Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday Truth. I know it's Friday and I did a truth yesterday, but I'm going again today. Not a good day whatsoever. It started with a chocolate covered donut at work. We then celebrated birthdays and anniversaries. My 1-year, which I love my job, but there was chocolate cake. Lunch was out with a supplier and of course he had to try Capriotti's - 1/3 Capastrami, 1/3 Cheesesteak, and 1/3 Bobbie. Afternoon was miniatures like a Rolo, PB Cup, Snickers, Heath and 3 Musketeers. Dinner wasn't bad then ended the evening watching an awful movie eating popcorn. I really want to blame Aunt Flo, but she hasn't arrived yet. She should be coming any day now so I'm blaming her completely.

    Tomorrow I've got to take Izzy to the groomer then heading straight to the gym. I cannot let food dictate my life and take control. I'm busy blaming everything else. Also, I can't forget today's holiday. Being single for almost 12 years now after my divorce I guess it was my pity party with my old friend sweets and chocolate. I've really chosen to stay single because I didn't really want to introduce anyone to Cyrus, but I think I also use it as my excuse. I'm fat and staying this way to protect myself from getting hurt again. If that's the case, I'll be chubby for a very, long time.

    I know I'm stronger than this and this will pass. Tomorrow is a new day. I will to take control of my life.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--ugh, sounds like you had an awful day! I'm so sorry about all of the losses you've experienced, and am sending good thoughts for your dad's and friend's mom speedy recoveries. I'm glad you got through what sounds like the worst of the storm--hoping the overnight snow is minimal.

    @susan--I've heard a lot of people echo your feelings of staying fat as an excuse to avoid relationships. I'm not sure I have any sage advice, but I will say that no matter what your size is, YOU decide whether or not to engage in a relationship. I suppose it's easier to not have to make those decisions, but think of all of the things you will miss out on if you choose this form of self-protection. You are a wonderful, attractive person as you are right now--don't let a fear of getting close to people sabotage your goals. :flowerforyou:
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    Well, I have an NSV (emotionally speaking): My grandmother (the one that passed recently), her brother, my Great Uncle Bill was taken off life support Wednesday. Of course (and understandably) I was majorly sad, but I didn't go into a depression. I stayed out of bed and didn't eat too much more than I usually do.

    The reason I've been eating more is this: Next week, I have a trip to MO to see a college roomie. Next week is also my hubby's birthday. Since I'll be gone (he's okay with it, I asked...several times) we're celebrating his birthday THIS weekend. Hence, there is now Gluten-free apple crumble, yellow cake with chocolate frosting, and chocolate AND vanilla ice cream in my house. Fortunately, I also stocked up on baby carrots, celery, grapes and I couldn't resist the strawberries! I have a lot of choices. Now I just have to make the better choice! (Prayers would be appreciated!)

    I made it to work on Thursday! YAY for another victory! It was good to see my girls again.

    I'm not going to do personals tonight, and I will probably not be on much over the weekend. I have some online training to do, which should take about 6 hours...ugh! But, it needs to be done and then I won't have to do it again for another year...sigh...

    I hope ya'll have a great weekend and that the week wrapped up successfully for you. We just got 5 more inches of snow, plus 1-3 tomorrow. I think Ol' Man Winter is just messin' with us! Yesterday, I was actually able to take my dog for a walk...and I wore capris...haha! (Hey, it was in the 40's...that's like a heat wave!)

    G'nite friends
    loves :love:
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Quick note, I made another day under! That is so cool for me! That is my goal too, this has been a good week for me 4 out of 7 days under my goal. Other goal is not moving but I have had other activity during the week. I have two days to go and Maybe I can make it.


    Under calorie goal 4/7 days: 4/7
    Walk 3/7 days: 1/7
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    What a bizarre week.

    I'm actually terrible as I haven't been to the gym. I told the boyfriend to make sure to text me after I get off to make sure I go.

    I was cleared for upper body workouts and running from my PT.

    My PT is CRAZY. My shoulder is feeling better (big time yay!) but planks on a bosu ball? Come on now! :) I think I'm going to have to try them again at the gym tonight.

