

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. YAY it's a beautiful Saturday here...finally seeing some sun. Between the snow and rain last week our rain gauge has 3" in it. According to the paper, only 15% of NE is in exceptional drought now. The rest of us are in the next lowest category (excessive?). I am taking a 3 day weekend to hopefully get this one chapter I am re-writing my self for the textbook done, or at least mostly done. Today is research day. Hopefully I will also get the test bank chapter done in the next 3 days...that will be my break from the textbook LOL. That and deep cleaning. We do a room a month and I have been paying DD#2 to do it, but I want to do the linen closet and laundry room myself.

    Pinning (or pledging) last night was very nice as usual. We pinned 78 students. I was asked to pin 3, which is always an honor for faculty. We got done a little earlier than expected so I was home by 6:30-ish. Speaking of students, do you all get the ad here on mfp for methodist college with a photo of a beautiful black woman wearing a white top? If so, she is one of our students and was pinned last night too. She is a dear and will be a great nurse.

    OK< so I need a major overhaul here. I have been on a wild eating binge since Easter. I have been craving salt, fat, and *GASP* chocolate! I have actually eaten all the leftover chocolate Easter candy. BLEH. I sometimes have salt cravings because I try to keep my sodium intake so low, and that's ok, but this is crazy and even worse, I find myself not caring. I feel totally out of control here and at work. The only good news is that usually I get this way in MArch, and here it is mid-April so I must be more organized than I think. Well only 4 more days of clinical and I only have one more day to teach in the classroom. So things are definitely slowing down. I'll have 7 papers and 14 careplans (20 pages each), homework for the one last day of class for me....I think that's it. Maybe we can even start our taxes!

    Well I am not going to be able to catch up on posts and I am sorry about that. I have missed interacting with all of you and send hugs to those who need them and high fives to those with victories. Special prayers and hugs to Eileen.

    Plan for the day: log, drink water, and take a walk since it's beautiful out! I am really sick of the elliptical! Take care, Meg
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning all,
    Well by the time I got home yesterday I was sick. I have a really bad sore throat again and I just didn't feel well. :sick: So, no dreadmill for me. I have a funny feeling I got sick because I had to be in a meeting with the boss yesterday. I had managed to avoid her all week. :ohwell:

    Eileen - Sorry to hear about your mother. I am so happy you got to see her before she passed. Losing a mom is hard. I think of mine every day and she has been gone about 5 and half years. I didn't get to see her before she left.( I had tickets to go and see her a week later:cry: but she couldn't hang on.) I am sending you love an positive energy.

    Although I still feel bad I am going to try to do some purging of excess crap that has accumulated around the house.

    Have a great day all,

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    edraper70: I am saddened to hear of the loss of your mother. My heartfelt condolences goes out to you and your family.
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Tari from Ohio: Hang in there ... all will come together soon; don't give up. I felt the same a couple of weeks ago and I talk myself out of not going back to the way it was ... eating out of control. I feel much better that I jumped right back on that wagon. It is a daily struggle but I am determine to make it this time and with the support of this group, I know I will. I am thankful for the responses and the motivation given to inspire me to keep on going. I know you can do it!

    I just got back from my mother-in-laws birthday dinner (it's 8: PM here in Germany) and I am proud of myself on how I behaved at the dinner table. However, dessert was a different story ... had cake and ice cream. Not much as usual but enough to make me feel a little bit guilty. I did however exercised this morning in order to make up for the dessert. Only time will tell.

    Tomorrow is my weigh in ... so let's see what happens. So, hang in there, we will help you along the way.

    Good night ... Auf Wiedersehen
  • luvbuttons
    Hi Ladies! It's another dreary day in Michigan. I'm beginning to think the sun will not show his face around here again. Who knows? Maybe the groundhog took it.
    Since it's cold and (dare I say) slightly snowing off and on, I decided to do my walking indoors.

    mwheatcraft54: I have 26 pounds left to lose and have been on the 1200 calorie diet since the second week in march. If my body is on starvation mode, how do I stop it? If my body was a car, I'd get the best gas mileage ever since my thyroid is almost as low as it can go and be in the "normal" range.

    Hope you all have a great day.
    Sharon in Michigan
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,886 Member
    Well the sun is finally shining here and ice and snow are falling from everything. I would not want to stand under a tree just now. I went out and shoveled snow and then hauled some broken branches and managed to get our cable line up out of the way of our vehicles, I think. Good old duct tape! The cable company told us they will not be out until April 28 to make repairs so I hope this will do until then. I sure worked up a sweat.

    twotonnetaric - I lost three pounds doing the prep for the colonoscopy and I am still down two so I think that is a good place to start.

    Cheryl - How have your horses wintered? Mine currently has icicles in her tail from this recent storm. I don't want to break the hair off so I guess the ice will just have to melt on its own. Just did spring shots and worming. Isn't that ironic?

    Sending healing angels to all who need them and kudos to all with successes. Sue in still snowy and icy SD
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Another practice 10k walk under my belt. Took it a bit slower, because I overdid it last week. The weather was terribly chilly with wind and rain. I got soaked from top to bottom; but I did it! Feeling mighty good about it. When I got home and took my shoes off, my sock was all bloodied. Never noticed that one toe had rubbed another raw, likely because my toes were wet and numb.

    So now I have 2 full practice 10k's behind me. Last week was on a muddy path around a lake with hills, but nice weather; and today in wind and rain although on pavement, and not as hilly. I figured if I can walk under these circumstances I can do it no problem in 2 weeks.

    I am thinking of finding another race to sign up for. What do you think? Go for it?

    :flowerforyou: Funny thing happened on the way from work the other day - I bought a hoola hoop. What can I say...it was cheap and made me think of my childhood. Both DH already had fun trying it:bigsmile: :bigsmile: with embarrassing lack of success.

    :flowerforyou: Meanwhile - back at the ranch :happy: - loads of laundry and other such chores are waiting.

    :flowerforyou: Did I give an update on our appliances? So far, the washer is fixed (again), but the fridge still leaks; however the tv had a miraculous recovery and is working, after we unplugged it and gave it a thorough vacuuming. No kidding.

    Bye for now

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat!At son`s so can post.Haven`t found a place yet.Friend says we r out by the end of month no matter what.Talked to the police and she has to have a court order.She thinks she can toss us out like garbage.
    We spent all day looking.Being in a small town,not much available.
    Thanks for all your love and support.It means a lot to me.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am more rested today after going to be early and getting up late.....never underestimate the power of going to bed early.

    :flowerforyou: I hope no one was offended by my comment about 1200 calories of nutrition. I never comment on anyone's food diary without an invitation but I have seen many with 1100 calories that include no vegetables, two glasses of wine, cookies, ice cream, candy, and coffee creamer that's loaded with sugar.....I read a lot about health and nutrition and tend to "overshare" what I've learned.

    :flowerforyou: I read something today that brought to my attention that I've gotten sloppy about measuring some of the foods I'm eating (raisins and walnuts are the big offenders) so I got more strict with myself and hope that I am back on track.....I don't want to wait until I can't button my jeans and don't have any larger ones before I figure out that there's something wrong.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, you are absolutely on the right track with your steps....just keep putting one foot in front of the other and the numbers will increase gradually.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, Washington state doesn't have an income tax so sales tax produces some major revenue.......everything except food is taxed here so I should have known.

    :flowerforyou: :heart: JaneMartin, I'm thinking positive thoughts for you as you look for another place to live.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Happy Late Saturday Afternoon to All! I cannot keep up with the posts so am just chiming in. Hope those of you who do not feel well will have a quick recovery and to those that need encouragement (((HUGS))). I lead a very quiet life so have very little to say. Just love reading about everyone else's life I guess.

    Last weekend I asked for prayers for my DH who had suffered a heart attack. He came home on Monday and has done really well trying to follow the diet and not smoke. The only time he seems to really get upset is in traffic and this brings on a lot of anger that he used to get over by smoking.

    My one year old granddaughter had tubes put in both ears and her adenoids out on Thursday. I am just amazed at what modern medicine does now. By afternoon she was running around playing as though nothing had happened.

    Carol from GA
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Tari – hang in there, plateaus are normal – you’re doing the work, you’ll see the results. :flowerforyou: So no more negative self talk, okay?

    Katla – enjoy your garage “ride” luxuriate in your sunshine today too!

    Meg – your schedule exhausts me just reading about it! Hope you can enjoy a slowdown soon. Take care of yourself!

    Gonzamm – Hey, it’s a birthday – a bit of cake won’t kill you. Good for you for moderating and exercising. Your attitude will lead you to success!

    Sue in SD – Winter weather doesn’t want to let go, does it? High 60’s here today, with some snow predicted for Monday – sheesh! :grumble:

    Renny – Of course go for it!!!!! Also, love that you bought (and used) a hula hoop, cool that your DH tried it too. You and DeeDee are inspiring me to go out and get myself one :bigsmile:

    Carol from GA – how wonderful that your husband is on the mend and not smoking. I know how hard but worth it quitting can be! Give him lots of positive reinforcement

    Brooke from Colorado

    “It isn’t that I’m not a people person – I’m just not a stupid people person” :tongue:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Peaches, I am glad your husband is recovering. My husbands anger while driving was one of my worries when my husband had his heart attack about 3 weeks ago. WOW, I guess it will be a month on Monday!. But one of the medicines he was put on has made him mellow. It's a beat blocker. Is your husband on one??? I have always wanted my husband to be less angry in his driving. In fact I have refused to go on a vacation that involves any long distance driving because of it. Now when his grand kids are in the car he holds it in so I get my grand kids on vacation with me now! I hope your husband is able to stop smoking. When my daughter tries she isn't in the best of moods.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    meg: I buy Endangered Species Natural Dark chocolate Squares and keep it on hand.:heart: This is 72% cocoa and each individually wrapped piece is 50 calories. One square satisfies that chocolate craving for me. The high cocoa content is healthful, but takes some getting used to if you’ve been addicted to milk chocolate.:wink: You savor it rather than devour it. Good luck with your heavy workload. I hope it eases soon.:flowerforyou:

    Sharon in Michigan: I have a hard time understanding the “starvation mode” concept. I do understand that extended fasting produces a very low metabolism because the body is conserving energy to survive. But 1200 calories a day is not the same as fasting, and if you are eating a variety of nutritious foods, you are surely helping to avoid any deficiencies. Eating the same exact meals day after day could produce some deficiencies if the meals didn’t fill every nutritional need perfectly. I started out at more than 1200 calories, and reduced them when MFP suggested to as I’ve lost weight. I feel good and have plenty of energy. In fact, my energy has been increasing as time goes by and weight goes away. I do eat back part of my exercise calories when I’m hungry. I hope somebody with better understanding can explain the difference between “starvation mode” and a healthy plateau. I’ve had plenty of plateaus.:tongue::flowerforyou:

    Renny on Vancouver Island: Good for you on the 10K practice walks. Your bloody toes are a bit of a worry. I hope they don’t make you foot sore for the real race.:flowerforyou:

    Jane: “Friend says we’re out by the end of the month.” Friend??? Not my kind of friend. :noway: Good luck on your search.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I might be willing to trade income tax for sales tax, but don’t want an add-on. Our state is hurting for revenue. Are services taxed in Washington, or just goods?:flowerforyou:

    Carol from GA: It is good to hear your DH is doing well after his heart attack.:flowerforyou:

    We ran errands today and went out for lunch. I was a bad girl and had a polish sausage dog. :devil: I probably ate enough salt and fat for a week, but it was sooo good.:love: I’m busy drinking water now to help wash the sodium away.:drinker: :drinker:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am more rested today after going to be early and getting up late.....never underestimate the power of going to bed early.

    :flowerforyou: I hope no one was offended by my comment about 1200 calories of nutrition. I never comment on anyone's food diary without an invitation but I have seen many with 1100 calories that include no vegetables, two glasses of wine, cookies, ice cream, candy, and coffee creamer that's loaded with sugar.....I read a lot about health and nutrition and tend to "overshare" what I've learned.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, glad you are are more rested. Sleep is under-rated and is considered to be a contributing factor in weight gain.
    It's pretty near impossible to be offended by you, Barbie. Your encouraging wisdom is displayed on the pages of this forum in so many ways. I would hardly call that "oversharing". Besides learning is one of reasons of being in this group.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC (where the weather really can't decide what to do)

    P.S. I signed up for the 10K Goddess Run on June 2nd - you guys knew I would, didn't you!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Evening Ladies,
    He's Baaaaack!!! was able to get out of work on time, pick up the boys and we all drove up to meet him, got home, he took a quick shower then went over to visit his dad, and then his aunt in the hospital~ stopped for some pizza on the way home. came home and fed the dogs and DH took them for a walk. now putting my feet up and relaxing for a bit...
    I am so impressed with some of you ladies and all the exercise you do, I can only hope to get the stamina and endurance that some of you have:happy:
    Hoping everyone is enjoying the weekend.. I know I will enjoy my 1 day off tomorrow:drinker:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    My daughter introduced me to one of those water flavor inhancers while on vacation. I must admit it did taste good. What is your opinion of it. I do realize it is just flavorings and colors
  • ItsFinallyHappening
    ItsFinallyHappening Posts: 65 Member
    Hi there. I am a 54 year old current weight 289 heading to 160, looking for all the support available. Please feel free to friend me. Thanks
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Quick note tonight….Crazy busy as usual and today I mall walked for 6.5 hours, great burn but I’m pooped! :yawn:

    Brooke-Did you ever get the recipe? I hope things are fixed now and our computer bugs stay away! :laugh:

    Barbie- I don’t think your comments and wisdom could ever be taken wrong or cause offense. Thank you for all you do and contribute to this wonderful thread. I love the continued knowledge that is shared by all. I love putting raisins, walnuts and cinnamon in my oatmeal but I learned the hard way to measure them both first as they sure do run up the calories.:blushing:

    Renny- I could never do the hula hoop even as a child. It sounds like fun tho! :smile:

    Carol from GA- I am so happy to hear the wonderful news about your DH! :happy:

    Brooke- I wonder if I was stuck on a plateau? Things seem to be moving again and today I actually weighed in 2 pound under………shhhh! Don’t want my Metabolism to hear this! Hahaha! :laugh:

    Katla- I have seen the Endangered Species Natural Dark chocolate, in stores but have never tried it. Thanks to your comment to Meg, I think I will have try it now. :happy:

    Sue- I hope you get to put that shovel away real soon. :smile:

    Keep on reaching your goals and believing in You!
    Peace ~N~ Hugs
    Carol in cold, rainy, and windy WNY
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    A good day; the first in quite some time that I'm sure of my calorie count. Love to go out to eat, hate the uncertainty of the caloric totals. Up a pound this am
    blaming the french dip and dill pickle sodium of yesterday.

    Whole Foods does fund raising for groups through a "giving grill"..........they donate the food, cook it up in front of the store, and give all profit to your group. We lucked into getting one of the groups I volunteer for chosen to be the first recipient here in my town. Our group had a profitable time and (hopefully) gained some new members.

    Gonzamm: good luck with the weigh in

    Renny: our local running group has quite the contingent of walkers; and they are some of the nicest peole in the club! Some of them have competed nationally.

    Barbie: sharing knowledge gained over time is not "oversharing".........it's just the right thing to do!!!

    Carol from Ga.: good luck to your husband.......My daughter got ear tubes also and it was much more traumatic for me than her; she sailed through as did your granddaughter

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Amanda - I found when we were in France (and I think England) that they charged you to use the bathroom. Is it still that way? I'm a big water drinker so I tried to really scale it back.

    DeeDee - up at 4:30? I get in those cycles, and you are so right, then you want to take a nap in the afternoon, and that just starts the cycle all over again. Glad you're feeling better

    M - what is Euchre? Is it a card game?

    Tari - that is so nice of your hubby to be concerned about you!

    Did an hour of a yoga DVD today. Tomorrow I'll try the belly dance DVD again, remember last week my DVD player was giving me problems and I could ony get in a short workout?

    Meg - an eating binge since Easter! That's much too long. One of my downfalls is fats and sweets (like in a cookie dough). What helps me sometimes (not always) is when I want to have that, I have a salad with apple cider vinegar on it. I tried chewing gum, that didn't help. But sometimes the apple cider vinegar helps. Sometimes, I admit, not. but some help is better than no help. Good luck to you. I have some of the 3 Musketeer light mini candys on hand. They're only something like 25 calories each

    Robin - feel better fast!

    gonzamamm - congrats on good choices at the dinner. At least you didn't have as much dessert as usual. Really, I am a believer that if we don't have at least a little bit of it, then we'll go on a big time binge. I know that happens to me.

    Sue in SD - the cable company won't be there until April 28?! Unbelievable

    Renny - I am truly amazed at your 10K's. How inspiring. Good for you signing up for that run

    Jane - sending good thoughts from NC for you

    barbie - you're always welcome to view my diary and "overshare" with me. I agree with Renny, you can never learn too much.

    Carol from GA - great that hubby is sticking to his diet and not smoking. Yes, it is truly amazing the things that modern medicine can do today.

    jmkmomm - I'm not a big fan of the flavor enhancers for water. I admit that sometimes I do put a bit of the true lemon or true lime in my water for flavor, but thaey don't have any artificial additives or calories. I just try to avoid as much as possible artificial things

    ItsFinally - you've come to a great place for support. Check in often for as much support as you can handle.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC