TOPSmarca Member


  • What she said... EXACTLY!!! Welcome to a new healthy life!!!
  • NO!!! Couch to 5K is just that.... a program for VERY beginning runners!!! You are far beyond this. Great job on being the fit Mommy your screen name indicates!!!
  • I DID IT!!!! I just ran a whole 20 min straight!!!! I was a bit short of my 12 min. mile goal but I still have over a week to get that down!!! I am just SO happy to have made the whole 20 min. on the first try!!!
  • Hey all! It has been an exhausting weekend... 2 client visits (pro bono), BBQ with my son to meet his girlfriend's family, spent time at my parent's and have tried to get better prepared for our company coming all the way from West Virginia tomorrow!!! Instead of using today for that, a bunch of my family (about 35 people)…
  • Absolute BEST success story EVER!!! I just finished week 5, day 2 so it ie awesome to hear that someone else made it through so smashingly!!! Huge Kudos to you!!!
  • One month ago I was wincing at the thought of increasing my run intervals from 3 to 5 min.... Now I am running for 8 min. and doing 3/4 mile in that time!!! One year ago I was not exercising at all because every time I tried, I fell due to vertigo!!!
  • Happy Saturday all!!! Lots to do today and not all of it fun!!! I have sourdough bread rising (I have found that true sourdough made with wild yeasts is ok for my tummy in moderate amounts!!!), I made peach jelly last night and am making grape today (MO has some of the best concord grapes!), I have an easy client meeting…
  • Friday Fitness: Still training for the 5K... SMASHED Day 1, Week 5 of C25K on Wed..... even did a full 1/2 mile in my first 5 min. run interval!!! Having my much fitter and smaller daughter with me helped me push it! I am trying Day 2 this evening when it cools down a bit (walk 5, run 8, walk 5, run 8, walk 5). My goal for…
  • John, my mother, a VERY wise woman, says you never bury feelings dead, you bury them alive and they WILL claw their way to the surface eventually. So GOOD for you!!! Feelings are neither right nor wrong (your reactions to them can be) and the perception that negative feelings are bad is why, I think, people try so hard to…
  • I FINALLY HIT MY 25 LB. MARK!!!! I have felt like I was losing so slowly but I have kept a 5 lb. a month pace for 5 straight months.... not as slow as it has seemed!!!
  • One trick my son taught me (he is a CICU nurse) is to first quit using the salt shaker COMPLETELY at the table. Then after you have adjusted to that start removing the higher sodium foods from your diet. That way food does not taste like crap and you revert to your old ways!!! I am a admitted salt addict and this has…
  • Oddly enough the pelvic floor muscle tone has drastically improved these last few months.... thus my discouragement!!! And I have NO urge incontinence, void completely before running..... We shall see!!!
  • Sad day today which has left me wanting to sit and eat my feelings away. One of my sons' close friends died yesterday... and he was an amazing, fun loving, thoughtful, and truly holy man. I have not done super well on calories but have not gone hog wild either. I will get my 3 miles in later and that should help on all…
  • Thanks for all the input! I am glad that others with this issue have gone on to become healthy in spite of the ravages of time, child birth and weight!!! I am going to try the pads actually designed for incontinence, completely eschew soda, reduce ALL caffeine, start taking cranberry caplets AM and PM, and do some more…
  • Quick Sunday Share!!! My name is Marca. Married 27 years and the mother of 5 mostly grown children, a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law and one grand son and a new grand baby on the way .... Loving life but SO not looking forward to the empty nest!!! We live in the heart of the Ozarks (read drive to the end of the world and…
  • Week 4 is HISTORY!!! I even added a little onto the run time because it was almost easy to get through!!! I feel AWESOME!!!
  • Friday fitness- I met and passed my weekly fitness goals on Thurs. this week. Got in a 3 mile walk late this evening. I am hoping to do my final day of week 4 of C25K tomorrow AM before we head out so that my youngest can go to see her beloved St. Louis Cardinals with her uncle. So my main goal is to successfully complete…
  • WOO HOO!!! Lost 1.75 lbs this week!!! And the lowered calorie goal is really helping me focus on macros AND keep the eating in check!!! To top is off, our tiny TOPS group (8 regulars) lost a total of 13 lbs. this week alone!!!
  • Howdy all!!! Yesterday was nuts... but a good day in the end!! Got my rig fixed after we almost lost a wheel on Mon. on super curvy Ozark roads.... thank God we had a local stop to make before we headed to the next town 30 miles away!!! Needless to say, we stayed HOME after that!!! I did finally get all my food logged but…
  • I did well with sticking to my calorie goal.... not so awesome on sodium. My youngest attended her first day of school EVER today.... she is 17 and started college today!!! If you have not guessed, we homeschooled all 5 of our kids!!! I am so proud of her though!!! She is working hard on good health and can now run 4 1/2…
  • My Tuesday goal is to stay within the newly lowered caloric settings I applied last night. Since I have been doing a LOT more exercise, I have struggled more with healthy eating AND staying within calories. Seems the addition of a lot of extra calories, in my mind, is a license to go hog wild!!! The lowering of calories…
  • I avoid gluten most of the time... I have gotten to the point (after totally avoiding for about 6months) that I can have SOME with few effects. This weekend though I ate gluten 2 days in a row and have paid dearly for it!!! My first bout of reflux/heartburn since January!!! I do thank God I am not actually allergic to…
  • KJEFFRIES- The one thing that helped my heartburn was to get away from gluten..... Just a thought.
  • SO glad it is finally Saturday Success day!!! I have been saving this since Thursday!!! My success is that I lost 1.75 lbs, this week and finally reached the full 20 lb mark!!! I was also weeks best loser at my TOPS group and July's best loser too!!! My other success is that the C25K workouts are feeling GOOD!!! I still…
  • HERE!!! (soft thud followed by rolling sounds) Any one who would like fresh green beans, tomatoes, peppers (sweet and hot), or cucumbers can help themselves!!! I would usually have zucchini and okra at this point but the rain killed them!!! I really wish it was that easy to share all this produce! So, tonight is going to…
  • Good morning all!!! I had decided that I needed to be getting up earlier, and was, so last night I decided to get to bed earlier too!!! We are working on doing AM runs in prep for Sept. I like to run around dark for several reasons... first is pride (this fat girl running is NOT pretty!) but also because it is easier on my…
  • I have tried the C25K program twice... the first time I pushed through to get to the next week as quickly as possible(still could not do it in 1 week) and wound up with a foot injury that took a LONG time to heal. This time I am doing as much as I can with a particular week and not moving on to the next week until I have…
  • Thanks for the advice AND the votes of confidence!!! Both have helped TREMENDOUSLY!!! The Sat. event is definitely my FUN one... my goal is to do intervals of 3 min. run/1 min. walk until tired and then walk the rest.... oh, and to end the race as colorful as possible!!! The one on Sun. is the one I would like to do as…
  • My Wednesday wish: That I had started working at weight loss and fitness earlier in the year.... I am afraid that doing 2 5Ks in one weekend is going to KILL me!!! :noway: And I mean like I am SERIOUSLY SCARED!!!! :sick:
  • Just to let you know, I began my second try at running weighing about 25 lbs. MORE than the first try... I am not sure why it worked this time but I will share with you a few things I did differently. First, I used the C25K program both times but the second time, I started more slowly, taking almost 5 weeks to complete…