Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    @Robin Thank you for the link to your blog. You are very strong for not letting the past keep you down.

    When we look at severe, chronic obesity, I personally think that this is beyond eating right and exercising. We all know what we are supposed to do...and yet we cling to food as a safety, like a dog with a bone.

    Success at dieting when you have more than 100 pounds to lose, I think takes a lot of self exploration, and possible psychopharmacology for depression, and professional counseling.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    We had a good day today. We attended the services for my cousin's wife. She was a really remarkable woman. She was a professional musician, so there was a lot of really beautiful music, much of it original, performed at the celebration of life. It was good to be with family, too.
    January was a mixed bag as far as meeting my goals is concerned. I was interrupted too many times by illness and injury. I'm looking forward to the February challenge. It will be good for me to add some strength training. I need to figure out the data base for strength training so I can record it.
    @Robin glad you can drop in.
    @karenleona welcome back.
    @melwilbewell welcome back
    I hope that those of you facing big snow storms will be safe.
    We are having a family super bowl party tomorrow, so my February challenge will probably not get off to a strong start until Monday. Living in the northwest, we are Sea Hawks fans. They kind of feel like the "home team" and besides that I really like their colors.
    Have a great weekend. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Welcome New People.
    @Karen- Have fun with the girls and hope you don't get snowed in.
    @RobinsEgg- Thanks for popping in and the link to your blog. You are very strong and wonderful.
    @cblue-hope hubby gets better soon

    AFM- NSV finally back into a size 18 pant I was wearing a 20 pant. Most of my steps today were walking up and down the stairs in my house and the parking lot at the vet. Did homework and was actually very lazy today. Won't be watching the Super bowl not interested in either team.
    As for Feb challenge I will do modified push ups and if I can find an ab roller will add crunches to the list
    Jan Goals Final Results- 19/20 walking at lunch 26/31 for under calories.
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    edited February 2015
    "Just 15 Minutes" - love it!

    Today, I certainly wasn't at my best, calorie wise... but I was under my goal!

    The boyfriend and I were both craving carbs... In fact, we drove to find something tasty, but luckily the bakery was fresh sold out of this particular tasty treat... So we drove to Frost (another bakery). Nothing looked like it would fix our (ok my) craving, so we drove back to his house. On the way back, Kraig (the bf) suggested perhaps our NOT finding the perfect treat, was meant to be and that he (bf) wasn't supporting my goals properly by driving all over town to find me a croissant. He's probably right. I think I'll keep him awhile longer ☺️

    Well, my Saturday success was slightly an accident... But I'll take it
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited February 2015
    It's February ... and I spent most of the last day of January working on my goals for this month. I swear that bookkeeper in me makes my life very difficult sometimes ... such nit-picking detail exploration! My laid-back son would tell me to 'chill, ma'.

    Today (Saturday because I haven't slept yet), I got into reading some very absorbing articles from a Canadian doctor that were referenced in a GI (glycemic index) news article that drops into my mailbox once a week from the University of Sidney. ... Dr. Arya M. Sharma, MD/PhD, FRCPC is Professor of Medicine & Chair in Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. He is also the Clinical Co-Chair of the Alberta Health Services Obesity Program. ... and he has very interesting things to say about obesity. More on that at another time. But if you are interested, you can go to his website

    My February Exercise All-In challenge is ambitious. @RobinsEgg had suggested I focus on working the weakest link, and that's good advice. I'm pulling all my physical therapy exercises from the file cabinet and doing them in February. There are some that work the core muscles that support my back, others for my knees and feet, and still others for my hands, shoulders and neck. (I've had a LOT of physical therapy throughout the years). It'll take at least 30 minutes for each set of exercises ... so I can split them up and do one set every 3 days for 6 days and have my Sunday rest day. These routines are required to be done twice a day ... so that means 1 hour a day of exercise.

    In this month, I will also continue to focus on keeping my calories at 1800 calories.

    As I like things to be in sets of 3, my third goal is a personal challenge to add structure to my day.

    Good luck everyone on finding your perfect exercise challenge ... and on the follow through during the month.

