Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Day!!
    wish #1 would be that I could actually get out of bed in the morning. Since I moved into my new home last Sept I have over slept every day. I am not sure if it the comfy bed I bought back then or cold room that keeps me in bed but I need to be on time.
    wish #2 is to find a cheap gym to join once my job relocates. I was looking at Planet Fitness online maybe I will go check them out.
    Wish #3 would be for my knee to stop making this cracking noise. It has been doing it since a was a little kid it doesn't hurt at all but when it gets colder out it makes a cracking noise when swinging leg up and down. Its just annoying.

    @skinny- hope gunner listens :smile:
    @Robin and Skinny- I had no idea measuring cups and spoons were not real accurate that is what I use. I may just buy me a food scale now too.
    @Grammy Whammy- Good luck at the doctors
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
  • jackie_leth
    jackie_leth Posts: 10 Member
    Hello All - hugs and best wishes to everyone!

    #1 - I wish I could wiggle my nose and look like Elizabeth Montgomery in Bewitched.... sigh.

    #2 - I wish I wasn't so lazy.
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Thinking about leaving work soon. I am feeling absolutely terrible. I have nothing left in my system to ralf up it's just dry heaving/water now. I have gotten the predominance of my work done. The only thing really left to do is collect on outstanding invoices (which I have been working on and have been doing a good bit of collecting on) and enter orders, which I have to do through out the day but thankfully everyone here knows how to enter orders if i am out.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. I wish that I had more stamina! For the last 2 days, we did a 50 min. walk. It was wonderful, but yesterday my legs hurt for the rest of the day. I think that I am going to have to alternate with my 30 min walk for awhile until I get my stamina built up more. Yesterday we walked along the canal bank for quite a ways. We saw deer tracks and raccoon tracks.
    I was hungrier than usual last night after dinner and under 1200 so I made some popcorn. It sure tasted good. I ended up going over 1200, but was still under what MFP defines as my daily goal because I didn't eat very many of the exercise calories.
    Here's wishing everyone that is struggling with health problems a good day and success in dealing with them.
  • kittyx2
    kittyx2 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi again,

    I haven't had the chance to post since joining back in over the weekend ,but I have been logging my food each day at least. I will try & post on this thread daily so I can keep up with everyone's successes here. Your successes really do help motivate me!

    This restricted South Beach Diet phase 1 is just too carb restrictive for me. I was off to a good start on Saturday, even worked out, but I've been feeling sick, weak, exhausted & have had a continual headache since Saturday evening. So I caved this morning & had some carbs with breakfast. But at least my head is not throbbing anymore & I feel more alert.

    Has anyone else found a good method of success in reducing their carbs & losing weight without something as harsh as SBD or Atkins?

    I wish I had more energy, period. I know my weight is the reason I'm so lethargic & achey every day. I look forward to feeling better. My health is my primary reason for wanting to shed these pounds.

    And I wish my house were entirely decluttered & clean. Again I blame how poorly I feel on keeping my house organized & tidy.
  • mslb86
    mslb86 Posts: 2
    How does this thread work? I am new here and am looking for major motivation as well as giving it.

  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    @kah68 - well they were Romanian Deadlifts so my knees were flexed but not moving, same with the row... It seems to bother me more while sitting then when i am active doing something.

    @kittyx2 - I am following the TNT low carb, high protein diet. I think it is simular in start up to both Atkins and SB... I have not had too much of an issue with energy or anything like that. I have been eating a lot more veggies then before, lots of Spinach and taking a mutli-vitamin not sure if that is what is helping. I actually LOVE this diet but I know it is only temporary... come June after I do my Spartan race I am going to work carbs back into my diet.

    @Helenavee42- Go rest up! Feel better soon!

    @jackie_leth - work on wiggling your nose as you wiggle your @$$! LOL

    @mslb86 - go to the first page and there is a good description of the different things this group does to spice it up... but really just a great group of supportive people to talk to about working hard to lose our weight!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Holly~Planet Fitness is an excellent gym from what I hear, really inexpensive and they have free training. Your knee is probably just from cartilage, my orthoped said one time that knees are just noisy – the only time for concern is if the noise is accompanied by pain.

    @Kittyx2~When you were doing SB, what was the rest of your diet like? Were you eating plenty of protein, fats and veggies? Also, if you were eating a diet super high in carbs/sugar and quit them cold turkey, it may have put your body in a detox phase which can cause the symptoms you were having - especially if you gave up soda’s or caffeine. It may not be necessary for you to cut out carbs completely, but eat consistently less. Essentially I do carb cycling, I eat only 20% carbs 6 days a week and once/week (usually on Saturday) I have a super high carb day – it’s usually the day I burn the most calories, so it works out well. My body doesn’t respond well to too many carbs, so it’s a lifestyle that works well for me.

    @Helena~Sorry your feeling so miserable, sounds like you need to be home in bed resting. Drink plenty of fluids and sleep! :flowerforyou:

    @mslb86~Just jump right in, the water’s fine. :wink: Like Gorilla said, you can check page 1 for the specifics. Of course, it’s not mandatory – so just share what you are comfortable sharing.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Wednesday wish - The jerk at work with the stick up his butt would chill out and stop being so damn passive aggressive. I took a day off last week and had some work I COULD do so I worked a 6 hour day on Saturday. My boss OKed it before I came in. I had stuff to do, it does't affect this person in the slightest but he's been a BEAR with a hurt paw since he found out I worked on a Saturday. He's been making backhanded comments for THREE days about me not having TIME to do stuff during the day, that I should manage my time better, that I obviously need HIS help getting my work done. If I don't work I don't get paid, I took last Wednesday off to meet with the bankruptcy lawyer so I worked on Saturday instead. It really doesn't effect him in ANY way and I certainly didn't request overtime/ extra pay for the day. He's being pissy enough that I'm VERY close to telling him to shove his attitude where the sun doesn't shine.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @Robin - Watch the sodium if you're eating a lot of frozen dinners. That will sabotage you every time!

    @walkingqueen - I joined Planet Fitness for a while, but quit. The "free training" is really just some times that trainers are available to work with small groups on a specific thing. So they might say "Wednesday at 9 am we will do arms" and you sign up and if you're lucky enough to be one of the first 5, then you do a exercises led by the trainer for arms. So it's not really like they make it sound when they say "free training". Plus, those times were always dueing the day -- no evenings or weekends! They did have nice equipment, if you are independent enough to know what to do.

    @kitty - I do low carb, and it is hard when you first start. If you can suffer through the first week or two, you won't even crave carbs anymore! I don't do really low carb, though. I stay under 75, though most days it's more in the 40s. The program designed by my doctor for me is 1000-1200 calories, no more than 75 net carbs (carbs minus fiber) and at least 120 protein. It's pretty easy to stick to, and I've lost 35 pounds since mid-December. Also, be sure you're taking a multivitamin and maybe a B-complex if you're really tired.

    @mslb - I don't think we do a lot of work on this thread, it's just fun! LOL! Just jump into the conversation!

    @Mowmow - Just tell him you didn't work Wednesday so you worked on Saturday instead. Seriously, what's his problem? Why does he care if you work extra hours? Are you paid hourly? Even if you are, you were just making up hours you didn't work to break even. Maybe he thinks you're wasting time so you can work more and get overtime. I knew someone like that once and it is infuriating. He probably just wants to work extra to get overtime and thinks that's what you did, so he's jealous.

    Had my body composition done last night to look at changes over the last 3 months and I've done really well! My BMI is down more than 5% (I've moved from level 3 obesity to level 1 obesity), my percent body fat is down 3%, and I'm losing fat while keeping lean muscle tissue. And I'm able to fit into some clothes that were in the "too small" pile. I had blood drawn this morning to test the insulin levels, which is what I'm most interested in. I should have the results Tuesday.

