

  • Darn sure taste better. Anecdotaly, a tbls of raw, local honey/day stopped frequent attacks of diverticulits and acute bronchitis. Nearly two years free of both after years of multiple attacks. No other change in diet or lifestyle. Just the honey. Such will make a believer and evangelist. If you become a convert, buy only…
  • I too realized that by eating all that I burned thru exercise, I was getting no where, in spite of religiously logging food/exercise and being conservative with the estimates. I'm now limiting my cal intake to my BMR(1400) plus half of exercise. This should result in 1/2 pound/week loss. I think the problem is that my…
  • If you customize your goals, all you've got to do is subtract your desired cal deficit from your BMR and enter the results in the field. When your "Remaining" reaches 0, that's all you can eat that day and stay on track.
  • Chicken or beef enchalada topped with grilled onion/peppers and a double of pico. No beans, no rice. Ever. Well, until I drop 5 pounds. Or frajita plater minus the totillas, beans, rice. Double the pico. I just spoon the tomatoe sauce stuff without the chips. Maybe a couple or three to set the scene.
  • I've been dealing with just that and have figured out that you have to do a final calculation yourself. Subtract the cal deficit required for the desired weekly weight loss from "Remaining" on the "Food" page. If you don't you want lose anything. Example: 1400(BMI) + 1100(burned) - 500(a pound/week) = 2000. 2000 is what…
  • Good discussion. The faster you breath when exercising, the faster your heart beats, the more cals burned. Cals burned vs exercise has to be adjusted, with experience, to match YOUR physiologic response. You can't rely on the generalized stats generated by MFP. I've adjusted my baseline cal burn as well as the cal burn for…
  • In all countries, carbs are the least expensive food available and therefore contribute the most cals. In most countries, animal fat is the most expensive, and therefore contribute the least cals. Adkins dieters know that no carbs, all fat/protein make for weight loss. The 'study' proved nothing that wasn't already known.…
  • Aspartame and honey. One's been around for 40 years with only one health exclusion(PKU), the other since God made bees. Raw honey is truly a miraculous nutrient that should be consumed daily. I hope it doesn't become too popular as the price would then sky rocket. Light use of sugar is ok too.
  • I seem to have a routine of massive cheating at least once a week. Not sure why. I don't stress over it. Just do 'good' for a week. Woke up at 3 am today and totally pigged out(1400.) Got up again at 10, hopped aboard the bike and pedaled rt 30 miles to gym for workout. Voila! All cals burned. Skipped breakfast and lunch.…
  • 500 Fortified oatmeal with olive oil and honey, toast with cream cheese.. 1800 cals/day. 'Cept when I cheat.
  • A paraplegic can do isometrics. All you need are some workout bunggies. Order off the net, be at your door in a few days. Or go to the hardware store, get some bunggie cords, and fashion them into a workout bunggie. You can also do lots with nothing, using your body weight. Sit ups, pushups, pull ups ,leg extensions,…
  • Sunflower seeds. Keeps you busy and takes more energy to extract the kernal then it provides. I toast mine in the oven and chew and swallow hull and and kernal. Yeah weird, but no mess and loads of fiber with few cals.
  • Hi Summer, You say your goal is to be able to wear about anything and that you've got 'determination.' Alll good. You've got motivation and will power, both essential to weight control. Focus on both every day. Nothing happens without motivatiotwn and will power. Tips: 1. Don't drink anything with sugar or high fructose…
  • What are you doing wrong? You're eating too many cal/day, that's what. Sans exercise, your baseline cal burn is probably about 1500/day. That should be your total intake/day goal for a reasonable rate of weight loss. The more exercise, the faster the loss. Long as you don't cheat too much. Walk at every opportunity, in…
  • Your 78 pound loss is impressive, testifying to will power stimulated by motivation. As with most things in life, goals are reached with motivation. Motivation to act can be inspired by all sorts of things. Re weight loss, quality of life, vanity, concern for family, general health, bp control, career, peer respect, etc. I…
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal mixed with milled flaxseed, ciinnamon, diced fruit, sweetened with honey, T of olive oil, slice of wholewheat toast with cream cheese. About 550 cal. My food is very low in fat, thus the olive oil. The honey for its miraculous health benefits. Sub artificial sweetner for the honey and skip the olive oil to…
  • Sounds like a virus to me. Lay off all aspatame for a few days. When your symptoms are gone, get back on the aspartame. If symtoms return, maybe it is the aspartame. My wife gets similar symptoms from msg.
  • Lower your target to 0.5 kg/week. If all you did was lie in bed 24 hrs, you'd burn about 1200 cals. Normal daily routine runs that up to about 2000/day. If you burn off about 500/day with focused exercise, and stick to a 2000/day meal plan, you'll lose that 0.5 kg/week. No focused exercise, limit cals to 1500/day. Adjust…
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