Tired of it all

I HAVE NO TIME TO COOK MY FOOD DURING THE DAY.I have been eating lean cuisine and healthy choice everyday (lunch and dinner). I have been doing my Insanity workouts and only burning 250 -310 calories. I get very tired and sluggish during the workout. I do my workout in the morning before I start my day. I weight 181 because I gained one lb back. I am very tired of this stuff and I have been dieting since may 11th 2013 and I started Insanity two weeks ago. I had to start over cause I went on vacation for two days ago. I am 5 ft5,181 lbs, I eat 1600-1700 calories a day but only burning 250-310 calories. I'm becoming VERY DISACOURAGED and ready to quit. What am I doing wrong.:sad: :cry:


  • tywa75
    tywa75 Posts: 3
    Are you accounting for all your activity? what I mean is you walk around durning the day. so take that into consideration lets say a typical 8 hour work day moving around you can average atleast 3 hours of walking. If you just started insanity, and dont have a history working out it is going to take some time. Right now it sounds like you are at the first hump where people give up cause the get discouraged because they are not seeing results. dont quit and truth of the matter your going to need about 3 months before you have noticable results. Take measurments of your neck waist also. I know one of my problems is i gain muscel when i cycle up on my workouts. I may not drop alot of wieght but I do drop inches. Stay with it you will be happy with yourself in the long run.
  • What are you doing wrong? You're eating too many cal/day, that's what. Sans exercise, your baseline cal burn is probably about 1500/day. That should be your total intake/day goal for a reasonable rate of weight loss. The more exercise, the faster the loss. Long as you don't cheat too much.

    Walk at every opportunity, in fact, make opportunities. Stand rather than sit. Take stairs, not elevators. Explore different kinds of exercise until you find something you kinda enjoy(cycling for me.) Be patience. Weight loss takes months of dogged determination stimulated by motivation. Examine your motivation to lose weight and focus daily on that. Just say NO to food that you know will push you over 1500 cals/day. It's tough. No magic formulas.

    No get with the program. You can do it.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Make sure you're recording everything ACCURATELY. With the food, record EVERYTHING down to the condiments. Those lean cuisine type meals could have a lot of salt in them, so you might have to drink more water than you otherwise might need to drink. AND they don't have nearly enough protein, ESPECIALLY if you're doing Insanity. They tell you to have protein shakes or protein bars. My husband has done that and he gets Cliff Builder protein bars and gets protein powder for shakes from GNC.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    If you open up your diary we could give more specific advice as to food choices, exercise, etc.....

    I've found I do better on days when I'm honest with how much I ate and how many calories I burn.

    I've started subtracting 100 from whatever the machine and MFP tells me I burned as a bit of an insurance policy. I'm not losing tons of weight but I'm looking better in my clothes.

    Open up the diary and maybe we can help with more specific advice. :)
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Your calorie goal seems about right. Your diary is not public so it's hard to make suggestions but make sure you weigh / log everything you eat. Also check your macros, you may want to increase your protein intake depending on where it currently sits.

    If you're eating a lot of microwave meals then your sodium may also be really high which could be leading to water retention.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    1500-1700 seems about right... don't listen to people telling you you're eating too much.

    The problem is you're getting your calories the wrong way. Those meals are high in calories for the amount of food you get, and high sodium to boot. For 350 calories I can have 5 ounces of grilled chicken breast and a huge serving of frozen veggies, compared to the what... 2oz of meat in there?, and it will be much healthier than what you get in those boxes.

    I don't believe that anyone has no time to cook at all. Plan ahead. Grill/bake extra chicken, fish, whatever on the week-end if you have to, then just throw it on a salad or nuke some frozen veggies for a meal.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    You've been dieting for less than 2 months and working out for 2 weeks, and you're ready to quit already? You're mentally weak. That's what you're doing wrong. Suck it up, and keep moving forward.
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    I did most of my weight loss in 1200 calories a day, but the kicker is, I'm 70% vegetarian. I make sure I have a heavy intake of salads during my day. I'm a 176 lbs guy started at 214 lbs 5 months ago. So the thing is if you embrace a highly plant based diet, you will reap the reward, body and soul. And only eat whole food instead of processed food like lean cuisine will help you.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    you are eating too much.

    I am 5 ft 7 and weight 178 and I work in an office...my calories need to be 1390 to loose 1lb a week...if you are eating 1600 and only exercising 2 days a week you will not loose...and if you do it will be about 1/4lb a week.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    you are eating too much.

    I am 5 ft 7 and weight 178 and I work in an office...my calories need to be 1390 to loose 1lb a week...if you are eating 1600 and only exercising 2 days a week you will not loose...and if you do it will be about 1/4lb a week.

    There's a good chance you're wrong. I'm a lot smaller than you, I work in an office, I only train for about 3 hours a week, and I eat 1700 calories per day. I'm losing 0.5 to 1 lb per week.

    Also, ignore this "plant-based, clean food" nonsense. I eat a ton of red meat, chocolate, peanut butter, ice cream, and cookies. I'm doing just fine.
  • tawanda6329
    tawanda6329 Posts: 139 Member
    Try lowering your calories to 1500/day. I had to change my daily calories until I found what worked for me.
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    To those of you who are saying "suck it up" "get with the program" and "you are eating too much" it must be nice to do everything correct all the time and to NEVER have days that you feel like giving up.

    You are the 10%.

    The rest of us actually STRUGGLE with weight issues.

    KeyoriNyte - Don't give up! You CAN do this. It just takes time. I have been working hard and seeing no results....but I'm not giving up. Instead I am going to figure out what my body needs an do that.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    What am I doing wrong.:sad: :cry:

    1) Being impatient
    2) Having unrealistic expectations
    3) Placing too much emphasis on a short term result whilst forgetting the long term
    4) Place too much emphasis on one marker of success (the scale) and ignoring others (rising fitness levels)
    5) Trying to change too many things at one time.

    In short, you are a classic yo yo dieter.

    You have a choice: find something that you can commit to or stay the same.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Oh, and incidentally if your ticker reflects that you have lost a net amount of 9lbs in the time you have been here then you are actually smashing it...
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    It sounds as if you're overwhelmed. Insanity is a very demanding program even for someone who is not overweight. Try this:

    Eat 1400 healthy calories. Weigh your food. Track everything. If it's easier, develop six to eight basic meals whose calorie content is certain and stick to them for a month.

    Walk every day.

    If you have time and interest, add a brief strength training regime.

    Try to do that for three months. If you lose weight and feel stronger, try Insanity again.
  • KeyoriNyte
    KeyoriNyte Posts: 13
    Good attitude!!!!!! this is great motivation for me
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    you are eating too much.

    I am 5 ft 7 and weight 178 and I work in an office...my calories need to be 1390 to loose 1lb a week...if you are eating 1600 and only exercising 2 days a week you will not loose...and if you do it will be about 1/4lb a week.

    There's a good chance you're wrong. I'm a lot smaller than you, I work in an office, I only train for about 3 hours a week, and I eat 1700 calories per day. I'm losing 0.5 to 1 lb per week.

    Also, ignore this "plant-based, clean food" nonsense. I eat a ton of red meat, chocolate, peanut butter, ice cream, and cookies. I'm doing just fine.

    THANK YOU! So tired of seeing everyone be told to eat "clean". If that's a lifestyle they can maintain for life, more power to them. Meat, fat and carbs have a place in my world...it's about incorporating them into to weight loss plan. And exercise lets me add even more of them in!