

  • Wow you look amazing, keep up the hard work! (It's definitely working for you.)
  • Oh dear do I wish I had that problem. Nope, boobs were the first thing to shrink.
  • Definitely going to give that a try!
  • Back when I first moved to town, before I put on a little weight, I had a lady recommend I shop at the Limited Too... OK I was a little offended. Now I am wearing a size 6. I thought size 2 was perfect. I don't want to look like a boy, I want SOME curves. lol.
  • I will definitely try this! It is easier to keep high protein lower carb. stuff around the house anyways b/c my husband is diabetic. The fear I always have is when your body burns fats and protein one of the nasty bio-products is H+ ions in the blood stream, which in extreme cases can cause acidosis, so I think it's…
  • I always add in my work out though, and it adjusts my "remaining calories" so I thought that was what i'm doing?? Or am I not??
  • I forgot to add that quality of sleep is just as important as quantity. We basically have 2 stages of sleep REM (rapid eye movement) and "Deep" sleep, which is where you body repairs and readjusts itself. REM is closer to being conscious, and many people who think they slept through the night never moved into the deeper…
  • I wrote a research paper on the effects of chronic sleep deprivation on the effects of memory consolidation my 2nd year of college. (AKA: sleeping too little keeps your short term memories form going into long term memories) along the way I ran into a TON of research regarding the effects of too little sleep on…
  • I think you should try it. I don't know, I'm still young, but my mother is 56 and can run circles around me. Makes me think age is just a number. My 2 cents.
  • I limit myself to every 3 days, though allot of times I'm itching to get on earlier. I resist, the buzzkill thing is a big one. Also muscle gain can temporarily increase your #'s, big shocker when you work out like crazy and then weigh more. lol.
  • You can do it! There is allot of support her, and the food and exercise logs rock! Welcome!
  • This is an awesome idea, stick to your diet and have great breath! lol.
  • AWESOME job!!!! Allot of people on here have great ideas, I'm sure you'll find something that works. :smile:
  • I think the idea of a cheat meal once a week is a great idea. I'm not sure about a whole cheat day, because I think I could definitely over do it given a whole day. Right now I'm fighting with the Hubbies love of sweets. (He just baked a whole box of brownies, heaven help me.) So I cannot say "this is what I do"... however…
  • I was quite confused for a moment, but you mean Detroit dont' you? It's not THAT far away. :wink: For some reason I when I think of Michigander I think... Oberon. Not sure why, but the first day you could buy it was yesterday, I think I need to get my butt down to Bells. I wonder if they have any low cal foods? (Oh forget…
  • I have not yet found an actually Shelbyville, but I believe it must be there somewhere. I've got friends in Hopkins, I use the Shelbyville exit to get there... but there is nothing there... ;p
  • I used to do this: Starve myself for 3 days, then eat (LITERALLY) everything edible in the cupboards. It was a combination of emotional instability (with punishing myself for over eating by eating too little), and then finally breaking down and trying to be satisfied by eating too much. (When really I wasn't satisfied with…
  • Is there more than one? I figured locals would know it by Kzoo, and anyone else it didn't matter. ;p There are some awesome little parks, and the Kalalamazoo River Valley trail will hopefully make Kzoo a hiker/biker hub for this part of MI. I'm so excited about it! Just curious how many of us there were/are.
  • I'm not exactly a scale-olic, but I made a promis to myself that I was going to judge my weight in INCHES and not lbs. Knowing that the changing muscle fat ratio in my body will give me distressing and unreal scale expectations, and ultimately I will be let down. That being said, I still can't help myself form hopping on…
  • Actually I have a strange schedule. I work from 7AM to 7PM on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (Though that usually turns into 7AM to 8:30PM). My Monday-Thursday is school and the occasional OT for work. I have started jogging in the mornings, which has really helped me mellow out. (I'm naturally quite jittery, which should…
  • But they are soooo good! ;p
  • I need to buy the book, I've been perusing the website for a while. So next stop... Barnes and Nobles?? (I've got a gift card from the holidays still, somewhere.) The nice thing about MI is the beaches, and this year I plan to not be afraid of them. :noway: I've noticed just eating healthier foods, I start to crave them…
  • I was always told that A. Add biotin to your diet. (Um, from my mum who prescribes it for horse feet... but it seems to improve both hair and nails on both equines and humans.) B. Make sure you are getting enough fats. Healthy fats, without them your hair and nails, and skin tend to become drier and brittler. Hope you find…
  • ICE CREAM. If it is in the freezer... well it rarely makes it to the freezer, and it doesn't matter how much there is. Also - canned black olives. I've eaten two cans at once before. Definitely not on the grocery list. :wink:
  • broadsword7 is so right. I love me a home made salad. However, when I got out to eat (especially at sit down restaurants) their salads are usually iceberg lettuce, a few large rings of onion, some carrot shavings, a tomato slice or two, and dressing. (plus or minus the old egg.) It's depressing. At home... oh do I love…
  • From personal experience, protein helps to stabilize your blood sugar... so if you drink one with breakfast (at least for me) it will help keep you from getting hungry as quick. As far as one that does taste like .@@S*... don't get the unflavored... it does not go down well and it smells really bad.
  • Ick, salad. Ok, it's not all bad... but most of it is pretty bad. I love that my phone has this, I'm calling it the "Calorie bank", though it makes it so much easier to see how what I'm eating effects it. (So I didn't eat two snack wraps... I had NO idea they "cost" that much.) WELCOME from one phone app newbie to another!