Dessert lovers, how do you control yourself at..



  • WhitneySheree88
    WhitneySheree88 Posts: 222 Member
    I usually get ice cream and a couple cookies. No, I don't need both but I have found that if I don't indulge then, I eat any and everything sweet later that night. Just be mindful of your portions
  • itsnikki
    itsnikki Posts: 4
    I just had that dilemma! I ate a few bites of cherry cheesecake and that was that. :) Oy would have been just enough to tick my hubby off, LOL, but it satisfied my sweet tooth. :)
  • Your 78 pound loss is impressive, testifying to will power stimulated by motivation.

    As with most things in life, goals are reached with motivation. Motivation to act can be inspired by all sorts of things. Re weight loss, quality of life, vanity, concern for family, general health, bp control, career, peer respect, etc. I bet one or more of those apply to you. It really is mind over matter.

    Understand what is motivating you to lose weight, focus on that, give yourself a good talking to about it daily. Then ressolve to just say no most of the time. Not all the time. We all fall off the wagon occasionally. That's ok as long as we climb back aboard.

    I do a dessert when convenient, but only a little, reminding myself that in 15 minutes I'll have forgotten about the opportunity to gorge as long as I don't give in to the moment. I also pig out at least once a week, usually on 'junk' food. Long as it isn't regular, it's ok.

    I do try to make sure that the remains of desserts brought to the house by family are taken home by family, and never make them at home. Out of sight, out of mind.

    You succesful weight loss mean you can put a stake in the heart of this dessert devil.
  • Alex, I too have found that as I adjusted to fewer processed foods and MUCH lower sodium in my diet, I don't crave sweets *quite* as much. However ..... last week I took my grandkids (ages 6 and 3) to dinner and instead of a humongous dessert, I promised them that we would drive through Krispy Kreme to get each of them a donut. We pull up to the Krispy Kreme window and the "Hot Now!" sign is lit and you know what happened. I bought 6 donuts and ate 2 of them!

    So here are a couple of suggestions, from another die-hard sweet eater!

    First, don't beat yourself up over desserts. You love them, they give you pleasure. Acknowledge that. It's not as big a deal as you think.

    Second, go overboard? Okay, get out your calendar and/or your notepad (whether paper or electronic!) and make yourself a note. For the next 3 (or more) days, write down that you've already had your "splurge meal" for this week. Somebody brings in brownies at work? Look at your note. You had your splurge. Think about those yummy cupcakes or that lemon meringue pie you had and remember how much you enjoyed it. Pass by the brownies. There will be more next week.

    Third, try maintenance for a time. To maintain your weight, you get to add calories to your daily total. And if you're on Weight Watchers or something similar, get the maintenance materials from your meeting leader and you'll see that it's a nice extra amount of calories. Use those extra calories to enjoy your desserts for a week or two or three. Then, guess what? You're ready to go back to weight-loss mode, you've enjoyed your desserts for a time, and you haven't gained.

    I don't intend to give up desserts, but I do have to rethink them. It's the thinking and rethinking that's the hard part.
  • I so understand and I have been asking the same questions on how to tame my sweet tooth. For now I just need to say "no." It is a tough thing for me to do but I don't think at this point I can handle even a little bit.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I have such a weakness for cake and pie! For me, one bite and its all I avoid having that one bite. Instead, I go for something I know I can control myself with...I like iced cream, but I dont have an uncontrollable urge for it, so I know I can have a little bit and be done.

    So yeah, instead of sampling a little bit of *everything* have it in your mind that you can sample one thing, or two things tops. Then decide which two things you will try. That way you're not denying yourself, but mentally putting a cap on what you'll allow yourself so that you dont go completely overboard.