Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Happy Friday! I just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a good weekend! :drinker:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I am sure I will have to face some of the baggage I have been dragging around for years. If only the "airport of life" had lost those pieces of luggage - LOL

    I just had to share and try to let go

    John, my mother, a VERY wise woman, says you never bury feelings dead, you bury them alive and they WILL claw their way to the surface eventually. So GOOD for you!!! Feelings are neither right nor wrong (your reactions to them can be) and the perception that negative feelings are bad is why, I think, people try so hard to bury them! So, listen to your feelings and let them tell you something about who you are, where you are right now and then decide where you WANT to go!!!

    Your mother was indeed a very wise woman!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Oh joy - I'm down another 1- 1/2 lbs today! Also, I did my 40 squats today holding a 10 lb weight and they were incredibly hard! I felt like I was starting over. Such are the trials and tribulations of being on prednisone. Now I want to go to bed - or drink a bottle of wine.............
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Friday Fitness: Still training for the 5K... SMASHED Day 1, Week 5 of C25K on Wed..... even did a full 1/2 mile in my first 5 min. run interval!!! Having my much fitter and smaller daughter with me helped me push it! I am trying Day 2 this evening when it cools down a bit (walk 5, run 8, walk 5, run 8, walk 5). My goal for the week is to get this day down pat and start working on day 3 which is walk 5, run 20, walk 5. I think if I can get this week firmly under my belt then I will be able to do the 5Ks that are in 2 weeks!!! :bigsmile: EEK!! I also plan to work on 3 day each week of power walking 3 miles. WOW! These seem like lofty goals for a dizzy chick that spent most of the last 5 1/2 years in a recliner!!! I sometimes feel like I am living in the body of someone else... one I like a LOT better!!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hey guys I havent forgotten you. I was battling some kind of stomach bug the last couple days but I am starting to feel more human today. You all seem to be doing great and as always I am super proud of all of you. Have a great day everyone.:heart::heart:
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    Hi everyone, TGIF!

    John -- your post was just awesome. I have often thought that I have never "fixed" my issues with weight and food. I have not been able to identify what the problem is and of course I fear that if I don't fix the underlying issues, that I'm not truly going to succeed this time. Maybe the fear of succeeding IS my issue? I'm just never sure.

    Marca - way to go on 25 pounds and your C25K progress!

    Friday fitness...well I went to a nice gym w/ my daughter (18) yesterday. It was my first time using a squat rack in the big boy area and it felt pretty great. One of the big boys even came and helped us with something we were doing wrong. Guess what, he didn't bite! I am working on getting over that fear so that I can build some real muscle. I hope to join there soon so I can get on with my progress. For today, I was still revved up from lifting, so I did an upper body workout with weights and pushups and dips here at home.

    Zumba is my one true love, still doing it 3 hours a week. Occasionally we have Zumbathons in our area, which is 2 to 3 hours of non stop Zumba. They are held as fundraisers and area instructors donate their time to do a few songs. It's so much fun! I have one planned in September and one in October.

    Weekend plans....well tomorrow is a ball game. Stadium food will be involved. I will get in my workout and eat light in preparation so that I can enjoy without worry. We will probably BBQ on Sunday or Monday, we always prepare a feast that gets me in trouble.

    Hope you all have a terrific holiday weekend!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Oh Friday... this is a day where I reflect on my week and give myself kudos for a job well done. Woops... not a lot of fitness tidbits to report. I walked a bit (20 minutes in total... to and from a BBQ in my office park- so the calories earned were rapidly spent).

    The problem with my new job--- Free food. LOTS of free food.

    Day 1- The boss brought in takeout from the teriyaki place. I had a great (though not entirely healthy) veggie/ teriyaki chicken stir fry. It came with brown rice- so that's a bonus :)

    Day 2 - I brought my lunch (yay me, I almost redeemed myself)... until...

    Day 3 - Tenant appreciation day in the office park-- bbq ribs (need I say more?)

    Day 4 - Panera was brought in by the upper management, to show appreciation to my division (mmmm Panera)

    Day 5 - Leftovers from Panera - chips & veggies.... and then came... duh duh duh... the magical candy cart

    I love my job so far... but man, I sure fear the scale! I really need to push myself to get some exercise... especially if I am not going to hold myself back from all of these goodies.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Friday Fitness: Still training for the 5K... SMASHED Day 1, Week 5 of C25K on Wed..... even did a full 1/2 mile in my first 5 min. run interval!!! Having my much fitter and smaller daughter with me helped me push it! I am trying Day 2 this evening when it cools down a bit (walk 5, run 8, walk 5, run 8, walk 5). My goal for the week is to get this day down pat and start working on day 3 which is walk 5, run 20, walk 5. I think if I can get this week firmly under my belt then I will be able to do the 5Ks that are in 2 weeks!!! :bigsmile: EEK!! I also plan to work on 3 day each week of power walking 3 miles. WOW! These seem like lofty goals for a dizzy chick that spent most of the last 5 1/2 years in a recliner!!! I sometimes feel like I am living in the body of someone else... one I like a LOT better!!!

    Marca - this is so exciting to read - I am THRILLED for you :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :love:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Beth-The bike trip I am considering is in Vermont through the farmlands, so who knows maybe we will pass your farm.

    Everyone who has trips planned for next summer they sound amazing and a great time to splurge. I hope you enjoy the trips.

    The first week of school is down so that is a relief. I managed to get the warm up papers graded at school today so they did not come home. This was an easy since it was a did you do it or not. Tonight, I was back to climbing and it felt so good. I was focused on the harder level walls tonight. It will take me a while to master the harder climbs but the challenge will be good for me since I will be forced to use my core strength, legs and build confidence in the moves I can make. Until I figure out the correct moves and how now to slip off a couple of foot holds, I will just count the bruises on my knees that will appear tomorrow. :laugh:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-
    Just a drive-by for me. I'm exhausted, but will catch up with personals tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Friday fitness: I feel like a wimp compared to the rest of you, but I do continue to get in my walks. I've added 20 min of slow-pace twice a day walking Keith to and from school, plus my pedaler and my 50 min fast-pace walk, so the totals look pretty good. DH fell tonight on our walk, but he did a pretty impressive roll and is fine. He stumbled on a raised place in the sidewalk. He doesn't watch closely enough and he doesn't pick his feet up very good any more so it is a concern. He walks along the edge of the street a lot and I'm thinking that is a lot safer than the sidewalks.
    Have a good night. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--all that exercise added up is VERY impressive! :flowerforyou: And remember, it doesn't matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everyone on the couch! :laugh: Glad to hear the DH wasn't hurt in the fall.

    @laurie--nice that you got those papers graded. It sounds like I probably shouldn't take up climbing--I bruise like a summer peach. :laugh:

    @nicole--it's nice that you are enjoying the job so far--I loved hearing about the warm welcome your new colleagues gave you. As for the free food, I feel your pain. At my work, there were donuts at least 2 days this week which I managed to ignore. Then yesterday a colleague brought homemade cinnamon raisin cookies. She DID use half wheat flour, but they were far from healthy--I only had, 1 so I call that a victory. My only advice is to make sure you bring your own healthy lunch and snacks--it doesn't always work, but if you have nothing to eat, it's a lot easier to cave in and indulge in the free stuff.

    @pie--yay for getting over to the free weight section of the gym. :drinker: I still haven't gone there at my gym, but I have expanded my use of the weight machines including the pulley ones I see all of the big boys using. I do lat pull downs and tricep work on that machine and I can definitely feel it! Sounds like you have a fun holiday weekend planned--enjoy!

    @tammy--glad you're feeling better. :flowerforyou:

    @marca--you are doing so great at c25k!! And yes, once I could do the 20 minute run, I could do the full 5k.

    @robin--congrats on the loss! :drinker: You are nearing a HUGE milestone--50 lbs!!! I'm do excited for you!

    @kelley--Can't wait to hear how your hair turns out (and maybe a picture? :tongue: ). One of my close friends has curly hair and for awhile she was doing the dry cut. She really liked it when she was wearing her hair curly. She's gone back to straightening it again, so I'm not sure if that means a different stylist.

    @alison--sounds like you are right back at it!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning friends. Well I am very happy to b feeling better and I have the whole house to myself today. Both of the kids are gone to work and its just me me me:bigsmile: I am on the finishing touches of the great painting project. I just got a couple spots I want to touch up and then to put everything back were it belongs. I would like to get that done and some general cleaning and clean out the ever declining pit that is my bedroom. I would also like to clean my backyard but will be satisfied if I get the house all done today. havent had a lot of weight fluctuations since the beginning of the week. You would of thought the stomach bug would have scored me a couple pounds but nope. Just bouncing around in a one pound range. Now that I have made the twoderville goal the next big goal is the one hundered pound mark. I have only around twenty pounds to go so am definitley hopeful to see that one before the end of the year:happy:

    Kaye I think you are a super women the way you still take care of your large family and still find time to make these changes for yourself. Happy to hear your hubby effectively tucked and rolled and wasnt hurt.
    Marca you are doing amazing on the c25k program. I have been tossing around the idea of giving it a try.
    Nicole your new job sounds wonderful but yikes on all the free food. Just try to stay strong and remember we are rooting for you.
    Laurie the bike trip sounds like a lot of fun and a much better first trip then jumping straight ona cross country ride though that would definitley be an adventure.

    Well everyone I hope you enjoy your weekend and have a great day:flowerforyou: :heart: :heart:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Friday Fitness:
    I've done pretty good this week considering I'm back to work. I got to the gym on 2 works days, and as I mentioned in my previous post, I've been focusing on more strength training using more machines and heavier weights.

    Saturday Success:
    I made it through a tough first week of school. Not tough b/c of the students, but just b/c of the circumstances--a full first week (we often start back mid-week so it's more of an easing into things) plus hot, muggy temps. I also have a student teacher and though I'm sure I will appreciate that in a few weeks when he takes over 2 of my classes, right now he just takes up a lot of my time b/c I need to get him acclimated to the school. Anyway, there were lots of food temptations as I mentioned to nicole, but I avoided most of them. Also, we had a department meeting after school on Wed. but I still went to the gym afterwards. My hope is to continue the gym 2 days during the week and then 1 or both weekend days.

    It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. Yesterday, I had 2 starbucks mocha light fraps :noway: --I got one on the way to work and then my student teacher made a coffee run and got me another later in the day. I couldn't say no to that, could I? :tongue: After work, I had a few cocktails and split an order of fries with some friends. Then, I came home and ordered the asian food I had been craving since Thursday afternoon. Overall, I was over by about 400 calories which I'm sure I can make up today. I plan to hit the gym and then do some serious grading b/c tomorrow we have plans to go to a friend's party and then maybe visit my niece.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 40/73 Summer reading quizzes
    2. 2/73 Columber essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner or maybe run outside w/him
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Saturday all!!! Lots to do today and not all of it fun!!! I have sourdough bread rising (I have found that true sourdough made with wild yeasts is ok for my tummy in moderate amounts!!!), I made peach jelly last night and am making grape today (MO has some of the best concord grapes!), I have an easy client meeting this afternoon, and then of to my parent's house to play while almost the whole family is together!!! Tomorrow is Mass (I still have not picked music:embarassed: ),and a BBQ to meet my son's girlfriend's family. Mon., I am headed back to my parents' for a little more visiting!!! So, if anyone would like to rob me you now know when would be a good time.... but please don't break the window, the door is unlocked. And if you find valuables in my house let me know where so I can look for more!!! LOL!!!

    jtconst: I am SO glad you are better AND have a day to really focus!!! And be glad you didn't have a loss from sickness... they never seem to stick around anyway!!!

    Carla: Have fun at the ball game!!! Stadium food is part of the fun so just budget it in your goal and you will have a great time with no regrets.... well except the sodium.... but that is a temporary situation!!! I would SO like to try Zumba someday... but I am afraid my lack of all grace may make it more of a comedy routine than an exercise routine!!!

    naceto: WOW!!! Those are some MAJOR temptations!! The good news is, after resisting all that you will be prepared for ANYTHING!!! I have to keep reminding myself when I am tempted that exercise can't erase my bad choices.... I can't out run my fork!!!

    Robin: Thanks for the uplifting words!!! Your encouragement means a lot, as does all the encouragement I receive on this thread!!! I hope that the meds are doing more help than hindrance.... I wonder if that is where the grumpies came from. I so need to add squats to my routine... great for the old knees!!!

    skinnyjeanz: As a homeschooler, I am impressed with how many students you keep up with on a daily basis!!! It was all I could do to keep up with my own kids in that area!!! I am so glad to hear I am not too far behind the curve with the 5K looming ever closer!!! I am also glad to hear that I am not the only crazy person to start running while still heavy!!! Everyone seems to think that if you are not a stick, you can't possibly be a runner!!!

    Laurie: I think the bike ride sounds WONDERFUL!!! Though it is likely not the best choice for a dizzy chick like me:noway: !!! I have enough trouble staying up on my own 2 feet!!! I hope you can get a group together though... I am looking forward to following your progress and being there in spirit!!!

    Kaye: You are my inspiration!!! When I feel like I don't want to get out there, remembering that you have are out there walking and have been since soon after surgery, I have no excuses left!!! You just amaze me!!! And your AWESOME weight loss keeps me moving there too!!! Never think you do not have an effect on those around you because your efforts are not the same as others!!! You are working hard and it shows!!!

    My Saturday success I have shared all week.... reaching my 25 lb. mark, keeping a steady pace with the weight loss instead of being all over the place like I used to, running well and enjoying the freedom of being able to run at all.... I just feel like a new person!!! And maybe that is because I really AM!!!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Thanks all for the advice on resisting the free stuff! I think I will do as Skinnyjeanz suggests, and make sure I bring plenty of healthy stuff with me, in effort to make sure I'm not as easily swayed to the dark side...

    TOPSmarca - YAY for the 25 lb mark!!! Isn't it an awesome feeling? You should celebrate with a new outfit! :) At 20 lbs, I splurged at my local consignment shop and found a couple of things which I had tried on prior to that- which hadn't previously fit me well. You deserve a huge pat on the back! Great job!

    RobinsEgg- Soooo very close to 50 lbs! Holy healthy choices Batman- you will win this battle yet! :) Keep up the awesome work! You inspire me!

    GrandmaKaye- You are NOT a wimp! I am not one to do squats or run marathons, but I feel major strength in the little things that I am able to do. You seem to do a ton of walking, which is awesome... On weeks like this one, where I am quite frankly a bit lazy... I read about your walking and am inspired.

    jtconst- Thanks and I am SO happy that you are feeling better!

    Laurie, Skinnyjeanz, and the rest of you educators--- remind your students that APPLES and not cookies, are the way to your hearts :smile:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi all.

    I got my dumb bells last night and I’m going to get a bench in a little while. I should be all set to do some real strength training yeah!

    Hope you are all doing well!

    Quote of the day:-“ Onward and downward.” Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    One of my favorite quotes:

    "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'" -Mary Anne Radmacher

    I'm justing getting to some grading so I'll be back later to catch up with you all.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Ok guys, it's time for a break from grading.

    @tom--yay that your weights arrived! I ventured into the free weights section today to do some arm work, so that was a step in the right direction for me as well. :happy:

    @kaye--I love that you are Tom's quote of the day! :laugh:

    @nicole--my students know that starbucks gift cards are the way to my heart. :blushing:

    @marca--I admit I don't always keep up with all of those students--there are days I feel like I'm losing my mind. I often have students come up to me b/c they told me yesterday they needed something, and I have no idea until they remind me. I've learned to start writing everything down in my plan book--so I put little notes like "Tommy absent Fri--give HW on Thurs." It definitely helps as long as I remember to read the notes. :laugh:

    AFM--at starbucks grading but I really need to head home for dinner. DH is grilling burgers--yum! I plan to finish the reading quizzes tonight and will try to finish the essays on Monday since we have plans for most of tomorrow. :ohwell: I may take gunner for one more walk this evening to help make up for yesterday's binge. I agree that exercise doesn't erase those bad food choices, but a little extra can't hurt either.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 60/73 Summer reading quizzes
    2. 2/73 Columber essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sun--walk gunner
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner or maybe run outside w/him
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I think I needed a down day this weekend so today was it. I did make it to the gym this morning and managed to motivate myself to use the ARC trainer then the spin bike. I should have done some running drills but just did not feel like it after I started to attempt it. This afternoon, I managed to get my nails done. I decided to try the gel nails so I will see if they truly hold up without chipping for 2-3 weeks. I am not sure they will hold up to rock climbing since that always manages to chip my nails.

    Plans for the week:
    Sunday- Rest day DONE
    Monday- Trainer long run 2.5 miles DONE
    Tuesday-Gym weight NOT DONE REST DAY
    Wednesday- Rest day DONE
    Thursday- Gym- cardio and drills NO Drill, light cardio DONE
    Friday- Climbing DONE
    Saturday- bike I hope no Gym DONE

    Week of 9/1
    Sunday-Bike Ride
    Tuesday- Trainer session (long run or drills)
    Wednesday- rest
    Thursday-Trainer session
    Friday- Rock climbing