Hi All. Newbie to MFP

Hi Everyone

I'm normally a keen, but overweight, cyclist and have just joined MFP and am busy exploring all the various areas.
I need to shift at least 28lbs, Ideally I'd like to see 150lbs as a maintenance weight so 31lbs would be perfect. Hubby is losing weight, seemingly without trying but I think that he's stopped stuffing chocolate when he thinks that nobody is looking. Whatever he's doing, its working which motivates me a bit more. Call it competition :-)

Normally a keen cyclist but with the wind and rain lately, I've not been feeling the love and haven't been near my bike for 8 whole days. Hoping to get out tomorrow though. Weather is looking good for 11am ish so that will be the time to go.

I'm trying to get back into the food tracking groove so have added the MFP app onto my phone. I'll soon be back in the habit, I'm sure. Looking forward to chatting with everyone.



  • duraseam14
    Hello,Nik do have a wii? That is how I lost 45 lbs doing the wii and putting my calories into the myfitness app.
  • nikjackson18
    I am not sure that we would dare have a Wii. Our downstairs neighbour would have conniptions if we danced about up here. She tells us off regularly for walking about or even talking. Everything disturbs her, including when we are in the garden. We are not noisy people, she is just a PITA. We are looking to move house soon and should be on the ground floor so we might get a Wii. I know that Hubster would like one.
  • Arcaenah
    Arcaenah Posts: 37 Member
    Hi there!

    I just tried cycling last week and absolutely loved it. The thing is, here in Rome we don't have many bikeways, so it's pretty unsafe - mostly because people drive like crazy here. I try to cycle as much as I can when I'm at my parents', who live nearby a more safe area with woods and small cities.
    Anyway, good luck on your trip and feel free to add me! I'm cheering up for you!