Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    WOW - Very helpful SALARY INFO for all you worker bees! $$$$ will give you employee reviews of tons of companies plus employees reveal some insider info and well as what they earn so you get a good look inside before you go in blind asking for a salary thats not reasonable or too small!

  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Yesterday and today were much better... yesterday started out miserable again, but I bit the bullet and texted my ex- BF. It was very short, but I have not cried since then, and my overall mood has improved. I also had a conversation with a mutual friend, and told him about our break up... the first person I've told. It was a great relief just to tell someone, and he was very helpful.

    Neck and shoulder pain still persist, but less than a few days ago, went to physio today to get acupuncture and new neck exercises. Then I did my workout, which I was very frustrated with because they are not letting me go full force again. The weights are too light, the cardio sessions too short. I'm hoping to increase the intensity in the next few weeks... this is frustrating.

    Food not so good either today... I left my healthy packed lunch bag by the door so had to grab fast food (between work and physio there was no time to pop into a grocery store for something healthy). Bad choices, yes... but overeating, no.

    Edit to add the ex- :frown:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just popping in tonight since I think I will go to bed early in hope of catching up on sleep.

    Robin-No rest day for me, I went to work this morning. Thankfully, my coworker had the lesson plan all done for the day and it was wonderful.

    Welcome to all the new people.

    Wish- That I can catch up on sleep and finish grading a few things.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    The final report for me for September...

    Complete an Honest Food Diary 30/30 days: 30/30

    Within 100 Calories of Daily Goal 20/30 days: 17/30

    Ooooh boy....good thing we're repeating for October!

    Laurie, Skinny, Susan- Good job at T2T! Sounds like it was a good race!

    Complete an Honest Food Diary 30/30 days: 1/30
    Within 100 Calories of Daily Goal 20/30 days: 1/30
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :love: Happy October - its the First Day of the Challenge :drinker: - If you accepted, be sure you know what your daily calorie allowance is, and be sure to log every bite of food you eat, if unsure, estimate! Every day, try to post here and keep a running total such as this: for today I did 1/1 and if tomorrow is sucessful that 2/2 and if the 3rd day is bad that 2/1 and so on..... and remember no one is perfect!

    Hello All of you Newbies - yes you know who you are! You are in a great thread you just post as long a post as you want - don't worry about taking up space - it makes no difference ! We love to hear your story and your obstacles and we will help you figure ways to overcome them. One big mind-set to change is the time factor. This is the long-haul method. So if you fall off the wagon - come on back whenever, OK?

    GrandmaKaye - your size changes are astonishing! WOW :love: Oh boy - quick story - my sister -got almost as heavy as I -She wore a size 24-26 then she got serious, lost a lot of weight - her activity of choice was Jazzer@ise and she eventually got down to a size 6. BUT, she slowly floated back up to a 14, and is a Jazz. instructor, (only for seniors now) still. 15 yrs. later. She's happy wearing a 14, a large or sometimes an xl, depending how discount the store is. So, maybe as someone else (kah?) pointed out so wisely, your body is adjusting its set-point at this weight for a reason of its own. Maybe be mindful of this period in your life and listen to your body for a while .

    NK- Niki - I liked your post - so no apologies here - ever!

    MrsMorgori - ooph tendonitis - sounds dreadful -! I don't want to change places with you :noway: heres hoping you heal fast!

    Soosun - wow -congrats on your quick inches lost! aren't you in a squats challenge? I'm bad at keeping up on who's doing what sometimes - but thats great progress!

    Kah - oh now I am able to actually picture you in the building - I've been there - how such a thing can happen so randomly and so terribly sneakily and quietly and scarily. Hugs your kittehs tonight. I am praying that fellow did not have a huge range of personal contacts in his "infectious" period. :flowerforyou:

    Naceto - ADVICE WARNING!!!!!! Totally yes you have absolute rights to take YOUR food over there. Do NOT let what You THINK a man "might" think dictate how you live. That, my dear lady, is giving him control. Any way you slice that pie, its giving him control. Don't ever start off like that in a relationship. If he even brings it up, just brush it aside, don't make a big deal of it. Then its fair to make a decision about him based on his reaction. If he tries to control your behavior - well, then its time to think about him. And his candy. :wink: Sorry - I did say warning! Hope we're still in this together! :flowerforyou:

    Toots - how exciting both your boys are safe with you here in the USA ! And to here they are big puppies they sound adorable. China sounds fascinating - when you get some sleep and time - tell us more! :heart:

    FeraFila - wow - all done and moved in? Exciting - are you loving in? Is there lots of pressure on hubby with new job? Did you both hit the ground running? Any start on a fall garden plot?

    Tanya - good to hear you've confided with a local mutual friend who listened and responded well ....gosh that can be so helpful. I hope there will be more people who come forward to you now. You really do need all the support you can get. Sometimes its doggone hard to shoulder all the emotion and be a mask on the outside and hurting so bad inside... Hugs, my friend
    I don't know what it is but when a person is going thru struggles then all sorts of other things seem to go out of whack temporarily - like forgetting your lunch - RATS!!!! And the fast food - double rats! :grumble: But, your in charge, and I;m impressed with how you are coping so well and not beating yourself up.
    Keep up the phsio and work-outs - IMPRESSIVE! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Laurie - hope you get your wish -

    Skinny - sorry you had to delay in Chicago - what a dreadful mess - and now we know how vunerable we are at all airports too - a shame. SO can't wait till your rested up and can tell us your stories.

    Hansea - I think your 30/30 for keeping an Honest Food Diary is TREMENDOUS !!!! :love: :flowerforyou: :love:
    You deserve KUDOS for that achievement! Be very proud. I'm glad we're repeating the challenge too!

    AFM - Visiting Nurse came today -gave me an hour's lead time so I got a shower (with leg in dressing and in saran ) right before he came. Nice young man. Changed dressing-still waiting for WoundVac to arrive. He took 3 hrs to get to know me and was very re-assuring that this would heal and would NOT need surgery - made me feel a whole lot better. He said (since I'm a nurse) I'd just have to watch closely as the RN's change the VAC on their visits and I'd learn how to disconnect it. Then, I could take it off myself,, and shower right before they get here. But only shower 1- per week. Which is better than I've averaged since the accident. :laugh: Sounds fair! Life is sure interesting.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Robin - I absolutely adore it here. For fun, here's a few pics of around the area:

    My house from the end of the side drive:

    A field of soy beans:

    A field of tobacco:

    Deer greeting us when we got home:

    There are only a couple boxes left to unpack. Boxes of books, which will have to wait until we buy a new book shelf, and some decor boxes, because I'm not sure where I want to put certain things yet. Everything else is pretty much where I want it, and I even ordered some area rugs (they came in today, love them), a new comforter set and sheets for the bed, and we bought new furniture (sofa, loveseat, recliner set).

    Hubby is enjoying his new role so far. Sadly, he's already had to do 2 funeral services in his first month, but he's very excited about the upcoming baptism on his schedule. He's a little stressed because he hasn't established a routine yet, as he's still learning the ropes, but that will come in time. The people here are wonderful, and they definitely seem to be excited to have him.

    No start on the garden plot yet... Other than I've decided where I'd like to put it. It's in a spot that gets full sun, and slopes gently so it will drain well. Just need to get approval from the folks that own the property and get it tilled up.

    I've managed to stay more or less on plan, losing 7.6 pounds in August, and 6.6 pounds in September. A little slower than the past couple months, and not the 2 pounds per week I'm used to, but I spent half of August traveling, the end of August packing, and most of September dealing with moving stuff. It's been rough, but we're all settled and I'm ready to have October be 100% on track. :D (with the exception of the 9th, because that's my birthday, and we're going out to celebrate!)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi all! I'm on my tablet because I left my laptop at work and home one is being difficult.:grumble:

    Sorry I can't post a longer reply and personals, but I promise to do so tomorrow.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    ARGH - Was doing personals and I lost the entire post because I accidentally hit the wrong key. I will try to do a recap.

    Naceto - Sometimes it doesn't hurt from taking a step back and restarting. When I get in a rut I like to change things up and play around with it a bit.

    Toots- I am sure it will take some time for your family and the boys to adjust to the changes. How are they doing with the language barrier? LOL to the toilet holes. I had a difficult time with that concept when I went to Italy!

    Kah - WOW to working in the same building. I am sure it must be hectic with the reporters and everyone rightfully concerned. Do they have you taking any extra/special precautions?

    Tanya - I am glad you were to reach out to a friend, let him know what was going on and that he was helpful. Sorry about the pain still. Sometimes it is better to cut back on the exercise, as frustrating as it may be, to prevent risk of further injury. Hang in there. Things will get better.

    Robin - Sounds like you had a nice visit with the nurse. I am glad it went well.

    Newbies - I am so glad so many of your are joining our group. Welcome! You certainly have come to the right place. Be sure to pop in often!

    Fera - Welcome back. Beautiful pics. Congrats!

    MrsM. - Sorry to hear of your pain and discomfort. Hope you feel better soon.

    Kaye - WOW!!!! I am super impressed with the changes you have had in sizes. I noticed you aren't far away from 100 lbs. You should be so proud of yourself. I am inspired by you!

    I cannot remember who else I responded to. Sorry if I didn't get to you.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Kaye -- What an achievement! And I'm sure that you can lose that last 20 pounds, but it's not always easy for us folks who started out a bit larger so it might take a while.
    @Niki -- Welcome! I love hearing about people. I use a diary program called "Day One" and I try to be very good about copying everything I write in different bits of the internet into it as well as anything I write just for myself. But it's just saved here and in my backup; it's not on the web anywhere. You will feel so *fantastic* when you get back to that 2003 weight and break right through that.
    @Soosun -- I'm so glad to hear that all your measurements are down! But I hope we don't have the first frost just yet; I have not done any of the things in the garden that we're supposed to do before then.
    @Kelley -- I love what it says on your tracker "think about why you started". I just wish we were able to have proper medical treatment for everyone who contracts Ebola, rather than the few away from the main epidemic.
    @Nicole -- Nooo! I'm all for people living their own lifestyle, and not putting unreasonable demands on a partner, but perhaps your boyfriend could have a "snack cupboard" or a "snack tin". If it has to be a snack table, then maybe a healthier range of snacks? My kids eat loads of fruit, and I found that if I left out nicely cut pieces of celery and carrots they happily eat those along with the fruit too.
    @Toots -- glad the trip went well and you've got the boys and they're getting use to being home with you!
    @Tanya -- I know it's frustrating when you can't workout as hard as you want to, but I think it's likely your physio is being careful with you right now. I'm glad things are a little better on the ex front.
    @FeraFilia -- your house looks amazing! Are those your fields (I'm guessing not) or nearby farmland? Well done for keeping so well on track when you've had all that upheaval.

    October 2/2 on logging and thread checking. Today's green smoothie is red! I used 100g each of beetroot, carrot, orange juice and water, and 50g each of greek yoghurt and chard leaves (spines removed and saved to be the secret hidden veg in tomorrow's chilli). Ginger to taste, but I use about a teaspoon of grated ginger root. So good -- I honestly think I could tell the kids this was a raspberry smoothie and they'd believe me. I used cooked (pre packed) beetroot and raw carrot; another time I might try cooking the carrot first too. 180 calories for all that, but that's enough for two big helpings.

    Right. Thursday truths -- well, my daughter has a rich friend (I mean, the girl's not rich, but her family are multi-millionaires). And DD has been holding off inviting this friend round because we're not rich and our house is a mess (two different things). I think that it's Flylady who calls it CHAOS -- Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome. So she asked the girl what she wanted for her birthday, and she said 'an invitation to your house'. Oh dearie dearie me.

    Hope everyone's Thursday is everything they hope!

    -- Alison
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thursday Confession- I am so far behind in the thread. I was doing good until Friday than I crammed all my homework in for vacation so I wouldn't have to do homework at night at the hotel. My practice math test was a bomb but I learned from that what I really didn't know to add to my cheat sheet 3x5 card. I got 100% on the real test (first time since middle school) :bigsmile: This chapter now I need extra help the algebra got harder.
    I have all my sightseeing reserved for the trip and we have lots of great things packed into our day from a tour of the Pitbull Rescue(animal plants pitbulls and paroles show) to haunted night walking tour of the city. List of food places too looks like we will be loving eating all the seafood.

    @the New York runners and walkers great job!
    @Herb- welcome to the group
    @Tanya- sorry for your sadness....hope things are starting to smooth out but you will feel like a roller coaster for awhile.
    @Grandma Kaye - like your new pic

    Does anyone know if you can read thread on the mobile app?
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Hello! My thursday confession is that my mum and dad are taking me out tonight for dinner and a show, and I will be making some sensible decisions on food, however, it won't be logged because this is a VERY rare occasion and I don't want to be regretting it and putting a downer on the evening by feeling guilty. I will max out my remaining calories and start afresh tomorrow morning. :ohwell:

    I may take a picture of it and put it in my paper food diary as a reminder. Kind of a signed, sealed and no regrets to myself. :smile:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Alison~I need to remember my own ticker message sometimes! :wink: Currently, they don’t have any more of the trial medication they used on the U.S. doc in Atlanta a few months ago—not even sure they are able to produce more. Right now all they can do is treat the symptoms; keep the patient’s comfortable and well hydrated. It’s sad; the mortality rate is 50%.

    @Robin~Last news report stated 5 children (all from different schools) were exposed, they’re all home for 21 days being monitored daily by CDC. Same for the 3 paramedic’s that brought him in on Sunday. One nurse in the ER the first time he presented didn’t communicate his whereabouts to the rest of the ER staff :explode:—reason we’re in this mess, I’m sure she’s out of a job now. There has been a lot of speculation of when/how he was exposed (he’s from Liberia but has family in the area).

    @Nicole~Maybe a little paranoid? We are kind of far from the isolation unit, but several of my co-workers are still freaked out. Honestly, nothing to worry about since it isn’t airborne—you won’t catch me in the building where he is located though! :wink:

    @Holly~No, can’t see thread on mobile app—you’ll have to open up internet browser on phone or tablet. Sounds like a fun trip planned, enjoy!

    @Fera~Beautiful pics of your new surroundings!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Top of the morning to everyone.

    Happy National Walk Your Dog Day
    National Walk Your Dog Week was founded in 2010 by Celebrity Pet Lifestyle Expert and Animal Advocate Colleen Paige, to bring awareness to the ever increasing problem of canine behavior issues and canine obesity in America. Walk Your Dog Week aims to improve the health and well being of America’s dogs and sends the message to unchain your dogs!
    "With more and more people becoming sedentary and gaining weight due to a lack of exercise, say's Paige, dogs don't get the necessary outlet they need to stay physically and mentally healthy. I feel that part of the overpopulation of dogs in this country is hugely associated with our growing waistlines. Generally, the less a person exercises, the less a dog exercises. Having trained thousands of dogs in the last twenty years, it's my estimation that at least 75% of dogs in shelters are there due to a lack of exercise, which has thus resulted in serious behavior issues such as aggression, destruction and separation anxiety issues. Often, dogs run away from home because they're kept sequestered all day long in a crate or a small yard, says Paige, which only exacerbates a dog's destructive, aggressive or anxious tendencies. This, coupled with too much fatty food, leads to obesity, as well as medical issues like pancreatitis, diabetes, heart disease and the number one killer of dogs – cancer. October is a beautiful time of year everywhere to get outside. Walking your dog on a daily basis not only increases the endorphins in both human and canine brains {happy chemicals} but it improves the bond between the two”.
    Paige says she initially founded National Walk Your Day for October 1st, as a way to highlight these issues and encourage people to get out with their dog and start getting healthy, but later felt was not enough to stimulate a continued walking program, so she then founded National Walk Your Dog Week to be celebrated the entire first week of October. She believes that when people witness the changes in their beloved dogs by giving them a week of exercise they normally don't get, not only will they see a massive difference in their dog’s behavior but the dog's person will feel so good they won't want to stop. This not only helps to save the life of the dog by promoting proper health and quelling behavior issues that might otherwise land him in the shelter facing euthanasia - but it will also help to improve the health of the human companion and possibly save their life down the road as well.
    According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, more than 40 percent of dogs...a total of about 17 million in the United States, are overweight. "If you walk your dog just 30 minutes a day, you will meet national recommendations for heart health, says Paige. Asking your children to accompany you by walking the dog themselves while you supervise, will set them up for a better chance that they will continue to not only crave physical exercise, but that they will be responsible dog stewards when they're adults."

    Remember.... a tired a good dog!

    If you're not an avid dog walker, spend a week walking with your dog! You'll feel so won't want to stop!

    “Living a healthy lifestyle will only deprive you of poor health, lethargy, and fat.” ~Jill Johnson

  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    @Bohemian - It's nearby farmland. I'm in a farming community, and everyone's got either tobacco, soybeans, or corn. It makes for lovely scenery while I'm taking my walks.

    I feel like this is something awesome I should celebrate.

    This Sunday, I'm participating in my 2nd charity 5k walk since I've been here, and on Thursday (in a week), for my birthday, we're going to a state park and doing a few of the hiking trails! (Hopefully that will balance out some of the damage of going out for Italian afterward!) YAY for being more active!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday Truth: I’m so sore, but feeling great! I’m into my 4th week of the 20 lb – 6 Week Challenge. Everything is going very well. I’ve been doing exercises I haven’t done in years. I can’t do some of them like I really stink at burpees, but I do try everything and just do what I can do. While I know walking is good for me, I just wasn’t seeing results and needed to push my heart rate. This is definitely doing that. I hit the 20 lb mark the other day. Woo Hoo!!! I’m going to keep pushing until the challenge is over then sign right back up for the next 6 weeks. I can do this!!!!

    We had a great weekend in NYC. After the months I’ve been having and preparing for convention, thank goodness Laurie and Karen we’re great! They were totally my tour guides and I just followed like a lost puppy. I’m so glad we did the Tunnel to Tower 5K and got to meet Gorilla too. It was a very emotional trip that’s for sure as we reflected on 9/11. I know I will NEVER forget.

    I’ll never be able to respond to all of your post I’ve missed, but this weekend I’ll go back to the last pages and catch up. I need to know what’s going on in your life. I missed you guys!!!
  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    Thursday Truth....I ate JUNK last night :mad: I had 2 HoHo's...and they aren't even good anymore. I will NOT eat anymore of those! My Doc phoned in some anti-inflammatory meds yesterday, my shoulder felt way better this morning when I woke up, but as I move around I can feel it's still really sore, so I'm going to take the meds and TRY not to overdue it :smile: Thanks for all the well wishes :happy: Have a Great Day! ~ Amy
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Hi everyone ... thanks for the welcoming words. I'm looking forward to participating here.
    October Challege
    Watch your Calories Month ... 0/1 ...did great until that handful of pistachios turned into 3 and put me over.

    @Robinsegg I had an idea off what youposted about your "Will and Will Not Do ... and Will Try Later" lists. Since I gravitate to spreadsheets and charts, I made one up of the things I need to do to improve my health, and my life. I created a sort of Attendance chart where I could track easily how many days this month I did the things that matter to me ... Just did that this morning ... and could not check anything off for yesterday! ... Hoverever .. I totally expect to see some checkmarks for today!

    Thursday Confession ... I'll be tracking how many days I actually do sustained activity that doesn't involve either the computer or TV.
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Thursday truth... I need to declutter my life. Food, time management, and management of basic household chores are all a huge challenge for me right now. I am just not motivated to do much of anything that requires effort beyond my recliner. Maybe I am depressed... whatever the cause, I need to get off of my duff and get to work!

    I missed you all and your awesome advice!

    Naceto - ADVICE WARNING!!!!!! Totally yes you have absolute rights to take YOUR food over there. Do NOT let what You THINK a man "might" think dictate how you live. That, my dear lady, is giving him control. Any way you slice that pie, its giving him control. Don't ever start off like that in a relationship. If he even brings it up, just brush it aside, don't make a big deal of it. Then its fair to make a decision about him based on his reaction. If he tries to control your behavior - well, then its time to think about him. And his candy. :wink: Sorry - I did say warning! Hope we're still in this together! :flowerforyou:

    BEST advice EVER! You are 100% correct... I also like the idea that Alison had....

    @Nicole -- Nooo! I'm all for people living their own lifestyle, and not putting unreasonable demands on a partner, but perhaps your boyfriend could have a "snack cupboard" or a "snack tin". If it has to be a snack table, then maybe a healthier range of snacks? My kids eat loads of fruit, and I found that if I left out nicely cut pieces of celery and carrots they happily eat those along with the fruit too.

    I am going to stop and get my own snacks for his snack table AND ask him to put his snacks in a less obvious place. If he rolls with it, then he can continue to roll with me! :happy:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin—I’m glad you are healing and hope you don’t have to deal with the wound vac for too long.

    @nettie—sorry you couldn’t come meet us in NY, but totally understand. It was so crazy and crowded at the finish, and we didn’t stay too long at the after-party.

    @fera—welcome back and glad to hear you are almost all settled in. We are neighbors now. :laugh:

    @nicole—welcome back! Sorry you’re feeling unmotivated right now. I find when I get into that sort of rut, it’s always so hard to “start up” again (whether it’s exercise, cleaning, etc.), but when I force myself to do the activity, it snowballs and I’m soon right back in the think of it. I don’t know if that made sense. :huh:

    @tanya—so sorry to hear about your breakup. :cry: Like others, I’m glad you’ve found a friend in whom you can confide. Support is so important when you’re going through a tough time.

    @amy (mrs. Morgori)—glad to see you back as well. Sorry to hear about your shoulder. I’ve also had some joint pain in my right shoulder for the past several weeks. I think I damaged it with my backpack when I started back to work b/c when I switched to the other shoulder, that one started to hurt. I guess I just need to stop bringing home so much grading so my bag will be lighter. :laugh:

    @tom—gunner will be thrilled! :drinker:

    @toots—so glad you are home with your boys safe and sound. Can’t wait to hear more about that adventure and their acclimation to life in your home.

    @kelley—that’s got to be a bit unnerving, though not so scary as it’s not airborne. I know some people are really freaking out, but it seems like the risk of contracting it is pretty low, especially if you aren’t a health care worker.

    @soosun—awesome loss of inches!! :drinker:

    @kaye—loved hearing the reflection of how much you’ve lost. I’m also in that same boat of wanting to lose that last 20 lbs, so I know how you feel. :flowerforyou:

    Wow—so many newlings!! Welcome to you all—I promise to get to know you soon. :flowerforyou:

    I hope I didn't miss anyone, but if so I'll catch you on the next round. Will also post something about the trip later.
  • CoastGuardBill
    CoastGuardBill Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks Robin for keeping this thread alive!!! I have been back on my life style change for about 10 days now. This is my 10,000th attempt! Wish me luck! I hope and pray all of your desires and dreams come true. ~ Coast Guard Bill