Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    Just checking in to read all your wonderful supportive notes to each other. My weight lose seems to have stopped. I have spent a couple of hours going over the TDEE rules. Still trying to figure it out. I'm not getting much exercise yet. The logging in does keep me honest. I have always been competitive with myself. I hope all of you that are sick are feeling better. For the snowbirds, be careful shoveling.
    Night T Night
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Hey all! Today was my birthday! I took my kids out to lunch to celebrate, since I was working this evening. It was SO good. I don't know if any of you have been to Cora's but it is a breakfast restaurant. You can get your crepes or pancakes or eggs (which are amazing) and it comes with a huge side of fresh fruit instead fries. I got a crepe panini with ham, swiss, spinach. Num num num. I also got a side of panfried potatoes and turkey sausages. Now I know this sounds crazy but once the kids finish theirs, they start to raid my plate. So a lot of this is shared. I went over today on my birthday, but overall everything I ate was quite healthy. They gave me a carved apple swan, because it was my birthday. My daughter believes that she must dress up for everyones' birthday. So she was dressed in her princess dress (dress she got for christmas pics) and of course her shiny black mary janes. She wanted me to dress up too. She told everyone that it was a "glittery gown" not a dress. And woe to anyone who did not agree. lol! My SIL got me a Polar Loop as a present... not sure how it is better than my pedometer but apparently its waterproof. It seems very cool.
    Work was crazy busy tonight... early Valentiners. I'm glad I have tomorrow off. Anyway... it's way to late. Everyone have a great Friday!
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    L2T so great to see those scales moving down again. Well done, pleased for you.

    KAye, that sounds like a very busy food weekend! I'm sure you have got it covered though, maybe not enough walking, but over the whole week it all sort of evens out doesn't it.

    Tigredia. Keep up with your logging while you try to work it out. I don't know about the tdee stuff, I just go by the calories MFP says I can have. I'm sure you can do this!

    Plx Happy birthday! Glad you had a nice celebration, nice to take the kids out for a great meal like that. I love the idea of having breakfast for lunch.

    Stay safe in the cold everyone and be healthy.

    GD challenge is 8/12.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning & Happy Valentine’s Day

    First, to all of those on the east coast I hope you warm and safe & aren’t too snowed in. Sorry I haven’t been around last couple of days, work has just been a little crazy. It’s supposed to be really nice here, in the 70s, for the next 5 days.

    @Nettie~I hope that you had a terrific birthday!

    @rainandwood93~Great job with the C25K – excellent activity goals! Excellent loss!

    @Naomi~Trust me, it’s been hard to stay off the scale! I’m used to weighing 2-3 times a week, hopefully it will pay off on Sunday. Do you not like fruit? I would rather eat fruit than veggies, so have to restrict my fruit to 2-3 servings per day and up my veggies to 4-5 per day.

    @Robin~I’m sorry you had another trip to the hospital, glad to hear they changed your meds and BP is now under control. I’m sorry to hear about your friend from high school, very sad. How was the LEGO movie? My 6yo nephew is really into LEGO’s, I hope my sister takes him to see it.

    @Tammy~I agree with Karen, any time to walk 3 miles is better than sitting on the couch. There is a quote I run across periodically – “I may be slow but I’m running laps around everyone sitting on the couch.” :wink: I think a respectable time for a 3-mile walk is 45-60 minutes, it really depends on your pace.

    @Hansea47~I cannot keep Nutella in the house! That stuff is pure heaven and evil! :tongue:

    @Laurie~Glad to hear you are feeling better, hope your voice returns soon. I know my co-workers appreciate it when I have laryngitis! :wink:

    @P1xyn1xy~Happy Birthday! Crepes sound delish, how cute that your DD dressed up for lunch out. Polar Loop, great gift from your SIL – let us know how you like it, I’ve read mixed reviews.

    Welcome to the newbies that have stopped by, I apologize to any personals I missed, I had a lot to catch up on.