    I have a cold, and surprisingly I'm getting over it relatively quickly. It's played havoc with my weight this week. I have stuck to my 1200-1500 calories, but water retention sent me from 222 to 230. I was guzzling water like crazy. This morning I was back down to the 222.8, which makes me feel better. I'm so close to breaking into the teens, I have to get to the gym. lol

    Hope you all day a fabulous Valentine's Day with your loved ones! :)
  • lmackbethl
    Bump! :flowerforyou:
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    Since it's Saturday, my successes this week have been going to physical therapy twice (even with all the snow we got), and doing all my PT exercises at home on the days I didn't go to PT. I also stuck to my calorie count (even when I wanted to eat more than I should).

    For my February challenge, I'd say I would like to exercise every single day this month, even on days when I don't feel like exercising. And I want to continue sticking to the right amount of calories.

    <<Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories) .
    February challenge: Groundhog day challenge- Based on the movie, pick one new habit and repeat it everyday for the month. It can be as easy as drinking x amount of water a day, eating a certain amount of protein etc. >>
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Just a quick check in...I feel so bad for all of you having such awful, emotional, stressful stuff happening this week! Hang in there!

    I'm doing well with my GHD Challenge...100% :smile:

    And Saturday is my weigh-in day....I am down another 4 lbs! It's a lot for one week, but I think I got some bonus pounds because I had been up a couple pounds last week.

    My husband and I are still doing that weight loss challenge at the local shoe store, and we also weigh in over there every Saturday. I'm kind of ticked at their scale right now. I now that my weight won't be consistent over there because we can't always get there at the same time of day, and today I wore jeans while in the past I had my nice light weight scrub pants on...but....I'm down 4 lbs at home (where I weigh myself naked :blushing: and first thing in the morning, so almost exactly the same time each day)....yet, at their store I'm UP a half pound?!?:noway: I thought that was some crazy fluctuation, even for me, so I weighed myself with all my clothes on at home immediately after, and I weighed 2.5 lbs less on my home scale. Frustrated, but I'll get over it. Just had to vent.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome newlings! :flowerforyou:

    @macbeth--good to see you popping in!

    @alupinsk--sorry you have a cold, but glad you got cleared to run--yay!

    @ushkii--since you have two days, you CAN make you walking goal--you just have to decide to do it. :wink:

    @hayley--so sorry about your Great Uncle, but congrats on not letting it sink you into a deep depression. We are also warming up this week--it's supposed to get into the 40's with whispers of the 50's by next weekend. Crossing my fingers that it actually happens. We need to get some of this snow melted and gone!

    Saturday Success:
    Well I made an extra $660 this week teaching ACT prep, so the long days were worth it. I plan to use that money to take care of some of the expenses we have coming up for the 2 weddings we will attend this summer. Both are for my work colleagues and they are doing a combined bachelorette party in May. It will be a lot of fun, but a bit expensive--$40 for a party bus, then another $35 for a reserved table at Howl at the Moon (a piano bar in downtown Chicago). The party bus includes booze, and HATM includes the first drink, but I'm sure we will end up spending more. Also, I will probably go in on a hotel room with some of the other guests b/c I certainly don't want to drive home after all of that.

    In addition, I need to buy some clothes for the trip for the wedding in Dominican Republic. I already have the dress, but need to find some dressy sandals to go with it. Also need to get the DH a nice button-down to wear with his dress slacks for the beach wedding. It will be too hot to wear a full suit, and his only dress shirts are long sleeved.

    I got up early to teach the last ACT class this morning, now I am getting some housework done before I walk gunner and head to the gym. I also need to get started grading my juniors' outlines for their research papers. Not looking forward to that. :grumble:

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    13/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. 1/51 JRP outlines
    2. re-read Great Gatsby DID MORE

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Tues--rest day (teaching evening class)
    Wed--rest day (teaching evening class)
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello all. My day is off to a pretty good start today. My hubby made waffles for breakfast for everyone after making sure the dogs didn't wake me and I was able to sleep in. After breakfast we packed up the dogs and went to the lake just down the hill from us and hiked all around it and up the trails on the hill behind it. A lot of fun and we got done just before the rain started back up.That will be my exercise for the day since it is supposed to be yucky and mucky outside all day but thats ok. I got out and moved and the dogs got some exercise so goals were met.
    I have been successful all week in getting my workouts in and only went over calories one day (yesterday). All in all a pretty good week.
    Great job everyone and working hard this week and so many people either meeting or working hard to the goals that they have set. You are all amazing people. I am off to play cards at my parents with my hubby. A nice way to pass arainy afternoon. Have a great day everyone.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Todays Hike per HRM:
    25 min....I didnt start the timer on the hrm until after we got done running and playing fetch in the feild.
    531 cals/claimed 400
    1 mile
    2970 steps
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    Best wishes for all of you that are facing illnesses or passing of loved ones.:flowerforyou:

    We did not do anything for Valentine’s Day last night. Since we are both off of work on Monday I gave Amy a Valentines gift of President Amy’s day. She gets to pick where we go for breakfast(Black Bear Dinner …? ), lunch and dinner(Hecho en Vegas …?). She gets to pick a movie (Winter Tale, Endless Love …?) or whatever she wants. All day with me she gets to pick what and when we do whatever she wants. So I’ll see how that works out.:laugh:

    I just got back from the eye Doctor and I had a good check up! Now my eyes are dilated though and I am not seeing as good as usual hope that goes away quickly, it should.

    GHDC= 3.3 miles 14 days in a row of > 2 miles

    “No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change.” ~Bill Phillips

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Humbleheart - how good and kind of you to care for your elderly aunt. I hope I have someone as kind as you to come to my rescue when I am unable to care for myself. She may have dementia and that makes the task extremely hard, but keep it up. Blessings will be returned to you someday.

    jtconst - congrats on adding a little jog to your walk - funny how you got intercepted by a chatty neighbor!

    hansea - good for you for looking for ways to squeeze in exercise every chance you get! What a good job you're doing.




    Kethra - welcome to our thread - boy you are doing a great job so far - we'll support you the rest of the way if you stick with us!

    KarenLeona - I'm glad you were walking and got to see the rainbow after the rain - isn't it a glorious sight? I haven't seen one in years - just from lack of being outside often enough. Keep up the walking plan you have going = it sounds perfect for your situation.

    Laurie - Oh, Laurie - I can't imagine a more awful day than the one you had! So many losses in one day and your dad in the hospital too. I am glad he's spending the night - so he can get proper care and you can get a good night's rest. Doing all that shoveling is hard work. I'm glad you got the plow =men to open up the street again so the EMS could come. Take care, HUGS.

    Susan - you're so dynamic and positive and beautiful, that I think you would get snapped up if you entered the dating world now, but I know how you feel about dating around your son. Its tricky, but not impossible. You need to stop using that as an excuse and - now I'm not saying actually date - but open yourself up to the possibility that a Mr. Right might be available to you now in your present condition and around you somewhere right now. I hope that someday you will stop the negative talk about yourself on days like this!!!! And don't let HYPE like Valentines Day make you take yourself down.
    In the future, PLEASE try to say when out with friends, "No, I'm not eating that - I'm saving up for a reward thats coming up in a few months." Then deflect the conversation to them. I know you can make this journey a success !

    Haley - I'm so glad you didn't go into a depression over your Uncle's passing, that still must have been rough. My sympaathies. Enjoy your weekend with your college roomate - sounds like so much fun. Good luck with the on-line training - doesn't sound like fun but very necessary.

    Ushkii - YOU ROCK - keep knocking down those goals! You can do it1

    Alup - yep it sounds like a crazy week - I hope you get over your cold. Your water retention weight would have scared the cats off the roof for me!

    njitaliana - welcome to our thread. Glad to hear you are doing your PT exercises as instructed. Are they telling you to rest between days of exercise - I ask because many of us doing exercises DO have rest days between exercise days. You might want to check with your PT. Otherwise sounds like you have a GREAT PLAN!!!!!

    AFM - Went with a friend to a wine-tasting event at a local winery last night. It was not a fancy affair, but they were promoting the release of their "rare" raspberry wine, and my friend likes that variety very much and it sells out early in the year. He had bought from another vinter last year. We tasted this brand and it was good, so he purchased a case. That would be 12, right? And the price was $20 a bottle so it came to 20 x 12. When we left, the clerk carried the case to the car and it was a smallish box. I spoke up as we drove away about the size of the box, and urged him to check it to see if it was a full case, so he pulled into a driveway and opened the case and saw 12 bottles and was satisfied. But when we got to his house, he pulled this incredibly skinny bottle out of the case. Each bottle was only 325 ml. Can you believe the audacity of that vintner to sell 325 ml. as a full bottle of wine???? WHERE IN THE WORLD IS THAT CONSIDERED RIGHT or am I just a novice in the wine world????
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: Well, I’m glad this week is over. As far as a success, I’ll have to say the week had its moments. Last weekend I was battling the flu. I hadn’t been to the gym in 5 days. I went back to work Tuesday and did work out Wednesday and Thursday, which felt good. As you know, I had a pity party yesterday and ate like a little piglet. Thank goodness it’s over. I had a good workout this morning with the elliptical and treadmill. I took out some fish and shrimp to make some meals this weekend. I need to hit the store for salad stuff and veggies. I was doing pretty well with the Ground Hog Challenge and hitting 100 grams of protein each day just got a little off. This next week I’m going to hit my protein each day, exercise 5 days and try to drink 100 oz. of water each day. This will probably be the hardest for me, but it’s so good for you.

    I’ve only got a few more sessions left with my trainer. As much as I’ve enjoyed working with her, I just can’t afford it right now. I should have more in my savings and a safety net, which I don’t. Cyrus and I have our cruise in less than 2 months (Woo Hoo!!!), which is paid for, but there are additional expenses like any excursions, on board, Cyrus needs clothes (he’s growing too fast), etc. . . Plus, I realized his summer break will be right around the corner. Last year I spent over $1,800 on various camps and activities. Oh well. I’m glad I had the sessions with her and will take everything I learned to keep pushing forward.

    @ Laurie – I was so sorry to read your post yesterday. Way too much loss. Plus, I was so sorry to hear about your dad too. I know how tough this has been for all of you. I hope the doctors can help him and he’s released soon. I did have to chuckle at your snow plow comments. Growing up in western PA near Erie my dad worked for the city. It was so tough because you can’t lift the grater for every driveway and when cars were in the street you had to go around them. I’m glad they helped you out that day. I was pretty spoiled growing up because he would bring the grater home and our driveway plus road was always clear. I hardly ever shoveled. Shame on me for not taking advantage of the exercises calories. Of course, as a kid, I didn’t care then. LOL!!

    @ Ushkii – So proud of you!!! I knew you could do it. Just keep going. One day at a time.

    @ Tom – What a lovely day you have planned. You and Amy are so lucky to have each other. Plus, I always love following your post and all the new restaurant ideas you give me. We do have so many to choose from in Vegas that’s for sure. Also, you’re doing awesome on the GHDC – keep it up!!

    @ Robin – Thanks!! I appreciate the words of wisdom. You’re exactly right. I need to quit making excuses. I’ve always used Cyrus as my excuse or my focus on my career. While my marriage may not have worked and I was very hurt by it, I do miss being in a relationship. Caring for someone and someone caring for me. It’s just amazing how the old thoughts come back so quickly and I blame because I’m a big girl that no one wants me, which is not true. If I don’t allow anyone in, how will I know? You’re so right. As far as the wine, I have no clue what all the sizes mean. I know what a standard bottle looks like and that’s about it, but the raspberry does sound good. I think I’m spoiled though because many of the suppliers I go out with will buy it with dinner and it’s so good. I’ve probably had too many expensive ones and use to them being so smooth.

    @ Karen – Money well deserved! It’s always nice to have a little extra coming in for those added expenses. You’ve got a lot of fun stuff coming up this year.

    @ Tammy – What a nice day for you and your DH!! I know it’s so important to spend as much time together as you can when he’s gone for such long periods of a time on the boat. Plus, you’ve had a pretty good week overall – good for you!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey everyone! :flowerforyou:

    @susan--glad you're feeling better after the bad day yesterday. Yes, I didn't realize how much I had going on this year until I started thinking about it. Both the weddings are away, Although one is just in Wisconsin, it will still be an overnight trip, and of course we rolled our vacation into the other one in Dominican, but still an expense. I also have our NY trip to pay for in the fall--looks like a new car will have to wait one more year. Fortunately, my 11 yo Hyundai seems to have made it through this brutally cold winter--KNOCKING ON WOOD!!! :laugh:

    @robin--I have very little experience with wine, but that doesn't seem right. :angry:

    @tom--that's an awesome Valentine gift! :drinker: Lucky Amy!

    @tammy--sounds like a great day! I'm always jealous of your nature hikes--it's one of my favorite activities. However, I have no desire to live in an area rural enough to give me access to hiking on a daily basis. There are some nice forest preserves and state parks within a half hour drive of my home, but I rarely take advantage. The only one that is really close to my house doesn't allow dogs, so I never go there. :ohwell:

    @ushkii--I tried to encourage you to meet your goal of walking today, but then I blew off my own goal of going to the gym. :blushing: I really hope you showed me up. :wink: Regardless you are doing wonderfully! :drinker:

    AFM--Well, as I mentioned above to ushkii, I didn't go to the gym. After a long walk with gunner and a bit of time outside trying to pick up his yard, I was just exhausted. I think my week of extra-long days caught up with me. :ohwell: I decided to head to starbucks to try to grade these outlines--got through a couple more but they are not very good. I can tell it's not for a lack of effort, so I am going to hold off on grading and just give them feedback so they can revise them. I'll need to re-work the timeline for the subsequent due dates, but I would rather do that than get a bunch of really bad research papers.Planning to do a couple more and then hit the grocery store.

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    13/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. 3/51 JRP outlines
    2. re-read Great Gatsby DID MORE

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Tues--rest day (teaching evening class)
    Wed--rest day (teaching evening class)
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym (cardio) NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    laurie- i am so sorry you had such a terrible day!! thank goodness each day has an end and there is the promise of a new day

    tom- you are such a romantic!! i am sure amy will love her day

    ushki- great job staying on track!! keep it up

    susan- i totally understand what you say about insulating ourselves from potential hurt. I have been alone for 10 years now and really miss the companionship and caring that a partner can give. But my heart hurts too much to even think about opening myself not would i have any idea how to go about meeting another person

    robin- that does not sound right about the size of the wine bottles!

    stay safe in the snow

    it is pouring rain here so i am skipping my outside walk today!!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    It's snowing again and I am sick with a cold. It started last night when I was driving home from work with a sore throat from post nasal drip. After dinner, I just climbed into bed and watched tv. Since it was Valentine's day the hubby joined me and cuddled. I woke up this morning not being able to breathe, sore throat and my entire face hurt from sinus pressure. We were going to go into the city to visit Brian's grandmother and celebrate February birthdays. I told my husband as soon as I woke up that I felt crummy and didn't want to go. Within an hour his mother called and cancelled due to the storm that was supposed to hit us later in the day. I was very happy she cancelled, dealing with her on a regular day is difficult enough as it is. I couldn't imagine having to listen to her negativity when I feel so crummy.

    RobinB - So sorry to hear about the passing of your friend. Don't beat yourself up too much over not checking in on her. I am sure she knew how much you cared about her and that you were a good friend to her.

    Robin - LOL to the bathroom being fine. I get excited too when I have a successful dying job with little to no splatters. Sorry to hear about your gain. You did it once, you can do it again. I have faith in you!

    The raspberry wine sounds yummy. Just curious, is it considered a dessert wine? If it is that explains the skinny bottle. I have bought dessert wines before from the vineyards and they they are significantly smaller than a regular bottle of wine. From what I was told from a friend, dessert wines are really made to have a small sip of them, maybe shot sized glass. I don't remember what I paid for mine but I don't believe it was cheap.

    humbleheart - So sorry to hear about your aunt's fall and condition. Sending well wishes her way.

    jtconst - My husband and I always celebrate Valentine's Day at home. We usually cook a romantic meal together. This time I cooked and was almost done by the time he got home from work. I made caprese salad, stuffed zucchini bread (bought in store and just heated up) garlic encrusted pork, grilled asparagus with balsamic , creamy mushroom cauliflower bake, and roasted potatoes with rosemary. For desert I melted some chocolate and we dipped strawberries. Brian really seemed to enjoy it.

    hansea - Good for you for getting in a run on your lunch break! That's great. LOL my husband teases me about the exact same thing. If we don't start a movie by 8pm there is a very slim chance I will find out what happened at the end. :laugh:

    Kethra - Welcome! Sounds like you have a good plan in place for your fitness journey.

    Karen - I love nutella and peanut butter on an english muffin. Yummy!

    Laurie - I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he is feeling better. I am also sorry to hear about all the losses. What a terrible day you must have had. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Skinny - Thanks that means a lot to me. I feel a bit guilty about taking the week off.

    Susan - Sorry to hear you had a bad food day. If it makes you feel better last weekend when we went upstate my friend was a bit annoyed with me when I didn't want the second piece of cake. This was after I already ate frozen yogurt and a piece of cake. She also gave me a huge bag of chocolate as a gift. Brian told me he was going to take it to work with him but never did. I made good use out of it last night and melted some to dip the strawberries in. It sure was tasty!!! We all have bad eating days here and there. Hang in there. You are a strong remarkable woman. You can do anything you set your mind to!

    Hayley - Sorry to hear about the passing of your great uncle.

    ushkii- Congrats on being under!

    Alupinsk - I have been terrible with my water all week. I've been around 226 but with TOM back up to 229. :grumble: Next week will be much better for me. I am going to make sure of it.

    njitaliana - That is great that you made it to PT and stuck to your calorie goal. Congrats. Keep up the great work.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    At least today is better than yesterday. My dad will be in the hospital for a few days. He was doing better this morning but this afternoon was not good. Went over to visit and the pain in his legs was bad (he also deals with (neuropothy). He wanted to come home but finally realized that he was in the best place possible and he would stay the night. Luckily, he did not fight this but we told him that we did not have any clothes for him to wear home and it was cold and snowing again, so he would freeze if he went outside. I am sure he is sad because Frank's death has hit him hard. That burial will be on Tuesday and he won't be able to attend. I will be taking the day off from school to attend. The bright side is one more day to get my voice back- yes, it is still not back but it is stronger.

    Macbeth- Great to see popping in. Hope all is well.

    Have a wonderful Sunday.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I am sending my thoughts and sympathy to those of you who are suffering loss and illness.
    I just learned this evening that a good friend and neighbor passed away yesterday morning. Just 2 weeks ago they ended her cancer treatments because she wasn't responding well. They gave her 6 months to live. My first reaction was, "Isn't she lucky. She didn't have to suffer." She was an incredible woman and a good friend. We will miss her.
    We celebrated Valentine's day by eating out and going to see 'Monuments Men'. I really enjoyed it. I recognized some of the places my father had served during WW2.
    This afternoon we went to see 'The Lego Movie' with the grandkids to celebrate birthdays. I realized as I watched it how stale my imagination has become. The end was cute, but I was lost during most of it. The kids loved it.
    I had a good food day and a good walk, but really failed on the water.
    Well, onward and downward, dear friends. We can do this.
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Hope have had a good Saturday!
    My aunt came home from the hospital today! She has horribly black eyes from the broken nose and after being
    totally off her feet for a few days, she is quite weak. Fortunately, home health will come and I'm sure physical
    therapy will help her gain some strength. I have lots of appreciation for home health workers. We do have caregivers
    with her 24/7 and we were blessed to find these dependable and trustworthy ladies to care for her .

    I've been taking of my grandpuppy while daughter and her hubby had a little anniversary getaway. I never knew how
    attached I could be to a dog, but I do love that girl! She is a 100 pound beauceron ..... so smart and so spoiled!

    I have done fairly well this weekend not to go over my calories too much. It's always harder for me on weekends
    because DH works away during the week and comes home Fri evening thru Sunday so I have to cook more which
    always means having a serving myself!

    Get well wishes to all who are not feeling up to par....... Prayers for those who have lost loved ones......and safety to all!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hit my February Challenge today with 133 grams of protein. It feels good the end the week on a good note.

    @ Laurie - I'm so glad to hear your getting that voice back. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. So much family loss this week and I know your dad wishes he could be there too, but like you said he's where he needs to be to heal.

    @ Humble - Glad to read your post and see your aunt was able to come home. It sounds like she'll have some good help around her. Weekend are always tough for me too, but good job staying under.

    @ Kaye - I'm so sorry to hear about your neighbor. Cancer stinks. It sounds like you had a busy day. You definitely need imagination for kids movies that's for sure. Sometimes I just shake my head. I think we may try and go see it tomorrow. Kids love it though.

    @ Nettie - I think everyone in our group has come down with some kind of crud. Hope you can get some rest and get over this cold fast. It sounds like you and Brian had a nice Valentines dinner together. Thanks for the encouraging words. I can't keep beating myself up just because I have a bad day. There going to happen and I have to figure out how to handle them without falling apart.

    @ KarenL - Perhaps that's my ultimate reason too. Even though Cyrus' father has been dating someone and I have no feelings for him anymore I still wonder why sometimes. My life is content and full so I have no reason to complain. Just a "little" lonely at times. Hope the rain stops so you can get out tomorrow.