Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    bump up the jam, bump it up
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Bump, bump, and bump baby!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey Hey Hey- Monday Check In

    The weekend was crazy for me. Lots of homework and for some reason couldn't get out of bed yesterday til like 5pm. I received my offical move date for work....April 26th. I have mixed emotions being I was down at the new office last week at lunch time the skyways are super crowded hard to get a good workout in found myself wanting to say speed up or move out the way to lots of people.
    I haven't been doing real good on the March goal of writting down something you like about yourself - I am just so beat at night I fall asleep and forget to write it down....I am going to try writting it down when I get home from work each night.
    This week I am moving to level 5 of the hill program walking intervals 3.0-3.2 mph. I will get measured the week of 3/25/13.
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Good morning all. I am so tired and not feeling well at all. I think the cold that 2 of my coworkers and one of my sisters had has now come for me. I have had a headache since yesterday morning. I just feel super crappy. The weeding on saturday was really nice. The reception was fun. We danced a lot and I was the one to catch the bouquet. I kind of stood in the back and out of the way but it came straight for me. So of course everyone one was commenting on how my boyfriend and i are the next to be married. I also got a lot of compliments on my dress and how I looked. It made me feel good. My boyfriend said that people were coming up to him and telling him how beautiful i looked even people he didn't know.

    Monday check-in: Nothing spectacular to report. Didn't eat too badly. Danced a lot on Saturday. I just want to go back to bed.

    Have a good day. I will catch up on posts later.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Hello, everyone! I didn't go MIA, I promise. Just a really nutty week and little time online.

    Quick update on me. Things are going pretty well. TOM decided to show up on Sunday for the first time in over 2 years. (for those who don't know, I was on depo for many years, TOM only visited twice in about 12 years, but now I'm off it). I can't believe how many options there are for supplies these days...

    I'm getting my bloodwork done on Wednesday to see if all of this hard work has paid off yet. Not expecting miracles, but I certainly hope that three months on meds, eating low carb/sugar, and losing 35 pounds will show an improvement! Not sure how long it will take to get the results.

    Other drama in my life has calmed down, hoping to get things back onto some sort of routine. Sorry for the lack of personals, just too much to catch up on!
  • CassarahW
    CassarahW Posts: 93 Member
    This thread is awesome! I have 110 lbs to lose. My new habit we just started is walking my son to school. It's a half an hour walk one way, so an hour total. We got a new puppy that is going to be our motivation to get out there and get moving! She's an aussy/cattle dog mix so she needs lots of exercise. Can't wait to take her hiking! She's still too small (6 weeks old) but she'll get there. Our walk this morning was fabulous! The kids enjoyed it because we had the dogs with us (2 of them) and they loved walking with them. Before when we tried they would complain how long of a walk it was and how tired they were. So this was awesome!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member

    Sat--gym DONE = walk gunner DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + core DONE
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner + core
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner

    March challenges- In Like a lamb- out like a lion
    1. do core routine at least 3x week (wk 1 = 1/3) (wk 2 = 1/3)
    2. add upright rows and shoulder presses to my core routine (wk 1 = 3 sets of 15 reps each) (wk 2 = 3 sets of 15 reps each)
    3. increase hold time for planks (wk 1: regular forearm = 40 sec. and straight-arm side planks = 45 sec.) (wk 2: regular forearm = 60 sec. and forearm side planks = 25 sec.)
    4. increase push up reps (wk 1 = 14) (wk 2 = 15)

    Grading goals:
    1. x/16 punctuation tests
    2. x/16 writing assignments
    3. 5/10 JRPs
    4. x/11 AP analysis activities
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Not much to report. My kids gave me an early birthday present of a food processor. I think that I am really going to enjoy it. Yesterday I made an apple crumb pie with a custard in the filling. It was really yummy and gave me a chance to try all of the functions of the new toy. We had 7 here for dinner so there wasn't a lot left to worry about and I was able to have a piece and still stay under my goal.
    I never really officially started the March challenge, but I am still struggling with getting enough water so I'm still focusing on that. It is becoming very spring-like here so it is fun and easy to get the walks in.
    Have a great day. I hope we can soon quit talking about all the colds and flu. I'm sorry so many are struggling with illness.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Ooof what a week that was.

    I talked to a bankruptcy lawyer and after spending the remainder of the week gathering paperwork.... today I filed and my court date is set for 4/8.

    My apartment complex has a carpet cleaner coming in tomorrow so I had to get everything movable off the carpet (Just have my bedroom left to do tomorrow morning last thing and a really good vacuuming tonight).

    All the stress of the last week pushed MowMow AND Book both into cat flu outbreaks. Book just has watery eyes but MowMow is a full blown snot factory and feeling like crap. So I have to cram an appetite stimulator down MowMow's throat twice a day to be sure he eats enough and I have to add extra water to his canned food to make sure he's staying hydrated enough. They BOTH get Llysine twice a day to try and slow the virus down so their bodies can push it back to remission.

    Home from work today so I can steam MowMow every few hours to open up his congestion and of course since he's a big drama king Mama's boy I have to spend hours laying on the bed and cradling him while he curls up and sleeps.

    So, no weight loss or exercise last week. PLENTY this weekend purging the apartment of boxes of stuff to good will, bags of shredded papers to recycling and bags of junk into the dumpster.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member

    Back from a wonderful visit with my grands--eldest was 14 last week! She and I are 1 day apart with b'days and try to celebrate together each year. I tell her she was my 50th birthday present.

