Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Well, I have gained 2#! That gives me a net loss for March of 1#. It is frustrating. My losses have been so good and so consistent. I'm doing nothing differently so I don't quite know what to do. I decided I would try to eat more, but that is really hard. I didn't quite make goal yesterday, but I was very satisfied. I don't want to eat more than I need. Maybe the St. Patrick's Day menu will be more calorie packed. I don't like being stalled like this. I really want to be in ONEderland by my birthday in May. That's 13# away. It was very doable at the old loss rates, but now I'm not so sure.
    Have a fun day. Don't forget to wear your green (my favorite color).
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Happy St. Pat's Day! have done a lot of soulful thinking this last week. It's taken a while to recover from my oral surgery and mainly stayed in the house. Decided I'm going about this the wrong way. I eat way too much processed food, so today, I'm starting cooking healthy again. I may just do that for a week without logging it and then weigh myself and see what happens. As long as I'm eating healthy foods, I'm hoping to lose weight. I know some of you may think this is an awful approach, but I'm going to experiment and see how it goes. IF it doesn't work, then I'll start logging in again next week.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good morning friends--I fear this is becoming the "let's lecture Hannah about her anorexic behavior" thread. I for one refuse to get sucked into that pattern, so I will no longer be commenting on her negative behaviors--especially since she doesn't respond to the advice given (which makes me think she's just a troll trying to sabotage our nice supportive group). Even if she's not intentionally doing so, her posts are going to draw in all of the negative forces out there in MFP-land and ruin the best thread on this site.

    @kaye--have you tried zig-zagging your calories? This is where you continue to eat for your current weight loss goal throughout the week, but eat more on some days and less on others. The theory behind the method is that, after a while, your body gets used to your net intake and adjusts your metabolism to accommodate. If you zig-zag, it means some days you're going over the suggested calories, but other days you are under. Over the course of a week, it should even out though. I find it works well for me; however, it takes more effort to track which is why I don't do it all the time.

    @liz--congrats on building endurance for those longer workouts! :drinker:

    @sara--I honestly can't think of an exercise I detest more than burpees--ugh!

    @susan--what kind of dog is Izzy? Congrats to your son for his baseball win!

    @marsha--sorry about your water heater--ours died a couple of years ago and it was a nightmare with getting it replaced b/c the sub-floor underneath was rotted out, so that had to be done as well. I won't go into the boring details, but we were without hot water for several days. I wish you a much speedier fix. :smile:

    @tammy--glad the hubby is being so supportive and you are enjoying his time at home. :flowerforyou:

    @bailey--congrats on completing week 2!! :drinker:

    Sunday Share:
    Had a fun time at garetie's St. Paddy's day party last night. Ate too many yummy treats, but was still under for the day due to my exercise. Today is a fun-fiiled day of grading--NOT. :ohwell:

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/57 Motif charts
    2. 8/16 2 paragraph essays
    3. x/16 ACT practice essays
    4. 5/15 JRPs

    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym (long run) DONE
    Sun--walk gunner
    Mon--walk gunner + core
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner + core
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner

    March challenges- In Like a lamb- out like a lion
    1. do core routine at least 3x week (wk 1 = 1/3) (wk 2 = 3/3)
    2. add upright rows and shoulder presses to my core routine (wk 1 = 3 sets of 15 reps each) (wk 2 = 3 sets of 15 reps each)
    3. increase hold time for planks (wk 1: regular forearm = 40 sec. and straight-arm side planks = 45 sec.) (wk 2: regular forearm = 60 sec.+ 50 sec. + 60 sec. and forearm side planks = 25 sec.+ 25 sec. + 25 sec.)
    4. increase push up reps (wk 1 = 14) (wk 2 = 15 + 15 + 15)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Happy St. Pat's Day! have done a lot of soulful thinking this last week. It's taken a while to recover from my oral surgery and mainly stayed in the house. Decided I'm going about this the wrong way. I eat way too much processed food, so today, I'm starting cooking healthy again. I may just do that for a week without logging it and then weigh myself and see what happens. As long as I'm eating healthy foods, I'm hoping to lose weight. I know some of you may think this is an awful approach, but I'm going to experiment and see how it goes. IF it doesn't work, then I'll start logging in again next week.

    I don't think this is a horrible approach b/c, in theory, you should eat less calories by cutting processed foods. I do, however, know that prior to trying MFP, I tried this and didn't lose weight b/c I was still eating too much of the healthy foods. Of course, that was before I ever logged anything--I had very little knowledge of calorie counts or serving size. Since you've been logging and have some knowledge of calorie counts and portion sizes, you will probably be more successful. And, as you said, you can always start logging again if you don't see results.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Hello friends----Happy St. Patrick's Day to all! I'm wearing my green today and although I'm a Heinz 57 in background my Grandmother told me there was a wee bit of English and Irish in her background so I'm claiming it today. Going to try making a new kind of cabbage salad later today. I've made fresh almond milk this morning and probably will make some kale chips later today.'s a cooking day here!!

    NSV---I've always had the driver's seat in my vehicles all the way back as I have long legs BUT since I had so much me to squeeze in as well I had the seats tipped back (partially reclined). I finally realized this week that I'm really stretching to reach the wheel now because most of the bulk is gone. My seats are now in the upright position! (My back is thanking me....)

    My goal is to be healthier AND to hit that magic normal BMI number. I set my goal originally without lots of thought---I just had a number in mind. This week I also did some calculations and found that in 10 more lbs. I will actually fit the medical definition of normal BMI. I'm not changing my goal but it somehow lightened my load to realize I'm relatively close to that milestone. Now if my body will cooperate with my healthy eating and activity I should achieve that goal this year. I know, lots of wildcards out there including my unbalanced synthroid dosage and unexpected medical problems or injuries.......but, I am feeling very hopeful, very, very, hopeful.

    Time to try to call my dad at the nursing home. He often hangs up on me 4 or 5 times saying he can't hear me. It can turn into a marathon. Hoping it goes well this time.

    Virtual hugs to everyone----wishing you all well. Be well, may you overcome all obstacles.


  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Top o' the mornin' to ya! Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

    I hope everyone has enjoyed their St. Patty's celebrations, I did not partake in any this year - was supposed to do a 5k yesterday but had to skip it because of my injury. In fact, I ended up seeing my doctor on Friday - he ordered an MRI which is being done early tomorrow morning. I should have results by end of day or Tuesday since I'm having it done at work (my job does have its perks - free radiology testing).

    Saturday Success~Not much to report, I did make it to the gym for a low-impact workout that didn't put any stress on my Achilles. In the afternoon I had my massage, he worked on the injured area some - which left quite a bit of soreness last night. Sorry, I feel like such a downer lately while I figure out this injury and find the patience to let it heal. On another note, while I'm eating too many sea salt and turbinado sugar dark chocolate covered almonds from Trader Joe's everything else is on point. While I can't control what is going on with my Achilles at least I can try and control the other things.
    Good morning friends--I fear this is becoming the "let's lecture Hannah about her anorexic behavior" thread. I for one refuse to get sucked into that pattern, so I will no longer be commenting on her negative behaviors--especially since she doesn't respond to the advice given (which makes me think she's just a troll trying to sabotage our nice supportive group). Even if she's not intentionally doing so, her posts are going to draw in all of the negative forces out there in MFP-land and ruin the best thread on this site.

    @Karen~Thank you for this. I haven't responded to any of those posts, because it just makes me plain angry - I honestly feel like its added toxicity to a thread that is otherwise a mostly positive place for us to be so we can support one another. So, thank you for addressing it.

    Want to get to the gym early so I can get in a little extra cardio before meeting up with my trainer. I will stop by later this afternoon for Sunday share and personals. Hugs to everyone!
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Okay, first off: Hannah, I'm not YOUR doctor, but I am A doctor. And I have bitten my tongue before this, but I am about to lecture just a little. Please bear with me. Three things:
    1. Your goal should never be to exercise off every calorie you consumed today. Shoot for 1200 NET (after exercise). Meaning, if you burned 1400, please eat 2600. It's possible to do this without eating crap.
    2. Killing yourself in the gym or restricting your intake too much does not accelerate weight loss. Slow and steady wins because heroic measures are not sustainable.
    3. If you haven't talked to your own doc about your goals, please do. And make the effort to educate yourself about nutrition and exercise (ideally from reputable sources!)

    Okay, off the soapbox for now. Sorry if that came across as rude. It's not meant to be. Just don't want to see you hurting yourself when that's not your intent.

    ^ This. Thank you. And also, Hannah, I've seen you in other message boards telling people to eat little calories and burn it all off in the gym. NOT okay. PLEASE take our advice and do your research before telling others how to go about losing weight.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Had an okay breakfast today. Disappointed in myself for having a few bits of a brownie :/ planning on relaxing and cutting some coupons, then at 630 pm gonna git the gym. Gonna get it probably alittle over an hour workout. My goal is to work out all of the calories ive eaten today so far. Which by then will probably be about 600. We'll see. :)

    I am really worried about you. It looks like you are exercising way too much and eating way too little, which is only going to lead to anorexia. You should be eating AT LEAST 1000 calories a day (preferably 1200) AFTER exercise. Which means that if you burn 600 calories at the gym, you need to eat 1600 calories. Your body NEEDS food. Under-nourishing your body does not lead to healthy weight loss, only medical problems. Please see a doctor or nutritionist to help you plan a healthy weight loss program.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Went to the gym and met my goal of burning tons of calories :) I burned almost 1400 calories by working out for two hours. Ate alot of calories though but its mainly because my subway sandwich was almost 900! which i find crazy since i didnt even have cheese on it. i dont see how thats bad. its kinda frustrating actually that i eat one sandwich and am almost over my calorie limit not including the fact that that is one darn sandwich. ugh.

    It's usually the bread and dressings (ie, mayo) that add so many. Try a tortilla wrap or lettuce wrap and have mustard instead of mayo to reduce the calories.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Happy St. Pat's!

    Sunday Share: Today we are having our annual corned beef and cabbage dinner. It's in the crockpot now, and I hope it turns out yummy, I used a different recipe. In other news, one of my avocados is ripe! I'm excited to have one for my lunch soon. I'm thinking about what to do for fitness today. I did chest and arms after my run yesterday, and my arms kill, but my triceps look beautiful!! I thought about doing my kettlebell video, but I don't know yet. I'm pretty sore. I'm also thinking about giving 30ds another shot next month. I still want to complete all of the JM videos I have...someday.

    Goals for this week, fitness and otherwise:
    Sunday(tonight)- gym or video at home, place Pure Romance order, finish laundry
    Monday- c25k, follow-up calls (Pure Romance)
    Tuesday- strength and planks, clean office and bathrooms
    Wednesday- c25k
    Thursday- strength and planks, open April calendar
    Friday- c25k, finish tax stuff, vacuum/dust/windows

    Drink more water, finish books from library, create a spring cleaning calendar.

    I'm starting to feel the spring cleaning bug lol.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    I did really well with my eating at the retreat this weekend. The food there is AMAZING and I had four meals! But I was very good. I allowed myself one bite of the side dishes that I love but that aren't healthy and mostly at the meat and healthier veggies. For breakfast, I managed to pass up the pancakes and maple syrup made on site, and had eggs and bacon instead. I just ate the insides of the sandwiches for lunch (taking off the bread), and didn't eat any of the cakes, pies or brownies that were available! And, the best part? I didn't feel at all deprived.

    We also had dance rehearsal (part of our performance is dancing along with singing) so I got some exercise. I am feeling it this morning!

