Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Red tomorrow - noted.

    GUESS WHAT I DID TODAY! WEIGHTS! Just got back from the rec center where I finally caught the trainer and we figured out a weight routine to strengthen my back and shoulders. I went through the whole thing, doing 2 sets of 12 reps, in about 20 minutes. Combined with 30 minutes of cardio, that's a pretty good workout. My heart rate it still elevated!

    MFP Goals February 1-7

    Diet Goals

    * No fast food 4/7 - 2/7
    * Plan meals for this week, including Sissy Night -
    * Prep food for this week

    Exercise Goals

    * Yoga every morning - 5/7
    * Cardio x 3 - 2/3
    * Strength training x 1 - 1/1

    Health Goals

    * Take meds daily - 4/7
    * Refill meds when needed -

    Personal Goals

    * Miracle Morning daily - 5/7

    Work Goals

    * Submit 5 magazine articles for review - x/5
    * File newspaper article - DONE
    * Invoice magazines -
    * Invoice newspaper -
    * Watch video tutorial -
    * Curate list of editorial contacts - DONE
    * Send 5 LOIs - x/5
    * Switch newspaper on-duty weekend in February - DONE

    February All-In Goals

    * Login to MFP daily - 5/28
    * Track food daily - 5/28
    * Cardio workout x 12 - 2/12
    * Strength workout x 4 - 1/4
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone!! I've had a crazy busy schedule these last few days and other than tracking my calories have had no time to even stop in and visit. I have just scrolled through the post to get caught up.

    @Robin, have a great time in AZ! I'm sure it will be warm and sunny B)

    @Tom, does it count that my hair is red? ;)

    @mountmary, good for you for completing the year book and getting another gig. :)

    @everyone else I read your post, I just don't have time to respond to since I'm still at work and technically supposed to be doing a ton of prospecting for the upcoming President's Day sale. :#

    Thursday Truth: Just a heads up because I care about ya'll, if you buy furniture it's a myth that President's Day is the biggest sale of the year. It's a good sale, but honestly it's furniture, and if there isn't a sale we will make one. Just saying!! :p

    Motto for 2015: Fit for 50!! B)

    P.S. this morning on Good Morning America they said that those who use a ton of smilies have a very happy sex life. Hmmm? How about just a very happy life. ;)o:)<3>:)
  • texasmom2013
    texasmom2013 Posts: 64 Member
    kah68 wrote: »
    Quick post before personals. Has anyone had theses scale issues before. Monday checked in scale read the same as Friday even though I was over calories all weekend. So, weighed Tuesday out curiosity scaled read the same 254.6. I typically would do a quick check today it said 252.4 I was shocked so waiting a few minutes stepped on it again it read 256.2. None of the floors in my house are flat they all slant in some way. Not sure if that matters. I just don't know if I should buy a new scale. I normally don't weigh that often was just checking accuracy of the scale.

    Remember our weight fluctuates daily (i.e. sodium, sore muscles, etc.)--a gain from over indulgence can also take a couple of days to appear. The fluctuations in a few minutes could just be a fluke or the way your weight was distributed on the scale. The battery could need replacing also, mine will sometimes go wacky when the battery needs replacement.
    My scale did that last week and it turned out to be the battery.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @robin so glad you are getting a vacation. I hope you will be able to just let everything go and have a good time. My sister had cataract surgery last week. She is very enthusiastic about the result, and easy it was. Hope you goes as well.
    I had to have a couple of teeth filled today. The dentist was very gentle and efficient. I sure do appreciate the new high-tech equipment they use today. It is so much easier than it used to be.
    February challenge:
    Calories 4/5
    Exercise 4/5
    Water 5/5
    Strength training 2/12
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    This reminded me of a conversation some of us were having a few days ago.

  • texasmom2013
    texasmom2013 Posts: 64 Member
    edited February 2015
    @susan2396‌ glad I could put a smile on your face!
  • texasmom2013
    texasmom2013 Posts: 64 Member
    @grandmakaye44‌ I personally prefer coconut flour over wheat. I tried it once and I was hooked! The reason they're saying not to eat wheat/grains is because of 2 reasons. The first one is phytic acid. Phytic acid keeps your body from absorbing nutrients and they actually call it an anti nutrient. It keeps you from absorbing calcium, zinc and more. Now, that being said, you can soak or sprout your own grains. I just bought a sprouted grain cereal very similar to cocoa crispies! It's called One Degree, organic and traceable! The second issue has more to do with wheat and gluten. Firstly, wheat today is not the same as the original wheat we used to grow. The original wheat was less complex and back in the good ole days they used to prepare our grains by soaking, sprouting and fermenting. Sprouting and soaking the grains makes it much easier for our bodies to absorb all those awesome nutrients that wheat/grains have to offer! Skipping this step means our bodies can't access the nutrients and when we eat other nutritious foods that nutrition gets blocked by phytic acid. It explains the rise in osteoporosis. Wheat causes a lot of inflammation and pain in people with arthritis, IBS and a slew of others. A gluten free diet has been known to help with behavioral issues in autistic people!
    Commercial farming has and still is impacting our daily lives and health. I could rant all day on that subject! This post is meant to be informative, helpful, and in no way insulting. ☺️ if so I apologize in advance.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    Thursday Truth:
    Wow, 2 long days left me so tired today. My brain really really wanted to go to the gym today, but my body just said "no way." Instead, I met a friend and did a little grading after school, came home for dinner, and have been vegging on the couch ever since. I am going to do my balance work after posting though, so at least that's something.

    Not going to do a bunch of personals b/c I need to get to bed early tonight (early for me = by 11pm).

    @kaye--loved your rant about fads. I do get some good ideas for healthier, lower calorie foods from those fads, but if I make a cauliflower crust pizza, it's to get more veggies in my diet, not to be gluten-free. And yes, I eat sandwich thins instead of regular bread, but it's only so I have enough calories for a cookie, not to eat "low-carb." LOL :blush:

    @robin--enjoy your trip! I didn't know it was AZ, but suspected it was NOT London b/c I've been there twice and didn't think London Bridge was located there.

    @L2T & others talking about debt--DH and I don't have insurmountable debt--especially considering we have no kids to support or worry about putting through school. However, we still have more credit card debt that I would like. A lot of it built up when I was taking my post-grad courses to climb the pay lanes at work b/c that's how I was paying for my classes. Then just as I was starting to enjoy no more tuition payments b/c I'd maxed out at MA +60, I had the opportunity to go to Switzerland, so some of that cost went on cc's. We were just over a year into paying down the debt when I bought my car and 2 month later DH was out of work and still is. One good thing is we've learned we can totally live off of my salary--the credit card debt hasn't increased over the 6 months he's been unemployed, but it's been hard to make any headway in paying ot off more. Once he does find employment, my plan is to continue to live off my salary and put his paychecks entirely toward paying off the cc's. Now he just needs to find a job. :neutral_face:

    @tom--my dad is a meteorologist, so I guess it's sort of his day today. :smile: Thanks for the reminder to wear red tomorrow.

    I have my PT appointment tomorrow to have an assessment on my shoulder. Hope it's all good news.

    February Challenge:
    Under weekly calorie goal: x/4 weeks
    All-in strength challenge=balance exercises 3 x/week; PT 1-2 x/week; run 2 x/week:
    Week 1: 2/3 balance; PT completed; 1/2 runs
    Week 2: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 3: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 4: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 55 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47,1/25 = 55:41)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 10/60 JRP journals
    2. x/12 poem analyses

    Exercise Goals: (week 1)
    Sun--shovel snow DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 mantra "Just 15 minutes"
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @grandmakaye44‌ I personally prefer coconut flour over wheat. I tried it once and I was hooked! The reason they're saying not to eat wheat/grains is because of 2 reasons. The first one is phytic acid. Phytic acid keeps your body from absorbing nutrients and they actually call it an anti nutrient. It keeps you from absorbing calcium, zinc and more. Now, that being said, you can soak or sprout your own grains. I just bought a sprouted grain cereal very similar to cocoa crispies! It's called One Degree, organic and traceable! The second issue has more to do with wheat and gluten. Firstly, wheat today is not the same as the original wheat we used to grow. The original wheat was less complex and back in the good ole days they used to prepare our grains by soaking, sprouting and fermenting. Sprouting and soaking the grains makes it much easier for our bodies to absorb all those awesome nutrients that wheat/grains have to offer! Skipping this step means our bodies can't access the nutrients and when we eat other nutritious foods that nutrition gets blocked by phytic acid. It explains the rise in osteoporosis. Wheat causes a lot of inflammation and pain in people with arthritis, IBS and a slew of others. A gluten free diet has been known to help with behavioral issues in autistic people!
    Commercial farming has and still is impacting our daily lives and health. I could rant all day on that subject! This post is meant to be informative, helpful, and in no way insulting. ☺️ if so I apologize in advance.

    I appreciate your effort to explain all this to me, but I just can't buy it. I know there are exceptions for everyone. If it works for you great. I personally expect all this to go the way of the egg scare and any number of other food scares that have come and gone. My grandmother was a pioneer and she made bread just like I do.
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Busy couple of days! Just stopping in to say hi! :D Happy almost Friday!
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    edited February 2015
    Ergh... The dreaded double post... I can't seem to figure out how to delete... Only edit. So hi again :#
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @Lives2Travel‌ - thank you for once again motivating me to get debt-free. I've been working on it but by bit but got in the habit of indulging myself while going theough Cancer treatment. I'm in a position that I can do it now so I'm going to hunker down and "get 'er done"!
    - @mnwalkingqueen‌ - I know it's easy to get discouraged and disinterested in things, but you can beat this!
    - @Morgori‌ - thanks for the info about National Weatherperson Day - at one time I wanted to become a meteorologist and have always had an interest in weather. In Texas we say if you don't like the weather, just wait 5 minutes, it'll change!
    @RobinsEgg‌ - glad to hear you're getting the cataract surgery, and that you'll get to unwind in AZ beforehand.
    @melifornia‌ - co
    Brats on the cash flow and the extra writing gigs.
    @grandmakaye44‌ - I went to the dentist today too, mouth is sore but you're right, it's so much easier now than it used to be!

    Thursday truths - haven't managed even 1 day in the gym this week, but did manage to work out at home 2X. I've been pretty god with my food this week, avoided a big pitfall wit the potluck, and tracked everything too so I feel pretty good. Thank you ALL for your support!
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Well stupid IPhone! @melifornia‌ - CONGRATS ......
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Good morning all! 2:30 here and my body says I've had enough sleep. I guess it will be a very long day.

    I must chime in on cooking your own meals. Since I got serious about weight loss last June I have been cooking most of what I eat. No more canned soup or frozen meals. I make a big batch of soup every couple of weeks and that is lunch every day. I do a vegetable saute' most nights for dinner and add either chicken or fish. I feel great, my blood pressure is down to 80/60. I haven't seen that number for at least 20 years.

    Thursday Truth - I forgot my husband's birthday this week. Part of me feels bad about it but I have been doing some visualization lately - visualizing myself being happy. Unfortunately I can not fit my husband into that visualization. I am asking him tonight if he will go to marriage counseling with me. If not then I want to move out. I do not want to live this unhappy anymore. I will post more on this after the talk.

    And since it is technically Friday - Fitness, my legs are really sore. This is the last week of heavy weightlifting for now. The trainer wants to switch to circuits and HIIT for the next few weeks. For the month I was lifting I had some amazing PR's. Tuesday he had me walk a lap in the gym carrying two 40 pound dumb bells. I stopped for a break then realized I used to carry around an extra 100 pounds. Took those things all the way back to the rack without another break.

    It truly is the frozen north here this week, I am so very grateful I got the remote car starter installed in my car.

    Just a couple of NSV's, I can't help myself.
    I wore me "goal" pants yesterday, guess I will have to go shopping this weekend.
    The winter coat I bought in October which I could not even zip at the time is so big I have to wear a sweatshirt under it to keep the wind out.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3
    Living life gratified.
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Happy Friday!
    I hope today is a fantastic day for all of you.
    @Marilyn...Your thought to take baby steps is a great one. One small change at a time, make it stick, then move on. all comes back to that for me also. Keep on rocking your awesome self.
    @Walkersqueen...Congrats on your win against the PIZZA Monster...he lurks at my house too....Great work!
    @Morgan...LOVE your quote. Will steal and reuse. :)
    @Ellen...have fun in looking at the London Bridge. It is so great to see your smiling face on the feed. :)

    Weekend ahead....quilting, spinning, preplanning meals so I can succeed. :) I am getting together with friends, but am cooking the meal (Chicken curry...yummzies), so only munchy worries. I'll bring my salt free pretzels....and LIKE IT. ;)

    Take care.
    Perfect effort and balance,
  • texasmom2013
    texasmom2013 Posts: 64 Member
    edited February 2015
    Tootin' my own horn today! I've reached my first mini goal this morning of losing 20 lbs! My second mini goal is to get to one-derland! 5 more pounds and I'll finally be under 200! :D Sadly, this time last year, I was already in one-derland at 189 lbs and that was as far as I got. I failed because of self sabotage. I started saying things to myself like "Oh you've worked so hard! You've earned a snickers! You DESERVE it!" One always turns into 2 though doesn't it? And before I knew it, I was back at square 1 with nothing to show for my efforts. I was 5 lbs heavier than when I started MyFitnessPal the first time! I was (and sometimes still am) really pissed that I did that to myself. And that's Thursday's truth coming to ya on a Friday.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @kah - Amazing how we cling to what's comfortable for much longer than necessary. Good for you for going for the smaller scrubs. You earned them!

    @jconst - Happy, worried and scared. Pretty much sums up parenting. If we could only wrap them in cotton and always keep them safe this Mom thing would be a lot easier. Glad to hear you and DH are on your way to getting out of debt and buying a house. What an exciting time for you both!

    @robin - Flying off the sunny and warm Arizona sounds delightful. I hope you have a wonderful time.

    @skinnyjeanz - Sometimes vegging out on the couch is what just what you need. I think we push ourselves too hard sometimes and that's when not a good thing. I'm glad you're holding steady on the CC debt. And I hope your DH finds a job soon so you can get rid of it. Even though we're officially out of the recession, its effects sure do linger.

    @kaye - I agree with you on the eggs/wheat issue. Sure there are some people who should avoid these foods entirely, but it's not necessary for most of us. Everything in moderation works for most.

    @goinstd12 - Sometimes we need to indulge ourselves. Just not too often. Good luck with getting that debt paid off!

    @cblue - Congrats on the goal pants!!

    AFM - Glad it's finally Friday. I hate to wish my life away, but it's been one of those weeks and lately it seems "those" weeks are the only ones I'm having. Work is just so busy and stressful with no end in sight. But, I'm doing OK on logging and staying within calories and walking almost every day. I cannot let my work stress push me over the edge and allow myself to fall into eating mindlessly. On another note, I am officially over Winter and longing for Spring. Good thing I live in the South where Spring comes along in March.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

    2015 Mantras:

    Live like someone left the gate open (Live Joyously)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @cblue315~You don’t get lightheaded/dizzy with BP 80/60? Mine is 100/70, any lower and my vertigo really kicks in.

    @texasmom2013~Hooray for reaching your first milestone! Try not to dwell on the past or where you were a year ago, the important thing is that you are making progress now—that will keep you motivated. I was in the habit for a long time of eating flourless sprouted grain bread—I've definitely gotten out of that habit. :frowning:

    @L2T~I’m looking forward to Spring too. Mother Nature is toying with us in Texas right now—winter yesterday and going to be gorgeous and in the 70s this weekend. I definitely have Spring fever!

    AFM~The body shop called on Wednesday and said he may have my car ready today, he is supposed to call this morning and let me know. I know it isn’t Wednesday, but I’m wishing for my car to be ready! It’s been a good week fitness wise, after a crazy couple of months at work it feels good to be back into a routine. Today is a scheduled rest day, may do a short walk in my neighborhood after work or just do a little bit of cleaning—last few Saturday’s have been jam-packed with stuff to do, hoping for a quieter weekend this weekend to work on some house projects.

    February “ALL-IN” Challenge:

    Carbless Mornings: 6/28
    Dairy Free: 4/28

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Walk w friend DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Walk w friend DONE!
    Thursday~Trainer DONE!
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Walk w friend
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    edited February 2015
    @texasmom2013 - Congratulations on hitting that first goal! You're going to go all the way this time, I just know it!

    @goinstd12 - "Co-brats" could be our secret code for "congratulations, but remember actions + time = success" :wink:

    @cblue315 - First, congratulations on wearing your goal pants. Time for another fitness goal! Second, I'm sorry your relationship is causing you pain and sorrow. You've mentioned it several times recently, but I keep forgetting to respond. Obviously I don't know all the details, but I'd like to encourage you to see a counselor on your own, even if your husband doesn't agree to go. No matter how things end up between you two, a good therapist can be crucial toward YOUR healing. Also, I read a book last week that I wonder if you'd get some insight from - The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. Understanding my love language and those of the people around me is giving me tremendous insight into all of my relationships, whether familial, platonic or romantic.

    AFM - After yesterday's weight training, my muscles are simultaneously happy and pissed off. :smile: Nothing I can't handle, and yoga this morning eased some of the soreness. Mostly, I just feel good to have started!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Wear Red Day®
    It’s not just a man’s disease. Each year, 1 in 3 women die of heart disease and stroke. But we can change that because 80 percent of cardiac events can be prevented with education and lifestyle changes.
    When it comes to beating heart disease and stroke, change can be the cure. To save lives and raise awareness of this serious issue, the American Heart Association launched Go Red For Women. And the red dress has become the iconic symbol of our battle against heart disease and stroke in women.

    National Wear Red Day®

    “Living a healthy lifestyle will only deprive you of poor health, lethargy, and fat.” ~Jill Johnson
