Beginner - 30DS or something else?

UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
So after being sedentary for years I started on MFP in January and started working out a little a month ago. I'm in horrible shape so have just been doing a little on the elliptical (started with 15 min, made it to 30 yesterday), but I want to do something else - should I try the 30 Day Shred?

I'm not a member of a gym - just have a very small workout room in my building, so some videos I can do would be good. I also have bad knees so I have to do no/low impact stuff. Don't have too much time either so thats why I was thinking I could do 30DS since it isn't that time consuming. So if not that, what should I do? Or should I just stick with the elliptical and keeping upping time & intensity?


  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    There are impact moves in 30DS, but you can modify. The first time I did it I did all the jumping/running moves on a mini-trampoline. This reduced said impact and helped me complete the 30 days. The second time through I didn't seem to need the trampoline. LG
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    Thanks! I don't think I can get a trampoiline (small apt) but I tried 30DS the other day and WOW I am out of shape lol. I pushed myself to get through it and am sore and achy 3 days later - plus it was hard on my knees so I'm going to pass on it.

    Any recs for other videos I can do?
  • michaelamccabe7
    michaelamccabe7 Posts: 3 Member
    I was so lazy bug I've recently started 30 day shred todo was my third day. I had to lie on the floor for s good 30minutes after it on day one but I can already see my stamina improving and it's only day 3. I don't really mid stregnth and abs but its the cardio that kills me especially the jumping/skipping one. Good luck :) hopefully we can all keep it up. X
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    I recently got Leslie Sansone 3-Mega Mile walking DVD with toning bands. And I love it. It's a great workout and great burn, but not too hard on my knees.
  • mikejholmes
    mikejholmes Posts: 291 Member
    Get a gym membership, and do Stronglifts or some other lifting program.
  • perfectionisntme
    perfectionisntme Posts: 205 Member
    I recently got Leslie Sansone 3-Mega Mile walking DVD with toning bands. And I love it. It's a great workout and great burn, but not too hard on my knees.

    This. Leslie is awesome and she makes you feel great about yourself too.
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    I think starting with 30DS is a great idea. This was how I got started with being more active. It's short session (30 mins), so you really have no excuse not to do it every day, it's short lived (30 days, so you see the light at the end of the tunnel) and because you are doing it every day, by the end of the 30 days you are used to working out regularly.

    Once I was done with 30DS, I switched to Chalean Extreme and am also doing C25K, as well as going to start an Abs challenge to get ready for the summer (maybe 6 pack in 6 weeks). It kind of takes over your life :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Thanks! I don't think I can get a trampoiline (small apt) but I tried 30DS the other day and WOW I am out of shape lol. I pushed myself to get through it and am sore and achy 3 days later - plus it was hard on my knees so I'm going to pass on it.

    Any recs for other videos I can do?

    Easier on the knees .... Walk at Home (all cardio) by Leslie Sansone:

    or Walking Cardio Shape Up Max (circuit ... like Shred but low impact) by Chris Freytag: is a website that sells DVDs ..... you can sort videos by impact level, also there are video clips & reviews .... tons of info there
  • alisa1958
    alisa1958 Posts: 16
    I also started using JM 30 Day shred with her ripped in 30 DVD.

    I am on the 3rd day with 30 day shred but I am not doing it daily. More like every other day.
    I feel it is important to switch workouts around especially since you are using the same
    muscles every day with this 30 Day Shred. I am also using Leslie Sansone videos.
    Walk away the pounds the 2 or 3 mile with the weighted balls ( i use 3lb dumbbells instead)

    Unlike you, I don't have bad knees, not yet anyway. JM 30 Day shred has 2minutes of cardio
    and she does: jumping jacks, jump rope, jogging........which is all high impact. The
    good news it is just for 2 minutes at a time.

    I also have a personal trainer that comes to my home once a week for one hour. We do
    circuit training. Examples would be high impact exercises for a minute, floor exercises for
    abs, lunges, squats, a lot of planks and core exercises. I like the mixture and it is important
    to vary up your workout from time to time.

    If you want to loose weight you got to do cardio with weight lifting. If you got a lot of weight to loose
    just stick with the cardio until you get down some. You can get a good workout just being home.
    and don't need a gym. I don't like gyms myself.

    Hope this helps some. Most importantly is eating right most days of the week.

    A little secret: It is what you do outside of the one hour gym session that counts for 90% of your success or failure.
    It is the daily activities you do through out the day, its how you are eating and what you are eating. Your one hour
    session in the gym or if you workout at home is only 10% of your success or failure.

    The bottom line, don't get too consumed with your workouts but more in what you eat and how you
    its your daily routine of just living that does count.
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    Thanks! I don't think I can get a trampoiline (small apt) but I tried 30DS the other day and WOW I am out of shape lol. I pushed myself to get through it and am sore and achy 3 days later - plus it was hard on my knees so I'm going to pass on it.

    Any recs for other videos I can do?

    Easier on the knees .... Walk at Home (all cardio) by Leslie Sansone:

    or Walking Cardio Shape Up Max (circuit ... like Shred but low impact) by Chris Freytag: is a website that sells DVDs ..... you can sort videos by impact level, also there are video clips & reviews .... tons of info there

    Thank you so much!! I'll check them out :)
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    The bottom line, don't get too consumed with your workouts but more in what you eat and how you
    its your daily routine of just living that does count.

    Yup I know, I've been eating right for a few months now, thats how I lost 18lbs so far. Just wanted to change up my workout a bit if there are things that are more effective that I could be doing in the same amount of time.