What can you do now that you couldn't do 30 days ago?



  • candrusiak
    candrusiak Posts: 11 Member
    I can buy jeans at Walmart! No more Big & Tall store for me!
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    I can squat 130lbs, deadlift 135lbs, bench 55lbs and barbell row 80lbs. :)

    Oh and I can run for 40 minutes straight on the treadmill with an incline of 2.0!
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    I just started one month ago - and my improvements are not as grand as others...but here goes

    I can swim 10 laps in my above ground pool without getting tired.

    I get up off my *kitten* to get my own drink or snack, instead of asking the kids to go fetch it for me

    I can ride my bike around a 3 block route twice before my knees start to hurt

    I am 7.4 pounds lighter

    I have went from 45.3 BMI to 44.1 BMI

    We all started some where! Great job...just think what you'll be able to do one month from now!
  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    I can fit into my regular clothes again
    I can wear midriff shirts without embarrassment
    My favorite jeans don't give me muffin top anymore
    I call tell my friends my real weight now without having to fudge the numbers
    I can watch my BF eat an entire pizza right in front of me and I won't be tempted

    There was a time when I wouldn't go out in anything but my BF's loose shirts because all my shirts are tight-cut and I couldn't stand the idea of someone seeing my fat. His best friend would joke to him, "You need to take this girl shopping... doesn't she have any clothes of her own?" I refused to buy fat shirts because I didn't plan to stay that size. It was good motivation.
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    Sounds little compared to everyone, but have issues with my knees so....mine would be......

    Get off the floor without "thinking" about it.

    We all started somewhere, small steps add up to large ones!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Boy pushups! Nose to the ground baby!
  • seliinac
    seliinac Posts: 336 Member
    Sounds little compared to everyone, but have issues with my knees so....mine would be......

    Get off the floor without "thinking" about it.

    Mine is similar. I found myself swinging my right leg over my weight bench and getting up without putting that leg down on the ground first. And my knee didn't buckle!

    It's not little! It's fantastic!
  • rachelwarner32
    rachelwarner32 Posts: 96 Member
    I can make it through an Insanity workout without taking breaks or wanting to :sad: ! Day 42 today :happy:
  • Lookmeintheeyes135
    Bump. I wanna read these, they are very motivating!
  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    Bump. I wanna read these, they are very motivating!

    I smile everytime I come back and read them.

    Thanks all for the encouragement!
  • Adriam88
    Adriam88 Posts: 78 Member
    Wow nice job everyone!

    In the past month I've discovered yoga as part of a healthy lifestyle, I've been able to progress to doing most of the poses on Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown almost flawlessly, I've started going for walks/trying to get back into running & I've lost almost 10 lbs so far! (which is 1/3 of the way to my goal weight). Happy Saturday everyone!
  • taro1971
    Great job everyone! I love that we can celebrate every success. :)
    I can walk 3 miles at a 2.7-3mph pace. 30 days ago I was was at 20 minutes at a 2.4 mph pace. I can feel muscles in my calves again and am sleeping much better. And I can do real jumping jacks.
  • evviamarshall
    evviamarshall Posts: 80 Member
    I can run a mile without stopping now, and I can do camel pose during yoga.
  • Bigblondelady
    Bigblondelady Posts: 56 Member
    this is since March I now can get on my bike and not want to stop at 5 min, I now feel it at 45 or so. and l keep going
    I have gone down from a 26-28 to a 22-24 and honey that was squeezing in the 26-28s
    I missed being able to wear some of the old clothes in my closet , they are too big now
    I can cross my legs.
    paint my own toenails
    I have given away bags of clothes
    I look a whole lot sexier lol
    I like the me I see in the mirror
    I am able to get in the floor and play with the grandbabies. bonus and get back up
    I now have a cute button noise again
    My cheeks are not over round and puffy looking
    I am now in the 200"s haven't been here for 15 years or so.
    I have great friends to help me see past lives hurtles and my family are now on board with me too
  • enchantedgardener
    enchantedgardener Posts: 214 Member
    I've increased my jogging speed from 3.8 mph to 4.3 mph.
    I can run 20 minutes on days when I don't have tons of energy and up to 40 minutes on days when I do.
    I can wear size 14 pants without my tummy bulging at the waist.
  • alpdexplorer
    alpdexplorer Posts: 251 Member
    I can bend over with my hands flat on the floor without bending my knees! (:
    (I had trouble just bending over to tie my shoes before!)

    I am 11 lbs. lighter!

    I can do an entire workout video (1 hour) without having to take a break!

    I am able to get down on the floor and not have as much problem getting back up!
    (I have knee problems, too, so that's another reason I couldn't get back up off of the floor very well before)

    I don't have to jump and suck in to get into my work pants! (Definite WIN!)

    That's all I can think of at the moment. If I have more I'll add them later on. (:
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    One month ago I was wincing at the thought of increasing my run intervals from 3 to 5 min.... Now I am running for 8 min. and doing 3/4 mile in that time!!! One year ago I was not exercising at all because every time I tried, I fell due to vertigo!!!
  • tonytedesco
    tonytedesco Posts: 68 Member
    Put on my socks without difficulty. Seriously I couldn't do it at all standing up and when sitting I had to have my foot resting on something to be able to keep it in a place I could reach. low and behold it had nothing to do with short arms lol

    That was about 60 days ago though...
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    I can run for 22 minutes!
  • loveanddestroyx
    loveanddestroyx Posts: 185 Member
    30 days ago I was 10 pounds heavier. I also couldn't do squats without the soreness. Now I don't get sore anymore, and squats are a breeze.