Arcaenah Member


  • Recently got my Charge HR and I couldn't live without it now lol Looking for more friends on Fitbit and here too!
  • Hey! I'm struggling myself with this kind of problem. Last exam left + thesis + problems with my flatmate + soon going to China and staying away from my boyfriend and family for 4 months... But hey, am I doing this because I want better grades or to solve my problems with my overly idiot flatmate? Nope. I am doing it for…
  • Hey everyone, I've been sending out some invites both on the Up app and here :) my mail is , feel free to add me!
  • Hi everyone! I recently got a Jawbone Up24 wristband too. Feel free to add me, I've been adding some of you who left their mail here (I couldn't find how to get into the group in here) , my mail is
  • Turning 21 tomorrow, feel free to add me :)
  • I didn't give in to all the temptations that cross my table - they were A LOT.
  • I had almost a bottle of Pinot the other night. Won't jappen again so soon, but I'm a social drinker too. Anyways beer isn't too caloric
  • THIS. I'm Italian, and I assure you that zucchine will NEVER work as spaghetti. When cooked, they're all soft and stuff. WHY.
  • Tell the idiots to get off the car and run with you.
  • Thank you for making me notice that! I looked for the correct nutritional values of that kind of beer and got it right this time. I was out all day yesterday so I was really just looking at the calories! I'll add you and use those links if you don't mind :)
  • Thanks guys!! I heard about the fitbit zip, I was just wondering whether it was worth it or not, because maybe naw rawremzilly said, the flex is really worth it. I'm looking for something very practical and reliable, since I'll leave to China for four months and being in a campus I won't be able to cook at all (no control…
  • I'm basically driving people crazy, I log everything. I know it might be weird for them, but I really need it to keep everything under control.
  • My stomach has shrunk, so I can't take as much food as before. I'm also not able to check on ingredients all the time, since I'm at my parents' now and I'm not the one who's cooking, and I don't feel like stressing her all the time. She tries to meet my needs of course, but we're four people. Plus, except for today, I was…
  • Thank you, I hope everything is going well for you too :)
  • I know! I have received nothing but great advice and indiscriminate support here, and thank you too for your advice. I will pay more attention to that, I've got to find a good grocery nearby my place in Rome so that I can stock regularly. As soon as I get home I'll clean up my pantry and stock up on fresh fruit and…
  • It says my netting is too low :ohwell:
  • Thank you for the excellent example :) I'm just so used to the "traditional" measuring way, sometimes I can't help but feel like that if the number on the scale doesn't correspond to my expectations and hopes I'm a failure.
  • I eat raw stuff which I can weight and, if not already in the database, add in the category "my food". I also ask my mom how much of what she put in what she cooks, but she can't always remember it correctly, and she's not really fond of precise quantities when cooking. Sometimes when she's making something I think that…
  • Thank you! I read it, and I think that the soreness might be contributing to it too, I've been having it basically every day now since I've exercised a lot and in many different ways.
  • Thank you for the website, I'll use it right away to calculate how much I'll need to net. Anyway, thank you for the support! Today, which I chose to be my cheat day, I had a good lunch - which I could barely finish - a lot of meat and potatoes, so I also started working on the rewarding part. I was afraid I couldn't make…
  • (Sorry for typos but iPad's keyboard sucks) @jennoyfmiller: I'm paying a lot of attention to this, I'm not eating junk food or using way too processed foods, I try to keep it simple. It's just really hard to control what my mom cooks, she tries to keep it healthy but I can't put too much pressure on her too, so when I'm…
  • I think I might be going for this without even knowing lol as a matter of fact, today would be my first spike day. Did you reach any stall or plateau while being on this kind of diet?
  • Hello from Italy ???????? already added you!
  • Hey there :D I've a second-timer, and I've been logging for 9 days, but finally decided to open up to the world. I guess I didn't really want to admit to other that I have a problem, right? :) Anyway, I'm adding you :)
  • Hey, you did it once, you can do it again! Add me if you feel like :)
  • Hi there! That was the same question I kept asking myself while finally admitting I had a problem with my body - How the **** could I let this happen? Anyway, feel free to add me, so that we can encourage each other :D keep it up!
  • Hi there! I just tried cycling last week and absolutely loved it. The thing is, here in Rome we don't have many bikeways, so it's pretty unsafe - mostly because people drive like crazy here. I try to cycle as much as I can when I'm at my parents', who live nearby a more safe area with woods and small cities. Anyway, good…
  • Hi! Cheering up for ya! :D