Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. What a day. Calorie wise a bust because of all the superbowl snacks. I didn't even try to keep track but just stayed on top of portion control with what I did eat. Needless to say this was a sad household at the end of the game. Now I am just playing on the computer because I am on designated driver duty for my kids and a couple of their friends since they went out for my sons 21st birthday. I did have a very nice walk with the dogs this morning. We did a full 4 laps for the first time since I injuered my ankle last summer. It felt pretty darn good. Right now I am having fun trying to type since my kittens have started jumping on the desk and are trying to catch the cursor on the screen, lol.

    Robin it is god to see you. You are such a warm positive person and I am happy you are taking this time to come to terms with the trauma in your past and heal. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    For everyone in the path of the snow please stay safe.

    Well I guess I will go watch some more Hells kitchen while I wait for the pick up call. Have a great night everyone.
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Hi. I'm just joining the conversation here. I'm 51 and I weigh over 300 lbs. I find it kind of hard to accept both of those facts as true, lol. I've lost 11 lbs so far. I have so far to go. I lost 80 lbs some years ago and gained it back. I'm hopeful.

    @Lynette4321‌ - Welcome!! Great job on the 11 pounds! You've lost the weight before and surely you'll lose it again.
  • Hello, I am new to myfitnesspal app and new to this group. Thank you for creating this public group. For the past 5-10 years I tried all kinds of diets, however slowly my weight kept climbing. A few months ago I met an amazing person who lost over 200 lb ...... She told me that it's all about "Intake & Output" she advised me to get a good calorie counter, make a goal and stick with it. If I eat more then the goal of "intake" then I need to work out "output" ....... So, here I am. This is a new approach for me. This fitness pal app is my tool. I am looking for a group to keep me motivated and on track. I have not participated in other support groups before so I am not sure of the rules. I am hoping that this is the right group for me. Emi
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, ok, second post, trying out the thread's format.
    First - Sunday Share: I'm 54, live in Texas, and couldn't be happier that I don't have to deal with snow!!! I have 100 lbs to lose. I just finished cancer treatment and need to do everything I can to reduce my chances of recurrence. One of the biggest things I can do to prevent recurrence is to lose weight and become more active and fit. Of course, losing 100 lbs will resolve a lot of my other problems, like sleep apnea and type II diabetes.

    February Challenge to myself:
    1) Log in to MFP every day
    2) Under weekly calorie goal (right now, 10,640/week, 1520 daily)
    3) Exercise goals:
    Physical therapy upper body resistance bands - 4x weekly
    3 reps of 10 x each with 3 different upper body bands
    Walking 4X weekly 10 min at break and 20 min at lunch
    Going UP the stairs at least 3X daily, 5 days a week
    Working out at least 30 minutes 3X week on treadmill and elliptical
  • runninghouse
    runninghouse Posts: 10 Member
    Good morning all.

    I guess my challenges are is the guilty voice in my head every time I make a wrong food choice. This is mostly on the weekends when family Ian's friends are home. I am a stay at home mom who home schools, during the week day, we have a strict routine. But the weekends it is so relaxed, I seem to loose my focus.

    February Chanellenges
    • do daily food dairy with MFP
      More concentrated strength training with the exercise ball and Abs
      Research foods that are better alternatives for my food craving
      Walk 30 minutes 3x a week. ( Babysteps, I am starting over again
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    RobinsEgg wrote: »
    Thank you all for wishing me well and all the kind thoughts sent my way. I continue to move forward, and the comments left on the blog were eye-opening and also very helpful. Many people could be therapists themselves!
    I think part of my problem too is that I didn't have a family to lean on ever, and that was especially important as an adult.
    Gosh, I missed having a family all these years, and an older womans advice so many, many times. During my marriage, I did have a wonderful mother-in-law, and I loved her, but I did not go to her for advice, I saw her quite infrequently. It would have been nice to have someone to go to lunch with, bake with, etc.
    Today even, no one to watch the Superbowl with. All weekends are spent alone as my girlfriends all dedicate THEIR weekends to their hubbys, so weekends are hard that way.
    But, I've gotten used to it and try to make the best of it.
    I've learned I don't need the physical presence of people at my side. I've learned I am an introvert, and am happier now with one-on-one relationships anyway. I don't seem to enjoy the crowd scene.
    I will watch the game - I'm still undecided who I'll root for - Any suggestions?