    I weighed in and am the same as I was on Friday so I think I survived my first major temptation rather well!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Just a heads up that if there is a poster that you'd rather not deal with or see their posts you can 'ignore' them. Next to their name (under their avatar) there is a down arrow. Click it and scroll down to click on ignore user. This should block you from having to see their posts.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    I did really well with my eating at the retreat this weekend. The food there is AMAZING and I had four meals! But I was very good. I allowed myself one bite of the side dishes that I love but that aren't healthy and mostly at the meat and healthier veggies. For breakfast, I managed to pass up the pancakes and maple syrup made on site, and had eggs and bacon instead. I just ate the insides of the sandwiches for lunch (taking off the bread), and didn't eat any of the cakes, pies or brownies that were available! And, the best part? I didn't feel at all deprived.

    We also had dance rehearsal (part of our performance is dancing along with singing) so I got some exercise. I am feeling it this morning!

    I weighed in and am the same as I was on Friday so I think I survived my first major temptation rather well!

    Congrats!! Sounds like a stellar weekend! My St Pat's Day is just starting, but I don't celebrate it usually, so no biggie. Will drop by later. Just had to give you props for this, Des, because it's not easy to walk away from comfort foods. :smile:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    New pic is Zoe acting crazy. She has been so infatuated with the pantry, I finally discovered she’s been playing in this empty box – I pulled it out of the pantry this afternoon and it has kept both her and me entertained!

    Sunday Share~For all the newlings – I’m Kelley, 44, and an accountant in north central Texas. I moved here from upstate NY nearly 18 years ago and love it! I’ve been on this weight loss journey (as I call it) for several years. I lost the bulk of my weight on Weight Watchers and then after they switched to their new plan a year or so ago I just wasn’t having the results I wanted. So, I opted to switch to MFP, joined a gym, and hired a personal trainer. Along the way I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue and then subsequently with hypothyroidism - both of which made losing weight frustrating. I recovered from the adrenal fatigue, did elimination diet to find some food sensitivities and started hypothyroidism meds – all of which have helped the scale move in a downward trend again. I’ve lost another 45 pounds since finding this thread, so I owe a lot of my consistency to being able to check in here daily. My trainer keeps me motivated, constantly challenges me and is so great about working through my challenges (most recently Achilles tendon injury) and helping me to modify things so I don’t give up when faced with these challenges (most people would throw in the towel) – he is worth every penny. Right now we're worried I might end up in a boot, so keeping our fingers crossed that doesn't happen!

    @Kaye~Sometimes it takes our bodies time to respond to new calorie patterns, so if the weight loss has stalled it is just your body adjusting. Hang in there, it will let go of that weight again.

    @Marsha~Thank goodness for your son coming to the rescue to install the new hot water heater!

    @Shrinkrapt~Burpees are evil!

    @Meloncholy~I think eliminating processed foods is a great idea. Sometimes we need to take a break from journaling, so I won’t lecture you on that. :wink: I cut out processed foods and you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel. Good luck with this change this week, I hope the scale cooperates!

    @Des~Excellent job with temptations this weekend!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--love the new pic! cats are so funny. :laugh:

    @kris--thanks for the tip.

    @awesome job staying in control at your retreat!! :drinker:

    @bailey--sounds like you have a yummy dinner in the works. My husband always cooks the corned beef and cabbage and he works all day today, so we are opting to have it either tomorrow or Tuesday (his days off this week). Enjoy!

    @lin--wow only 10 lbs from "normal" BMI--that's so incredible!! I can't wait until I get to that point. :flowerforyou:

    Sunday Share:
    Well it's a week until Spring Break and I'm really trying to get some grading under my belt. Just listing the bare minumum I would like to complete today. I actually have 57 Junior Research Papers (#3 on my list) as well as a few other essays I'm not even listing here b/c I didn't bring them home. I will be very happy if I get through 10 more JRPs b/c that's half a class. :smile:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 57/57 Motif charts DONE
    2. 16/16 2 paragraph essays DONE
    3. 5/15 JRPs

    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym (long run) DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner + core
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner + core
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner

    March challenges- In Like a lamb- out like a lion
    1. do core routine at least 3x week (wk 1 = 1/3) (wk 2 = 3/3)
    2. add upright rows and shoulder presses to my core routine (wk 1 = 3 sets of 15 reps each) (wk 2 = 3 sets of 15 reps each)
    3. increase hold time for planks (wk 1: regular forearm = 40 sec. and straight-arm side planks = 45 sec.) (wk 2: regular forearm = 60 sec.+ 50 sec. + 60 sec. and forearm side planks = 25 sec.+ 25 sec. + 25 sec.)
    4. increase push up reps (wk 1 = 14) (wk 2 = 15 + 15 + 15)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Sorry, I have been off-line for a couple of days and have had to catch up with everyone - so personals will be spotty.

    Happy St. Paddys Day -Everyone!

    Shrink- i'm excited by your boot camp gym prospect - let us know how the free trial works out.

    Skinny - thanks for your expressive comments regarding this groups concern towards a new member and said member not commenting back: I think you were RIGHT ON!

    I do hope you and Laurie are left with free time on spring break.

    Kah- but I hope your MRI shows nothing terrible. I know your in a world of hurt right now anyway, having to miss your race :cry:

    Also - I love kittehs in boxes - :love:

    Lin: That must be a great feeling to know your so close to changing your BMI - WOOT!
    Sorry you have to have a shouting match to be heard by your dad... so rough on your heart.....

    Des - sounds like a lovely good for your soul, all that singing and dancing ...:flowerforyou:

    Me - I am fighting temptation a lot - and not logging food. My heart is not with the program right now, but thank God the program is right here for me. somehow, I manage to stumble through each day not binging or gorging myself, just eating a little too much here and there, and of the same kind of food I'd eat if I were logging mostly.
    I'm not getting my walks in, and don't know if its because of that, or my other health problems, but I feel so run down - I just can't get myself going lately. Oh well, tomorrow is another day!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging comments. Karen, you are right on about the anorexic. I think that I will take the opportunity to ignore her. Thanks for addressing the issue. Also, I like the idea of zig-zagging. It would be easier than eating high everyday.
    Today I will not have any problem making my full goal. I made Irish soda bread to go with the corned beef and cabbage. I was surprised how high in calories it is.
    I usually have to walk alone on Sunday. I guess DH thinks he needs a day off. It was a nice walk. Its a bit colder today than last week, but really sunny. I'm so grateful to be able to walk again!
    Des-good job on the retreat.
    Lin-Good job on being so close to a normal BMI.
    Robin-Hang in there. We need you!!
    I'm really bad at personals. By the time I get to posting, I have forgotten who is doing what. But congratulations for all of the successes.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Good morning friends--I fear this is becoming the "let's lecture Hannah about her anorexic behavior" thread. I for one refuse to get sucked into that pattern, so I will no longer be commenting on her negative behaviors--especially since she doesn't respond to the advice given (which makes me think she's just a troll trying to sabotage our nice supportive group). Even if she's not intentionally doing so, her posts are going to draw in all of the negative forces out there in MFP-land and ruin the best thread on this site.

    Thank you for this, Karen. I can't help but think it's attention seeking behaviour and the poster is really not interested in our help or feedback since she hasn't once responded to anyone's suggestions or concern. I just can't bring myself to give my attention and concern to someone who doesn't really seem interested in accepting or "listening" to the good advice she's been given here. If what she posts is indeed the truth of her situation, she needs more help than most of us can give her and she's not interesting in getting that help. Definitely going to ignore her (thanks for the tip MowMow) but it's unfortunate to have something this potentially negative in this great thread. You said it much better than I could have, Karen.

