Help in losing weight and inches

I have been on this web site for months and have not lost any weight or inches. Please help!! I'm Stressed and Depressed


  • aberc
    aberc Posts: 98
    Dont worry, there's tons of people here to help.

    First though: whats your weight, height, goal weight, calorie intake, what exercises do you do and how often, food you eat, etc...
    In order to help you, we need to know these sort of things.
  • prednour
    prednour Posts: 1
    I have been on the diet for about 6 weeks and have lost 14lbs. I have been strict on counting everything. Over the last 3-4 days I haven't logged in because I have been eating too much. But when I got on the scale yesterday I was the same weight as I was Friday. I have been doing an hour of excercise at the gym 3 days a week and walking a mile 2 days. This has helped me. If you are not excercising that could be the key. Just start out slow and build up your routine.
    Good luck
  • alisa1958
    alisa1958 Posts: 16
    well loosing weight can be stressful, but in fact stress is a cause of weight don't stress out.

    First I know we all talk about exercising and working out, which is great. The thing to realize and I had a personal
    trainer tell me this. It is what we do the other 23 hours of the day. It is not just about the one hour we spend at the gym.
    He is right. He said 90% of your success will be what you do outside that one hour gym session and 10% is what you
    do at the gym ( or if you work out of the home or outside).

    With that being said. You got to move throughout the day and eat clean most days of the week. Right there that is
    90% of your success or down fall. Eat small frequent healthy meals throughout the day. It should be about every
    3-4 hours tops. With every meal eat a lean protein. Eat lots of fruits and vegges and drink plenty of water. Snack
    between meals to keep your metabolism up. Make sure you snack on good foods such as fruit and low fat cheese,
    cottage cheese and fruit, protein bar, protein drink, cracker and hummus, etc....

    I hope this helps some.

  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    With that being said. You got to move throughout the day and eat clean most days of the week. Right there that is
    90% of your success or down fall. Eat small frequent healthy meals throughout the day. It should be about every
    3-4 hours tops. With every meal eat a lean protein. Eat lots of fruits and vegges and drink plenty of water. Snack
    between meals to keep your metabolism up.

    I'd have to disagree with this. Meal frequency and timing do not matter, it's total calories that count for weight loss. For optimal body composition, I believe macros do matter too. Eating frequently may help some to keep within their caloric goals but it is not necessary to lose weight.

    OP maybe share your height, weight, activity level, exercise etc?
    Have you been logging EVERYTHING? Many times calorie intake could be underestimated just by not logging that bite or that spoonful of oil etc!
    If you are absolutely sure you are doing everything right, not underestimating calorie intake and/or overestimating calories burned, then you might want to check with the doctors to see if you have any food allergies or medical conditions that is hindering your weight loss!!