New to community, looking for friends

samacooper Posts: 28 Member
Hi everyone,

I've been using MFP for a while on-and-off, but want to make it a more on-all-the-time kind of thing. I'm planning to lose weight quickly at first, but then maintain that loss. I am getting married four weeks from today!

After the wedding, I want to continue to log my food and exercise to stay consistent and keep the weight off. I have about 10 pounds to lose.

Although right now I do have rather vain reasons for wanting to lose weight, I am also quite concerned about my overall health, and have a strong desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

If you are "into" being healthy and fit, please add me; I'd love some role models, and hopefully soon I can be a role model for others as well!


  • jorge_007
    jorge_007 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello there! I've added you. Anyone else feel free to add.
  • alisa1958
    alisa1958 Posts: 16
    I am pretty new to this community and would like to have friends to talk to.
    I enjoy working out and live a fairly decent healthy life style. I am trying
    to stop smoking ( I smoke a few cigs a day) though.

    I know a lot about working out and fitness as for years I have had
    a personal trainer and have done a lot of research on the topic,

    Would love to talk to anyone and may be a motivator for some. Having
    friends is important when embarking on any kind of lifestyle change.

    Hope to hear from you guys soon.
  • mailuci
    mailuci Posts: 27 Member
    hie people I am new here and looking for inspiration . I want to lose about 15 pounds mostly my huge belly . add me as a friend and we will go on this journey leading to fabulousity. :happy:
  • mailuci
    mailuci Posts: 27 Member
    hey. welcome to the site I am new as well and i am really set on losing weight and being fit , toned and feeling good. looking for friends .
  • Hey...I have a similar goal...15 pounds want to be fitter and feel better...
  • tashaann20
    tashaann20 Posts: 2
    Hi, I'm Tasha. Also new to the community. It would be a lot easier to do this if I had friends on the site! I just quit Weight Watchers. It was expensive, annoying, and the people were seriously rude. Hoping for a better experience here! Feel free to add me, anyone.
  • ladykitchen77
    ladykitchen77 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm not really new, just first time I've posted on the forums :) Have another 20 lbs to go yet but am very happy with my results thus far. Would love some friends as well.
  • Hi there! I've been doing MFP for about a month now. I've lost 10 pound so far! :happy: I still have quiet a bit to lose and I would love to have some more friends on here to motivate and share encouragement! My friends that are on here so far aren't nearly as committed and aren't on all the time. I'd love to be friends and there is nothing wrong with wanting to lose a little weight before you get married! I pray it goes well for you and you're happy with your results and can maintain the way you want to!
  • mailuci
    mailuci Posts: 27 Member
    weight watchers truly expensive . But we will do it together .:smile: