
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Finally have a few minutes to sit down and say hi to everyone.:smile: I was on the go all day with job interviewing and registering with a few temp agencies. To my surprise, I aced the typing test ( I usually get so nervous that I screw up and keep going back to correct) and may have a second interview next week. The job doesn't sound as bad as I initially thought! It's not collections but a loan counselor position for student loans, giving options before they go into collections. Luckily I mapped out my food for today last night so I wasn't tempted to grab fast food.:happy: Sorry I don't have time to respond to all the great posts but have to get a few things done before trying out a new pork chop recipe for dinner.

    Barbie- I hope you are feeling better!:flowerforyou:

    Jmkmomm- Glad test results came out ok!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,036 Member
    evening ladies~
    I have been bad the last few days, my count on the sugar is way up:grumble:
    But I got my lb bags of PB2 in the mail today, got the regular and the chocolate, with the amount I have here I will be set for a year I think:laugh:
    was just thinking, if I make some of the chocolate kind and then roll it in kashi cereal I think those would be nice little snack that pack the protein in:happy:
    I have the day off tomorrow and will take Homer to the groomer and stop at the town hall to pay a bill. and if the rain holds out , mow the lawn,
    will hit the gym early and I am going to look online for a boot for my heel, maybe sleeping in a boot will help it heal.
    everyone enjoy there evening~ ta ta for now..
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi everyone. Today was our first nice day in forever! Sunny and mid-50s. It will be in the 80s by Monday…isn’t that weird. So today was clinical and according to my pedometer, I got 4090 steps which is only 224 calories. Yesterday with teaching and working in my office I had over 6000. I wear the thing in the exact same place, so it should be consistent even if it’s not totally accurate. I walked nearly 5 hours today (only counted 3) and am exhausted. Any ideas anyone ? I can’t put it in my pocket; it has to be totally upright to work. It won’t fit in my bra (a previous suggestion, I think from Dee). So I put it on my waistband right below my armpit, which is what the direction say to do.

    Lucy; stay strong!!! Hope you managed the cravings!

    Brooke: I love the quotation about minds!

    Katla: I hope you found something else to do on your gloriously beautiful day!

    Tammy: nice to hear from you again! When I’m on the road, I just try to eat reasonably and exercise more, mostly walking.

    Mary: your water infusions sound great. I may have to try it!

    Grandmallie: good for you to not beat yourself up over a mere 100 calories

    Sharon: send you virtual scuba gear

    DebA: I too am glad to have my friends here. Even when I ‘m not motivated, it is helpful to read about others’ victories and even their struggles.

    CarolWNY: nice to see you here again. I surely know how it is to b so busy. Hope you find some quiet time soon.

    Yanniejannie: good for you to be here so consistently! The weight loss will come

    Joyce: you will have to share the scuba gear with Sharon: I only have one set LOL. Glad hubby is doing well.

    Sue my ship has been off course for a while too. I don’t know what to do to get my motivation back, but I know it will be better after tomorrow! No more clinical til August!

    Barbie: hope your cold goes away soon

    Michele: what exactly is the Newcomer board? I have never heard of it except from you so I’m interested!

    Jodios: hope you had a good day!

    Chiclet: nice to see you again and I hope to see you back again soon.

    Kate; glad you are safely back home and had a great trip!

    DeeDee: LOL at driving with eye slits…hope you added your tiara for looks!

    M: OMG your hairdresser will be responsible for mutant zucchini taking over your entire neighborhood! I love nuts of all kinds, but don’t like to snack on them because a serving is like 7 almonds! That’s no fun

    Sonja: I hear you about inappropriate clothes for tweens! I had such strict rules about what our kids could wear they hardly had anything LOL. They were adopted from Russia, to make matters worse, where all younger women wear skin tight, extremely short skirts and stiletto heels, so that’s what they wanted. All their clothes had to literally be sucked up against their bodies. They are much better now but for a while it was tough.

    Jane: accused of stealing paper towels???!!!!! Seriously? That is just ridiculous! Glad you have found a new place

    Well I am getting very frustrated here…long story….every night I try to watch the news and can’t hear a word of it because DD#2 wants to ask questions about dinner, cats and dog want attention, phone is ringing, and I’m just getting plain crabby so I’m getting out of here so I don’t spoil anyone’s moods! LOL Take care everyone! Meg from finally nice Omaha
  • Hi All! So I'm so impressed with all of you and the way you support each other and the way you respond to individuals, always being so encouraging. This has impressed me so much, I'm going to give it a shot. I hope you all don't mind. I just find it....heartwarming...yeah, that's the word...heartwarming!


    here I go...

