Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Fera - gorgeous pix - the deer couldn't have been more perfectly framed!
    Great progression on your weight loss the past 2 months - WOOT - WOOT! Hey - what treat for your birthday will you indulge in?

    Skinny - sorry your home computer is problematic - I recently bought a nice thin laptop only to realize it does not accept cd-rom. Thank god for sand-alone hard drive back ups. It made me feel so old school. :ohwell: Now I would have bought a lap-top with detachable keyboard. This months issue of Computer Reports reviews them - just got it - haven't read it. Will drool over them later!

    JNettie - I hate losing my personals with one keystroke - arrgg - I agree with you! Only once was I able to retrive it using the BACK or RETURN key on the web command bar - that really surprised me. :happy:

    BohoCoast - I like what you suggested to Nike - the diary program - called "Day One" - it sounds very interesting - I jot all day long - and sounds like just what I should use - thanks for sharing that tidbit. Thats one special part of this thread - that opening up that evolves - :love:
    I like Flylady too. BTW. I understand and sometimes CHAOS happens in my home today - quite often! We were raised in a blue-collar family - meaning we didn't live in a rich way- my dad worked at a cattle yard and made good money but he came home every day covered in manure - but we had cousins whose dad and grand-dad were bankers and QUITE rich and lived in a mansion - with servants!!!. Well, we had dogs, torn furniture, covers over the furniture,magazines, bowls in the sink,and booze and food on the countertops, and my cousins LOVED it at our house. THey couldn't make a mess at theirs. They were under total clean-ness control and restriction - tough stuff! Don't worry about this friend. THey want REAL down to earth life experiences. Provide them with yours. They will love you immediately and dote on every word you say! :heart:

    WalkingQueen -whoo - so impressed ! 100% on your math test! And, already anxious about the next- hope you line up a tutor as soon as your back from sounds like the best trip to New Orleans ever! Your son is going to go nuts! Taking a leash? :laugh: I mean for your son - not to adopt either a parolee or a pitbull -:wink: The haunted night tour - that sounds FUN!

    Lois - Hello - no guilt trips here -:heart: we all have special occasions where we go over. A lot of us use techniques to deal with it - like you've chosen to do - thats a great idea of the pic in your food journal.

    Myself I usually put in whatever a eat thru the day and for that entire evening out I log what I can, such as the drinks, veggies, whatever, then I try to over-estimate the rest and enter a total amount for it - then I know I logged myself somewhat fairly well every day and MFP will keep a nice graph for me and show me eating trends monthly of every few months, however I choose.
    Others here will ""bank"" calories when they have a week's notice there is an event coming - and save back 200 calories a day so instead of the calories allowed being 1700, they eat only 1500 per day for 5 days, giving them a "bank" of 1000 calories to somewhat use the day of the event they want to eat more calories.
    Now you do NOT have to change your style. Just sharing. :drinker:

    Kah - saw "your" EBOLA patient on the news today - I hope all with possible exposure are doing well and RN also who mis-communicated will do well - I have heard conflicting reports about how that was handled.

    My Own Opinion? - I think CDC is NOT doing enough to protect people OR perhaps the Health Department of the City of Dallas or the Mayor should take control and Announce AS Public Policy the following:

    ALL To Wear Face Masks While In Public Schools and Hospitals Starting Immediately and Will Continue for 60 Days...............or until there are no more Ebola patients diagnosed.
    (Just as Japanese Society Does as Matter of Habit during Flu or Cold Outbreaks)

    I know I'm a bit radical - but, I am over-zealous at this point - small children are concerned and there has been exposure, not only within his (the victim's) family, but the children have gone to school, and also a multitude of health care workers, our first line of defense - Emergency Room employees - mom's and dad's who've gone home to their own children - who've gone to their own schools, have all been potentially exposed. I disagree that only a few people need to be monitored. Then again, maybe I'm a bit paranoid. UNMC, here in Omaha, had one patient. We were unable to use the experimental drug on him either. There was not enough. Only have 8 beds available for the specialized care. A person starts to crunch numbers...and sees the bigger picture if this disease get on the loose. Oh So sorry for the big editorial. I'm on a soapbox today - I should wash my mouth out with soap!:noway:

    Morgori - I sent the Dog Week Info to my sis - currently she's not walking her new puppy - letting run in her fenced back yard. Another thing I'll add is it helps a dog learn its neighborhood well and so if it ever does get loose it is tempted more to explore closer to home - all these places its walked past before and now has a chance to explore - instead of bolting fast and far away from you! Thus easier to catch or find ... At least thats the experience I had with my 2 dogs...

    Susan - wow-wee-yay - already made it into the 4th week of a 6 week challenge - so amazing! You GO GIRL! (Don't be a GoneGirl :wink: ) 20 lbs WOOT! :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: YOU HAD EVERY REASON TO PARTAY IN NYC! NEVER FORGET 9/11 :drinker:

    Mrs. Morgori Amy -- I concur - it is funny how bad those pkgd. treats taste :frown: when you've been off them a while. What if anything did you substitute for your unhealthy snacks? So glad your doc fixed you up - that is good medicine for such problems - glad its helping.:smile:

    Niki - did the pistachios take you more than 100 calories over? That's our criteria - so if they didn't take you over that much you can still count yesterday as being OFFICIALLY UNDER!
    Your spreadsheet sounds really great - fun checking things off -admirable!

    Will catch up with the rest later!
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    @Robin - We're (hubby and I) will be going to a park about 45 minutes away, having lunch at the lodge - he says they have good sandwiches, then doing a few hiking trails around the park. Afterward, we'll be meeting some new friends for dinner at an Italian restaurant they recommended. It should be a lovely day, and I'm hoping all the walking around will help with the over indulgence!
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy October!! This is my favorite month of the year. Already the weather is cooling down and the trees are about to turn their magnificent colors. Time for some yummy, healthy crockpot meals!!! :bigsmile:

    @Toots, awesome that you are home safe with your boys. I suspect we are going to be getting lots of stories and updates! :happy:

    @FeraFilia, welcome back!! Your home is so lovely. :smile:

    @Robins, I looked up my company on Glassdoor and yikes there are a lot of unhappy people!! Glad I already work here or I might be changing my mind. :noway: :bigsmile:

    @Tanya, glad your doing a tiny bit better. (((hugs))) :flowerforyou:

    @BohemianCoast, might be time to teach DD to either clean house or to accept her life and be proud of it. No matter how rich her friend might be. :wink:

    @mnwalkingquee , congrats on the test!!! I don't know if you can read this thread on an app. I looked at mine and couldn't find where I would be able to. :smile:

    @Susan, congrats on hitting 20lbs!!! I'm about 2lbs away myself and working hard at it. :bigsmile:

    Uggghhh it's time to close the store. I will have to return and that is the truth!!! :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello all,
    @ferafiila - Picnic in the park, one of my "favorite things"

    @Susan - Way to go, you are an inspiration

    @Bohemian - When I was growing up we were the only working class family in a neighborhood of doctors and professionals. ALL the kids hung out at our house. We had a sandbox, could use the tools in the garage, had mini bikes, ate hot dogs and carrot sticks on the back porch for lunch. Our laundry hung on a line outside. They all loved it.

    AFM - Thursday truth. Went over on calories today. Feeling a little out of it. Am now off the antidepressants all the way. As I told my trainer as I was swearing the other day. I don't have food or meds to help me filter what I feel or say. So I am learning as I go. Things will get easier with time. I do truly feel all of my emotions now.

    As for the extra calories - stopped by the bread store this morning and got a scone. Truly delicious but also 400 calories. wanted to cut back for the rest of the day but found myself in the drive through at DQ. Wanted a blizzard but settled on a dilly. Still 200 more calories. So, salad and shrimp for dinner. Have to drink 3 more glasses of water before I go to bed (and get up several times to deal with it).
    Love to all,:happy:
  • iahmed91
    Hi I'm new to the thread and been using MFP for the last few months ... used to us MyNetDiary before that. I am in my mid-40s and have been big all my life. Last Dec I decided I've had enough and needed to get to a reasonable weight.

