Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


    At first it says it closes Sept. 15 but if you keep going it says "Or until merchandise is sold out" and they have plenty of stuff left in 3xl and other larger and small sizes - WOOT!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    (burning my VISA card now after buying womens scoop neck Tshirt :blushing: )
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    We are home safe from an incredible weekend. Food-wise today was another bad one, but tomorrow is a new day. Just hoping I didn't do too much damage on the scales.
    Welcome to all of the new ones. The secret to getting the most support and motivation from us is to come here and share often. I think most of us are pretty bad at checking our home page.
    Here's to a good week.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Back to congrats the runners and walker and rollers in the T2T race - and here's a link to local coverage of the race. There are at least 7 short videos on this page, so my page loaded quite slowly:

    One quote I found especially moving. How I imagine Laurie and Skinny must have felt as they came upon this sight:

    "When you exit the tunnel and see the flags and the pictures of the men and women who died (on 9/11), that is just chilling,” said Maureen Nally, a firefighter in Jersey City. “To see these big, huge, life-size faces, and here you are struggling slightly to breathe, you realize that nothing is as hard as what they did that day and what their families live every day.”

    How amazing and inspiring. I want to be stonger and fitter! I will, I will!
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    JNettieohm I know what RLP is I just didn't know that it had a name. When I was 6 months into my third pregnancy I woke up one night in a lot of pain like am I in Labor? I told my dr. and he said 'Oh you are just getting old!' Thanks a lot. It really is ouchy painful; sorry you are having this, and yes, it gets worse with each subsequent pregnanacy. fyi hahaha
    Sigh, I eat all the time. I know i eat all the time because i have to post what I eat all the time. No wonder I am not losing weight.
    Ergo, I wanted to go for a walk today but just never got around to it and now I am not so happy with myself. if you don't walk every day you are not exercising enough every day and the weight just takes that much longer to lose. Darn it that it works that way!!
    Tomorrow I will weigh in and I am not sure I really want to weigh in. But that is life, it comes at you every day no matter what you think it should be doing.
    It is late I didn't walk, but I am going to do my squats challenge . This makrs the beginning of week three and I am still in there on schedule; I am amazed that I have not made some excuse to excuse myself from doing this. After this 28 day challenge is over, there is an intermediate 28 day challenge and then an advanced 28 day challenge. I am going to do all three of them come hell or highwater. I am actually doing a challenge which is a challenge in itself for me. Plus I am going to the gym twice a week, also another good point for me. Things are looking good from here. The scale not so much, but daily exercise is better and calories really are marginally better in that I am eating all the time, but not junk food all the time and lowering my sugar intake all along. I will take that as it is a choice I have made, right?

    This popped into my head as I was scrolling and reading the posts this rainy indoor weekend.

    What does 'thin' feel like to you?

    What does 'healthy' feel like to you?

    Is there a ''difference to you?

    See you tomorrow, Monday.
  • I would like to lose 100 lbs as well. Feeling like its impossibly these days. I had some success last year and feels like I have gained most of it back. I need motivation and inspiration. Hoping to find that here. =)
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Robin: I was hoping someone would put up a nice set that included some photos of us -- and this album shows what the day as a whole was like, and also Chingford Morris -- . We're the side in red, yellow and green. There's one of the band, and I'm in front playing my melodeon (button accordion). My 3d snaps (parallel pictures if you have a viewer, otherwise just look at one half!) are at .

    @Sarahm111 -- welcome! I lost a load of weight last year and then gained 75% of it back. Do I feel stupid? Yes I do. Have I given up? No, back in the game again now. I was so glad to come here and find that this thread is still here.

    September logging and thread-counting -- 22/29.

    For October I'm happy to do more of that, but also I'm planning to do a green smoothie challenge (which is free) which is to drink a green smoothie every day. Though as with Saturday I reserve the right to eat the same fruit and veggies right then and there instead of having them in a smoothie.