    BarbieCat - sorry about your headcold...hope you feel better soon.

    Michelle in NC - love your optimisim. Good luck with the Newcomer board. Seems like you are a great fit for any team!

    Jodios - you show great fortitude and great pre-planning - say goodbye to that plateau soon enough!

    Sue - love your pic.

    Chiclet girl - hang tough! Life throws curve balls, but be assured you will survive and you will come out the other side a stronger woman. For sure!

    OutwardlyCalm - welcome!

    Kate - I can only imagine Ireland in the spring...I'm seeing green everywhere...picture perfect!

    DeeDee - Love your posts. I admire the way you respond to everyone all the time....maybe you are the reason I'm doing this tonight!!

    M - Hooray for gardening. I live for this time of year!! I love mulch and stonework because the results are so beautiful and dramatic. But just call me stiff afterwards. Pace yourself!

    Grandmallie - thanks for putting a name and price to that pitcher I've been talking about. And you are so close to 30# - call that fit bit flex YOURS!

    Sonja - glad you walked the mall and enjoyed time with your daughter. Sweet!

    Robin - Pandora IS awesome! I use it all the time myself. Got an Eric Clapton station and a Queen station and a Kenny Chesney station...whatever fits my mood. Have a great time at the Rennaisance Faire!

    Katla - hope the docs choose to work together for your DH.

    Jane - good luck with the move!

    Gonzamm - "In it to win it" - that's a great mantra!! Love it!

    Sylwheat - glad you found this group, too! This is a great supportive group which I'm happy I found as well!

    Amanda - I bet you look fabulous batting those lashes!

    Brooke - "Bass Ackwards" :laugh: I'm going to borrow that one, I'm sure!

    Liz - welcome!

    Lisa - I haven't put my parka away yet, just hoping I don't actually need to wear it again!

    Jmkmomm - glad you found support, but remember to always be your own best support and come here - there's lots of support here!

    Tammy - San Diego is a great place to visit. Enjoy!

    Viv - glad you saw some sun today!! Keep coming back!

    Kathy - good luck with the interviews!

    Whewwwww - that was tougher than i thought. Kudos to you lovely ladies who do it all the time!! I'm so impressed and very, very grateful.

    Mary - doing a cool down for the typing fingers right now :wink:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Meg- It does seem that your pedometer isn't counting all of your steps. During my day at work (as a classroom teacher) I average 6000 steps. Today with state testing I had 12640!

    Mary- Nice job replying to so many!! It does take a lot of time, but is heartwarming!:smile:

    Barbie- Hope you feel better soon!

    Robin- I'm glad you mentioned music. I too find myself in a much better mood when I listen to music. I need to dig out my ipod. Glad you have a few days a week without HER to deal with. Enjoy your weekend! Sounds like fun.

    Kate- DH and I would love to get to Ireland. Some day soon hopefully!

    M-I didn't know mfp would calculate our BMR. I will have to check it out.

    Jane- Moving is difficult and exciting at the same time. Hope it goes smoothly.

    Hope everyone has a great evening. I am exhausted and calling it an early night!

    Deb A in CNY
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Mary bravo you did a great job responding to all!!

    Meg I too have played with spots to wear my pedometor to get the best results,lately I have been wearing it more to the front of me
    hate to say it but just under my "boob" which makes for reading it a challenge but my DH has a sense of humour and checks to see if I'm still running as he calls it then at night I just record everything so far its the most accurate place for me.

    Well back to babying my sick puppy he is much better but is now sucking up the attention I did mention he is a male animal or human in this house they are never just sick they are dying!!!

    Goodnite to all take care

    juanita in sudbury
  • alisa1958
    alisa1958 Posts: 16
    Just a little encouragement to all of us ladies over 50.. The big question is: Can you look like you did in your
    20's. YES YES you can. I will be 55 this August and I am happy and proud to say I am 5ft 3in and I weigh
    between 108-110. I have a 25.5 inch waist. I wear a 0 to size 2 pair of pants. Some clothes a size 4.

    It is possible at my age and your age to get in TOP SHAPE. I did it and so can you. There is no secret.
    Eat clean, work out with both cardio and weight training and more importantly be ACTIVE throughout the

    I have not always been this small and I guess at my heaviest I was close to 150lbs. That may not seem a lot
    but being small boned and small in height it was a lot. I was probably about a 40percent body fat and now I
    am at about 18percent body fat or less.

    You ask, how did I do it, is it easy, do I have a high metabolism? It is not easy and I don't have a high
    metabolism. I work out and at this time I can do 20-30 military push ups (on toes). The only thing I can
    say is be CONSISTENT. No matter what you do, you have to be consistent. When you go off the wagon,
    get back on and don't use it as an excuse to pig out. I say if I can do it, anybody can. I am an emotional
    eater, always been. So, it is hard, but it is possible.

    Good luck to you all in reaching your fitness and health goals.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Jmkmomm (Joyce) – “Hump Day” is Wednesday, the middle or “hump” day of the week! So what is the barrier to you cooking? Is it the physicality of it due to your MS, or is it a lack of knowledge (this can be changed!), or ???? I’d bet many of us could help you with that if it isn’t a physical barrier that keeps you from it. Just reach out :flowerforyou:

    Meg – Sooo glad you had a nice, sunny day at last! I know how the dreary can, well – make you dreary (at least it does me)! Great for you for the continuing step monitoring. I think you’re right, the accuracy isn’t as important as the additional motivation of getting them “counted”. Lastly “mutant zucchini takeover” . . . :laugh: you crack me up! Which reminds me (yes) of another quote: “you made me laugh so hard, tears ran down my leg” (okay, clearly I have a warped sense of humor, but I’m thinking you might relate to same)

    ReallyMary – You’re heartwarming too for wanting to jump right in! Thanks (BTW “bass ackwards is a southern saying, at least according to my dear uncle it is)

    Juanita – OMG you are sooooo right, animal or human the ‘males’ ARE never just sick, they’re
    dying :sick: :sad: :sick: I grew up with brothers, now married twice, couldn't be any more true! (I’m going to “borrow” this from you for all future needs to reference)

    Alisa1958 – thanks for your input and advice, I get that 150 is a lot of weight when you’re that petite. I’m appreciative of your sentiment that if you can do it, anybody can (that’s a refrain that helps me from many here on MFP) :smile:

    Brooke from Colorado
    “A friend told me I’m delusional. I almost fell off my unicorn.”
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Brooke you ask what my barrier to cooking is. I don't think it has anything to do with my MS. Both my husband and I have a problem with leftovers. If something is cooked it's eaten then. We jsut don't have the will power. My husband is much worse than I am. He has no will power what so ever. Plus my ability is poor. I like to use cream of mushroom soup in making gravy with pork chops or chopped steak. I can use my George Foreman to cook things on the grill but I really don't know a lot about seasoning things. We love our mashed potatoes, and love them with extra butter. I wouldn't know how to use a wok if I had one. Salads to me need to be made with ice berg lettuce, nothing with those green leaves that look like weeds. I don't like the texture in my mouth. I need a real dressing and not something made with vinegar or oil. Maybe I just don't know how to make these things taste good. I really am very limited as to my cooking experience. From very early on in my marriage we have eaten most of our meals out. My girls didn't learn any cooking skills form me except in making hamburger helper. I do make a mean barbeque hamburger that is a favorite of a lot of people. And I also have a really good corn casserole. But as you see, these things aren't low calorie.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Jmkmomm (Joyce) – perhaps a challenge to DH and to you (does he cook at all???????) – Twice each week for one month (it’s only 8 meals) try a newly prepared recipe. Here’s a link to a great source for healthy foods that taste great: http://www.foodnetwork.com/search/delegate.do?fnSearchString=ellie+krieger&fnSearchType=site She is a nutritionist that also has a family to cook for. If you can follow a Hamburger Helper direction, you can cook one of her recipes (or your DH can)! Make it an adventure, make it fun. Get your DH to participate in picking/cooking options. If a recipe is for 4 servings (I know, often it is) simply halve the portions when you cook and you won’t have leftovers to tempt/sabotage you. Good luck!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Brooke from Colorado
    At any given moment you have the power to say ‘this is not how the story is going to end’
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :flowerforyou: I went out to lunch today…….line dance class goes out once a month and today we honored the retirement of one of my favorite dancing friends. We went to Applebee’s so I looked at their website to help me decide what to order and found that their menu has absolutely nothing that I would eat., but they say that they would be happy to accommodate any special needs…….so I ordered a broiled chicken breast with no sauce or added salt, steamed broccoli with no butter or salt and a salad with no bacon, croutons, or cheese and Italian dressing on the side. It was a perfect lunch----like something I would fix at home except that someone else cooked it and someone else washed the dishes.

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Robin, music has saved my life and my sanity for decades…..

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am feeling better today….thank you for all your good wishes…….it was restful to go out to lunch and then later Jake and I drove to the dump to get rid of things that have been hanging around for a long time and stopped to see a friend on the way back and sat and talked for awhile.
    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    This says it all for me!
    I had no idea this was going to be so big!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,491 Member
    Have been pretty busy today. Went to yoga then deep water. Then we had the organizational meeting for the senior bowling for the summer and we practice bowled 3 games, went to Aldi, had to stop at AC Moore since I needed paste food color and I had a coupon for 50% off, made dinner, had Newcomer bowling (the last one of the season), just home now.

    jodios - what do you put on your brussel sprouts? I steamed mine, and had some tonight but they can be a bit on the bitter side unless you put something on them and I don't want to be putting butter or cheese on them. I put them in my salad tonight with this chocolate vinegar.

    Tomorrow I'll do Jari Love Extremely Ripped 1000DVD.

    chicklet - welcome back! You were certainly missed!

    Made some more of the graham cracker bars, took some to the guy at the bowling alley, have some for Jess and Kris to take home (I'll probably also give them the leftovers). Gotta put the filling into the whoopie pies tomorrow

    Outwardlycalm - welcome. This is a great place for motivation

    Kate - tell us all about your trip

    Cheryl - congrats to your daughter.

    M - I used Preen at our other house (the onej in Kennett Square). It did keep the weeds down, but I also found that the little nuggets were tracked into the house. I had the chocolate vinegar on the brussel sprouts tonight. Now I'm wondering what I can use when the chocolate vinegar is finished?

    Sonja - shopping...now THAT'S for me! Glad you had a good time

    Robin - how wonderful that you're getting to work for a different manager, even if it is only two days/week

    jane - can't wait until you're out of there. Paper towlls? Now that's sad if you have to resort to accusing someone of stealing paper towels.

    jmkmomm - glad hubby's results were good.

    kathy - good luck on the job.

    Going to do the DVD tomorrow, then it's my day to volunteeer at the Green Room (community theater) then I'm going to the lady to see if she can alter my dress.

    Meg - Newcomers is a social group. Really, it's for newcomers the area and also for people who have lived here a long time. The Boad is the president, vp, secretary, treasurer, and a few others. Some of the activities are shooting, we play mahjongg, canasta, bridge, mexican train dominoes, and probably some other things that I don't remember.

    alisa - awesome stats, thanks for sharing them with us. Thanks for your words of wisdom

    Juanita - isn't it just amazing how males are dying when they're in the least bit sick but let a woman be sick? We could be on our dealthbeds but we will still have to get up to do the housework and other chores

    barbie - you sound like me, when we go out to eat I constantly want things cooked special. One time Denise commented to me "ma, when you get done, it doesn't even look like what's on the menu".

    So sorry this is so short. Like I said, tonight has been pretty busy.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I snuck on here yesterday with my new phone by using the MFP app. Not sure how to use my phone just yet, but I did make a comment from my profile page, but it was a pretty depressing message.

    Anyway, I just got on today (with my computer) to start the process of getting back in the swing of things here. I am no way near ready to start logging in on my food diary but I did check our page here and thought I'd let you know I'm still around even if it is just in the background.

    I still have lots to do in getting my life back together again. So much paperwork, phone calls, lawyers, etc. But I will be back soon. Someday.

    :flowerforyou: Chicklet!!!! So awesome to see you back. Been thinking about you, and you must have felt that, right?! Just sneak back in anytime you can!

    And yes: here is the new link for the 1.day.challenge: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/970093-veggie-fruit-substitution-challenge-1-day-at-a-time

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • 13tea
    13tea Posts: 55
    Yes surgery is scary especially when it is your spine. Ten yrs ago I had C4-5-6 (Neck) fused due to a head injury then 4 yrs ago I had C6-7 fused due to another head injury. It's great you are here and trying to loose weight, it will help emensily. These weeks pre-surgical if you haven't done so, try to find your center, the inner place where you go to find peace. I meditate. By getting the practice of doing it now, it will make it easier the week before and the hour before surgery. And when you get to the hour before surgery and things are mounting up, remember there are those who are pulling for you, your life will improve greatly and you will be able to draw on your center afterwards when some days get tough. So smile, the woman in the mirror looking back at you is intelligent, and on a path to a happier life. I know you will loose weight, drink plenty of water and get regular sleep every night. Go to bed the same time and get up the same time even on the weekends. Our bodies like rituals, something my mind fights it. You are in my heart.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Brooke, thanks for the link. I looked at some of the recipes and they still look to complicated. I don't have a food processor. When we eat out he is a meat and potatos kind of man and he wants them plain. The cream of mushroom soup i use in my 'cooking; is my idea of gravy. I have tried to make gravy and it just doesn't work. He loves his spaghetti, meatballs, lasagna, garlic bread. I have read here about using, I think, squash as a substitute for the pasta. I have no idea how to do that nor do I ahve the equipment. I will try to start with one meal a week. But it will be tough to have him give up things like his burrito. It ahs so much cheese in it I shudder to think what it's calorie and fat content it. He loves his ribs and wants it about every 2 weeks. He did try the pork chop or chicken at Texas Roadhouse but is now back to the sirloin. At least he isn't eating the 10 ounce and is eating the 6 ounce. I am just such a failure in the kitchen.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA. Sending sometime to catch up on all of the posts I have miss.

  • bettyann55
    bettyann55 Posts: 87 Member
    What an awesome group of women. How do I join this wonderful motivative, loving, caring sharing group?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Brooke: My mom and dad both used the term bass-ackwards, too. Both were born and raised in Oregon. Mom’s parents emigrated from the mid-west to Idaho and then here. Dad’s parents were from Germany to Kansas to Oregon. Maybe the term originated in the south, but it is well traveled. I love today’s quote. Pet your unicorn for me. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: It is good to know that Applebees was willing and able to serve you good food according to your needs. I may just go there some time. I'm glad you’re feeling better at last.:flowerforyou:

    Cooky: The picture is hilarious. Thanks.:laugh: :laugh:

    Michele: Where do you get chocolate vinegar? Sounds interesting.:flowerforyou:

    Bettyann: You join by posting, so you’re in. Keep coming back and you’ll get to know people. Welcome.:flowerforyou:

    DH had his appointment with the MS specialist and he wants more testing done:ohwell: . It seems the guy who diagnosed DH may have skipped a step. You can never have too much information, but not having enough isn’t okay. :noway: We both liked the doctor. He is smart and thorough, and young enough to have been one of my students back in the days when I taught TAG classes. :wink:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,:flowerforyou:
    Just worked 3 days in a row and have tomorrow off!:drinker: We have a web ex conference with a doctor from New Jersey, to help my DD with her anxiety. We will be on the computer with her for about 1.5-2 hours. I am praying that this will be the help that we have been looking for! :smile: The doctor will work with the teachers at the school, so she can progress along into verbal speaking out loud in class.:bigsmile: My hope is that she will be able to talk or initiate with the kids at school, so she can have some friends.:drinker:
    Not much I can do in one day off! Have a few errands to do and hope to get some laundry done.:ohwell: Never enough time in the day! I did go to the pool on Monday and walked back and forth for about 45 mins.:drinker: Not sure how to calculate the calories burn, but my pedometer registered the steps. I found that 2000 steps equals 100 calories burned! Anyone else have any different info? Well. its time for slumber!:yawn: Sorry , if I did not respond to everyone, but I did read everything!
    Big hug to all that need it! Congrats to all you losers!:drinker: :drinker:
    Have a thoughtful Thursday, be kind to yourself! Remember you are so worth it and deserve to take good care of yourself! No, matter what!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    LindaS, aka sundanceb:heart::flowerforyou:

    JB:flowerforyou: - love the picture of you and Roalie! She is one cute little girl!
    Eileen:flowerforyou: - so sorry for the loss of your mother.So nice of you to help your sister out! Hope you are doing ok.
    Mary:flowerforyou: - congrats on the 20lbs lost! Yes, this message board makes all the difference in the world!
    Sue is SD:flowerforyou: . Glad the biopsy reports were negative! Have fun in Minnesota. Tell us about it when you get back!
    Cheryl:flowerforyou: , congrats on the daughter‘s free ride to Vanderbilt! How did she get the free ride, a sport talent or grades?
    Meg:flowerforyou: - love the cucumber story! My dogs would have eaten them before they hit the ground! What a great skill you learned_ pickling!
    Brookehe:flowerforyou: - it was me who mentioned the humidity in San Diego. Glad that you liked my affirmation. Now if I could only practice what I said!
    Katla:flowerforyou: - hope your still not grumpy! Men!!!!!!!!!!! Grrrr
    DebA-:flowerforyou: What are you going to be teaching next year??
    Yanniejannie:flowerforyou: - congrats on your first 100 days!
    Joyce:flowerforyou: - hope you got out of the sodium pool. I cant imagine what your skin looks like! Lol. Hope all is ok for DH!
    Sue:flowerforyou: - glad you got new glasses! Phew, that was weird that the person who ordered them couldn’t read! Maybe, they need new glasses! love the new picture!
    Barbie:flowerforyou: , hope you are feeling better!
    Jodios:flowerforyou: - what is your plateau busting plan? I need one!
    Slywheat:flowerforyou: - yes, surgery is scary. I am having mine on May 8th, for carpal tunnel. I will be thinking of you too!
    DeeDee-:flowerforyou: you are floating in a pool of sodium too! Quick get out before you puff up like a puffer fish! Drink the water, don’t swim in the sodium! Lol
    Robin:flowerforyou: - I so love to listen to music too. I rarely get the chance, for the same reasons as you. Have a fabulous time at the faire!
    Jane:flowerforyou: - so glad you moved out. Sounds like your friends issue and not yours!
    Amanda:flowerforyou: - how long do the extensions stay on?
    Jmkmomm:flowerforyou: - well at least that is a positive note that your husband has an understanding that he didn’t have before. The saying is true, that you have to sometime walk a mile in someone elses shoes to understand where they are coming from, or going to!
    Viv in UK-:flowerforyou: we all have days like that, just keep walking the walk!
    Kathy-:flowerforyou: keeping my fingers crossed that you get the job you want!
    Granmallie:flowerforyou: - let me know how you like the regular peanut butter, I have the chocolate one and I really like it!
    Chiclet::flowerforyou: nice to see you again and I hope to see you back again!
    Michele:flowerforyou: - tomorrow I am finally going to make the WW brownies! I cant stand brussel sprouts, Maybe I dont fix them right! Maybe, they need to be soaked in some brown sugar for a month or so! Lol
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    No time to post this morning:sad: ! I have read all the posts and I`m thinking of you all:flowerforyou: . Just popping in to say hello and have a wonderful Thursday:bigsmile: !!!
    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in beautiful springtime NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,036 Member
    morning ladies,
    well I slept in and didn't get to the gym....I wore a newer pair of sneaker's yesterday and that was a bad move... my heel is horrible today, I wrapped it in an ACE bandage and put my older sneakers on:grumble:
    I so wish this would go away, I would love to take long walks in the nice weather,but after about 500 ft my heel starts screaming..,I do the stretches, i do the exercises,I am just impatient I guess...
    I am up a couple of lbs, i was doing so well, even though I stayed under my calorie count think the sodium and or sugar has been bad..so will slow down on that..
    the tree guy left some smaller logs, think I might move some of those so I can mow the lawn....
    Hope everyone has a wonderful day xoxoxo
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning Ladies

    Blue skies in London again today. It's set to get much colder for the weekend. Grrr.

    I've been at work for two and a half hours already and this is the first opportunity I've had to come online - busy, busy, busy.

    Will crack on with work and wish you all a good day.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,650 Member
    Hello everyone, just back from Paris! Feeling soooooo tired. You really can walk your feet off there, but because it is so fabulous you just want to keep on going! All my friends were very impressed with my weight loss and even more with my much improved walking. I was outpacing them! One friend said I had inspired her to get going on her diet, but as often happens, they don't want to do it the MFP way, eat less, move more, but some fancy way. She is going to try the 5/2 diet, which is fine, but how long can you keep it up for? We all know this is for life, so it has to be sustainable.
    I ate a tiny bit more in Paris than I normally do, but no disasters. I ate oysters and fish and salads and left the bread on the table. No desserts, but I had a scraping of my friends' ice cream, because it really is the best in the world. I did have some wine, but counted all the calories. It was all delicious anyway, so at point did I feel deprived. I carried my healthy snack around with me and had apples in my hotel room, so avoided the 'munchies' . It was great to revive our 16 year old selves. 47 years have passed since then.
    Today I go to have a blood pressure test. I'm hoping I can lower my medication dosage.
    We had glorious weather in Paris, sitting outside at 11pm, and it is sunny here today, in the South of England. DH is at the cricket and I am relaxing before going to the doctor.
    It was great to get back last night and read all your posts. For the lady who thinks she is rubbish at cooking. - we are ALL rubbish at things when we first start them. You get better with practice. If you can get used to making meals from scratch it will transform your life and save you money and be much more delicious and healthy. What a gift to yourself! Then you can put extra cheeses on your husband's and make a low fat version for yourself. I think one meal a week is a great start. I send you my best wishes and will be thinking of you.
    If this weather continues I will have to water the garden tonight!
    Love to all. CityjaneLondon
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    jmkmomm - google healthy foods delivered to your door. There are a number of services that do that and the price may be comparable to eating out all the time.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, and Happy and Blessed Thursday to you all!
    Enjoy today and take time for the Special You.
    Leaving you with the following....just because....
    Carol in WNY
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    Brooke you ask what my barrier to cooking is. I don't think it has anything to do with my MS. Both my husband and I have a problem with leftovers. .........

    Try this, and no it isn't easy but it works for us....
    Go to the library, on-line or whatever. Find a bunch of "make ahead" recipies and spend one day cooking. Place the meals in individual serving containers and freeze.

    It is all about small steps that help take you where you want to go!

    Happy Progress!!!
  • stingley1998
    stingley1998 Posts: 1 Member
    Pamela, I know how you feel! I started 2 weeks ago, actually GAINED 2 lbs after the first week, lost one after the second. So after 2 weeks of sticking to the calorie restrictions and exercising, I have a net gain of 1 lb. Like you, I only have 10 lbs to lose. That low amount, coupled with our age, is going to make it harder. I can see a difference in my body, just not on the scales. Knowing it's going to be a slower process, I'm going to challenge myself to stay OFF the scales for the next 2 weeks. That's tough to do, as I'm sure you know! Hopefully we'll both see a difference in a couple more weeks :)
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Happy to wake up another day and while cooler, it isn't raining. I'll count the little blessings! I was supposed to substitute today for 4th grade but my little dog started having seizures yesterday and is having the every 3 hours... this usually lasts 24 hours and we really can't figure out what brings them on. It all started when I had her teeth cleaned 2 years ago. Wish I could go back and not have them cleaned... and live with the bad breath! Oh well. She's a sweet little thing and I love her dearly. :heart:

    Brooke:flowerforyou: My latest favorite thing to cook is the easiest in the world Salmon!!! We eat it at least every other week... and Salmon is sooo good for you. Put the Salmon in a pan, drizzle a little olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, then put it in a COLD oven. Turn on oven to 400 degrees and cook 25 minutes. It is amazing! Has anyone else tried it?
    Also, Pinterest has a ton of great, easy recipes that are tested by others. I thought cooking for 2 would be a lot more difficult than it has turned out to be once we became empty nesters. I have a harder time now when we have more home - I cook way too much then!! haha!:laugh:

    Off to walk dog, workout and do some quilting.
    Have a happy days and thanks for the continued encouragement.

    Tammy in Va Beach
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Sundance - my daughter's free ride was a $56,000 financial scholarship. As Vanderbilt was our first college we visited she wasn't certain she wanted an early decision (Vanderbilt's early decision was binding). The universities she requested early decision all offered huge merit scholarships. Since Vanderbilt only has a 14.2 acceptance rate we weren't even sure she'd get in. By the time she was accepted all their merit scholarships had been awarded. But I am certain that since she is graduating top 1% of her class with a 34 ACT score that they based their financial scholarship offer on her merit.

    Last night was a family celebration. Although I kept my food to a minimum, unfortunately the three strawberry margaritas put me well over the top.