    Trying to get a grip on my calorie intake. I'm having that dreaded cardiac ablation next week (March 19th) and want to get my nervous noshing under control. Cardiac mapping is Wednesday. That's not scary--just a CT with contrast, I hope.

    Goals: to get 30 minutes of cardio in each day and 3 sessions of weight training this week (one will be on my own as med. stuff is complicating my life). When I have my ablation, I won't be able to work out for at least a week :cry: but I have all three seasons of Downton Abbey on CD and plan to watch until bleary eyed---or hubby bans me from the TV room!

    skinnyjeanz: your challenges are positively daunting!

    grandmakaye: I so want a food processor!. My daughter loves hers. I got an illuminated magnifying mirror for my b'day. Now I can see all those wrinkles and weird facial hairs so much better.:ohwell:

    Have a great week, everyone.
  • Freemyskinny
    Hey ya guys.

    Monday, how am I.?? I feel like throwin' up. :/ today will be the longest day of my life...

    MOWOW.. i need your help. can you please Msg me when you have the time.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    freemyskinny- Hope you are feeling better soon. Why is today so long for you?

    Just quickly checking in before I leave work and head to the gym. It should be a great workout tonight. I hope to push it to see how my knee holds up. This will be the first hard workout involving the knees since I angered the bursa. At least my trainer will be there to provide some support and form corrections.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    Monday Check-in I started my journey over and now due to surgery and bed rest I have a lot of work to do. I know it will take a while but I am in it for the long haul and no matter how long it takes, I will reach my weight loss journey. I hope everyone enjoy their day.

    @ robin love the new pic btw I hope you enjoyed your trip.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Wow, busy board again.

    Monday check in. Weekend was good, but food challenges with pizza supper and cupcakes for my son's 15th b-day. However, I did order all the pizzas with thin crust and light sauce, and one half pizza for me with only veggies so while I still ate too much, the choices were better than they might have been. Oh, also ate ice cream - loads of peanut butter treats. Loved it going down, but paid for it the next day with an upset stomach. Spent most of yesterday sleeping in my chair! I hate this time change! This week is march break for my ds, so I'm working 1/2 days. We've already been to the gym today. Tomorrow is car to garage, bank and then run when we get home. The end of the week is my ds' hockey tournament. The only anticipated challenge there will be the buffet dinner Saturday night.

    Will read through and post some personals later, I hope.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Grammywhammy You made me laugh. I have said for a long time that far-sightedness is a gift from Heavenly Father so we can't see how wrinkled our faces are getting (and all the extra hairs, too). Glad you are back. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Cassarah - welcome - hope you enjoy this thread and the support it will give you. You've picked some great new habits. Kudos especially on the walking - what a great exercise!

    Kaye - Happy early birthday. Enjoy your food processor. It sounds like there's nothing your afraid to tackle in the kitchen.

    Vickie - did you mention your birthday is coming up?

    MOwMOw - Ooof - really it DOES sound like a stressful week but getting that bankruptcy dealt with will be a blessing when its over and you start afresh. So sorry your kitties are ill - you are the best kitty momma ever for taking such good care of them! I thought I was the only one who took time off from work when I had a sick pet (boy did that ever P.O. my former boss!)

    G-Whammy - Happy 50th Birthday! I have one of those wrinkle-counting mirrors too - without it I could never get my eyebrows to match - as thin and as mismatched as they are, I've had to have them tattooed to fill them in - that was the best thing I've ever done (ooo I've said too much!)
    I will keep you in my thoughts as you go through your heart ablation - which I know is a tad scary for you and those around you. So if you nosh a little more than usual, don't beat yourself up. Soon it will be over - the passage of time is your friend here.

    Freeskinny - hope you're feeling better by the time you read this -

    Laurie - good luck with your knee. I trust you and your trainer to keep things in line for a good workout.

    Tearjar - glad to see ya around!

    Update - I'm over my bronchitis - and saw the dentist. Don't need a root canal - Whee whoo - but some gum surgery and then a crown on a tooth I've been nursing along. The anticipated cost hurts worse than the prodding he did today. :noway:

    Oh, that's right, this is about DIETING AND LIFESTYLE CHANGE - uh, well, uh....... I have decided to change my calorie goals. I had set them to lose 1 lb. a week. Since I have lost NOTHING in months I am resetting my calories downward so I will be losing 2 lbs a week. Hopefully I will see some movement in the scale soon.

    March Goals - to reawaken my abdominal muscles and to learn to like doing back and stomach exercises. So far so good.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good Monday Afternoon my friends. I hope we are all off to a great start to the week. So far the day has gone well. I am enjoying spending time with my husband and I have still amnaged to get in some exercise and we have been eating pretty good. I was hoping for a nice loss at my weigh in this morning but tom came sneaking up to me in the night and so no such luck. Next week should be decent though since there was no gain with the arrival of my little friend. Not much going on around here right now just enjoying having my husband home and taking it one day at a time. Have a great day everyone and remember to drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Gorilla- sounds l;ike you had a very busy and active weekend.....take a break by going to work :laugh:
    can't remember what i did this weekend.....must have been boring

    we have received a rainfall warning for lower, coastal British Columbia starting later today and lasting till the weekend....oh joy.....
    should have been out cutting my lawn today but took my bike out for the first knee needs a bit more oil but did not too bad.....i did not fall off or pass out so all is to the gym later