derynb Member


  • My husband and I run spin classes and have about 12 clients per class, most of us are around 45 to 50 years old. Those that wear a Polar FT1 heart monitor burn typically 600/750 calories per 45 min session. We have computers on all the bikes and the ones that don't wear monitors read at about 450 but that is just an…
    in Spinning Comment by derynb November 2012
  • North Island, New Zealand
  • I am guessing somewhere like Raglan? or further north Muriwai? I lived in NZ for 5 years - Morrinsville (waikato) and Auckland. An observation about Auckland - EVERYONE gets up early and runs! [/quote] Actually, just south of New Plymouth....
  • I am on the west coast of the north island of beautiful New Zealand.....Happy New Year to all :smile:
  • I have 1/4 cup of rolled oats, add about same of water, one minute on high, add about a 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries, zap it for another minute, then put a big dollop of vanilla yoghurt on the top.....yummy !!
  • I cant see your diary...wonder if I am doing something wrong.
  • If you are 234 lbs now and you are only eating 600-800 calories you are seriously starving yourself and your body is trying to hang on to all the nutrients it can and gone into starvation mode. I am supposed to eat 1600 calories and I am less than 200 lbs so I don't know how you worked out your calories that you are…
  • For a start....DO NOT get on the scales more than once a week at the most, its crazy getting on them every day as your weight fluctuates quite dramatically over the space of a week depending on your activites and your fluid intake etc. Focus on the positve, you have lost 2 lb in a month, THATS GREAT and 2 lb that you don't…
  • I looked at 3 days and I thought it was pretty good except you are not eating enough of your calories, try not to have so many left at the end of the day, add a bit more protein, maybe a protein shake or bar in the afternoon...otherwise it looks great.
  • Hi there I am in NZ and have been doing this on and off for about 3 months, its hard and time consuming at first but stick to it as it will get easier and faster as you build up your database, I have lost 5kg and am just starting to feel the benefits, the health benefits are immeasurable, I was looking at having to go on…
  • Steer clear of as much processed food as possible as these are always high in sodium, never add salt to any food or cooking, you will be surprised how quickly your tastebuds adjust to no salt. As for the hunger, make sure you eat often, say every 3 hours even if small amounts and eat protein high foods to fill you up for…
  • My husband has been telling me this stuff for years......Tom Venutos' book is his bible. Thanks for sharing.:smile:
  • Don't cut out bread completely, just limit yourself to 2 slices of a wholegrain bread a day, whole grains are a low GI food choice so you don't get the sugar spike as you would with white bread, also look at what processed foods you are having and replace them with as much natural stuff as other words...go…
  • My hubby is a personal trainer to a rugby player who suffered from terrible shin splints and he didn't have the option of just stopping so he put him on a regular exercise regime which included lots of calf raises and toe presses, after two of three weeks the shin splints vanished and they haven't come back, he swears by…
    in Shin Splints Comment by derynb July 2011
  • Hi there My husband has been involved in health and fitness for years and his bible is 'The Body Fat Solution' by Tom Venuto. This book covers everything you want to know about diet and fitness and is the one book everyone should have. If possible you should be incorporating weights into your workouts as you will burn more…
  • Yes, I have just read about GL and find it interesting...I have been eating low GI food as much as posible for the past 3 weeks and have started to see some weight loss although it is a longer, slower way to lose it. The website I found out about it is but I didn't realise there was a certain number…
  • Are you talking about Low Glycaemic Index food ??
  • This post sums it up perfectly, excellent advise, small meals often is the key and stay off the processed foods as much as possible...good luck:) Woops, this was supposed to be part of my post above, pressed the wrong button !!
  • Hi there Make sure you do the plank with your knees on the ground until you can do it for a minute then try it on your toes and build up to a minute over a period of time. Pull tummy in tight and keep back dead flat........good luck