    Follow-through (with Tenacity and Discipline, Believing that I can do it one day at a time' and if I stumble I will start again because Time passes anyway and I know better than to give up) ... Niki
  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    :p Happy Superbowl Day!!! GO PATRIOTS!!!!! Have a GREAT Day! :D

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Thank you all for wishing me well and all the kind thoughts sent my way. I continue to move forward, and the comments left on the blog were eye-opening and also very helpful. Many people could be therapists themselves!
    I think part of my problem too is that I didn't have a family to lean on ever, and that was especially important as an adult.
    Gosh, I missed having a family all these years, and an older womans advice so many, many times. During my marriage, I did have a wonderful mother-in-law, and I loved her, but I did not go to her for advice, I saw her quite infrequently. It would have been nice to have someone to go to lunch with, bake with, etc.
    Today even, no one to watch the Superbowl with. All weekends are spent alone as my girlfriends all dedicate THEIR weekends to their hubbys, so weekends are hard that way.
    But, I've gotten used to it and try to make the best of it.
    I've learned I don't need the physical presence of people at my side. I've learned I am an introvert, and am happier now with one-on-one relationships anyway. I don't seem to enjoy the crowd scene.
    I will watch the game - I'm still undecided who I'll root for - Any suggestions?
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited February 2015
    @RobinsEgg ... now, who is playing? The New England Patriots and the Seahawks .. are from where? Didn't one of those teams have a mini scandal about deflated balls recently? Hmm, that's a football game, isn't it? Isn't that the game where the men all jump on top of one another in a puddle? And there is something about running about with a pigskin settled inside the crook of their elbow? Hmmm, maybe I'll peek in at it if there isn't a good old movie on one of the stations.
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Happy Sunday!
    I hope all is well for all of you. I'm sorry I haven't touched base recently. I'm 9 pages probably won't be able to catch apologies for that. Life has gotten busy...shoveling, and added goals.

    About the Feb challenge: I worked on my legs for 1 hour today with a friend. We got 4 different lifts in, 2X each. It is a good start. We are committed to meeting every weekend to add this third day (for me) into my week.

    I had a good loss last week, and hit the 150 lost mark. Still more to do...but it is a big thing to accomplish on my way to accomplishing bigger things. :)

    Take care.
    Perfect effort and balance,
    Mara B)
  • freelingfree
    freelingfree Posts: 50 Member
    RobinsEgg wrote: »
    Thanks, @KaarenLeona - its great to "see" you back again. I've missed you a lot!

  • freelingfree
    freelingfree Posts: 50 Member
    I finally found how to get here!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited February 2015
    @mara--congrats on 150 lbs lost!!! What a great milestone!!

    @jbchirsk‌ --glad you found your way here. :)

    @niki--thanks for all you're doing to maintain the thread while robin is taking care of herself! I love your goals and am doing something similar in that I will be doing exercises I learned doing physical therapy for my knee a few years ago.

    @robin--I also wasn't sure who to root for, but am going with the Seahawks since I have several friends living in the Pacific NW. Also, like kaye, I prefer their colors. ;)

    @amy & tom--enjoy the day--sorry I will be rooting for the other guys. :)

    @nicole--I think that's a great NSV--even if it was accidental.

    @holly--that's so great that you are down a pants size! Woot! Woot!. I had fun last night--it wasn't just the girls, but a whole group from work.

    @kaye--so sorry for your family's loss--it sounds like it was a beautiful service.

    @softblondechick‌ --I think you are right about severe obesity needing more than nutrition and exercise intervention. Chronic over-eating is just as much an eating disorder as anorexia or bulimia. Sadly, society often just labels morbidly obese people as "lazy" or "gluttonous." Losing the weight is "simple" in theory--calories in vs. calories out. However, that is easier said than done for someone who has an underlying emotional connection to the food and/or the weight.

    @lori--sorry about your husband's shoulder and the emotional difficulties this causes you. Don't beat yourself up for being short with him, especially on very little sleep. Good decision not to drive down here today. Not sure how you guys are faring, but we are in full-blown blizzard mode.

    @bap--yipee about the biopsy results!

    @teresa--great message to the newlings!

    @melissa--Sorry you are having yucky weather as well. At least in a blizzard, no one expects me to go anywhere or run pesky errands. ;)

    Sunday Share:
    So as mentioned above, we are getting one doozy of a snowstorm here in Chicago. My friends and I still went out last night and had a good time. It wasn't so fun cleaning off my car and driving home this morning. I made a wise choice taking the DH's 4-wheel drive jeep though--I don't think my challenger would have made it home. Saw lots of people along the way slipping and sliding all over the roads.

    Though we had fun last night, we also got some potentially bad news. Some of you may remember that about this time last year, a good friend and former colleague of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer and found out she carries the BRCA-1 gene. She was only 27 years old at the time and had no idea she had a family history of breast cancer. Since then she's gone through chemo and had a double mastectomy, with excellent results and a great prognosis that she would be cancer-free. She had been planning to join us last night, but at a check-up last week, the doctors found a spot on her liver. They aren't sure what it is--hopefully nothing--but until they complete some follow-up tests, she can't drink any alcohol. She contemplated still coming with us, but felt it would be hard b/c all of us drinking would remind her of why she couldn't, increasing her worry and stress.

    For the February challenge, I will change my calorie goal to staying under each week by zig-zagging. This has worked well for me in the past--if I have extra calories one day, I can use them on another day that week that I would otherwise be over. As long as I've stayed under for the week, that is success.

    I will also post my exercise goals which will include physical therapy for my shoulder.

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 28/31 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week: week 1 = 2/2, week 2 = 3/2, week 3 = 2/2, week 4 = 2/2
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47) DONE 1/25 in 55:41!!

    February Challenge:
    Under weekly calorie goal: x/4 weeks
    All-in strength challenge=balance exercises 3 x/week; PT 1-2 x/week; run 2 x/week:
    Week 1: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 2: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 3: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 4: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 55 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47,1/25 in 55:41)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 46/60 JRP journals
    2. x/60 course recommendation

    Exercise Goals: (week 1)
    Sun--shovel snow
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 mantra "Just 15 minutes"
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ that is so true! I was at a meeting at work the other day, a big deal about identifying teens with an eating disorder. All focused on Anorexia and Bulimia. No mention of obesity. "Oh, those are just FAT kids, they need to stop eating so much. ".

    I worry about this issue more than most people because I personally knew a young woman, she had graduated from college, she was incredibly gifted as a teacher. She majored in Special Education. She was over 350 pounds, and could not find a job. She tried to diet, not much support. She committed suicide. A beautiful person, with much to offer the world. I never knew she was suicidal.

    Seriously, if one person who reads this, has been thinking about suicide because of weight, please contact a counselor or social worker and get professional treatment.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @bapcarrier‌ - Congrats on the biopsy report! That has to be a relief.

    I'm happy to talk about The Miracle Morning. It's making such a difference in my life, it's sometimes hard NOT to talk about it. :smiley: It's a morning routine designed for self-improvement and personal development as outlined in the book, The Miracle Morning, by Hal Allrod. There are 6 activities, called S.A.V.E.R.S., that you do each morning. S = Silence (meditation); A = Affirmations; V = Visualization; E = Exercise (I do yoga); R = Reading; S = Scribing (journaling). It takes me about an hour to do everything, then I'm launched into my day from a place of clarity, calm and inspiration. Today was Day 28 (in a row), and I'm noticing that the discipline I've developed by sticking with this routine is beginning to spill over into other areas of my life. It's pretty awesome.

    AFM, dealing with some pain in the right side of my body today. I'm guessing it's a combination of the drastic drop in temps (40s yesterday, today our "feels like" temp is 1) and playing with the kids last night. Lots of climbing on Aunt Sissy, picking up kids, and I may have been chasing kids through the house roaring like a monster at some point. :wink: Did my yoga this morning and eased some of the aching, but it looks like today is going to be taking it easy physically.

    I'll be doing a fitness goal with the rest of you in February, but I'm also focusing on food in a big way. I'm still outlining what I want to do and how to do it; will back with goals later.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

    “As long as a man stands in his own way, everything seems to be in his way.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Brady do not stand in your own way!

  • Happy Super Bowl Sunday! We've had a lot of snow here and all I've wanted to do is eat today.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    @melifornia thanks for the explanation, it does sound like a good way to start your day. Hope your side heals quickly.

    @skinnyjeans hoping that your friend gets good news on her follow up tests!

    @cblue315- Lori, take it easy on yourself and remember don't let him get in your head. You can do this, even if he isn't interested, accept that you can't force him into healthy habits and try to let it go. Don't let your upset with your husband cause you to lose your focus! You can do it, I know you can.

    @naceto had to laugh at your quest and then your bf deciding he was enabling you. :) Congrats on your success no matter how you got there. LOL

    @maram29 Wow, what exciting news. You are an inspiration.

    My goals for Feb.

    At or Under calories for 24/28 days
    Exercise: Daily walk adding distance and speed.
    plank, 3 to 4 X's/week
    abdominal crunches using exercise bar opposite days of plank
    riding my bike whenever possible (weather and time wise)

    I hit 30 pounds lost today and know I need to start doing more exercises...I just HATE to exercise. Don't mind walking and bike riding but need to do more than that so... wish me well.

    Thanks to everyone on the good wishes re my biopsy results. :smile:

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    For all those in the path of the snowstorm, please be careful out there and stay safe.

    The past week was very stressful at school because we were doing a Project Based Learning Project with the kids, where they had to design an egg drop container. This was out of our normal routine and depended on multiple teachers doing their job. The first three days of this project have gone very smoothly and Monday they do the drop. It should be fun watching the containers drop, yes we are putting drop cloths down to catch the splatter from the eggs. We are depending on volunteers from the Stem Office to man each station on Monday. I just hope we can get all the groups through within their class period. I must say I have been very impressed with the level of engagement that our students have been displaying for this project. This project has kept me busy most days with working late just so I was prepared. I teach 8th grade science and this project fell on my shoulders.

    This weekend has been relaxing for the most part. Yesterday, I had a great swim and I am feeling more confident with my Butterfly stroke so I am thinking about doing the 100 yd IM- 25 yds each of Butterfly, Back, Breast and Free. Butterfly is my weakest but also my newest stroke. So I am pleased with my progress. Today, the cleaning bug hit and I managed to clean up my bedroom. Now, I want to go shopping for some new wall hangings/ ornaments to dress things up a little. Tonight, I made brownies so I am waiting for them to cool. The good news is that I did make it to the gym today and rode 11 miles on spin bike then ran 1 mile plus walking to warm up and cool down. So a good workout today.

    Exercise Goals
    Sunday- gym (bike and run) Done
    Monday- Trainer workout (plyos in the mix, not happy)
    Tuesday- Rest (sign language class)
    Thursday- Gym
    Friday- Climb
    Saturday- Swim and swim meet

    I hope everyone has a great week.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--great job with the butterfly stroke! I hope your egg drop goes well tomorrow. It's awesome that the kids are so engaged in the project!

    @bap--thanks, I've got my fingers and toes crossed for her. Congrats on 30 lbs lost!!

    @spartridge--I know! I was planning to go to the gym today to make up for all of the super bowl treats, but we are snowed in. I went outside and shoveled just to burn some calories, even though I knew shoveling was pointless.

    @tom & amy--congrats on your Pats winning!

    AFM--We experienced the full wrath of this storm and it's still going strong. Chicago Public Schools are closed tomorrow, as are most suburban schools. So far our superintendent has only called for a delayed start which means we start at 9:46 instead of 7:46. I'm hopeful he will change that to a full emergency day. I mean, we got 16 inches of snow, and it's supposed to continue snowing until about 3 am! How are people supposed to dig out their cars and get to work by 9:46? I shoveled once today and it was utterly pointless b/c the winds are so strong. There are 3 foot snow drifts in some places and who knows what the roads will be like.

    Haha--can you all tell I'm bitter about this. :disappointed:

    I was stuck in the house all day and did basically nothing but watch TV and play on the computer. :blush:

    February Challenge:
    Under weekly calorie goal: x/4 weeks
    All-in strength challenge=balance exercises 3 x/week; PT 1-2 x/week; run 2 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 2: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 3: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 4: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 55 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47,1/25 in 55:41)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 46/60 JRP journals
    2. x/60 course recommendation

    Exercise Goals: (week 1)
    Sun--shovel snow DONE
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 mantra "Just 15 minutes"

  • Lynette4321
    Lynette4321 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi. I'm just joining the conversation here. I'm 51 and I weigh over 300 lbs. I find it kind of hard to accept both of those facts as true, lol. I've lost 11 lbs so far. I have so far to go. I lost 80 lbs some years ago and gained it back. I'm hopeful.