    On the "not so fun" side, I've been grinding my teeth apparently and chipped a crown. My jaw is all sore and swollen and I'm eating pretty much soft food and liquids because it hurts too much to chew. I did see the dentist, and there's not much he can do in the short term. I'll start wearing a night guard, but the current inflammation and soreness just has to go away on its own. Bleh.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Wednesday wish - The jerk at work with the stick up his butt would chill out and stop being so damn passive aggressive. I took a day off last week and had some work I COULD do so I worked a 6 hour day on Saturday. My boss OKed it before I came in. I had stuff to do, it does't affect this person in the slightest but he's been a BEAR with a hurt paw since he found out I worked on a Saturday. He's been making backhanded comments for THREE days about me not having TIME to do stuff during the day, that I should manage my time better, that I obviously need HIS help getting my work done. If I don't work I don't get paid, I took last Wednesday off to meet with the bankruptcy lawyer so I worked on Saturday instead. It really doesn't effect him in ANY way and I certainly didn't request overtime/ extra pay for the day. He's being pissy enough that I'm VERY close to telling him to shove his attitude where the sun doesn't shine.

    I am sorry you are dealing with this jerk and you should not have to. You made up your time verses using a day off my office allows that all the time. Sounds like he is just trying to make you mad maybe you should tell him if has a problem to take it up with the manager verse making comments under his breath.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I am sorry you are dealing with this jerk and you should not have to. You made up your time verses using a day off my office allows that all the time. Sounds like he is just trying to make you mad maybe you should tell him if has a problem to take it up with the manager verse making comments under his breath.
    I'd really rather not talk to him about it because in my opinion, it's really none of his business at all. He's spent 3 days busting his butt to get MY work done (I suspect so I won't be able to work this weekend). I have no intention of working this weekend, I put all my hours in and I'll be thrilled to be finished Friday night.

    I did get in a preemptive strike though, I already talked to the manager about it. I gave her a heads up that there were people in the office that weren't happy about me working Saturday. I reminded her that we had already discussed it and that since I can't do these items when he is here (its done at the same workspace) that it seemed like the perfect solution to me. I had time I needed to make up and no one would be here and I wouldn't be in HIS way.

    She talked to him yesterday afternoon (I presume about this as well as other things), but he's still pissy as hell today. He does get like this, gets on a hair about something and beats the horse until it's decayed and gone.... normally I suck up to him and chat him up and it goes away, but this time I'm pissed. He can kiss my lily white back side if he's not happy.
  • Freemyskinny
    Hello everyone, I hope you are all doin' good today. (: thanks for our talk Mymowmow, really helped. and also thank you to everyone else.

    && hello to all the new members.! :D everyone here is so friendly, I just started on this thread and they all have made me feel welcomed.

    So, Tuesday goal- I want 5lbs gone again this week. lol I have to dream big.

    And Wed wishes- I wish I would stop ignorin' the fact I NEED to start the "grape fruit diet" again this week.. i have kept pushin' it off. :/ Also, I wish my dad would take his health more serious.. old man worries me.!

    Thanks again everyone.

    Always, Diana.!
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Wednesday wish - that I would finally see the "next ten", as I call it. Been hovering around 260-262 for, it seems forever. I just want to see 259.9..... Anything but that 6 in the middle! In reality, it hasn't been forever at all. I'm being impatient. I must remember, this is NOT about the # on the scale.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Had my body composition done last night to look at changes over the last 3 months and I've done really well! My BMI is down more than 5% (I've moved from level 3 obesity to level 1 obesity), my percent body fat is down 3%, and I'm losing fat while keeping lean muscle tissue. And I'm able to fit into some clothes that were in the "too small" pile. I had blood drawn this morning to test the insulin levels, which is what I'm most interested in. I should have the results Tuesday.

    On the "not so fun" side, I've been grinding my teeth apparently and chipped a crown. My jaw is all sore and swollen and I'm eating pretty much soft food and liquids because it hurts too much to chew. I did see the dentist, and there's not much he can do in the short term. I'll start wearing a night guard, but the current inflammation and soreness just has to go away on its own. Bleh.

    Great news on the body composition - keep up the great work! I've had bruxism for years, I was doing some real damage and didn't even realize it. I've been wearing a night guard for over 5 years and don't think I could sleep without it. I was waking up with headaches all the time - enter the night guard, no more headaches! It will take some getting used to, but once you do you'll wonder how you ever got along without it. :bigsmile:
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    YAY! My computer finally decided not to be a big poop and let me post today. I haven't posted since Saturday, I tried to post and MFP must have ate it.