    AFM~Its been a really good week, I hope that reflects on the scale at the gym on Sunday. Today is a rest day, catching up on housework is planned and I may go to the gym to get in sauna or hot tub this evening. Not much happening this weekend other than meeting my parents for lunch tomorrow. I need to shop for swimsuits but so far not feeling it, I may take a weekend off from shopping for vacation - I still have 28 days. :laugh:

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Weights with trainer DONE!
    Monday~Arc Trainer NOT DONE (too tired). :yawn:
    Tuesday~Racquetball with trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Arc Trainer DONE!
    Thursday~Weights with trainer DONE!
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Treadmill/Stairmill or running drills outside
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    So I walked into our conference room this morning and its full of Krispy Kreme heart shaped donuts today – they NEVER have that kind of stuff here. So, out of curiosity I looked up the calories – one of the white iced heart-shaped donuts is 300 calories, 16g, and over 40g of carbs. It would take 83 minutes of walking, 34 minutes of jogging, 25 minutes of swimming or 46 minutes of cycling to burn off that donut. Yikes! Something to think about if any of you are faced with that temptation today. A co-worker gave me some Hershey’s kisses with almonds, much more manageable to me. :wink:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning every one.

    Karen – It was my birthday Monday when I went for my crab lunch. I’m glad the cake is gone but it was awesome for a sugar free cake.

    p1xyn1xy- HBSmileyBlowsWhistle.gif

    GHDC= 3.22 miles 13 days in a row of over 2 miles

    “As long as a man stands in his own way, everything seems to be in his way.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--no Valentine treats in my office today, thank goodness. If you recall, my colleague brought some on Monday, but those are all gone. Good luck swimsuit shopping--I noticed Target had theirs out already when I was there last week.

    @naomi--every time I figure out my TDEE -20% it is the same as my MFP calorie allowance for a 1 lb/week loss, so I just stick with MFP--less math. :wink:

    @p1xy--Happy birthday! :drinker:

    @tigredia--if you decide to change your calorie allowance, my advice is to give the new number 2-3 weeks before deciding if it's a good or bad change. One week isn't usually enough time to see if the calories are "right."

    I forgot to say congrats about getting off the oxygen--yay! :drinker: Also, good point about height and stride having an impact on how fast you can walk. I'm 5'7" with proportionately long legs, so I've always been a fast walker.

    @laurie--we do have a 3-day weekend for Presidents' Day on Monday, so I'm looking forward to the extra day off. :smile:

    @susan--the ACT classes are fine--they always go pretty smoothly, but it's just a really long day. Fortunately, I only have one more left and it's tomorrow morning. :happy:
  • KrissyRawrz
    KrissyRawrz Posts: 342 Member
    Hi all :) I'm new to MFP (lol, nearly said MLP then) and controlled healthy eating in general. I'm Krissy / 22 years old / from the UK

    I'm looking to lost at least start, then more after (I weigh nearly 20 stone, you see)

    I noticed your thread and just had to post. I've been hoping to find other users on here with a larger weight loss goal too so we can support and help each other, so if anyone would like to add me feel free :)

    Plus I'm jealous of the people with only a few lbs to lose! Haha
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    TGIF. It's been a long, cold week. Our high temps are supposed to climb steadily for the next week culminating in 70+ temps by next Thursday. That should clear out the snow. Things are slowly getting back to normal. DH went to the office around 10 (thank goodness since us working at home together for 2 days was quite enough) and reported that the main roads were clear, but still a lot of ice on the secondary ones. I keep hearing crashes outside and presume that's the ice and snow sliding off my roof.

    @kah - Hope the scale is kind to you this weekend. You've earned it! I feel the same way about shopping. So tired of it, but I have to go this weekend since my trip is just 15 days away and I'll be gone next weekend. LOL on the donuts. Why do the cutesy heart shaped iced sprinkled ones look so good? Totally not worth the calories though.

