3 weeks of hard work and no weight loss no inches lost...hel

Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone out there can help me out. I've been working out 4-5 days a week for the last three weeks, monitoring my calories and sticking to a 1200 cal/day diet but no weight loss, no inches lost. I see a little definition in my abdomen , but still no inches lost like I'd expect. What gives? I'm so close to giving up but thought I'd reach out for some help first. Things you may want to know to assess the situation: 26 yrs old, 126.2 lbs, 5'3", doing Insanity workout on some days, Running on the rest. Thanks for the help.


  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    have you been doing the same workout for those 3-4 weeks?
    if so change up your workout. if your body gets used to doing the same thing you won't loose weight.

    I change up my workout every 30 days for that reason
  • jenniferlecaptain
    It's possible you need to eat more. How much are you looking to lose?
  • mleipe
    mleipe Posts: 54
    Are you ACCURATELY recording EVERYTHING you eat in MFP?
  • GypsyRose25
    GypsyRose25 Posts: 407
    You may need to up your calorie intake for a few days. Sometimes the body adjusts to what you are doing and needs some changes for you to work through the plateau. Don't give up! You will get there!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    You might need to eat more. If you open your diary, we can try to give you some pointers
  • anscombe
    anscombe Posts: 16
    Are you eating enough for the calories you are burning? I seem to be in stand still mode myself, but I try to eat at least 1200 calories a day. You may even need more than that.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Could be you are already at or around your goal weight? If you are doing insanity and running, I also suspect you need more calories in the form of protein and carbs. Your body might be holding onto whatever it can to fuel your workouts. Don't give up!!! You are making yourself healthy and fit for your future!!!
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    remember if your not eating clean healthy foods and just cutting back on the crap you will probably not loose. If you drinking beverages with artificall sweetners or pops diet or not this will hold you back in weight loss. I can not see your diary so that is all I can say. Most people think they are eating good then when I see it I generally find were adjustments can be made
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? Or at least some of them, considering you are working out 4 - 5 times a week. I would think that at 5'3" and 126lbs, you have a fairly low BF%. You can't expect to lose 2lbs a week. If you have your deficit set too low it's actually going to work against you.
  • rider72
    rider72 Posts: 119
    Have you reviewed your food log? What kids of food are you eating? Make sure you are eliminating any artificial sweetners, and as much carbonated drinks as possible. Are you compensating for the caloric burn from your workouts? If you are going too low on calories, you will feel fatigued as well as your body will start going into starvation mode.

    Depending on how long you were inactive, it may take your body a few weeks to really give up the change in metabolism. You are in it for three weeks now, don't give up now! Hang in there especially with Insanity, theres no way you wont start to see some gains (or better put...benefits).

    Do you wear a HRM when you work out?
  • 0SimplymeStacyLea0
    Same here but I have lost 2lbs by upping my calories by about 100-150. Trying to squeeze in more protein and less carbs. I'd at least try upping your cals a little. I know it sounds crazy...eat more but it helped me and I'm about your height but about 30lbs heavier. Good luck :smile:
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone out there can help me out. I've been working out 4-5 days a week for the last three weeks, monitoring my calories and sticking to a 1200 cal/day diet but no weight loss, no inches lost. I see a little definition in my abdomen , but still no inches lost like I'd expect. What gives? I'm so close to giving up but thought I'd reach out for some help first. Things you may want to know to assess the situation: 26 yrs old, 126.2 lbs, 5'3", doing Insanity workout on some days, Running on the rest. Thanks for the help.
    I agree with hanging in there and also - congrats on your (upcoming?) honeymoon!
    You are down to just your last few pounds and we all know those are the toughest to lose - it becomes as much about toning and definition right? Hang in there - what you are doing IS making a difference, just not in the timeframe you may want...
    You might also consider discussing things with a personal trainer - perhaps they could suggest some exercise for toning the areas you want to target!!!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I can't see your diary but you're making it sound like you're not eating back your calories. Eat more, get plenty of water, get plenty of sleep, and you'll see results.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Are you measuring your food or estimating the amounts? I know sometimes if I don't measure, I over- or under-estimate. It may be that you are either eating too much or too little! Play around with your caloric intake for a couple of days and see if it helps. Don't give up!! Even seeing some definition in your abs is progress!
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    Not sure about the foods you eat but.... I started working out in February and I finally started measuring in May. Sense then I have lost 12 3/4 inches.

    Keep doing what you are doing, eat healthy, drink tons of water and yes doing 30 day shred helped me lose half of my inches.
  • janel814
    janel814 Posts: 88
    I'm not a doctor but it sounds like you may be at your target weight. As for the definition it does sound like you are putting your body into starvation mode by sticking to the 1200 cal diet with so much activities, which means you need to eat more b/c you are burning so many cals during the day. I also suggest getting with a trainer and/or a nutritionalist to get better info sculpted specifically for you. Good luck and don't give up :-)
  • Rosemarose
    Rosemarose Posts: 69 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone out there can help me out. I've been working out 4-5 days a week for the last three weeks, monitoring my calories and sticking to a 1200 cal/day diet but no weight loss, no inches lost. I see a little definition in my abdomen , but still no inches lost like I'd expect. What gives? I'm so close to giving up but thought I'd reach out for some help first. Things you may want to know to assess the situation: 26 yrs old, 126.2 lbs, 5'3", doing Insanity workout on some days, Running on the rest. Thanks for the help.

    ok, i opened my diary which i only started doing a couple of weeks ago when i joined mfp. it's not perfect, im still getting used to logging everything in especially on weekends when im away frm a pc. i log the bad stuff especially so i can record my patterns and when i eat bad. for the most part i do eat clean, drink plenty of water. i did notice i do not eat back my calories, i thought i'd gain more if i did so it just sounded counterintuative to me, but i'll try that. i only want to lose 6 pounds and get down to 120,less than that i start looking gaunt which is not flattering. i'm a curvy girl so i want to keep the curves and just tighten up even if i cant lose the lbs.
  • sarah829522
    sarah829522 Posts: 139
    Ok, now we can see it. It's not supposed to be perfect so don't worry about that. No one is perfect.

    Here's what I notice - some days you're over by as much as 500 calories and some days you're under by 300. I think you need to be consistent with what you're eating and add in more protein, especially at breakfast. "Breaking the fast" in the a.m. with a good protein source may help.