    Robinsegg- I sit home alone many weekends too..I have realized in most of my relationships with friends and family I am always the one reaching out or always there. I decided after New Orleans that I wasn't going to do that anymore (it felt like I would beg people to hang out with me). In the sense I have now become a loner I am introverted to a point but I also love to be around other people. Guess I am half and half :D .
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @New People – Welcome to the group
    @skinny-prayers for your friend and her test results. Glad you made it around in the storm safely. We didn’t get snow here but man the bone chilling temps came back.
    @softblondechick- As a child who almost lost a parent to suicide I thank you for this reminder. My situation was not weight loss but I think no matter the reason you want to do it getting help is the best answer.
    @bapcarrier- Congrats on 30lbs

    AFM- I went and hung out with my friend of 14yrs (same one jealous of at times) Sunday. I was already crabby so that was a big mistake all she did was brag about the amount of weight lost and how people will like her more when she is skinny again. She brought clothes out for me to try on that are to big for her now, than made comments like that use to be my favorite shirt when I was big. She told me the WW walking partner lives below her and the lady is like 120lbs (my friends dream weight) and my friend said her goal is to lose another 60 by start of summer. She never once asked how I was doing or what was going on with me, so after an hour I made an excuse to leave it was just something I wasn’t willing to deal with and I forgot to take the bag of clothes with me she wanted me to have (In my mood I could of left them on purpose). I didn’t watch the game wasn’t interested in either team. I did some homework, went for a walk in the freezing cold and was in bed by 9pm.
    My Feb goal is to start out this week doing 10 modified pushups a day and increase by 10 each week. I haven’t found an ab roller yet and I am not liking doing sit ups on the bed. I tried using floor and my son’s sit up bench not strong enough for either of those yet.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Question: when counting calories towards meeting the daily/monthly challenge, do you stick to your original set limit or do you include exercise, that can up your # of calories? My daily limit is 1200 calories, (66 years old with a relatively sedentary lifestyle, which I'm trying to change.) So on days I do get more exercise my counter will add those on. I try not to use them but some days I do. Is that still considered meeting my calorie goal? I thought I had met it most of January, but when I did the bar graph it showed me over several days. Then I did the bar graph for Net calories and I was right where I thought I should be. Also, Robin used to say meet your goal within 100 calories? Just wondering how most of you figured yours. Thanks
  • colleen40
    colleen40 Posts: 38 Member
    Just a quick check in. I enjoy reading what is posted, but then I have no time left to post myself. Will have to read faster. ;-)

    My achiements:
    Weight: 16/100 lbs
    Steps(5000pd): 3/7
    Calories: 5/7

    My motto: Live Love!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    8 pages later and I’m caught up again. This sinus infection/cold kicked my butt BIG time, but I think I’m finally on the mend. I’ve got to start checking in daily. Even if it’s just a quick jump, but I do miss you guys. You’re my friends and I want to keep up with you too through the good and bad food or non-food related. I did find 23 new folks in just the week I was gone and been watching to see who came back. I think maybe 3 and that’s it. I guess folks just come and go, but we do have about 10-15 regulars who post daily or definitely a few times a week. I think Robin who started this awesome thread years ago hit the nail on the head. It can get overwhelming to jump in and this thread moves a LOT during the week, but weekends are normally much slower. This is truly a hidden gem on MFP. Everyone is so supportive with no negativity, but will give you a gentle kick in the butt when needed. Just keep coming back!!!

    I know its Monday, but with so many new faces I’ll do my Sunday Share on Monday.

    Personal Story - Susan, 46, divorced, single mom to an AWESOME son, Cyrus whose 12. I lived in Atlanta for 18 years, but decided to try a new job and moved to Las Vegas. I was there for 2 ½ years, but decided my heart plus family and friends were in the south so just moved back in December. We now live in a northern suburb called Alpharetta. Cyrus has adjusted well. Thank goodness! I’m in the foodservice industry and yes I work around food ALL the time, which doesn’t make this journey easy. I can’t use this as my excuse though!! I work in Supply Chain or Purchasing. I spent 12 years with Arby’s Restaurant Group in Atlanta and in Las Vegas with Caesars Entertainment and Capriotti’s Sandwich Shop. I moved back to GA for a great opportunity with HoneyBaked Ham. I’m 2 months into the new job and LOVING it!!! By the way, did I tell you on February 12th we have a cutting for the exeutive team and I'm bringing in over 20 samples of different chocolate cakes and pies to find a new one for this upcoming holiday season. Seriously??!!!! Lord give me strength!!!!!

