? Welcome to my world. :wink: I co-own the largest True Blood fansite in the world and have met/interviewed a lot of the cast and creative team. You know, ever you ever want to yak about it.

    That's awesome! I :heart: that show, I don't subscribe to the movie channels so was never able to watch it. I knew I was in trouble when I saw it on Amazon Prime and watched the first season in a weekend! :lol:

    @melifornia - That is so cool! @Kah68 - True Blood was so awesome. I loved that show and binge watched the first seasons last summer while Anthony was on a road trip with the grandpa. I was devastated that it ended... well, okay, I was disappointed. ;) I tried to read the books, but couldn't really get into them, but loved the show. Usually it's the other way around.

    Well, most of Washington State is practically on holiday today, due to Super Bowl. (Go Hawks!). Today, they are serving hotdogs, chips, and Skittles, at work. I have to get some calories burned... but am still on a bum ankle. Must find balance...
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited January 2015
    I think I'm a bit behind the 8-ball because a couple of people have already posted their February goals .... here it is, as promised.


    MONTHLY “ALL IN” CHALLENGE for February 2015:

    Are you new to ‘Need to Lose 100 LBS - Robin’s Thread’ ??? … know that just by posting you have joined in and can participate as you will. We welcome you.

    <3 ‘Rule’ - None of the standards or challenges are mandatory. The ‘challenges’ are with yourself only. You are the only one who keeps track of how you are doing. So please, Do Give an account of your challenge and how you are doing.

    Suggestions: copy this post so you have it on your computer or desk top as a reference.

    <3<3 Our FEBRUARY ALL-IN Challenge is EXERCISE.
    We already focus on the calorie aspect of weight management. The other component to weight loss is … exercise!

    All kinds of exercise is good exercise … anything that keeps you active that you WILL DO is what to pick. Here are the kinds of exercise that got enthusiastic responses from the ‘members’. … Pick your choice as your personal challenge.

    1 … weight/strength training with weight machines, free-weights, heavy-lifting.
    2 … body resistance with no weights, with food cans/juice jugs, tension cords/exercise bands
    3 … non weight-added exercise, but a focus on some type of formal active body movement with goals (Walking, Yoga, Pilates, Calisthenics, Biking, Swimming, Physical Therapy, etc.)

    Select the exercise you will focus on (suggested above or one of your own ideas), how often you will participate in it, and what your goal with that might be. <3

    <3 We also will continue our standard of “watching our calories” and reporting our goal and our achievement of coming within 100 calories of our MFP caloric goal.

    (*) A standard from the beginning ... Suggestions for when you post, useful if you don’t know what to ‘say’.

    ................Goals and Ideas for daily posts (not mandatory)
    Monday - check in (how are you doing? Any successes or struggles this week-end.)
    Tuesday - Goals (do you have a personal goal you want to share with us?)
    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? … weight related or not, realistic or not)
    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to ‘fess up’ or ‘get off your chest’?)
    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?)
    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished, focus on the positive of the week, NSV (non scale victories).
    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself … update your personal life.)


    @RobinsEgg ... I hope I did this the way you would have. Hope you are back to pick up your mantle soon. Get well, be happy.
    Follow-Through, Niki
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    kah68 wrote: »
    @Nicole~New profile pic, cute! Step away from the ice cream! :wink:

    @Karen~Great run yesterday! My trainer does a lot of balance work with me; I find it tedious but know it’s just as important as the weights and cardio.

    @Hansea~I heard on the news this morning that binge watching TV shows is bad for your psyche, causing depressive thoughts apparently. I’ve been binge watching True Blood lately! :lol::blush:

    @L2T~I probably drove my parents crazy when I was house hunting, too. I know I’m driving my dad crazy right now with all my car repair questions. :lol:

    @Holly~Riley loves going to the vet?! Zoe turns into a hedgehog—curls up into a ball and then tries to hide in my shirt! :wink:

    Welcome to the newlings that stopped by yesterday!

    AFM~Session with trainer yesterday, have I mentioned he’s into torturing me with burpees lately?! Pure evil! Afterwards I met up with a friend and we went to PF Changs for dinner, while I did have a cosmo we split both an appetizer and an entree so it worked out well—so met my goals yesterday. Today is a much needed rest day. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow but think it will hold off until the afternoon, so we (along with our trainer) should be able to meet up in the morning for the doggies to walk us. :wink:

    I gave the okay to the body shop to start repairs on my car yesterday, should take 2-3 weeks—hopefully nothing else is uncovered in the process. I did get news today though, the insurance of the person that caused accident accepted responsibility–they are sending me compensation for my shoulder injury and are contacting my ins company today. I wasn't worried but glad their investigation was quick.

    I believe Riley loves the vet because as part beagle he loves the attention and he likes getting treats. He walks in tail wagging 100mph can't hardly listen cause he is so happy to see the staff. Our cat Dotsin (rip) hated the doctor had to start putting him on leash instead of crate because he wouldn't come out the crate.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Friday Fitness ... thinking hard about what my exercise ALL-In challenge will be. I don't/won't exercise on Sundays because that's my rest day for my Monday check-in with weight measurement. Did have a plan for January but it fell apart right at the gate. Did a very little bit with free weights and weight machines in 2013 but not since then .... I'll have to do some more thinking on it; especially since knee flared up from the one day I did make it to the gym. It's got to be something I can committ to that's reasonable for my present physical condition. I'll get it. I know I will.

    Watch your calories: 23/29

    I've been reading the posts and personals ... but don't have much to say myself today except ... keep up the good work everyone.
    Follow-through, Niki