    Saturday Success: I noticed I was drinking more water and not needing to pee all night. Yay!
    Sunday Share: Over the weekend, we went to an Indian cultural event, with dancing and food. I really enjoyed trying the food, but was a little put off by the audience members at the performance. People were saving whole rows of seats, talking loudly and just in general being rude.
    Monday Check-in: I've been very down lately. Dealing with rude comments at work and life related events.
    Tuesday Goals: I want to actually do SOMETHING this week. I've been logging my cleaning because it desperately needs done and I haven't made it to the gym.
    Wednesday Wish: I wish I made more money and I wasn't struggling so bad.

    Whew!! There ya have it. I got invited to my 5 year high school reunion, which they are thinking about planning for this summer, so I have to get hot for it. At least I have time!

    I think I'll head to the gym and run for a while. Need to do something and turn this frown upside down.
  • hannah1011z
    hannah1011z Posts: 113 Member
    I started off at 342 pounds. What I did for support:

    I created my own support system, on every mirror in the house including a mini one i put on the fridge, and on my closet doors, and in the bathroom, I wrote "I want to lose weight. I want to be skinny, i cant do that if i give in. food is bad."

    I also found a celebrity that was my height, and I wanted to look like: JWOW off of jersey shore and snooki and JWOW. She was my inspiration and who i want to look like. So i printed out pictures of her and taped one in the kitchen, one in the bedroom and a few others throughout the house to help remind me why i am doing this.

    I also let myself know that weight loss pills and supplements do not work and the only person that is going to lose this weight for me is myself, and its all up to me.

    I also am going strictly by the myfittnesspal numbers BUT i lowered my perferred calorie cunsumption to 1200 calories even though it says i can eat 1800 and still lose weight. Most of the time I only end up eating about 900 calories and am full and just fine.

    One of the most important things is to not by things that are bad for you at the store. My issue was that i would buy a bunch of healthy food and then one bag of chips or likewise...Then when i was hungry i would only grab the bag of chips until it was gone. That did no good. And if you already have food that's bad for you, but you dont want it to go to waist, think: "Wait, so i would rather eat this last bowl of ice cream so i don't throw it away and waste it...and gain weight if anything...instead of feeding it to the trash can and lose weight?!" So clean out your kitchen!

    Lastly, I joined a cheap 10$ a month gym and told my roommate and boyfriend that i would alternate giving them rides every other night to make it so i have to go every night, and if im there already i work out easier then being at home and having the option to go or not.

    If you are not able to exercise as much, or have motivational issues like me (It took everything i had to get off of the couch and work out.) Then i suggest cutting way back on your calorie intake but make sure your eating throughout the day. A yogurt light here and maybe a tangerine there and a salad at the part of the day your most hungry, but if you eat 1200 calories or less you WILL see fast results. You'll start loosing 1-3 pounds a week by just doing that not including exercising.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    @Hannah: Not sure who or what your post was directed at, but I'd like to put in a few comments. Cutting back on calories can pose a problem if you're working out regularly. I work out (on good weeks) 5 times a week and keep a close eye on my food, but was unknowingly starving myself for the first 3 months. I eat back my workout calories now, and am starting to lose more consistently.

    I have a picture of Adele on my "dream board" by my bed. She's big, beautiful, has a beautiful talent, and doesn't give a damn about her body image. I'm trying to take a somewhat more Health at Every Size approach by focusing on health rather than what I look like. It's the toughest battle I've ever fought.

    Food is NOT bad. Food is what we need to survive. We can always make better choices, but don't make food in general an enemy.

    I am not trying to start a fight, but eating less than 1200 calories may seem like it gives fast results, but I want results that LAST, that I won't gain back, and I won't starve myself to death.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Today was back to work and the gym. But my workout wasn't as long as normal.felt a little yukky still. I did try a new machine cant tell you the name but you sit on it and grab this bar push back suppose to stretch your lower back.

    Work went ok too.

    I have been mostly counting calories, portion control and its been working but I have looked into other plans to serif there is something. Rose am.I going at this the
    Best way learning a lot from all of the different approaches. Not sure if wanting to change but love learning bee stuff.