Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Hope all of you had a wonderful day!
    Here in KY it was sunny for a change...... still quite chilly but sunny. I bundled up and walked a mile! Yay !
    L2T..Hopefully the storm that you are getting in Charlotte will manage to stay south of us this time! It is beautiful
    from the inside

    Karenleona.... do be careful on the ice! I am not very stable on ice. One little slip and I'm gone!
    Take care of your new valve!

    Kaye.... Congratulations and good riddance to the oxygen!!! That is a major milestone!

    Nettie.... HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
    hope your day has been a wonderfully blessed day! Enjoy your special dinner!

    Tom..... such will power you have to stay out of the GS cookies! I am not that strong yet!

    To those of you feeling under the weather, hope you get well soon. Nothing makes me sicker than being sick!

    Off to walk with Leslie and watch the Olympics
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Jeanette- Happy Birthday. Best wishes for the year ahead. Regarding the snow storm- we are expecting it to hit tomorrow night between 7-midnight and last all day Thursday. The forecasters are predicting 6-12 inches but it all depends on the track of the storm. 50 miles in any direction will make a difference in the snow totals for me. Off the coast more snow, on the coast more sleet and nasty wintery mix. I hope we get the snow or just rain. Either way, I am not planning on working on Thursday due to weather and most likely on Friday as well. The best part is that I will get a 5 day weekend so plenty of time to rest and recover.

    Tom- Crabs in Maryland are expensive and right now they are not available, it is not the season for crabs starts in May. Depending on the weather and how fast the crabs are running will determine the cost of the crabs but they can be expensive even in the summer. A pound of lump crab meat is about $32.00 unless it goes on sale for $15.99, the nice thing is that you can 8 crab cakes out of it. Did you also have a birthday coming up? If yes, then Happy Birthday. Best wishes to you as well.

    Kaye- That is a great NSV for getting rid of the oxygen tank. Congratulations.

    L2T- I hope you are safe from the first storm that you are getting.

    Humble- Nice job getting outside to walk today.

    JT-Great job on avoiding the candy or least controlling the amount you are eating in a day. I brought a bag of peanut butter cups today so I am not sure I will have the same level of resistance as you.

    Susan- I hope you are feeling better than me.

    Karen L- Great job with the walking. Be careful walking with the black ice, I don't want to see you hurt your ankle or knees. Especially since you are mending very quickly now.

    Truth- I am realizing how easy it would be for me to stop exercising again. This week of being sidelined due to illness has given me plenty of rest but I also don't miss the gym. I do feel guilty about not working out this week and I hope that once I feel better my desire to hit the gym will return. I also realize that I am not up to working out yet and it would just be a waste of time. It is amazing how quickly we can change our perspectives on different things. Now, I understand why I like working out with my trainer-it is someone to hold me accountable and to make sure that I show for the gym. Normally, I enjoy the gym so I am sure it is just the sinus infection taking control.

    I am still sick but now I am on antibiotics. I made a trip to the doctors today and he agreed to give me the medicine. That viral infection has turned bacterial and was not improving. This infection has lasted way to long and I want my voice back. I sound like a cartoon character. One of my problem students was actually a big help today. Since I can't talk, I was having trouble getting the attention of the class. The next thing I know she actually called out to get their attention for me. It was one of the few times that she was paying attention and her actions will not get her in trouble. I was thankful that she did that today. It was a pleasant surprise.

    I was telling Nettie- that we are expecting a big snow storm on Wednesday Night into Thursday. Needless to say, I don't expect to have school on Thursday or Friday. It will force a change in the project schedule that we will need to deal with but it should work. The bad news is that we will be over our snow day by 2, now we will have to wait and see how the days are made up.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Happy Tuesday everybody!!!

    @kah - sometimes our body just tells us it needs a break. It's good you listened to it and got some much needed rest. Good luck hiding from your scale! :wink:

    @hansea -I love the idea of taco Tuesdays! Maybe try ground turkey or even fish for your protein. Fish tacos are amazing!

    @Nettie - happy birthday!!!! I hope you are enjoy your special birthday dinner!! As for the snowshoeing, it makes sense that you would have to purposefully lift your feet for each step. I bet that is very tiring on your legs. Since a "tired" leg is one of my physical limitations (due to nerve damage in my leg) I don't know how well I would do.

    @Tom - actually, I live in south Florida and I believe it's stone crabs that are in season here right now. :smile:

    @Tammy - with all you accomplished today, I hope you are spending some QT with your hubby this evening! :wink:

    @Kaye - congrats on losing your oxygen dependency! :laugh:

    @Laurie - glad your got some meds now. Hopefully they will kick in and you will start feeling better quickly.

    I haven't seen any posts from Robin. I hope she is doing okay.

    AFM: Day two of taking a walk with Leslie. I came home from work with the start of a terrible headache, but I pushed myself to walk. Again, I made it thru without stopping or easing off. The true meaning of no pain, no gain! I'm giving myself a week before I'll expect to notice an improvement on my stamina and discomfort. I have been taking small walks at work around my building several times a day. It was about a week before I notice an improvement there, so......

    Until next time; peace, love and weight loss!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 775 Member
    Staying motivated and seeing good results for my healthy efforts.
  • freckledjezebel
    freckledjezebel Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am thirty years old and have 100lbs to lose. I suffer from bipolar depression so the weight has piled on over the years. Last Tuesday I started P90X and with that and calorie counting I have lost 3 pounds so far!

    My challenge this week was that I got a cold, lost motivation, and haven't worked out in three days. :( I am feeling better now, so am going to hop back into it tomorrow!

    I'm looking to make some friends so feel free to add me!

  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello everyone! Second day with the group. Hmmm... goals... Well, I'm aiming to finish week 6 of couch to 5k this week, while also adding two hours of zumba in to my weekly routine, on top of 5k training and elliptical. I guess the other goal is to eat well this weekend, as my parents are visiting me here for the first time, and we're likely to be eating out a lot!

    I hope everyone is doing well. Had a very rough day today but didn't completely blow it with eating like I would have in the past.
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    I'm just checking in. I had a busy day and I'm going to bed early. Thank you for being here for me. If I feel like eating something I shouldn't, I come MFP for at least 10 minutes. I then decide if I still want it. So far, the answer has been no.
  • Helenavee42
    Tuesday goal: 1 focus on money management. I have been pretty good about it in some areas. I've been taking $200 out of each paycheck and putting it aside. I have some bills to pay off then I can start saving for moving out with the bf and going back to school. 2 eat more food. I'm doing good at hitting protein but I tend to lack in the calorie department.

    Unfortunately, my tummy troubles have not gone away yet and I know it's from the chicken. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow.

    @Laurie- I hope you get to feeling better soon! Glad your students are cooperating.

    @Nettie- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope your day was fantastic!!!

    @jtconst- Glad the dentist went well! It reminds me now that I have dental insurance I need to go. I've never ever been to the dentist. Not ever in my whole life. Thankfully I've never really seemed to have a problem with my teeth. I brush, floss, and gargle regularly. Well I am having a problem now with my wisdom teeth coming in which is part of the reason I need to go. I guess I'll be making an appt tomorrow...

    @RobinB- Great job pushing through! I tried the walk with leslie sansone with my sister friend and we were surprised at how much of a workout it really was! Idk where the DVD is now but I liked it!

    Have a great night!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    Other than a big "Happy Birthday" to nettie, I'm going to skip personals tonight.

    Tuesday Goals:
    Still working on my goals listed below. I finished the the rec letter, but keep forgetting about the AP essay. It was a late submission from a student and she hasn't asked about it--nevertheless, I still want to give her feedback, so maybe tomorrow. Still re-reading Gatsby--I'm going chapter by chapter as my students read. I could honestly recite most of it verbatim, but I'm trying to add to my annotations this time through.

    I made it through the first ACT prep class tonight, and it wasn't so terrible. The kids were tired, but I got them through it. I did okay with food today. Still nibbled on some of the treats, but less than yesterday. I've already met my protein goal, but I'm a bit hungry now since I had to eat dinner at 5 pm which is way early for me. I only have 6 calories left, but I'm going to have a salad anyways. It will only put me over by 90 calories and it will satisfy my hunger.

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    11/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. x/1 AP essay
    2. rec letter DONE
    3. re-read Great Gatsby DID SOME

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Tues--rest day (teaching evening class)
    Wed--rest day (teaching evening class)
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    Quick hi to all my friends here. Depression has been bad lately. Suffering for about two weeks, which has lead to one week of not logging food or exercising at all. I talked to a friend on the phone tonight that I haven't seen in several months and she's trying to lose weight too. She's a police officer and at Academy, they just ran and ran and ran. Now, she's struggling to go one mile. I told her I'm way proud of her for being able to run a whole mile!!!!

    Well, we made a plan. I'm going to get a text from her at 7 a.m. tomorrow and then I'm to text her back. If I don't she's going to call. That way I'll have to get out of bed and once I'm up, I'll have no reason not to go to water aerobics, right?!

    Talked to doc today and he doesn't want to change my meds at all, which is frustrating, but understandable. We've worked really hard at getting them to the levels where they are therapeutic and actually helping more than hurting. Anyway, we know that Feb. and the beginning of March are really hard times for me. My goal for this month is to log my food for the rest of the month, no matter how I feel.

    HI to all the newlings! I saw one of you is bipolar. We need to talk. I'm gonna look you up and send you a personal. Just can't do it right now while I'm typing this...I have schizoaffective disorder and my meds made me gain weight like crazy too. So far, before MFP, I lost about 20 lbs. (At my highest, I was 310) Now I'm just breaking into the 280s! MFP really helps. Stick with it!!!! Even on down days, it's worth it. And feel free to contact me on any down days, too. I'm on here almost every day, and I understand what you are going through. The people on here are really nice and always encouraging, too. They have been a great help to me, and I know they will be good for you, too!!!

    I have to go to bed, now, but I just wanted to say to JNettie: Happy Birthday to you!!!! I hope your day was everything you wanted it to be. (Also, before I turned 30, I used to celebrate the entire birthday week...I highly recommend it! :flowerforyou:

    loves to you all. I've missed you. :love:
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Bumpity bump bump!
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    @RobinB0812 – Wow, good for you, getting some exercise. I love your attitude re how much improvement you expect to see over time.

    @kah68 – Goodluck keeping off the scales! Can't help myself but step on them each day, not to obsess, just to keep an eye on it.

    @hansea47 – We love taco’s here. Being able to put all those healthy items on the table & letting the kids go at it is great fun. It’s a bit hard to keep track of portions though isn’t it? I kind of figure as long as I start with lettuce & tomato I’ll be ok. I’m also careful of using a tablespoon to dish up my meat & a tea spoon for sour cream & guac, then at least I have a reasonable estimate of what I’ve eaten rather than a wild guess. Not a huge fan of turkey, but love saving a few penny’s on the shopping though.

    @Morgari – Tom, I LOVE GS biscuits (at least if they’re the same as Girl Guide biscuits that is). As a kid myself I used to have to sell them & I still think they’re great. How can you resist, I’m so impressed! Glad you’ve got your car space back though.

    @Karenleona – keep on walking, but please be safe. I’ve never dealt with ice and snow (except for 2 weeks of holidays at a ski resort), not quite the same as everyday issues. Don’t take any un-necessary chances with your health.

    @kaye – What an amazing NSV. Congrats on handing back the oxygen, I am so pleased for you Kaye! Hope the birthday celebrations go well, I’m sure she is an absolute pleasure.

    @humbleheart – good job on getting the walk in.

    @jtconst – good for you avoiding the rocher’s. Am impressed with your self control.

    @Lauriek70 – What a great response from a difficult student. Must have been lovely to be able to thank her instead of growling. Sometimes it’s these little things that really give us hope for the future when dealing with kids/teens (not a teacher here, just a mum!).

    @Rain – Keep up the great work. You’re exercising a huge amount! Good idea to plan ahead for the weekend with your family. Hope it’s lots of fun.

    @ushkii – They sound like good goals, walking and watching calories – if that works it must be magic.

    @Helenavee – Hope the teeth aren’t being too hard on you. I lost ½ a tooth this week & am off to the dentist on Friday. Not looking forward to it.

    @Tigredia – Great idea on spending 10 mins on MFP rather than eating straight away. So simple, yet effective.

    @JNettie – Love your plans for your celebration dinner. I tend to log everything, even if it means estimating & going over my day’s allowance – as long as I’m on target for the week I’m happy. I hope you had a great day, Happy Birthday.

    @hayley – Good on you for coming back here, even though you’ve found it hard I’m sure in the long run it will be worth it. This is not a race or a competition, you just keep popping back when you can. I think your plan with you friend is a great one. I’ve heard of others doing that kind of thing, but I’ve not ever had a friend keen to lose weight at the same time a me.

    @Skinny – You are doing a great job with your protein goal, and 90 over in one day when you exercise as much as you do won’t really hurt.

    AFM – My Wednesday wish is that I had listened to people when they said I needed to lose weight before I was 40. My skin won’t shrink as well now & I’ll end up with flappy arms. Oh well!

    GD Challenge – fruit every day – 6/11. If I have two pieces a day can I count that as 2 (then I might be able to catch up to where I should be, LOL)?
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    argh. **start rant** this is NOT my week. Had PT on Monday, that killllllled my shoulder. Now I have this horrid cold/sinus infection. :( I'm so definitely over winter.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Wednesday Wish - for everyone in the path of this snow/ice/sleet storm to be safe and warm. Snow is falling here, but we're on the edge of the ice zone so it could go either way. We live in a neighborhood where the power lines are buried and are less prone to losing our power. I have lots of friends who live in older neighborhood with big trees and lines strung to the eaves of their homes. My guest rooms are ready and waiting just in case anyone needs them.

    AFM - Exercise class is cancelled again today so I'm going to walk on the treadmill in the very cold garage instead.

    I'll try and get to personals later assuming I have power!
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    My Wednesday Wish is for all of you who are feeling under the weather to feel better fast, and for those facing the weather to stay safe!

    My GHD Challenge-Haven't missed a check-in day yet! On a roll....

    Made it to the gym last night with my work out buddy, and enjoyed my tacos for dinner. Kept within my calories for the day, and ground turkey is really good in tacos, probably because they're so highly seasoned that it doesn't taste very "turkey-ish". I coupon a bit, and found a coupon for ground turkey last night. Can't wait to make next week's grocery list and meal plan!
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Wednesday wish - Keep on keeping on and safety for all in difficuly weather this week. Yesterday was good, under another day I was so under I had a snack before going to bed. I really did not need it but it was good and still kept under! Worked on my niece's car and did not walk but I have time before Monday to do that. So on track for my goals and that is great for me.

    @hansea - my wife has almost changed all the recipeis to ground turkey instead of beef. we did a chili last week end that was amazingly good.
    @JNettie - Happy birthday, I keep thinking of the Beattles birthday song.
    @Morgori - I knew there was something weird about you, Eggplant Casserole!?
    @hayley - good luck on the new plan, keep at it, you don't fail until you quit.
    @NaomiFilcock - Oh ho ho it's Magic, old song by Pilot. Love it!


    Under calorie goal 4/7 days: 2/7
    Walk 3/7 days: 1/7
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi Everybody :heart:
    I went into the hospital again with high BP again and a bad cut to my tongue where I must have bit it in the middle of the night. I am on new BP meds now and everything seems to be back to normal. I went into a severe depression however, when I heard that a high school classmate of mine died of a stroke Tuesday, while in apparent good health. My heart goes out to his family. Its hard not to think that could have been me!
    I am home now and going to go see THE LEGO MOVIE this afternoon in a theater that has been converted to the new recliner seats. It should be a relaxing way to spend the day.

    Karen Leona - I am sorry you had to have emergency heart surgery. As you always do, You're impressing me with your drive to walk and recuperate so swiftly. Kudos.

    Laurie - thanks for doing the roll-over. Nicely done! Are you getting excited about your trip to las Vegas in March?

    Groundhog Day Challenge:Eat breakfast : 7/12
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--sorry you had yet another trip to the hospital, but glad the new meds have gotten the BP under control. So sorry to hear about your HS friend. :cry:

    @ushkii--I used to love that song when I was a little girl! :laugh:

    @marsha--hey there, stranger! It's so good to see you! :flowerforyou:

    More personals later!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    GDC 2.9 miles, 11 days in a row over 2 miles!

    “If you’re coasting, you’re either losing momentum or else you’re headed downhill.” ~Joan Welsh

  • Shannelly7
    Shannelly7 Posts: 2 Member
    :smile: I saw your post and congratulations on what you have accomplished so far. Your goal can totally be done i have lost about 100 lbs so i know you can do it. good luck with everything :)