

  • First off thank you so much for the people that actually got the meaning of my question (freezer ideas & freashness)!!! As for those (eldamiano & MrM27) that think I was asking for a way to get around eating or cutting calories that was not the point at all. I have a very good plan that has worked in the past for me and I…
  • I don't mean just fruit. I mean shakes with kale, spinach, fruits, nuts, powders, etc.....
  • At least now I really know that I am not alone in this Vit D deficiency issue. I was just diagnosed and now my doc has me on a once a week 50,000IU for the next 12 wks. Then I will retest to see if my levels have come up. I will say that it is not just simply about getting more sun because that is all I heard from friends…
  • Have you tried Stevia? It is no calorie and natural.
  • I have both bands and interchangeable weight. I like the bands better for most of the exercises but there are a few that you will want to have weights for. Having the interchangeable weights are good bc they usually range from 5-55lbs. Hope that helps.
  • Add a core workout into your routine, lots of cardio, drink LOTS of water and change your diet to lower the processed carbs and increase the mono fats. You can't spot fix anything on the body and tummy is usually the last to go or firm up. Good luck!!
  • I think that is a personal choice and also what your goals are. I watch my sodium and postassium intakes, also calories in verse my output. Like I said I think it depends what your goals are. Good Luck :-)
  • Yes it is possible to get rid of it. I haven't lost it all but I can see a HUGE change. For me, it was upping the cardio, cutting out all drinks except water and green tea, and watching the types of carbs that I was intaking. I intergrated a few of the rules from clean eating and the flat belly diet. I also had a breast…
  • I own a body bugg and I love it!! The body bugg monitors/measures different things than a HRM, it is also made to be worn all day where as the HRM is only meant to be worn during exercise. On avg I can burn 2400-3000 cals each day depending on which workouts I do and how active I am at work. I have a desk job but I work in…
  • That is just how hard on them I am (I guess). I do a combination of Turbo Fire, ChaLean Extreme, and soon P90X and HipHop Abs. I do not use the insoles that come with the shoes but the moment I feel my feet burning it means time for new shoes. I tried just changing out the insoles but that didn't seem to help. There are a…
    in Shoes Comment by janel814 September 2011
  • Thanks everyone!!! They will be getting donated!!!
    in Shoes Comment by janel814 August 2011
  • What type of boob op are you talking about?? Adding or reducing? I say its a personal thing but bigger is NOT better!! I was a 36DDD and then I had my son to end at a 38H! Yes bras go up that far. I finally had a reduction so I am down to a 36C and I couldn't be happier. Think about it this way, do you want to continue…
    in Boobs! Comment by janel814 August 2011
  • It is a personal preference and depends on if you have lifted weights in the past. I would suggest looking into the band sets and an interchangeable set of weights (ones that range from 5-55lbs). I found that I like using the bands better than my actual weights most of the time but there are a few exercises that I use…
  • I believe it is under tools, then just follow the instructions to make your ticker. Now if you want a fancier one then find it, set it up, and copy and paste it into your signature block. Hope that helps.
  • You could invest in a Body Bugg. It is a device that you wear all day to calculate cals burned. It is the same device they use on the Biggest Loser for the competitors. I have one and I love it. It is expensive but it is a very good investment.
  • I think that was directed at my comment and I don't mean to overstep on your topic, so I'll make this quick... @jeffpettis - The Body Bugg is not a HRM as a matter of fact it doesn't even monitor your heart rate to figure out how many calories you are burning. It is the same device they use on the Biggest Loser which…
  • I understand that. Like I said your "diet" or food intake (what I call it :-)) is fantastic, the more I read this post the more I think you are burning a lot more calories during the day than your think and not from traditional exercise. To explain why I think this....right now I can burn anywhere between 2600 -3500…
  • First off you are doing a great job with the working out and clean eating!!! Wowwee, I tried to eat clean but with my schedule and living location that isn't possible. I suspect that you are accidentally putting your body into starvation mode. I did this my first moth of this lifestyle change. I also think you should track…
  • It would help a little more if I could see your food diary. I'm not a doctor or anything like that so it would only be suggestions from being on the weight loss yo-yo for most of my adult life.
  • Okay just a little bit more information about me, all of your suggestions are great but some of them are things that I do..... I invested in a BodyBugg so I track my total calories burned all day long, so if you see my calorie intake may go over the suggested amount it is b/c I have had a high calorie burn day. I keep my…
  • I am a morning exercise mama, while everyone is still in bed. Up around 4am workout complete by 5:30-5:45, I get ready, then I wake up the little one to get him ready. Most mornings we are out the door by 7am. I then get my second wkout in as soon as we get home from work/school. I did find that mornings are not for…
  • I heart Turbo Fire!!!! Congrats on the ebay score. I have been doing TF for the last 20+ wks and OMG the energy you have is AMAZING!! Definently use the "New to Class" option as you start it will show you the break down of the moves. I also suggest following one of the three class scedules. Also if you are using a heart…
  • I don't know any health issue but higher sodium diets can make you retain weight and water. Good Luck, it will be interesting the answers you get.
  • I suggest that you just create new exercises. Exercises do not add to the database like creating foods. Also get a heart rate monitor or any device that tells you how many cals you burn. I do beachbody workouts and wear a body bugg so I have my own database of exercises.
  • I'm not a doctor but it sounds like you may be at your target weight. As for the definition it does sound like you are putting your body into starvation mode by sticking to the 1200 cal diet with so much activities, which means you need to eat more b/c you are burning so many cals during the day. I also suggest getting…
  • Will have my BA in Homeland Security Jan '12 and then undecided what Masters program I will pursue but it is between Criminal Justice, Intelligence, Law, and Terrorism. For the most part I do use my degree but I would hope to use it more when I move back to the East Coast.
  • I get in 60 mins a day 6 days a week. Now all of that is not necessarily exercise persay. I wear a bodybugg so when ever my sensor senses an increase of activity the time goes up.
  • First of all thanks for starting this conversation, it has been very interesting. Second, I LOVE my Bodybugg! I wear it like it is part of my wardrobe and I would have to agree that the more you wear it the more accurate it is. My first month of this journey was done without the Bugg and I did not lose a single pound…
  • I have a lil monster so my workouts had to be scheduled first thing in the morning. Up at 4am, cardio workout, then it is the rest of my morning routine, out the door by 7am. I found that sleeping in my workout clothes, setting the alarm for 3:45am, having a workout that I absolutely LOVE and doing cardio v strength keeps…