    Busy week with a few challenges - did well until Thursday when my son's hockey tournament started. Then it was busy, busy, busy and not great food choices - although they could have been worse. No exercise either. But the tournament was awesome - 65teams from 3 different countries (England, Canada & USA) all players with a developmental disabilty of some kind. It was amazing! But I've realized I need my exercise to keep my mood up. I was feeling kinda of sad by last night. It happens to be the TOM when that happens, but it was worse than it had been the last couple of months. Got to the gym this afternoon for my weights & elliptical and my mood has improved a lot since I got home. I really must remember that.

    @Kaye, I agree, zigzag a bit and see what happens. Forgive me, but I don't recall if you are close to your final goal or not - if so, remember, loss can slow down the closer you get to goal. Unfortunately....

    @lin - sorry your calls with your dad become marathons, hope you don't take it to heart (although I can see why a person would!) Also, congrats on being so close to that healthy BMI #

    @Mel - we are all on a journey and we all have to try different things to determine what will work best for us. Cutting out the processed foods is a great idea - I've cut out a lot of them - mostly because of the sodium content. Even made my own salsa today (it's a liiiittle too hot, but mixed into a recipe, it's ok). As for not logging, I agree with Karen - since you already know about measuring etc. it's bound to help you, even if you don't log it. You may be amazed how things go by eliminating processed foods - the sodium alone might make a difference.

    Gosh, I'm trying to remember personals off the top of my head, but my brain just isn't remembering anything else. So, congrats on all those NSV's, sending my best positive vibes to those suffering illness or injury.

    As for me, my name is Jennifer, I'm 44 yrs young, I have one child, a son, who has special needs. I have been a single parent since before he was born. I live in Southern Ontario, Canada. I currently have high blood pressure and had been very close to diabetic. Thankfully the diabetes number has dropped and I aim to keep it that way. Don't know if I will be able to get off the blood pressure meds, maybe, maybe not. Either way, it's ok. I'm hoping to reach my first 10% loss goal by the end of the month. That's maybe 4 more lbs. I weighed today and finally dropped into that elusive next " 10" so I may only be 2 lbs away. I don't record my weigh in until Fridays. Once I reach that goal, I will change my goal to the next 10% goal. I really, really hope I can do that by the end of the month. I joined a gym in February so I could incorporate more weight lifting into my weekly routine. I love lifting. Makes me feel strong. I'm also working on slowly increasing my running time/distance until I get to 5k - hope to be there by the end of April. Anyway, there's a little bit about me.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    @Skinny: Our dinner was fantastic, and hubby loves corned beef so it was good to make a meal he really enjoys instead of just saying so. I agree with you about the Hannah thread thing. I've given up on hoping she (whoever she is) will change and eat better. My main concern now is spitting off that horrible advice to other people.

    I didn't get to my gym/video today, time just seems to slip away sometimes. But I'm excited to start c25k week 3 tomorrow! I have a friend who is a Beach Body trainer (whatever that is) and suggested I try Insanity. She's my most consistent workout buddy, and shares a lot of my same goals and struggles. I'm thinking about taking that plunge. Have any of you tried it?
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Good morning friends--I fear this is becoming the "let's lecture Hannah about her anorexic behavior" thread. I for one refuse to get sucked into that pattern, so I will no longer be commenting on her negative behaviors--especially since she doesn't respond to the advice given (which makes me think she's just a troll trying to sabotage our nice supportive group). Even if she's not intentionally doing so, her posts are going to draw in all of the negative forces out there in MFP-land and ruin the best thread on this site.

    With ya on that one. Said my peace, and my next follow up is (unfortunately) unfriending her. Just don't need the bad vibes.

    Moving on...
    *FINALLY* saw some movement on the scale this week!!! :bigsmile:
    Noticing a lot more NSVs (but small ones), with clothes fitting differently, etc.... don't really see a difference in the measurement numbers, so that's a bit boggling..

    Discovered that I can have my fajita fix ... I don't need the cheese or tortilla (even the low cal ones)... it makes a pretty awesome salad if you throw the chicken & veg on top of a big bowl of salady-goodness. YUM.

    WATER TAG, folks! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: