Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi--back from a long weekend. I've kept up with your posts but so many people already responded with great advice, so I don't have too many personals.

    @robin--happy 3 year anniversary!! :drinker: I also want to thank you for starting this thread!

    @laurie--congrats on finishing your race yesterday--that's awesome that you ran the 2 miles straight! I still have days when I can't do that.

    @toots-a marathon is such a great goal!! I echo the advice you already got from others and will add to make sure you have really, really good shoes that are right for your particular needs. Go to a specialty running store to get fitted so you know exactly what's right for your feet.

    @helena--deputy is adorable! Gunner gets a new bandanna each time he visits the salon, and he actually gets a bit upset when I take it off of him. :laugh: I save all of them, and someday when he's gone, I will have a quilt made out of them.

    @kris--your "bowling ball with legs" comment made me laugh. :laugh: I bet you don't really look like that though.

    Welcome to all of the newlings!!! :flowerforyou: I promise you will all get personals from me at some point as I get to know you.

    Sunday Share:
    I managed to do "okay" with food yesterday at Irishfest--not great but all of the walking and dancing canceled out the eating and drinking.

    Today, I drove back from Milwaukee straight to my parents' in Chicago b/c my cousin was in town and had to leave for the airport around 2 pm. I managed to get there by noon and got to visit with her for awhile. I then came home and ran outside with gunner which was nice though it was a bit warm.

    Hubby made pizza for dinner, but I stayed under calories. Not the best weekend in terms of macros, but I still managed high protein both days. Too many carbs yesterday and too much sodium both days, but tomorrow will be back to healthier choices.

    I start back to work on Friday and the kids return on Monday. :cry:

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk at festival DONE + dance at festival DONE
    Sun--run outside w/gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner (going to Ravinia to see Journey)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym if time (hair and pedi appt)
    Fri--walk gunner (festival so more dancing)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Wow--no activity since I posted at 10 last night? :noway: I hope that means all of my fellow insomniacs slept well.

    Monday Check-in:
    I haven't updated my Virtual TransAmerica trail miles in a week or so--I will do that and post my progress later today. I finished both LOTR trails awhile back, so this is the only one I'm still tracking.

    Today the scale was back up to 190, but everything I've read says that when you first increase your calories you should expect about a 5 lb bump. I've also had a surplus of sodium and alcohol over the past few days, so that is surely a factor as well. Supposedly, if I stick to plan the weight will go back down and then more pounds will drop. Fingers crossed...

    Gunner's eyes are finally all healed up and his energy is up this morning, so I think the worst of the allergies have passed. He's prancing around the house trying to lure one of us into playing with him.

    DH wants to go shopping for new boots today, so we will be off to the mall in a bit. He hates to shop, so this should be fun (not).

    I have the gym scheduled for today, but the lawn is looking pretty raggedy so I may mow that instead.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk at festival DONE + dance at festival DONE
    Sun--run outside w/gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner (going to Ravinia to see Journey)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym if time (hair and pedi appt)
    Fri--walk gunner (festival so more dancing)
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    Sorry I didn't post all weekend, but I did log my food. I weighed in this morning and lost 7 lbs. I'm scared to get too excited about that because the last time that happened, the next week I gained 4 lbs. : / I've managed to get some exercise in everyday this past week which I'm excited about. I haven't caught up on everyone yet, but so far looks like everyone had a pretty good weekend. When I dropped the boys off at school this morning, one of the afterschool teachers told me how good I was looking :) That was nice because she had no idea I had been trying to lose weight. That's the best compliments to receive.

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • sirtxt
    sirtxt Posts: 39
    Good Morning All,

    I DID IT!!! I was able to eat within my set calorie goal and not give into cravings over the weekend - typically Sundays. PLUS, I weighed this morning and 1 more pound is GONE!!!! YEAH!!!!!

    This morning, while driving to work, I thought it was funny that the verb "lost" is used with weight loss. To me "lost" gives the impression, I want something back. But I sure dont want the weight back!!!! LOL So, I am trying to think of another verb to use - maybe something that implies "good riddance" !!!! Any thoughts?

    Happy Monday

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @john--I've seen others on the forum boards make that same point and use different verbs: a few I can recall are "shed" and "abandoned" but I'm sure there are others. Regardless of how you phrase it, congrats on your success.

    @bj--7 lbs gone is great! And even if a few creep back on, you'll still be ahead of where you were, right? I often had the same thing happen when I used to have bigger losses, but I only adjust my ticker when I've dropped below my previous lowest weight, so I don't really care about a small fluctuation back up.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I did sleep better last night than I’ve slept in a while – the alarm on my phone actually woke me up this morning, not sure of the last time that happened! :noway:

    @Karen~That’s what is so scary about increasing the calories, hopefully your gain is from the weekend will be short-lived. Glad gunner’s eyes are better.

    @Vicki~Not sure I have any suggestions for GI problems, have you made any dietary changes lately? Sometimes too much protein, too much fat, or too much fiber can cause distress. The easiest way to determine what the problem may be is to try a food elimination diet, one food at a time (i.e. dairy, gluten, etc). Good luck with the Rockin’ Body DVDs…

    @John~Hooray for the “vanished” pound and kudos for not giving into cravings over the weekend. Great success all around! It’s been cooler in the evenings, have you tried the battle ropes yet?

    @BJ~Wow, seven pounds. Amazing!

    @Eeyeore~As M0wM0w said, eat less and move more – be consistent and write down every single thing you eat.

    AFM~Short week for me this week, taking a long weekend so off Friday-Monday. My mom told me about a hair guru in the area that specializes in curly hair, hoping to get in to see him on Friday – if not, I’ll wait until he has something available. He’s been doing my mom’s hair for a while now and she just loves him! So time to find someone that can work with these untamely curls! He does a dry cut, much better for curly girls. He’s located about 40 miles from my house, but think it will be worth the drive.

    Have a great day!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Monday Check-in: Omg! After I weighed in for my dietbets last week my brain went crazy. This whole week has been horrible with eating. Glad I was doing some major work around the house and yard so I maintained at least. But ugh...

    I think I'm starting to get overwhelmed with everything going on right now. I have a really hard time prioritizing things. For example, when someone looks at their house, they are able to say "today I'm going to get the dishes done, wipe down the counters, and pick up the living room...and tomorrow I'll tackle the computer desk"......when I look at it "ok...I need to do the dishes, wipe down the counters, wipe down the cabinets, clean the table, mop the floor, dust the top of the cabinets, clean off the computer desk, wipe down the walls, wash the dogs, mow the lawn, rebuild the shed...and more ...and more ... ALL TODAY ...*brain meltdown*"

    Which of course none of that helps with my calories because I'm stressing so I suddenly "don't have time" to eat right. I need to stop giving myself excuses .... :explode:

    RobinsEgg- I'm so glad you started the thread. It has helped people so much!

    sirtxt - Good job staying under this weekend!!

    BJCamp1978 - 7lbs that's great! Don't lose focus, you can keep this trend going. :)

    skinnyjeanzbo - I think the sodium and booze might be to blame. lol Keep it up for another week and see how it goes then. I had to google the TransAmerican. That looks pretty neat! Sorry to hear about Gunner, glad he seems to be doing better.

    Kaye: Dang that is a lot of kids and grandkids! Your family get togethers must be fantastic. :drinker:

    Lauriek70 - What is it with schools and always having food everywhere? lol Stay strong!

    pienthesky32 - My mom does couponing but is starting to stop since it became to popular. She said its just not worth it anymore because you can't find a newspapwer anywhere because of all the extreme coupon wannabes. lol

    1802 - You've come to the right place. Just stick with it and make some friends on here. The guilt from other people actually makes losing weight harder IMO. When you feel like your constantly being judged it can be emotionally draining. I do hope your friends and family get on board with you trying to lose weight and show you some support. Until then I hope you get what you need from MFP :)

    DoingThiisFor - The job situation sounds tuff and not a very good environment at all. :(

    Helenavee42 - Deputy is cute!

    Going to try and check in everyday this week and log my foods each day. Have a wonderful Monday! :flowerforyou:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Happy Monday friends. Sounds like everyone had a fairly good weekend. I spent most of yesterday in bed. I woke up at four in the morning yesterday to go to bathroom and tripped on a shoe box my doggie must have gotten ahold of. My head and my dresser connected in a nasty way. I made myself stay up for several hours but based on the headache nausea and slight dizziness I probably got a slight concussion out of it and spent the majority of the afternoon and evening in bed. I know i constantly seem to be posting about injuries lately. Hopefully I have used up the majority of my bad luck for now. I am happy to finally report a loss again on the scales. I lost one more pound and have officially made the 75 pound mark:bigsmile: I am very happy with that milestone but I have less then 3 pounds or twoderville and I am feeling very antsy about seeing that number on the scale.

    Robin I want to chime in with everyone else in thanking you for starting this thread. You have all played a major part in the success I have achieved.
    BJcamp awesome scale victory. Even if you gain a little back you are moving in the right direction.
    Laurie super congrats on your race. You are an amazing woman.
    Helena your doggie is adorable.
    Skinny glad to hear you had fun at your party and that deputy is feeling better.
    John you are doing great and I have had the same thought about using the word lost. I like shed personally. We are like reptiles shedding off our old skins and finding the awesome people that have always been hiding underneath.

    Well I am off to do some measuring. I am hoping to get a new sectional I found at a great price but it is going to be close if it will fit in my tiny living room:laugh: Have a great day everyone and go grab a nice big glass of water:drinker: :heart:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Pie - no, I'm not a big couponer, but I do watch for sales!

    KJeffries - Happy Anniversary to you. Your photography job sounds very fun and challenging.

    Kaye - you really had a full working summer didn't you! But you've lost a tremendous amount of weight - I'm waiting for you to post new pictures soon!

    Eeyeore - I have major depression and did have daily crying spells when I first started on anti-depressants. Stick with your medication and your doctor and keep adjusting the dose until the crying spells stop. We're all here for you and coming to this thread daily and posting just what you do daily will do you good and make you feel like your making friends and soon you'll feel like your part of the community. Try to log your food daily even if you go over your allotted number of calories, you learn so much by doing that. It really helped me slowly cut back on how much I was eating.

    skinny - is that dishwasher installed and working yet?

    BJ - WOOT! Congrats on your excellent loss!

    Sirtxt - BRILLIANT weekend - so proud of you - see you can DO IT!!!!

    Kah - glad you had a good visit with your grandmum and mum - and got a good hair referral out of it. I hear curly hair is guite troublesome - good luck with your haircut.

    NVirgo - so good to see you back again - I sympathize with your "overwhelming" situation! I get myself in the same fix every day by writing a list of what I "HAVE" to do and it gets sooooo long it bums me out! SO I cross out 3/4 of it and do only the important ones left :wink: so far today I have accomplished my email correspondence, my meditation, and this. I'm way behind for the day!

    Going to go do my squats and get on with the day! Thanks for all the anniversary good wishes.!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Checking in! Sorry I've been MIA on the thread lately. Honestly, just trying to spend more time away from the computer. (I was getting far too attached to things like Facebook and Sugar Crush).

    I'm skipping the yoga class today, as I am going to try it at home with a dvd. Once I start work next week, there will be limited class availability, so I have to figure it out on my own mostly. There is one class a week that I can make... hopefully it will be as great as the daytime class I've been taking. Have I mentioned that I love yoga? :bigsmile:

    I'm not losing any weight... though I have been behaving mostly (aside from my little booze and fried food binge last Saturday). One thing is that I have gotten up in the middle of the night for toast the last couple of nights... I'm logging it, and I am still in my calorie limit... but maybe I need to start watching my macros more carefully again. My clothes are fitting a little better, since I started the yoga, so that is a positive! I would still like to see that number on the scale go down a bit though. Perhaps I need to eat "cleaner".

    I'll try to catch up a bit on your personal stuff a little later... now, I need to vacuum and make space for my yoga mat! ta-ta!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    The maternity pics turned out nice. We took some in the gardens and some on the bed with baby shoes on her tummy, with the ultrasound pictures. We took one where there hands formed a heart on her tummy (She is 7 months) and some in my photography studio under the hot lamps. We took one with a ribbon wrapped over her tummy with a signed that ready "Do not open till October 3, 2013. I'll post a few on my profile for a while if you would like to see these. Things have changed so much. I remember someone scolding me in the 60's for being on the streets when I was 7 months pregnant. I also remember being required to make someone take maternity leave when they started to show. The change is for the better.

    I don't have any pictures of myself while pregnant. And that's with three kids. Somehow I just never got around to it the first time. My husband was deployed and I was really sick and I just really didn't think about anything unnecessary at all. And the second time, once again, my husband was deployed and I was sick and in the hospital off and on. (I don't do pregnant well :laugh: ) The third time I was just so fat I didn't want anything like that done. Now, when my oldest is in 7th grade and I have no more little babies, I wish I'd bothered to have even a couple of snapshots taken. I literally don't have a single picture of me while pregnant.
    @toots-a marathon is such a great goal!! I echo the advice you already got from others and will add to make sure you have really, really good shoes that are right for your particular needs. Go to a specialty running store to get fitted so you know exactly what's right for your feet.

    Yeah, my sister-in-law just started running and she said the same thing. She's very thin, but not particularly in shape and she said her knees are a hot mess now. I guess I'll just wear my sketcher sports until I actually start the running part. Right now I'm still walking.
  • Eeyeore
    Eeyeore Posts: 33
    Saw dad at rehab...he didnt look to good. Heading to the gym....scared to weigh in....had weakness this weekend....named mcdonalds!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    My weigh in is on Wed but I looked today and lost a little. Hope to lose more in two days. Have had an up and down week, eating out too much. What little success I had was due to planning in advance. On the positive side, I've had a few days with no GERD and that has been wonderful. Had to take a sleeping pill last night so going to water aerobics this evening. Still sort of dreary so the pool is out. I may also walk this evening.

    Robin, We are all so grateful you started the thread. It has been a lifeline and look at the fine results accomplished

    Toots - I think this is a new fad. We never took pics of ourselves when pregnant.
    Jtconst: Congrats on the 75 lb mark. That is so cool!!! Sorry about the fall. I liked your analogy on shedding weight and what's underneath.
    Naceto: Sounds like you have a plan. That's the first step. You can get back on track

    nvirgo - We all make excuses from time to time. I used to subscribe to a website about clutter and it helped me a lot. I try to find the name. I remember one point that helped and that was to work the perimeter or the house and put away. Hubby is always on me to put it up instead of laying it down, but habits are fairly ingrained, so I struggle with this.
    Kah: We straight hair girls would love curly hair, but by curly friends want straight. Your sucess is tremendous. Good going.

    bj Camp - Whoopee!! That is fantastic. Keep up the good work.
    Sirtxt - What a triumph. Very inspiring. I like your thought of "lost" weight.
    skinnyjeansbound - Irish fest sounds like so much fun
    vickimieth: I have been suffereing from severe GERD and am struggling but a couple of things I noticed help. 1) Keeping a diary of foods and their effect on me. For example, I learned I just can't eat cucumbers or Gyro sandwichs but I can handle Mexican, go figure. 2) Eat slower than you think you are eating. I have given up eating in the car on the way to something. It is too easy to gulp the food down. I try to chew my food 50 times before swallowing. 3) Smaller portions at one time. 6 smalls meals better than 3 large. I'm not where I want to be, but I have had three days with no GERD at all. Ate Gyro yesterday and spent 2 hrs in bed burping last night, but that is better than all night which wears me down. I also take Dexiland and Reglan. Think the reglan helps but dont think Dexilant does Good luck with your efforts. This is a miserable affliction to have.

    Looked at your pics and you look fantastic. Congrats on the loss. So much for the Dr's theory that weight loss will cure GI problems
    grandmakay - You are a inspiration to me. I am 68 and was thinking that maybe it was too late to start, but you proved that was wrong and I believe I can follow your example and suceed also. Sounds like you have a wonderful family. I keep my great grand one day a week and it wears me out. I want more energy for her. Have another coming in October and need to help out with her.

    Eeyeore - My heart goes out to you. Though your burdens are heavy, appreciate your Dad while you have him. See if there are services you can get in home to help with your Dad's care or consider an Adult Daycare for a couple of days a week. Having suffered from Fibromyalgia and several nasty arthritis's for years and I can tell you the best thing you can do for them is exercise, especially in water if possible. If no water available, try slow walking and pace yourself to prevent a flareup. Also drinking lots of water helps with the muscle pains as well as weight loss.
    Anyone would be depressed in your situation, but consider anti-depressants temporarily until you can sort your life out. For those of us that need them, they are a godsend. Start looking for solutions to your situation and you will come up with some solutions that will work for you.
    Good for you for going to the gym. Don't worry about the mishaps, we all have them, Just do as MyMow said, move more, eat less and log in daily, good or bad.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    I just read on AOL that a woman in Iowa swallowed a tapeworm to lose weight. I have never been that desparate. Close but not quite there.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I just read on AOL that a woman in Iowa swallowed a tapeworm to lose weight. I have never been that desparate. Close but not quite there.

    I heard about this too, katrena--like you, I don't think I could ever do that. However, back in the '40s or '50s there were ads for weight loss "pills" that supposedly contained tapeworms. Though there's no proof they really contained the actual worms, apparently there was a market for them (yuck).
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    KJEFFRIES- The one thing that helped my heartburn was to get away from gluten..... Just a thought.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member

    Susan - I have a Shih Tzu - he loves to go for walks and also likes to stop at every mailbox and pole. lol. We use one of those retractable leashes and he runs ahead of us so he can stop and smell, we end up passing him, and once he feels the pull on the leash (because we've gotten enough ahead to get to the end of the leash), he runs ahead of us and starts over. It's actually pretty funny. :)

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Feeling pretty good about how today went - got a walk in this morning, and spent much of the day cleaning the house. By this evening I was exhausted and wanting something really yummy to eat. Fortunately I had enough calories left that I could have almost anything. LOVE when that happens! Chose a steak and cheese sandwich, and it was worth every bite.

    Uh-oh. My son just sat down near me with a big bowl of ice cream. And my husband is in another chair with a different snack. Willpower, don't fail me now!

    I love my little dog. I grew up with a small dog so that's all I really know. Plus, I love the fact she doesn't shed. Now I have to pay to have her groomed, but no hair around which is great. Plus, the droppings are much smaller too. LOL!!! I do the same with the retractable leash. She'll get ahead, I catch up and then she catch's up. The things we do for our four legged family members. Love them!!!

    Hope you're will power stayed strong. Ice cream is definitely a trigger food for me. Ben & Jerry were my good friends for a very long time I'm afraid.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I had a check up today with my knee dr. He is very pleased with my progress. I still have a lot of pain during the process of sitting down or standing up. He said that I had significant damage to my knee cap and that will take a long time to heal. He recommended cycling. He says that motion is the best for strengthening the knee. Since I don't have a bike or a stationary bike, he recommended a "pedaler". We found one at Wal-Mart for $25. It doesn't take up as much space as a stationary bike would, and I can just sit in a chair and pedal, so I don't have to leave the house when I have the babies to care for. I hope it helps. I wonder if I can log it the same as a stationary bike.
    Baby slept all morning. Since today wasn't a required day at school, DD picked them up at 1:30. I hope she continues to take good naps for long time.
    Some of my daughters have had success using to help them get organzied and not feel overwhelmed by all of the things that need to be done. I find that lists work well for me. Even if the list is long, I can see what I have accomplished as I cross things off of it. I have even been known to write something down just so I can cross it off when I do something that wasn't already on the list.
    We can do this! I am really looking forward to the 100# off. It is starting to feel close. I think that I kind of hoped I would make it in a year, but I really didn't expect to, so I'm not disappointed that it will take longer. Good luck to all of you who are looking for impending scale victories.
    Have a great evening. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--I think you would be fine logging it as a stationary bicycle (which is a lower burn than actual cycling).
  • Helenavee42
    Good evening all. Monday check-in:Ok so my menu kind of went to waist. I am on very very strict funds this week. Meaning my lunch must be under $3 or i need to bring leftovers. So far unfortunately no leftovers. So I will have to compensate with breakfast and dinner being healthy and my workouts need to be good and lots of water. I hate asking to borrow money from my mom so unless i absolutely have to I won't.

    So I'm kind of excited I found a weightlifting bar in my garage. I know it's my uncles but i might have to confiscate that bad boy. If only i could find the weights for it now. I might start doing some lifting with it but it will have to be in my back yard since there is no room anywhere else.

    Have a good night.