    @morgori, Nettie and pix - Happy Birthday! Sounds like you all had good ones and were mindful of your eating. Well done!

    @tammy - my 3 mile route takes me about 45-50 minutes unless I have the dog with me and then it's 60. Why oh why does he need to pee on every bush???

    Welcome to the newbies and hope you find the same wonderful support I have from this thread.

    AFM - Busy weekend getting ready for 2 upcoming trips. I leave for Boston next Friday to visit my youngest daughter. I bought snow boots and a down jacket in preparation, but ironically I needed them in Charlotte this week and the forecast for Boston next weekend is 40s and rain. Who could have guessed?

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Friday Fitness -
    Sorry for not checking in. My internet was down for a few days. :ohwell:
    :blushing: I wish I could say I was good with this all week but I have not been. I have been extremely tired all week long and getting headaches mid day. Making it through one half hour workout was extremely exhausting. I thought maybe I was fighting off something and decided to take a few days off from Gilad to let my body recoup. Then TOM hit early putting me in a funky mood and throwing off my entire routine. That explains why I have been feeling so blah all week though. I've been doing fine with my protein however my water intake has suffered this week. I just don't have any desire to drink it or anything else. :frown:

    We got hit with another storm so yesterday schools were closed again. I got some exercise clearing it all away. Then I came in and "watched" a movie with Brian. Well, it was more like he watched it and I fell asleep under my blankets with a kitty on my legs. It was so cold yesterday. Back to work today then next week the schools are closed for winter break. I am looking forward to the week off to catch up on everything I neglected this week.

    Thank you everyone for the Birthday wishes! My birthday dinner was wonderful. I was amazed at how little I ate. I have not had food from ZPita since starting MFP. In the past I would have been able to eat the entire container of soup, all the salad, a pita dipped in the sauce, and most of my dinner. I ate the salad, 1/2 the soup (SO SO SO YUMMY), and one piece of eggplant special with a tiny bit of rice and some zucchini. The eggplant was 1 piece that is fried and rolled around spinach with feta, similar to eggplant rollatini. Then they put sauce on it and top with mozzarella. They used to layer it and make it more like eggplant parm but they must have changed it. I actually liked it better this way. I had plenty of leftovers the next day for lunch which I ended up logging as eggplant parm. I saved the soup and at that last night with dinner. Brian stopped at an Italian market on the way home from picking up ZPita and bought a small cannoli cake. The cake was out of this world, very moist and delicious. I don't know when we are going to go to get my running shoes. I wanted to go this weekend but we have family gatherings all weekend to celebrate the February bdays. Brian is all working next week so it will probably wait until next weekend.

    Welcome newbies! :flowerforyou:

    Tom- I have never heard of eggplant and lima bean casserole before. It definitely is intriguing.

    Lives - I love looking out my windows and watching the snow fall. There is something about it that I find very peaceful and calming. Yesterday we had huge snowflakes that were probably about the size of jumbo cotton balls. I have never seen flakes that big. It was coming down really fast too.

    Laurie - The storm was pretty bad here on the island. It was supposed to be snow then changing over to rain by 6 am and back to snow in the evening. It didn't stop snowing until about noon. A lot of schools were planning on operating on 2 hour delays and changed the decision around 8am. NYC schools stayed open though and right now the mayor and chancellor are under a lot of fire from angry residents for their decision.

    I can completely relate how you feel regarding working out. I feel the exact same way right now. I promised myself that I will get back into my exercise routine next week. I really feel my body is telling me to slow down and needs the rest at the moment. I am sorry to hear you are still under the weather. I hope you feel better soon.

    Robin - So sorry to hear about your recent visit to the hospital. Glad you are back home. Sending well wishes your way!

    Hansea - I love Nutella! I can relate. :wink:

    Susan - If you decide to try the eggplant recipe and want to save some calories I recommend baking it instead of frying it.

    p1xyn1xy - Happy Birthday!!! You, Tom and I all had birthdays this week! It's a great week. :flowerforyou: Sounds like you had a great day. Your daughter sounds adorable!

    Kah - Yikes to the Krispy Kreme donuts. I have been hearing on the radio lately for Dunkin Donuts new cookie dough donuts. I often wonder how many calories are in that but never attempted to look it up. I am in my student's home today so no temptations for me. Though I am going to stop at the bakery on the way to his house and pick up a chocolate chip cookie or some goodies as a treat for him.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    I have been very sad this week. :sad: My work BFF past on Tuesday. :cry: She has been battling cancer off and on for years, God rest her soul. :brokenheart: She was last at work just before Christmas. I went on vacation and became very busy with my Dad visiting from out of town for nearly a month and my son being home for Winter Break for over a month. I am in a bout of self-hatred right now because not once did I reach out to her to see how she was doing. I had always reached out to her when she was fighting her battle. I just didn’t know it was THIS extreme. I thought she was going to be okay and be back to work soon. She had always been okay and returned to work. She lived in the same development as I do. Her apartment complex is right across the street from mine, there is NO excuse for me not checking in with her. Every day, as I pulled into my complex, I said, “I need to check on Linda.” And yet, I never did. Who does that???

    @robin – I am so glad you are okay now. I was concerned when I hadn’t seen any posts from you. :flowerforyou:

    @skinny – Sometimes pizza just calls out to you at night! :devil:

    @cheripugh – Welcome to the Forum. Pull up a chair and join right in. I am relatively new as well and I love the support and motivation this group of guys and gals brings to the table. :flowerforyou:

    @susan- Thanks for the Kudos on my walking! I sure am giving it the ole college try! Speaking of college, my son attends Tennessee State and his Spring Break is the week of March 10th. He attends on a full athletic scholarship, he plays football. Next season will be his senior season and I am looking forward to losing this weight so I can be COMFORTABLE sitting in the seats. Since their home games are at LP Field (also the home stadium for the Tennessee Titans) they are truly stadium seats and not bleachers like some other fields. Good luck with your eating less and moving more this weekend! :smile:

    @laurie – I hope you are able to take full advantage of your extra time off and get to feeling better. It seems forever since you’ve been under the weather! :smile:

    @kaye – You are my inspiration! I look forward to when I can walk for an hour, regardless of the distance! Right now, I struggle through 15 minutes with Leslie. I know I will get there! Enjoy your weekend. With all the activities you have planned, I bet you will get more exercise than you think. :happy:

    @p1xy – HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY!!! Your birthday lunch sounds absolutely wonderful. And your daughter sounds like she the most precious! How old is she? :drinker:

    @kah – Enjoy your rest day! It’s Valentine’s Day and everyone deserves some special time today! (BTW, if I had any intentions of splurging today on any kind of Valentine goodies, you deterred me with your Krispy Kreme research!) Thanks???? :laugh:

    If I missed anyone, my apologies, I am still trying to catch up this week.

    Until next time; peace, (Valentine’s) love and weight loss!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    @ushkii- Good work with your goals. And good job identifying your boredom eating. I do that too. I find if I keep myself busy, I eat less, and I usually do a lot of tv/boredom eating at night, so going to bed earlier has helped me as well.

    @Robin- Glad to see you back home and doing better on your new meds. We promised the kids that we'd take them to the LEGO movie soon. I hope you can get up over the top of your blues soon. Is there a hair color called "Take Charge"? That would be a good one for you to use today. :smile:

    @Tom- I like your quotes, especially the latest one!

    @Rain- Woot! Woot! Congratulations on your loss. :happy:

    @skinnyjeanz- Good luck with the school charity thing. Who doesn't love Special Olympics?

    @Laurie- Sorry you're still dealing with least the lost voice is usually the last step before the cold goes away. I think. :wink:

    @Naomi- Losing weight is definitely a long journey. That's for sure. And I don't think it's ever over, even when you get to goal. I think you're doing good with your goal, eating fruit most days.

    @L2T- Awesome news about being so close to the 100s!!!! Won't be long now!

    @jtconst-I think any time is respectable. You have to respect someone who walks and takes care of themselves! :smile:
    I've walked and run several 5Ks (3.1 miles), and most people finish walking them in about an hour, so you're right on, based on my anecdotal evidence.

    My Thursday Truth is that I opened up a jar of Nutella and ate half of it last night (putting me about 700 calories over). Damn you, Nutella. Why are you so tasty? I was up this morning, but still down from my last Saturday weigh-in, so as long as I keep the rest of that jar in the back of the cupboard, I should be okay. :laugh:


    I have a GREAT Nutella brownie recipe! So simple and so yummy! You still have to display some self control though! :laugh:

    1 cup of Nutella
    1/2 cup of flour
    1 egg

    Mix together until smooth and bake at 350F oven for 30 mins.

    I actually make them in a cupcake pan so it's easier to portion out into single servings. They are about 162 calories each.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    No Personals for now - having a very busy day - considering "BUSY" in MY terms meaning I slept from Midnight til 11:30 am after waking at 7 am to take a dose of meds that make me very sleepy indeed - Now I have weighed myself and discovered I am at 230 Lbs. meaning I have gained 24 lbs. since my illness started. I CLAIM TODAY as the start of a new beginning for myself. I've reset my ticker to reflect the 31 lbs. it will take me to get to ONDERLAND. That is my current goal.

    I got my hair colored and it came out fine - as did the bathroom - no trouble there. Have now designated old towels and an old gown to wear so nothing can be ruined by color getting on it.
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day to all!
    I was not on for a couple days. Spent the day yesterday at the hospital with an elderly aunt who fell early morning.
    she broke her nose inthe fall and looks pitiful. Her heart is out of rhythm and has infection and this seems to have
    put the demintia into full swing. Hopefully she can come home soon with caregivers around the clock.
    She has no children so the responsibility of her care falls on my cousin and me.
    Keep us in your prayers and I will be back on soon!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello and Happy Valentines Day everyone. I hope you are all enjoying the day. I am moving a little slowly. My daughter challenged my son and I to try some new exercises with her last night. They were definitley pushing at the boundries of my capabilities and I am feeling it today though I did still get in a full walk with the dogs this morning. Hubby and I arent really planning much of anything to celebrate the day. We never had money when we were younger and Valentines day just never took on any kind of meaning in our relationship. Maybe flowers or dinner sometimes but thats about it. I wanted to thank everyone who responded with some input on my question. I am okay with my current time just wanted to see how it compares and maybe try to shave a couple minutes off. I added in some jogging today (which the dogs loved) but then got stopped by a chatty neighbor so I still came in at the same time:laugh:

    Happy b-day to all of you guys celebrating this week:flowerforyou: Have a great day everyone.:heart::drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Todays Workout per HRM:
    65 min
    1275 cals/claimed 775
    3.28 miles
    8189 steps
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    :heart: TGIF and Happy Valentine's Day to all! :heart:
    Today, I ran over to the gym on my lunch hour and squeezed in a quick run. This weekend my kids start indoor soccer league, and my husband and I are taking a friend with us to a school fundraiser on Saturday night which will be catered by a local Mexican restaurant. Yum! I plan on burning some mega house-cleaning calories tonight and Saturday morning in preparation for the in-laws (our sitters for the evening) coming over, and the delicious food and beverages I'm going to be having!
    I may be able to get in some lifting between the kids soccer games, since the league is at the Y....hmmm...we'll see.

    @humbleheart- I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt. Taking care of ailing relatives can be so stressful! Hopefully your aunt's dementia will ease off once the infection is cleared out. I also hope you and your cousin are getting some help with her care.

    @Robin- 31 lbs to onederland? You've so got this!

    @RobinB- Are you trying to sabotage me with this Nutella recipe?! :laugh: I think I'm going to have to try it....but maybe in a few weeks. :wink: I need a Nutella break! I'm sorry to hear about your friend, and that you're having regrets. I'm sure Linda knew you cared about her, even if you weren't able to see her lately.

    @Nettie- You and your husband "watch" movies exactly how my husband and I watch movies! He's always teasing me about how I can't stay up till the end of any of them. Happy belated Birthday, too! :flowerforyou:

    @L2T- Ah...70s. Here in Wisconsin, it's in the 20s today, and I ditched my jacket at lunch time! The sun's shining and some of the snow is melting! I actually saw the asphalt of the street in front of my house...the road has been pure white since Christmas! It's going to be a slushy mess. Maybe you'll still need your boots in Boston. :smile:

    @Tom- Great job with your Groundhog's Challenge! And belated Happy Birthday to you, too! :flowerforyou:

    @kah- Way to dodge the Krispy Kremes!

    @p1xy- Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou: Your daughter sounds adorable! Of course it was a glittery gown.

    @Tigredia-Hang in there. This is a marathon, not a sprint. The losses will be followed by periods of the scale either not moving, or maybe even going up a bit. Just keep pushing on. You're doing the right thing by continuing to log. Honest logging is key to understanding how much your body needs for maintenance and how much for weight loss.

    @Kaye-I'm glad you were able to get rid of the gas and that it hasn't had too much impact on your joint pain. Good point about the leg length and walking speed! I'm 5'5", and I sometimes walk with a good friend who is 6'. I think I take two steps for every one of hers!

    @Laurie- It's important to rest when you're sick. You need to let your body heal up, so don't feel bad about missing a few workouts. Sounds like you're on the mend and ready to get back to it, anyway.

    @Susan- Good luck with minimizing your BLT's. It must be hard with treats around the office all the time. Glad I work in a lab where it's unsafe to eat, so I only eat at mealtimes for the most part.

    @skinnyjeanz- Those post-diary-closing calories have snuck in on me this week, too. (Hello? Nutella?) At least you're able to compensate today for it.

    Welcome to the Newbies! Check in often and log log log! :happy:
  • kethra
    kethra Posts: 85 Member
    I have recently started walking with Leslie Sansone's videos, which I started Monday (Feb 10th). I've been doing something each day since then. Today was my most active day yet. I got in a 5 mile walk video in addition to 2 walks around our neighborhood block with our GSD puppy, Dante.

    My workouts before were always sporadic or just while we were at the YMCA for my daughter's swim team practice. Now I'm going to fit in a walk video 6 days a week, with some strength training during the week (m-th) while waiting for her practice to be done.

    I'm feeling very good about this an my main fitness goal is to continue this schedule until it becomes a habit. I was on such a plateau and haven't loss anything since before Christmas. I think I'm finally about to break through the plateau in my weigh-in on Monday ^_^

    Oh and hi! I'm new to the thread.

    Total Weight to lose until goal: 109
    27 lbs down as of this week!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    who mentioned nutella?? :angry: :angry: can't have it in my house....It is worse than peanut butter for me....and that is bad enough!!
    hope all those in the path of the snow storms are safe
    it was beautiful and windy today....until i went out for my daily walk....then it rained....but i got to see a rainbow!
    wish i could do more than just walk but that is all i am allowed so i just keep trying to go farther and a bit longer each day
    are you drinking your water??
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    p1- Have a very happy birthday. Best wishes for the year ahead.

    Humbleheart- Sorry to hear about your aunt. Hope she recovers and is able to come home.

    So much going on today. Voice is still not 100% but getting stronger which is a plus.

    Today, has been one heck of a day. My dad is sick again and he went to the ER this afternoon. He should be admitted tonight, Mom and I came home about 8pm. Of course the snow meant shoveling today plus I had to clear the way the for EMS to get through. I shoveled the sidewalks this morning, then my SIL came over this afternoon and helped to shovel out the cars. Just about the time we finish the snow plow finally shows up and plows the cars back in. He came back down the street and on his way back up I asked if he could plow the area where the cars were parked since we needed to call 911 for my dad. He happily oblige and I willingly and quickly moved the cars. Now the parking spaces are clear and EMS could come in easily. All I had to do was reopen the path so the water could flow away from the cars. That has always been fun for me since I like watching the water flow through the snow and seeing the path that it creates. :laugh: This is about 2:30 pm. This morning we got the call that my cousin's ex-husband passed away. He was a good guy and will be missed. Then while I was out this afternoon finishing the clearing of snow, we got another call that my Dad's cousin Frank passed away this morning as well. He has been sick for a while now but it is still sad. Then after my mom left to go, another call came in about a former neighbor who also passed away. :cry: This day needs to end. After I finished shoveling and came in, sent a text to a friend only to learn that her Mom was also in the ER. I stopped by to see while visiting with my dad. Her mom came home surprisingly, she was hoping that the hospital would keep her mom overnight- no such luck-she had been there since 5;30am and it was almost 6pm. At least my Dad is staying the night-due to another kidney infection. He was getting very hard to handle so I am happy that Mom called 911 when she did, he would be so much worse and I would prefer dealing with the hospital in the afternoon vs the late night runs. Now, I am waiting for the hospital to call me back so I can finish updating all my dad's meds.

    I am heading to bed shortly since I am exhausted once again. I just want to feel better but at least I did get some exercise today with the shoveling.:bigsmile: Tomorrow- hospital, haircut and maybe a workout but not sure. Could be shoveling again if we get more snow tonight-no kidding, a clipper system is expected to come through sometime after 1am at least this should only drop 1-3 inches instead of 6-8 that we had yesterday.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @karenleona--I can limit the peanut butter, but fear I would have zero self control with nutella! :blushing: Sorry it rained on you, but the rainbow is a nice reward!

    @kethra--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @hansea--sounds like you have a busy weekend planned.

    @tammy--my husband and I are the same with Valentine's Day. He sometimes buys me candy or flowers or both, but usually just makes a nice dinner. This year he asked "No candy, right?" I said "No, and don't waste money on flowers either." He ended up buying me a single heart-shaped York Peppermint Patti.

    @humble--hugs to you and your family--sending good thoughts for your aunt. My mom's twin sister is a widow with no children. She's still in very good health, but I try to call her on holidays and am committed to making sure she's taken care of when she does reach a point where she can't care for herself.

    @robin--you can lose 31 lbs--I know you can b/c I've seen you do it before. :drinker:

    @robinB--I agree that your friend surely knew you loved her even if you didn't get by to see her near the end. I'm so sorry for your loss, and thank you for the reminder that life is fleeting.

    @nettie--we all have "off" weeks--just get right back to it and you'll be fine--you've got this! :drinker:

    Friday Fitness:
    This week has not been great for fitness, but I knew that going in. The good news is I have a 3-day weekend to make up for the lack of exercise during the work week.

    Tomorrow is my last day of ACT prep class--yay!

    Today was a bad day food-wise, mostly due to some beverages. I will not make my protein goal for the 1st time this month. :ohwell: I'm going to chalk it up to holiday indulgence and move on. My new goal is to make meet the protein numberfor the rest of the month.

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    13/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. x/51 JRP outlines
    2. re-read Great Gatsby DID SOME

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Tues--rest day (teaching evening class)
    Wed--rest day (teaching evening class)
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)

    DH made the shrimp and broccoli with pasta b/c I told him last night he could make it. He did leave the pasta separate and also used whole grain linguini.