

  • The biggest problem is if you are not eating after 3pm you are setting yourself up for failure. You have to eat every 3-4 hours and this will keep you from feeling that hunger feeling. Also, just don't have "junk" food int the house. When I have ice cream in the house and I am feeling that nudge in my stomach, or feeling…
  • I am pretty new to this community and would like to have friends to talk to. I enjoy working out and live a fairly decent healthy life style. I am trying to stop smoking ( I smoke a few cigs a day) though. I know a lot about working out and fitness as for years I have had a personal trainer and have done a lot of research…
  • I am in. Started today. My first day, so L1,D1 completed. I am also doing JM Ripped In 30 following the Shred. This gives me a good 40minute workout.
  • I'm in for the May 2013 push up challenge. I do push ups every time I do Jillian Michaels 30Day Shred and Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. I get in about 45 pushups just doing these 2 workout tapes every morning. I usually can do about 20 at one time (on my toes) If doing another set right afterwards about 10.
  • So today L1D1 of the Shred and the same for Ripped in 30. Is anyone else doing the Shred and her RIpped in 30 at the same time? I just didn't think a 20minute workout is all the exercise I should get in one day so I double up her workouts. I have to say her side lunges really bothers my knees. I don't think I am doing it…
  • I am also starting AGAIN JM 30Day Shred. Today was my first day. I am also doing JM Ripped In 30. I do them back to back giving me a total of 40minutes of excersing. I am on level one for both. I plan on doing what you are doing, 10days for each level. What poundage of weights do you use? For the 30 Day Shred they just…
  • Just a little encouragement to all of us ladies over 50.. The big question is: Can you look like you did in your 20's. YES YES you can. I will be 55 this August and I am happy and proud to say I am 5ft 3in and I weigh between 108-110. I have a 25.5 inch waist. I wear a 0 to size 2 pair of pants. Some clothes a size 4. It…
  • Well you are on the right track. Many people think all yogurts are created equally. That can not be farther from the truth. I, myself, eat the Chobani Plain Non Fat Greek Yogurt with only 9 grams of sugar in a serving. I add a couple of spoonfuls of Activia Light Vanilla Yogurt and then I add fresh fruit (mostly sliced…
  • You had tuna mixed with, is that Greek yogurt? How is tuna mixed with yogurt, is it good? I never had that. I been buying the package tuna (called Bumble Bee Tuna Express). It is moist and I like the flavors more then the can tuna. The package is one serve and around 80-120calories. You are eating very healthy.........good…
  • today i had a cup of 1% low fat cottage cheese a half piece of Gefilte fish (a jewish food) a small fresh apple that was my lunch today.........259 calories will have a afternoon snack to add more calories........had Lipton Cup a soup (just got back from dentist) A word to the wise: make sure everyone is having enough…
  • I also started using JM 30 Day shred with her ripped in 30 DVD. I am on the 3rd day with 30 day shred but I am not doing it daily. More like every other day. I feel it is important to switch workouts around especially since you are using the same muscles every day with this 30 Day Shred. I am also using Leslie Sansone…
  • well i see you are only eating 1200 calories and that is on the low side for loosing. I also eat around that each day, but I don't need to loose..............only maintain my current weight. When you don't eat enough your body is going to store it as fat and say................."i am going in starvation mode as she is not…
  • Hey there, I am also new. For me it has been a few days that I have been on MFP. I am not trying to loose weight, but to maintain my fitness level and weight. Yes, I have reached my goal weight but it can be challenging maintaining it. Some say it is even harder once you reach your goal weight to actually keep it. I do…
  • well loosing weight can be stressful, but in fact stress is a cause of weight don't stress out. First I know we all talk about exercising and working out, which is great. The thing to realize and I had a personal trainer tell me this. It is what we do the other 23 hours of the day. It is not just…
  • this is what i eat for breakfast: 1/2 fresh grapefruit 3 hard boil eggs ( eat only ONE yolk)) I slice of a whole wheat or rye toast, or ((1) english muffin light (100 calories) serving of hummus (put on the toast or english muffin, better for you then jam and butter) coffee with cream and truvia sugar It will be a little…
  • I do something like this at home. I choose a aerobic (cardio) exercise and then follow it with a strength move using a 3-8lb dumbbell. I rest only after the circuit is completed. So it goes from one exercise to the next. Example workout: *1min of jumping jack push ups (15 reps) on toes or you can go on your knees *1 min of…