    Monday check-in -- well, I am a little down from last week but not a whole pound. I'm fine, slow is ok, I'll get there in the end. I know from my daily spreadsheets that the trend is properly down, it's just that my Monday weigh-ins aren't coming right.

    Hope you're all waking up to a great new week!

    -- Alison
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Proud of Karen, Laurie and Susan for completing the T2T yesterday! Hope they are having a fab time in NYC--all my favorite eateries there have been coming to mind while they're there. :blushing: What I wouldn't give for a NYC bagel! :laugh:

    @Tanya~I’m sorry you and your BF ended your relationship after four years together, I know it must be hard. Break-ups certainly don’t get any easier as we get older do they? :sad:

    @Marsha~I don’t think lowering calories is the answer, that seems too low because of your activity. Maybe cut back on carbs? Are you using the MFP set macros of 55% carbs? If so, you might trying lowering it to 40% and see if it makes a difference—maybe increase your protein a little, too?

    @Tom~Sorry work is so busy right now, hope it lets up soon.

    @Robin~Sorry for your back troubles, I can relate—tweaked mine on Saturday.

    @Katrena~Hooray for your two day streak of staying within calories, just take it one day at a time.

    Welcome to all of the newlings that stopped by over the weekend. You have found the best kept secret on MFP--check back often to get the most out of this wonderful group!

    AFM~I’m a HUGE Yankees fan and yesterday was a sad day as I watched my favorite player, Derek Jeter, hit his last ball—yep, cried like a little girl. :cry: Not much else to report. Had a good weekend—met parents for dinner on Friday, lunch with friends on Saturday and session with my trainer yesterday. I am LOVING my new iPhone though—still working on getting some apps transferred from the old one, but it’s nice to have a phone that isn’t so temperamental. :wink: I do hope they add the Fitbit app to sync with Apple’s new Health Kit soon—MFP sync’s with it though. So far I think this week will be a little less crazy, so hope nothing conflicts with cardio this week.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Friday~None (wedding reception)
    Saturday~Active Rest Day (shopping)

    Have a great day!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Happy More Herbs, Less Salt Day
    When : Always August 29th
    More Herbs, Less Salt Day promotes use of healthy herbs over salts.
    Late August is a very appropriate time to celebrate this special day. The harvest of garden herbs is at a peak. There's nothing better than fresh garden herbs in your favorite recipes., the creators of this day, offer little information about this day, other than the fact that herbs are better for your health than salt........... How true.

    “The easier it is to do, the harder it is to change.” ~Eng’s Principle

  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Hello to my favorite peeps on the good ol' interweb! I hope that you are all doing fantabulously! :happy:

    I have fallen off of the wagon (again).... The good news is that I am still working out with a trainer. The bad news is that I can't seem to let go of fatty, sugary and salty foods! So, I am starting at square one.

    Wish me luck! :smile:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Back from China. Completely exhausted!!! :yawn:
  • saggyandbaggy
    saggyandbaggy Posts: 138 Member
    I would love to join with people who have 100 pounds or more to lose! I am 40 pounds down so far but the journey ahead seems such a long one.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hello everyone! Been a busy couple of days, which is good because that means I've been making sales. I just barely made a bonus this month so I'm super happy. As is hubby who just had to pay property taxes on the house. :bigsmile:

    For October's challenge I'm good with the staying within the calorie thing because I have failed the last two months and NEED to get it right. :grumble: I also want to work more on my steps and plan to do some sort of a challenge for myself to get me moving more. So easy to just sit when I don't have a customer to keep me busy.

    My weight stayed the same this week, so I'm a little bummed I broke my losing streak. But I'm determined to do it this week!!! :glasses:

    @Tom, while herbs are tasty it is National Coffee Day!!!!!! :heart: :heart: And that is worth celebrating!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    @soosun, you asked:

    What does 'thin' feel like to you?

    What does 'healthy' feel like to you?

    Is there a ''difference to you?

    My answer is no. There will be no difference. I get that I could be thin and unhealthy but that is not my plan. It is my plan to be healthy and that will mean I'm thin. Does that make sense? :ohwell:

    @Robin, glad to hear that you are on the mend. :flowerforyou:

    @Tanya, I'm sorry you are in pain. Even when something is for the best the pain still has to be dealt with. You will come out ahead, I have no doubt. :smile: :flowerforyou:

    Well, I have an hour left of work and no one in the building. I'm going for a walk! :bigsmile:
  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you Tom, they are lovely. And so are you <3
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Saram - welcome - lots of people will reach out to you here - you'll end up here more than on your own home page for your support so try to visit and post often often often! :heart:

    Boho - thanks for the links to the pix - I'll check later - today is a bit on the down side ....

    Kah - I love your pix - esp your hair - style - lovely!

    Morgori - huh - for some reason I mis-took today for buy Ice Cream Day....

    Naceto - I'm in the same spot - lets skip down the road together - well, you skip, I'll saunter...BIG HUGS! :drinker:

    Toots - welcome home to you and your BIG family - cant wait to hear details

    Saggy&Baggy - you'll sood get a shorter nickname here - prob. just Sagg - welcome and congraats on your weight loss so far - thats excellent on your own! Quite difficult job!!! We are a super support group and never a negative word tossed about - hope you come back often :heart:

    Teresa - good to hear from you - don't worry you post when you can - so glad to hear your sales are on an upswing! YAY :bigsmile: I'm pro Natl Coffee Day too. Can't live without my brew in the am to warm my joints all over! :drinker:

    RE: Skinny - Karen - I'm wondering if her incoming Flight home is routed through Chicago and if she is delayed by the awful flight cancellation and delay problems happening in Chicago's O'Hare and Midway Airports. Lets all keep her in our thoughts that she is not inconvenienced too much.

    AFM - :grumble: SMALL RANT AHEAD: went to Wound Dr. Good News - Arm cuts healing well, dressings can remain off and open to air for circulation - no more splint left arm free as a bird. Rt. hand splint off 4 hrs. at a time. Wear splint thru out nite for next 2 weeks then looks like its off for good.
    Bad News: Small cut on knee is hiding HUGE wound under-neath that goes over about six inches under my skin and down (OH HOW HE PROBED AROUND! ) :noway: and I am grounded from walking except in my condo for min. of 2 weeks up to possibly 6 weeks. Visiting Nurses to call me and set up visits soon and install something called a Wound-Vac on the knee. No showering unless they are there and have taken off the Wound Vac. Right now, leg is wrapped from ankle to hip - if Halloween, it would be appropriate. And I have to keep leg straight and elevated until I see their smiling faces. Maybe they'll be here by Weds? Interesting.
    I've had to cancel my appt. with my back Ortho Doc. on Thursday til the VNA tells me what I can do and when I can do it. Rats!
    So, on the way home I had my sis stop and by some ice cream - haven't had any this whole month - time for a tiny pity party tonite!- Robin
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    They are the same but do thy feel a certain way to you? Just curious.
  • anjol35
    anjol35 Posts: 15 Member
    Scale isn't budging-down 30lbs and I have 70lbs to go. Feeling kinda down and food bored. On a clean eating diet but I'm outta ideas.
  • @anjo35 -- try checking out Happy Herbivore website / meal plans / cook books --- loads of great ideas for plant based wholesome eats!
  • Hello, group. I am checking in/introducing myself. Lost 14 lbs so far. Ugh....only 86 more to go.
  • Racheal200
    Racheal200 Posts: 3 Member
    hello everyone im not new to fp but im back and trying to make changes I have been going to TOPS an haven't gotten the support I need So I came on here an read a bit and found your guys page
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    I am on a huge emotional roller coaster today... Sad, angry, depressed, confused... Being an emotional eater I thought I'd have eaten the entire fridge by now, but surprisingly, I've eaten less than usual. Food is the farthest thing from my mind right now.

    Thank you everyone who has given me kind words of support, you have made me smile today. I wish these next few weeks/ months would fly by so I can get past the part of how I'm feeling right now.