    MFP Story – I joined in August 2012, which is the same year I moved to Las Vegas. I lost 25 lbs on my own before finding MFP and this thread. Needless to say, I’m learning, but still on that rollercoaster of ups and downs. I started at 325, got down to my lowest of 265 and started gaining/losing the same 25 lbs. I’ve been able to keep off 30, but haven’t really been trying the past few months. Moving 2,000 miles, starting a new job, movers came the Wednesday before Christmas, getting my son settled, getting my house settled, and the list goes on and on my food tracking/exercise has been on the back burner then I got sick. I’ll be back on track soon I promise. I know how good I feel when I’m on track eating healthier and moving more. Thanks for sticking by me and your friendship.

    With the personals below, I’m sure I missed a few folks, but not my intention that’s for sure and I’ll catch you the next time.

    @geminirl, @justineelizabeth, @riella25, @Hippster91, @ZebsterBC, @Myrabutler, @queendebor, @kwarthman, @linskindetermined, @msbrittanyhelene, @rozie1019, @drainqueen, @brandy, @determined, @texasmom, @teenagwood, @armednurse, @markyke, @brandon, @goinstd12, @lynette, @emisor12,@runninghouse – Welcome to the most amazing group on MFP!!! I can’t believe how many new folks I came across in just a week being gone. WOW! Check in daily if you can. This group will support you!!

    @grandmakaye – I really enjoyed your post from the 23rd and discussing your own relationship with food. While my weight loss is extremely slow (my fault), I’m also learning to work through my food issues as well. I can’t make things forbidden either. This is just another part of this process. It’s not just about losing 100 lbs, but the mental side is even more important. Thanks for sharing your insight.

    @hansea – From your 24th post, I’m feeling the same. I have very little downtime at work anymore. I came in early this morning and thought I would take a little 5 minute break. I may do it throughout the day to get caught up on some post. When I get home after work, the last thing I want to do is get back on the computer even if it’s for fun and socializing. Just too tired and I can feel the same way. Must enjoy my son when we are together and avoid stress eating!!

    @nk1112 (Nikki) – Your Tip of the Day from 1/24 is so true. I’ve really been focusing at the grocery store to stick to the outer aisles – protein, produce, etc. . . I hardly go down the aisles anymore except for cereal. Little changes, big results. Love it!

    @jtconst (Tammy) – Congrats on your 5.8# loss last week!! Imagine that? You ate right, exercised and lost weight. It’s not rocket science- right??!! LOL!! Also, I’m so jealous of all your hikes. You live in a beautiful part of this country that’s for sure.

    @naceto (Nicole) – Hey girl!! So glad to see you and hear things have been going well. Slowly dropping is OK. As long as you’re dropping that’s all that matters. The B&B sounds like a wonderful reward. You’ve got this!!

    @ Skinny (Karen) – I’m smiling at your post about being officially caught up with your grading. Yeah, right. That will NEVER happen. In the 2 ½ years I’ve been on here, you’re ALWAYS grading papers. That’s what you do. LOL!!! Congrats on the 8K! Where you pleased with that time? Also, just read your post about your friend and the spot on her liver. SUCKS! I truly hope it’s nothing too. She’s so young. Hugs to her!!

    @Lives2Travel – What kind of car did you buy? As much as I want a new car, I just have to keep mine. I’ve got a 2000 Toyota 4Runner that is just a gem with 198,000 miles. It’s an awesome car! I’m really focusing this year on my debt and definitely do not need a car payment right now.

    @colleen40 – Welcome back to the thread! I joined in August 2012 so I would have just missed you. So proud of you for being 4 years without smoking. I know it’s one of the toughest addictions to overcome. Good for you! As you know, this group is a great support system. Check in often!

    @tlh0407 (Tracy) – I totally agree about keeping our kids busy and active. Cyrus has stayed out of trouble and he’s been a good kid. I’m so lucky! He’s getting ready to start spring baseball and it can’t start soon enough in my opinion. Sorry to hear Jacob is struggling. I know how tough that is on all of you. Hang in there and hopefully you’ll find that one thing that will click for him. Soooo tough!!! Also, thinking and praying for your sister. I know how scary it can be. Cyrus was 8 weeks early so I can relate when problems arise. Hugs to her!!

    @melifornia – Loved your post from the 26th about feeling great physically and a little bemused mentally. Who is this person? This is a person who’s getting things in order and its working. Keep aiming for days just like that day. You rock!! For snacks, I’m like Skinny (Karen). I keep Dove on hand. Because it’s such a rich, indulgent chocolate and I do the dark chocolate one little heart is plenty and keeps me satisfied.

    @kah68 (Kelley) – Oh no!! I just read your post about the car accident. I’m so sorry, but so glad you were OK. It can be pretty scary, but I’m so glad so many folks came to check on you. There are good people in this world. I’m chuckling at your post about the burpees. When I was in boot camp, I totally lost track of the number I had to do and not just the regular kind. They would throw all kind of weird jumps, pushups, etc. . . into the burpee. So hard and HATED them!!! Glad the car stuff is turning out OK. I’ve got a 14 year old car with 198,000 miles. It’s been an amazing car. While I would LOVE something new, I haven’t had a car payment in 10 years. I can’t even imagine if I had to make that decision, but glad it’s working out with yours and the person accepted responsibility.

    @lauriek – I really don’t miss that snowy weather one bit. After growing up in western PA and getting the Lake Erie affects, no thanks!! So proud of you for still pushing on the rock wall. I know how much you love going and seeing how far you've come.

    @cblue315 (Lori) – Congrats on the 100 lb loss recorded at the gym!! I can’t tell you how proud I am of you. I know you’ve worked so hard and deserve every kudos!! I’m not quite as dedicated right now, but I will be back soon. I promise.

    @ Rozie1019 – When you mentioned the dog not letting you work out, use that to your advantage! A puppy can wear you out. Start running around the house and chase after him. You’ll get some quick spurts of exercise, which is really good for us. My dog goes NUTS if someone is on a treadmill. I had a Treadclimber, but ended up selling it. I wasn’t using it and when I tried I would have to lock the dog in another room, which I hated doing.

    @mountmary – I can relate. Time to commit at my house too.

    @mnwalkingqueen (Holly) – You’re Wednesday Wish definitely resonated with me. I use to battle with jealously and why them not me kind of mentality. I especially struggled with friends who were married or had an awesome boyfriend. Why not me? It’s taken me awhile, but I’ve let it go and realized I’m proud of ME! I’ve gone through so many ups and downs on this journey of life, but I’m really proud of where I’ve landed and where I’m going. As single moms, we’ve accomplished a lot and should be very proud.

    @marypoppins – I can relate. My son and I are finally feeling better after 2 weeks of sinus infections, colds, bronchitis, etc. . .but, I just can’t catch up on sleep.

    @ereilly – I can relate to shutting down. I’m not quite ready to get back on track, but I will soon. I’m not totally derailed, but just not quite doing the things I should be doing. I also lost a dear friend in early December and trying to being a strong support system to his wife and kids. He was 44 and died of stage 4 cancer.

    @teresa_3266 – I’m looking for a new doctor as well. When I lived here before, I had an awesome doctor for 10+ years, but she was down near Piedmont Hospital. I was in the Perimeter area before and that wasn’t too bad to get too, but now that I’m up in Alpharetta it’s just too far. I know there are some good docs up in this area, but just have to start the search. Ugh. Regarding last week’s Thursday Truth, been there done that. Good job telling us and now get over it!! What’s done is done.

    @bapcarrier – Woo Hoo!!! Loved your post on the 31st – benign!

    @softblondechick – I’m so sorry to read about your friend who lost her battle with life. I had a dear friend commit suicide when we were in the 8th grade. This was 31 years ago and I still remember her. I know 4 other people in just this past year as well who lost loved ones to suicide. I totally agree. Please, please, please ask for help!!!

    @goinstd12 – I saw your second post and look forward to learning more about you. You’ve set some great goals for February. Good for you!!
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy Groundhog day!! :D

    According to our great Georgia tradition, the state’s most famous weather-prognosticating rodent, Gen. Beauregard Lee, emerged from his “Weathering Heights” lair to find no shadow. Yes!! Spring will come early. B)<3

    As for the predictions of that Pennsylvania rodent….I plan to disregard as total hogwash!! Just saying. :p

    Today is super windy and cold. However after watching some news this morning I am very grateful to NOT be in the northern states. Brrrrrrrr!! :(

    I will back later to do personals. Have a great day everyone!! <3
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning

    Happy Groundhog Day!
    Punxsutawney Phil, the world’s most beloved and furry seasonal prognosticator, saw his shadow on Monday morning (despite overcast skies), portending six more weeks of winter.
    The groundhog’s predication came around 7:25 a.m. in Punxsutawney, Pa., with overcast skies and scattered snow and rain showers moving through the region from the latest winter storm — conditions that are likely to continue if the plucky marmot gets his way.
    Groundhog Day

    “Attitude: It is our best friend or our worst enemy.” ~John C. Maxwell

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I think that I may have figured out how to more personals. I hope this works.
    @melifornia the morning routine sounds amazing, but I'm not sure how I'd work it in with caring for a 2 year old and getting a first grader off to school every day.
    @robinsegg so glad you are feeling progress. Thanks for stopping by.
    @maram29 your loss is inspiring. Way to persevere.
    @jbchirsk You've found a good place. I think that you will find that most of us here check here more often than we do our home page. It feels more personal to me.
    @skinnyjeanzbound I have never put obesity in with other eating disorders, but that is exactly where it belongs for a large number of people. Huge failing on the part of the medical field!
    @lori I am so in awe of all of your physical activity.
    @Lynnette4321 you are off to a great start. Come back often so we can get acquainted with you.
    @jtconst Yesterday was really a lost day for me, too. You are ahead of me because I didn't even try to guess. I was at least going to get some exercise by walking to church, but it started to rain and snow so that didn't even happen. So glad for a new day.
    @Emi I think that you will find this to be a great tool for permanent weight loss. Keep coming back so we can help you.
    @GOINSTD12 Congratulations on successful cancer treatment. Weight loss will make you feel so much better in so many ways. Keep coming here. We are here to help each other.
    @runninghouse Welcome. Finding us is a great start.
    @mnwalkingqueen I think that you made a good choice to go home. I don't think that I would very many friends, especially not socially if I didn't have my family. Any friend is better than no friend is definitely not true! We don't need toxic people in our lives.
    @bapcarrier I think that most of us use part or all of our exercise calories. I aim for using half of mine, but count it as a win if I come within 100 calories of my daily goal including exercise calories.
    @colleen40 keep coming back. We are looking forward to getting to know you.
    @susan so glad to have you pop in. Your posts are always so upbeat and encouraging. You've got this. You'll be back in full swing soon.
    @Teresa I'm sure that any ground hog around here didn't see his shadow. I'm ready for spring, too.

    Well, that worked for personals, but know I'm out of time. I'll be back for my own report later.

    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Seriously?! I'm behind again, oy! :flushed: I wasn't home all weekend--with friends Saturday and then other friends for a Super Bowl Party yesterday. I'm swamped at work but will find time to catch up soon.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Sorry, I am 13 pages behind. Life has become a bit busy in the past few weeks. Good busy, like get out of the house and play in the fresh outdoors with friends (and some new friends) kind of busy... it's nice, and I needed it.

    I've not been logging perfectly, but have been very mindful of what I'm eating. Not always the greatest choices, but mostly under calories.. enough so that I lost 5.8 lb in January. Woot! After a complete break since last June I was beginning to think that I had hit the lowest I was ever going to see, and it's not even down below 200. It's so close now I can taste it, 4 lb to go. As I said I am very active on weekends and am getting back to full workouts at physio. Running faster and longer, more cardio, higher intensity. When that happens all the pain in my neck and shoulders melt away for at least a few hours afterwards, so it's the best thing for me.

    I've learned to stop beating myself up about going over calories. Forget it, carry on. It's working, I'm still losing.

    I wish everyone success for February.

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello All and Happy Monday.
    Yesterday went much better food wise. Stayed within calories and drank all my water. Had a great workout at the gym and feel pretty good.
    I am still not totally with it concerning hubby. Not sure what to do next. I have too many issues with him right now. I have 6 counseling sessions available to me through our health insurance. I think I will take advantage of this and see someone.

    @bapcarrier - Some of us eat our exercise calories and some of us do not. Keep in mind MFP tends to over estimate the number of calories burned when exercising. So when I do eat them back I usually only go up to 1/2. Everyone does it differently. So sorry but you will have to define the parameters for yourself. Part of this is trial and error. Try something and if it does not work try something else.

    @mnwalkingqueen - These relationships can be so very difficult to navigate. My WW buddy lost really fast when we started and I was so very jealous of her. Now I am down 100 pounds and she has gained almost everything back. I sense she has some jealousy going on now. But she has been a friend for almost 35 years and I do not want to give that up. I had to find a way to get around it. Not easy but it is possible.

    Thanks to all for sharing yourselves so openly.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3
    Living life gratified
  • texasmom2013
    texasmom2013 Posts: 64 Member
    RobinsEgg wrote: »
    Thank you all for wishing me well and all the kind thoughts sent my way. I continue to move forward, and the comments left on the blog were eye-opening and also very helpful. Many people could be therapists themselves!
    I think part of my problem too is that I didn't have a family to lean on ever, and that was especially important as an adult.
    Gosh, I missed having a family all these years, and an older womans advice so many, many times. During my marriage, I did have a wonderful mother-in-law, and I loved her, but I did not go to her for advice, I saw her quite infrequently. It would have been nice to have someone to go to lunch with, bake with, etc.
    Today even, no one to watch the Superbowl with. All weekends are spent alone as my girlfriends all dedicate THEIR weekends to their hubbys, so weekends are hard that way.
    But, I've gotten used to it and try to make the best of it.
    I've learned I don't need the physical presence of people at my side. I've learned I am an introvert, and am happier now with one-on-one relationships anyway. I don't seem to enjoy the crowd scene.
    I will watch the game - I'm still undecided who I'll root for - Any suggestions?

    Robinsegg- I sit home alone many weekends too..I have realized in most of my relationships with friends and family I am always the one reaching out or always there. I decided after New Orleans that I wasn't going to do that anymore (it felt like I would beg people to hang out with me). In the sense I have now become a loner I am introverted to a point but I also love to be around other people. Guess I am half and half :D .

    I had a friend like that too. I would call her and she'd say she would be there in an hour or whatever, but she would almost never show up. The times she did show up she'd spend the entire time talking to someone else on her phone or complain about my dogs trying to sniff her. Other times she'd show up, then someone she considered "better" than me would call her and she would leave 5 seconds after arriving! One day I decided that she probably wasn't my real friend. I told myself that I was just going to quit calling her. I told myself if she called me to hang out then I would continue to try being her friend. If not, then so be it. As I'm sure you can guess I never talked to her again. She never called me once and it's about to be 2 years in March. I even sent a Christmas card with a pic of my family last year and this year. Nothing. Not even a text. That's it for me. She and her husband are naturally thin and eat whatever they want. But every time I tried to diet she AND her husband would do ANYTHING to trip me up. They would constantly push food on me no matter how many times I said no. Toxic friends are like crappy ex-boyfriends/husbands. Once they're gone you don't know what the hell you saw in them in the first place!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tanya--congrats on losing 5.8 in Jan--that's awesome!!

    @kelley--I've been on here all weekend and can barely keep up--this thread is moving at lightening speed lately. It's great to see so many new folks too.

    @kaye--glad you found a good way to do personals.

    @tom--that quote is so true! Hope you didn't celebrate too hard yesterday. ;)

    @teresa--our groundhog, Woodstock Willy did see his shadow. Fun fact: the movie Groundhog Day was filmed here in Woodstock, IL just outside of Chicago.

    @susan--great to see you back and so glad you and Cyrus are over being sick. I actually had about 3 days of ZERO grading after first semester--can you believe it? That won't happen again until June. LOL

    @bap--I eat back my exercise calories as is recommended in order to keep net calories from getting too low. If you are set at 1200, you should probably eat back all or most of yours as well--especially if you are hungry. If you don't eat them back, you risk not fueling your body properly which can slow your metabolism. That being said, some people have success at very low net caloric intake--it's just harder to sustain for the long term.

    @holly--I'm sorry your friend's behavior is bothering you. It sounds like she's kind of self-absorbed. Is this typical of her? I'm just wondering if she's so excited about her success losing weight that she doesn't realize how insensitive she's being. I have a life-long friend who is kind of self-absorbed in general. I can spend an hour on the phone with her and not get 2 words in about my own life. Most of the time it doesn't bother me b/c I know it's not intentional, but some days I just make an excuse (like you did) to get off the phone. I think you need to ask yourself if she's a good friend outside of this current weight-loss scenario. If so, it may be worth having a heart to heart with her. Maybe she's talking about it a lot b/c she thinks it's helpful information. If not, if you believe she's doing it to purposefully to hurt your feelings, then I agree with others that it sounds toxic and you might be better off without her as a "friend."

    @GOINSTD12‌ --haha--I kind of wish I were in Texas after 20 inches of snow in 24 hours. Thanks for rubbing it in! LOL

    @tammy--glad you are finally back at the full walks after that ankle injury.

    Welcome to all of the newlings!!! I promise to get to know you all as you return and share more with us. If you are new to this process, ask questions and we will give you lots of suggestions based on years of experience. We'd also love to hear what is working for you in the nutrition and exercise department.

    Monday Check-in:
    Well we got our full snow day off of school--thank goodness!! The call came at 5 am, and I promptly went back to sleep. Spent the morning on the computer, but it's time to get moving. I need to get to the gym and starbucks to finish grading those journals. No excuse not to with this surprise day off.

    February Challenge:
    Under weekly calorie goal: x/4 weeks
    All-in strength challenge=balance exercises 3 x/week; PT 1-2 x/week; run 2 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 2: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 3: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 4: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 55 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47,1/25 in 55:41)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 46/60 JRP journals
    2. x/60 course recommendation

    Exercise Goals: (week 1)
    Sun--shovel snow DONE
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 mantra "Just 15 minutes"
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    cblue315 wrote: »
    @bapcarrier - Some of us eat our exercise calories and some of us do not. Keep in mind MFP tends to over estimate the number of calories burned when exercising. So when I do eat them back I usually only go up to 1/2. Everyone does it differently. So sorry but you will have to define the parameters for yourself. Part of this is trial and error. Try something and if it does not work try something else.

    This is interesting to me b/c when I started MFP, I used its calorie estimator. Occasionally I would check it against another online source, but I had no idea if it was accurate. About 9 months later I got my first HRM and found the calories on MFP were way lower than my HRM said I was burning. Fast forward a couple of years and my HRM broke. When I went back to MFP's calculator, I found the numbers were much higher than my HRM had been. So I think MFP's numbers were low when I weighed more, but now that I'm closer to my healthy weight, they are low.

    I totally agree that we all have to find that "sweet spot"--enough calories for proper fueling, but low enough to lose weight. The biggest frustration about this is that just when it's working beautifully, the weight loss means that number changes so I have to find my new "sweet spot." :neutral_face:

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @tanya--congrats on losing 5.8 in Jan--that's awesome!!

    @kelley--I've been on here all weekend and can barely keep up--this thread is moving at lightening speed lately. It's great to see so many new folks too.

    @kaye--glad you found a good way to do personals.

    @tom--that quote is so true! Hope you didn't celebrate too hard yesterday. ;)

    @teresa--our groundhog, Woodstock Willy did see his shadow. Fun fact: the movie Groundhog Day was filmed here in Woodstock, IL just outside of Chicago.

    @susan--great to see you back and so glad you and Cyrus are over being sick. I actually had about 3 days of ZERO grading after first semester--can you believe it? That won't happen again until June. LOL

    @bap--I eat back my exercise calories as is recommended in order to keep net calories from getting too low. If you are set at 1200, you should probably eat back all or most of yours as well--especially if you are hungry. If you don't eat them back, you risk not fueling your body properly which can slow your metabolism. That being said, some people have success at very low net caloric intake--it's just harder to sustain for the long term.

    @holly--I'm sorry your friend's behavior is bothering you. It sounds like she's kind of self-absorbed. Is this typical of her? I'm just wondering if she's so excited about her success losing weight that she doesn't realize how insensitive she's being. I have a life-long friend who is kind of self-absorbed in general. I can spend an hour on the phone with her and not get 2 words in about my own life. Most of the time it doesn't bother me b/c I know it's not intentional, but some days I just make an excuse (like you did) to get off the phone. I think you need to ask yourself if she's a good friend outside of this current weight-loss scenario. If so, it may be worth having a heart to heart with her. Maybe she's talking about it a lot b/c she thinks it's helpful information. If not, if you believe she's doing it to purposefully to hurt your feelings, then I agree with others that it sounds toxic and you might be better off without her as a "friend."

    Karen- she is self absorbed the weight loss is her new topic. She also has other issues that stop her from being a great friend like one night we all wanted to go see this new bar and have a drink super casual jeans and t-shirt type place just girls night out. She threw a fit because she went online and saw photos of the bar and to many skinny people go there she refused to go. My other friends don't like her and refuse to hang out when she is invited because of her behavior. I could just be overly sensitive because her new topic is weight loss. I usually blow her off and be like well that's just how she is.