    So 9 months later -- 60+lbs done, just over a 100 to go :-)

    I'd say eating better is 80% of the plan and the 20% is exercise.

    For the last 9 months, I have gotten rid of gluten, white rice (except when I need my sushi fix :), red meat and dairy (milk/cheese) and most things that comes in a package or has lot of preservatives. I don't drink alcohol so that was never a problem. After this time it has become a lifestyle eating choice and not a "diet". I've been thru too many diets and its never sustainable.

    As for exercise, when I was 60+ lbs heavier, it was just walking and yoga. Now I added swimming, biking, and hot yoga and hiking. Another 50lbs and hopefully add some running too.

    I have plateaued on my weight loss for the last 2 months so I am taking a 31 day yoga challenge and biking the kids to school 2-3 days a week (5 miles trip). Hope to see some change on the scale at the end of October!

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Welcome to all the new people and welcome back to old friends.

    Boho- Let your daughter know that some families are rich in love if not money. Her friend may want to experience the family she talks about since her life is different. The idea of DD cleaning house is a good one as well.

    Had an interesting gym workout tonight. Starting working out with a friend on the ellipitical then as I running on the track another friend showed up. I have not seen Gary in a couple of months so needless to say a short workout turned into 2 hours with 1 hour of walking and talking. Who knows, I may hear from him again only time will tell.

    Have a great Friday.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @holly--congrats on the 100%--yay A+!! :drinker:

    @fera--I meant to mention that I love your new profile pic. :smile:

    More newlings--welcome all!! :flowerforyou:

    Thursday Truth:
    Today wasn't the best food day. A colleague and I both brought treats for our birthdays this week--we are only 2 days apart so we always combine to cut down on the number of days of tempting goodies. Then, hubby made pizza for dinner. At least it was super thincrust (Target's Archer Farms Woodfired style which is delicious BTW) so lower in calories than I'd expected. I'm still under right now, but it will be a close one with not enough protein. :ohwell:

    Wow, what a great experience! First, susan and laurie are both just so great to travel with, and meeting laurie & gorilla, and seeing susan again was enough to make the trip worthwhile. However, that race was one of the best race experiences I've ever had. Back in 2008, garetie and I did the Komen 3-day walk for breast cancer, and this was definitely comparable. My biggest concern going onto it was that the tunnel would be claustrophobic, but it wasn't at all. It was really well lit, there were speakers set up so we had music along the way, and there were NYPD and FDNY stationed along the way to cheer us on. I think it also helped that laurie and I were in the 1st wave of runners with only the West Point Cadets ahead of us, so there was plenty of room to run.

    Usually when I run a 5k, the water station is at the halfway point where I stop to hydrate and walk for 30-60 seconds. When I run in my neighborhood, I also stop after 1.5 miles to drop off gunner and grab some water, so I'm used to that routine. I knew this course wouldn't have a water station until the end of the tunnel which was almost 2 miles, so my goal was to run to that point before taking a walking break. I used the fire fighters as my motivation--one was right in front of me and whenever I felt like walking, I would look at him and think, "If he can do that in full gear, I can keep going too!" It got me all the way to the end of the tunnel.

    Coming out of the tunnel was the most moving part. All of the NYPD, PAPD, and FDNY men and women holding banners with the faces of the first responders who perished on 9/11 were so inspiring. I walked for about a minute to take it all in, then slowly ran, high-fiving and thanking them for their service. I managed to not cry, but it was rough. After passing the last of the banners, I picked up some speed again to push to the finish. It was my slowest 5k at 37:55, but well worth slowing down to take it all in.

    Other than the race, we had a great time sightseeing. Did the circle tour of Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, saw Mama Mia, and went to the 9/11 memorial museum.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Coming down with a cold, I think, so I'll keep this short. Hubby finally got his PIC line yesterday and today I did the first infusion. Not nearly as scary as I thought it would be. It shouldn't be too bad--2Xday for 6 wks. It takes about 30 minutes plus and extra 5 minutes at the beginning and end when I have to flush the line. As I told my husband, it sure beats loading him into the car twice a day and going to the clinic for his meds.

    October Challenge to date: 2/2 days under 1350 calories, 1/2 days cardio (seeing hubby's Dr.s and work yesterday)

    Big storm this afternoon and cooler temps, at least for now. Yippee!

    Toots: The toilets ARE a hoot in China. For some reason, I have enough photos of Chinese toilets from my trip to make a calendar. One, at the Great Wall, had no running water whatsoever to wash hands AND the attendant wanted us to pay her for the privilege of using TP. Hope all is going well now that you're home.

    Till tomorrow,
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I loved the stories of your childhood homes. I grew up on a small farm. We had a 3 room house, with an outhouse,ï no less. We did have running hot and cold water in the kitchen. My mother knew how to make people feel welcome, and there was always plenty of good food. Our cousins who lived in the area were frequently there, and our home was a popular summer destination for all of the city cousins. They would pitch tents in the front yard or sleep in the 'bunkhouse'. I am a casual house keeper, but the kids' friends always felt welcome. Fortunately, the house is cleaner than it was when all 7 of the kids lived at home, but I wouldn't trade that time for anything. There is so much more to life than an immaculate house.
    Thanks for your encouraging words about the progress I have made. Robin, I have thought a lot about the idea that I may have reached a comfortable place for my body. I weigh a little less than I did 27 years ago, and I don't even remember when I weighed less than that. When I started this journey, I said I would be happy if I could wear a size 12. I am comfortable doing what I'm doing for the rest of my life. I'm hesitant to make drastic changes to lose more weight, because I'm afraid if I make changes that I can't sustain, I will gain it back. I'd rather stay where I am than lose more and then gain it back. I do wish I could get down to where the charts didn't classify me as obese. Those are just numbers anyway. I don't feel obese.
    I guess that's my Thursday truth. I really appreciate all of you, and your encouragement and examples.
    Loved the reports of the T2T race.
    Toots, I hope life settles down so you can share more of your family experiences with us.
    Fera, your new home looks lovely.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 128
    Wonderful weight loss. Thanks for sharing your success. It keeps me motivated

    I like the below caloried challenge. I set my calorie limit at 1400 calories a day. Sugar grams under 50 and 6 20 grams carb servings a day. The challenge will keep me on line for what I have set for myself.

    Did my Silver Sneakers class today. A challenge when i go and then I feel wonderful all day.

    Still dealing with low blood pressure and feeling fatigue. Did some looking into adding more potassium to my diet at every meal and more protein and went thru my food menus and added some new recipes to mix things up. I am excited to try the new foods and incorporate more potassium.

    Looked up foods with more potassium than a banana. Found that prunes, spinach, sweet potatoes, a half of an avacado, whie beans, plain Greek yogurt are all very high in potassium, so have figured out ways to add to daily meals to increase consumption.

    Looked up foods with more protein than an egg and came up with pumpkin seeds , Edamame, greek yogurt, Gruyere cheese, all food that will translate into more interesting mealsl.

    Have a great day.Thanks for sharing.

    My truth for today is keeping my calories under 1400 per day. Will see if it is doable and healthy. Curious!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Correction - I want to amend my comment to Kah in Dallas that the Mayor should declare everyone should be wearing face masks to prevent the spread of Ebola. I know its not communicable by air, but I was thinking about young kids, who still are impulsive, and might touch sweat on another and them touch their own mouth, nose or eyes. A mask would prevent that kind of self-contamination. Its those children I am most concerned about immediately, since this exposure period was caught so late ....

    Naceto - you came to a great decision - love it!

    Skinny - sorry about your shoulder pain too! The backpack must be very heavy because you're very strong! Glad you're going to cut down on what your carry - :bigsmile: Very moving description of the T2T race! Hope you do it again some year! :flowerforyou:

    CoastGuard - glad to see you! Congrats on your 10 days - good or bad, just keep counting - I'm pround of you!!!! :drinker:

    FeraFila - your birthday plans sound delightful - and your walk is marvelous strategy - Clever! :drinker:

    Teresa - interesting about your company and the info provided on that website, isn't it? I prowled on there for quite some tiime!
    I love this time of year and the colors too - and I hope work goes well and you keep selling so you're not as unhappy as those who posted on there! :wink:

    CBlue - well, it sounds like good reasons for tilting over on your calories - going thru some chemical and brain changes is not easy so it might have put some stress on you today - just move on - I'm quite proud of what you are doiing and hope it works out well for you long term. Your eating will soon adjust - I really believe that. You made a good substitute at the DQ - so good firm logic prevailed. And now you are focused on your water. Well Done! :heart:

    iahme - welcome to our thread - hope you come back often - thats the best way to get the support that this thread offers - much better than what you get on your home page, most of us say. You are doing a great job!

    Laurie - its great to walk and talk - and extra special when you can also catch up with an old friend! Great workout getting that extra hour in!

    GWhammy - Marsha - Impressive job mastering the pic line for your hubby. Wonderful you are saving yourself all the trips to the Drs. office and all the physical hassles that entailed. You learned a new skill - soon you can rent yourself out!

    Kaye - Love your reflections on goal weight - very good food for thought. Holding at maintenance weight is a fine art - learned with discipline - so you can't drop paying attention to intake and we will always be looking up to you for leadership in that area if you decide you are at your ideal weight. :heart:
    I like your home story too. :bigsmile:

    Soosun - I see the connection between low BP and potassium. Never had the low bp problem but lab tests showed continual slightly low potassium so my doc many years ago put me on Potassium - Slow Release and it helped me a great deal - in that I felt an over-all sense of feeling "better" after about 2-3 weeks of taking it. My blood levels rose to a better number and I've stayed on it for several years and stopped it for some conflict issues about 1 year ago.
    Replacing the potassium naturally like your planning is so sensible!
    I hate to hear you are fatigued - thats a rough feeling to have! Hope this food intake helps you quickly!

    AFM - nice visit from VNA - wound-vac was delivered and RN - nice young gal - put it on - not painful at all, small computer device and pump fit in shoulder bag I wear 24 hrs/day 7 days/week. Its about 4-6 lbs. and already in its little purse. It charges overnight as I sleep with it, the daytime I can walk about - a stroll only in apt. for 10 - 20 min with it slung round my neck. I get to see Wound Doc in 2 weeks and he must decide then if I can walk more or not. In meantime, I need to call a lot of folks back.

    Everyone - how did you do in the October Challenge today? How is it goiing. If you want go give it to me in prfivate - lll

    Have a great nite and a great am! :flowerforyou:
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Lois - Hello - no guilt trips here -:heart: we all have special occasions where we go over. A lot of us use techniques to deal with it - like you've chosen to do - thats a great idea of the pic in your food journal.

    Myself I usually put in whatever a eat thru the day and for that entire evening out I log what I can, such as the drinks, veggies, whatever, then I try to over-estimate the rest and enter a total amount for it - then I know I logged myself somewhat fairly well every day and MFP will keep a nice graph for me and show me eating trends monthly of every few months, however I choose.
    Others here will ""bank"" calories when they have a week's notice there is an event coming - and save back 200 calories a day so instead of the calories allowed being 1700, they eat only 1500 per day for 5 days, giving them a "bank" of 1000 calories to somewhat use the day of the event they want to eat more calories.
    Now you do NOT have to change your style. Just sharing. :drinker:

    It didn't turn out too bad in the end, I went over by about 150 calories

    I have heard of the banking system, early Weight Watchers suggested it i think, back in the day. It is a good way of 'earning' your treats if you want one. Bit like saving up your pocket money when you were a kid. I like it. :smile:

    Friday is fitness: I'm out with the engineers working on Saturday, more of a physical job than my Monday to Friday admin job, would that count? I'm annoyed that I have damaged my Achilles tendon somehow so I can't take myself for a walk right now as it aggravates it. :cry:
    I will be attempting swimming next week, see if that helps. If anyone could suggest work outs that don't aggravate the Achilles that would be amazing, because right now even stairs hurt.

    I hope you all have a lovely Friday and a great weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Hi everyone ... Friday Fitness ... To get fit, I am concentrating on increasing my activity levels from totally sedintary to 30 minutes a day of sustained activity that does not involve the PC or TV... it could be anything as long as it has me off my butt ans moving, doing something physical and productive.

    October Challege
    Watch your Calories Month ...1/2 ... a good day yesterday

    @robinsegg ...Niki - did the pistachios take you more than 100 calories over? That's our criteria - so if they didn't take you over that much you can still count yesterday as being OFFICIALLY UNDER! ...

    Yes, I was over. I have my calories set at 1456 for the day and was ok with 21 nuts (84 calories) but that additional 75 nuts added another 300 calories ... So I had to find another way to get my nuts into my meal instead of eating them as a snack ... like putting them into my porridge instead. ... but hey, at least I ended up getting in 700 mg of potassium towards that huge amount we need daily.
  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    @Robin~yes, I will have better snacks. I usually buy treats for the kids that I don't like.....but I tried it anyways, :mad: Dumb I know...I don't know why I even had to try it again LOL.
    @skinny~Try and rest it, it's the continuous motion that won't let it heal. And you must have a heavy backpack, maybe get one with wheels :smile: LOL
    @Morgori~:heart: Have a Great Day...and pick a place to eat tonite:bigsmile:

    I think I will make an exercise spreadsheet, I think that will be a good way I can keep losing LBS (I am toooo lazy to log food/calories) but my way has been working, minus 40 lbs!....or starve myself half to death:tongue:

    Have a GREAT Weekend Y'all :flowerforyou:
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 128
    Robin thank you for the info. I am tracking my bp and will report to my dr and see if meds should be adjusted any more,
    Fitness is to keep doing the squat challenge, added stomach exercixes every night this past week and have committed to walking three days a week in addition to my Silver Sneakers class at the gym.
    Excited to see how my added potassium in foods goes for the next week.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Amy it may be a mystery dinner trip tonight.

    National Techies Day is celebrated annually on October 3.
    Techies Day was launched in 1999 by and it was co-founded by CNET Networks. The day was created to encourage students to learn more about a career in technology and to address the nationwide need for qualified technology workers and to recognize the contributions that tech professionals make to education.
    There is always a need for skilled technology professionals.
    Take a “techie” out to lunch today!

    “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” ~Michael Jordan

  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    YAY Love Those :happy:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    My days are getting a tiny bit better, physically and emotionally. I still have almost constant headaches and neck pain with a lot of shoulder tension, though today was almost pain free (either that or I blocked it out... I tended to do that with my back pain) I am quite frustrated that no OTC meds help with the pain, and the pain brings me down too. So a bad day is a REALLY bad day. At this point I feel like I will be spending all my free time after work at physio. Physio is a 5 min drive from work, but I live an hour away, so I finish physio right when rush hour starts, making it a brutal 2 hour drive home. :grumble: I am still riding my roller coaster of emotions... though the lows are not as low.

    @Robin... oh my, a wound drain! I feel bad coming on here and complaining about a few headaches when you are going through so much more. I admire you for being so upbeat and positive throughout all your medical issues. Here's to some speedy healing!:drinker:

    I'm sorry I don't have time for more personals.. I am reading along and hope to jump in more often in the near future.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Hey everyone! :)

    I lost 16 inches today!... Off of my head :drinker:

    Skinny - Thanks for your compliment on my previous picture. I changed it up because I got my hair chopped off today.

    Been a busy day today. Got my car/life/home insurance transferred to Indiana, got my Indiana Drivers License, and went grocery shopping. My freezer is now stocked with frozen veggies, fish, and chicken!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Still working on getting rid of the jetlag. It's really tough. I may be too old for all this world traveling lol. I was so swollen from the trip that I lost 12 pounds in 2 days after I got back. O.o The boys are starting to settle down and stop doing things like sticking butter knives into the toaster, so hey, it all gets better from here ;)
    Toots: The toilets ARE a hoot in China. For some reason, I have enough photos of Chinese toilets from my trip to make a calendar. One, at the Great Wall, had no running water whatsoever to wash hands AND the attendant wanted us to pay her for the privilege of using TP. Hope all is going well now that you're home.

    Till tomorrow,

    Yeah, they never had toilet paper. I had to carry my own around. I would sometimes hold it for long hours in hopes of finding a western style toilet lol.